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Old 11-04-2012, 02:05 PM
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I'm sorry you have to hear it too. Have you seen the Abby video? I think every one here feels like Abby * ignore the comments though people are rude*

Well I just hope that a lot of people vote and use their right to vote, no matter for with party!
From your keyboard to God's ears! With that said I'll be praying hard!

Lets see: Mail runs 6 days a week

between me and my sister we each get at least 10 - 15 pices of mail a day from both parties plus all the 3rd parties ans such

Now add in that we've been getting this for about 6 months we'd be buried in it if it wasn't all tossed out daily. It's such a waste....I know of know one who has changed their mind from one of these things... it's a wast of money and paper... because apparently not all of them can be recycled

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Old 11-05-2012, 10:58 AM
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No actually I find it interesting I'm always interested in politics, I just know that in the USA, it gets very over the top

That video is hilarious

Do you live in Swing State? Or in a community that isn't "decided" because it sounds like you are a huge target!!

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Old 11-05-2012, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by sam_doc (View Post)
No actually I find it interesting I'm always interested in politics, I just know that in the USA, it gets very over the top
Over the top and then some... plus the fraud, we can't forget that. Then you have the pople who are pissed because they have to show ID Please you have to have ID to 99.9% of things here so why is that different...sorry for the rant.

That video is hilarious
and its spot on to how we feel

Do you live in Swing State? Or in a community that isn't "decided" because it sounds like you are a huge target!!
Swing state. Major target, like so huge that you could see it just by looking out your window from where you are. Plus I'm in what they call the I-4 corridor . So we get it all! I'd love to see an election year in Cal just to compare the amout of wht they get to what we get.

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Old 11-05-2012, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Grace Like Rain (View Post)

Swing state. Major target, like so huge that you could see it just by looking out your window from where you are. Plus I'm in what they call the I-4 corridor . So we get it all! I'd love to see an election year in Cal just to compare the amout of wht they get to what we get.
You know, I actually heard about this in one of the news coverages on TV here Crazy!! I think you all be glad when it's over today!! I guess the fact that all parties are campaigning so aggressively, you can't really be mad at one or favour one in that aspect, because they are both annoying you...

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~ Steve Jobs

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Old 11-06-2012, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by sam_doc (View Post)
You know, I actually heard about this in one of the news coverages on TV here Crazy!!
Really? That is insane It's a rather small area compared to other places so it just makes it crazy that this is where ALL the focus is.

I think you all be glad when it's over today!!
Sadly it won't be over'll be a long battle, lawsuits have already be promissed if one wins over the other plus some people have promised to riot if Obama dosen't win.... mature right?

I guess the fact that all parties are campaigning so aggressively, you can't really be mad at one or favour one in that aspect, because they are both annoying you...

Now. I'm off to go vote and if what the news just showed is right.. I'll be in line for hours

and grrrr to the data base error hope this goes through.

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Old 11-06-2012, 03:01 PM
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^ Wow, it's exciting that you're voting today Kali, I hope the line isn't too long!

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA for a while. I've been in London, had an awesome time, but am home now. How is everyone?
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Old 11-06-2012, 03:14 PM
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Welcome back Kate! Glad to hear you had a great time!!

had a hour and a hafl hour wait...not to bad. I was expecting longer

The good news ..after I got back I checked the mail and guess what!? Not one single piece of political mail was in there I was so excited. The TV/Radio ads and phone calls however have not stoped.. Polls close at 7 so I've got a bit to go...but I can see the end!!!

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Old 11-06-2012, 10:40 PM
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Welcome back Kate We missed you but I'm glad you had such a good time

I just heard Obama was reelected and I'm happy too, I know Kali this is not what you wanted, but I'm glad America gives him 4 more years

I think Europe is more pro Obama in general!

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~ Steve Jobs

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Old 11-06-2012, 11:27 PM
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Andi, this is not good for us. I don't know what kind of news you are getting over there about him but this was a just a big F. U to the US.

More employers will now fire more people so they can afford obamacare, something that most here didn't want. Did yo know that here in a local shoping area of 120 buisness only 30 are still open and of the 30 about 10 are strugging to make it week to week?

Did you know that a few weeks ago he told a company here, a large one not to hand out their pink slips unti after he was reelected?

Did you know that in the neighbor hoods here every third house has been foreclosed on?

Did you know that every child born in the last four years was born already being over 40,000 in debt because of Obams spending?

Also I'm sorry but I can't celebrate the win of a man who let US Navey Seals and a US Ambassadorg et murdered because Obama denied them help and then covered it up, do yo know what this jackass did as these heros were being murderd, he went to bed and then flew to vegas to party with Jay Z,

Did you know that he also turned down a meeting Benjamin Netanyahu who had serious concerns so he could go on David Letterman because that wasmore imporant

Did you know that all during his campaign he belittled women? Urging them "vote with their lady partst" like suddely somehow all women grew thumbs on their viginas and that is who they were gonna hold the pen to cast a ballot.

Did you know that he releaded an ad that targeted young women to lose their voting viriginity to him?

Did you know his campaign also spondered an ad using seniors in a derogatory way.

Did you know that he asked his supporters to vote for revenge?

Sorry but no, no one should be happy this man was reelected. if any thing you should be more afraid for your countires security

This was good for no one.

Let me introduce you to a little site, you might have heard of it or maybe not it's called Twitchy..

I'm not gonna go throgh and give fancy links but this is what his campaign was all about

New tone? Death wishes, threats of ‘If you vote for Romney, I’ll kill you,’ we ‘will ***** ***** up’ if he wins | Twitchy

also there is this thing called voter intemadition guess what, he didn;t win fairly

New Black Panther thugs reportedly back at the polls in Philly; Update: Confirmed; Video added | Twitchy

More illegal electioneering? Obama mural reported at polling site in DC | Twitchy

there are so many more form other places that I could link but I won't

I'm utterly disgusted at the moment so you'll have to forgive me for not sharing in the excitement you have. i don;t know who it happened but the world view of Obama and the real one here do not match at all.

It should also be noted that I am neither Republican or Demacrat . I'm a registered Independent.

also I am not racist and yes you bet your ass I have been called one because I chose to believ that keeping a roof over our heads and the kids fed more impotant than big bird and birth control.

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Old 11-07-2012, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Grace Like Rain (View Post)
Andi, this is not good for us. I don't know what kind of news you are getting over there about him but this was a just a big F. U to the US.
Well I get my news from US stations like CNN, ABC, CBS and Fox and I know some of them are more than biased. I also read about both candidates and I saw two TV debates and then I made up my mind, so you can't accuse me of just reading something on one paper or what the world likes to see and tell us.

I guess all your accusations are true, I don't know, I can't say that but I guess someone on the opposing team could just point out as many bad things about Romney or the Republicans so,... I guess Obama must have done something right, he would not have been elected otherwise! Also, I think just pointing out what some has done wrong is wrong. For me Romney hasn't had a solid plan, he jumped around issues, changed views and so on.

Also, I'm personally more of a conservative in my own country but I like what Obama stands for and I was appalled by some things the other side chose to ignore or like this one guy who said you couldn't get pregnant form rape.
I think his views are just way too conservative for a 21th century.

Also, I live in a country with health care for everyone, higher taxes for rich people and I know it's not always easy and you can't really compare it, but that's how I see it! ANd maybe you can say I have no right because I'm not an US citizen but you guys make it important for all of us so we react as well!

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~ Steve Jobs

- Andi
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Old 11-08-2012, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by sam_doc (View Post)
Well I get my news from US stations like CNN, ABC, CBS and Fox and I know some of them are more than biased.
@ more than biased. They are all extremely biased. and the debates...did you know that every moderater was in the tank for Obama? and that Romney was debating both of them not just Obama?

so you can't accuse me of just reading something on one paper or what the world likes to see and tell us.
That wasn't waht I was doing, sorry of that cameoff that way but my point was that if we don't get the truth here then the rest of the world dosen't either because the media covers his ass big time.

I guess all your accusations are true,
Not accusations, I was subjected to all of them. I should have kept all the stuff and maild itto you for proof.

you how they have fact checkers after every debate? Well no big surprise I that every facet checker was fact checked later on on both sides later on and caught stating false ino as fact. So no trust there either.

[quote]I can't say that but I guess someone on the opposing team could just point out as many bad things about Romney or the Republicans so,... This is true but to the extreme of which was vastly different. One of the worst on Romeny side was about the auot bail out and jeep movongto china, the big lies on Obama's side included telling everyone that Romney causes cancer, killed a woman and and was going to ened womens aboration rights, None of whic was true on either side.

I guess Obama must have done something right, he would not have been elected otherwise!
he got the youth vote becayse it was the cool thing. Do you honselt think that all the youth voters paid attention or just went for the guy who came off as a celeberity?

when everything has settled down you need to check out the county by county break down for every state you'll find more red than blue but because of the electoral collage make up and large cicties in some states a state will turm blue rather than red even though there was more red.

I encourage you to look into to voter fraud, more so eletronoic and absentee, Did you know that in 2008 more dead people voted than ever before? This time around the eletronic was switching votes to obama if you clicked anything different and yes there is proof. again all things you'll never hear on the news alos look into a group called acorn but t hat goes by another name but I can't remember

Also a big telling factor about 69% of our military didn't get to vote, wanna know why, their ballots had two thing happen they were either destoryed or never sent to them...odd seeing as it was well known that 95% of then didn't want Obama relected. I don't about you but I think that if anyone has the right to vote it should be these men and women and they should be able to do it first.

Lets also not forget people showing up to vote on to find out that someone had already voted in their name. how was that allowed to happen becaseu it hapened in stated that didn't require ID, and you know whic side fought againt voter ID, yep Obama's,,why if you don't have anythikng to hide?

For me Romney hasn't had a solid plan, he jumped around issues, changed views and so on.
and on the other side, I saw obama as a failur who s paln didn;t work cost us alot and his plam was for more of the same nothing differrent. We kept watching as our nations credit rating kept droping, what Obama was doing was not working. he had 4 years and did nothing but blame Bush which is fuuny because the senat, congross and House was controled by Dems ...both during Bush's term when tings started to go down and i During Obam's 4.... he had control but all he could do was blame others.

Also, I'm personally more of a conservative in my own country but I like what Obama stands for and I was appalled by some things the other side chose to ignore or like this one guy who said you couldn't get pregnant form rape.
I think his views are just way too conservative for a 21th century.
If you are gonna point that out you need to point out Obam's, attending a church for years that preached hate against whites, Bill Ayers....the list goes on and on. I guess it's also okay that another one of Obama preachers said that all whites were going to hell if they voted against him?

[quote[Also, I live in a country with health care for everyone,[/quote
Yes that is nice and it should be that however not the way it's being gone about here.
higher taxes for rich people and I know it's not always easy and you can't really compare it, but that's how I see it!
So the few should carry the load for all? Sorry, no, that is punishment. You can only tax them so far. These people own companies that hire people start cutting more jobs when this hapens.

The problem here is that there is a big system in place to help thoes who need and it worked until it stsrted being taken afvantage of . when yo have people recieving gov't assiatence and waring prada, coach...dimonds in there teeth and have no job you know somthing is wrong and takes away form thoes who really need it.

When my sister first got divored she was actuall told to have another kid to get more benfits so instead she took a second job , she tooks responsiliabity for herself and her kids, depending on the Gov't is not good, being slef sufficent is

ANd maybe you can say I have no right because I'm not an US citizen but you guys make it important for all of us so we react as well!
I agree this impacts everyone. this is the reasnon why all should know the truth about Obama, but saldy won't because the media won't reprot it. What happened in Libya should prove that. It shoud also be very telling that that the stock to a dive yesterday morningg and two very big companys started their layoffs with more announced today...

We won't agree, that is a given but I'd much rather have given a man a chance who has had great success in building business and as a govener of a state that was in dire need than a man who cares more about being a celeberity. but that is how I see it.

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Old 11-08-2012, 09:54 AM
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You know what Kali, I really want to stop discussing this with you because I really don't agree with your point at all, you don't agree with mine and that's ok. I don't want to convince you and you won't convince me, so I guess we can agree to disagree! Freedom of speech after all

So, lets just move on because I really feel like I'm getting agitated by this discussion

Anyone any plans for the weekend? I know I'll be studying

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Old 11-08-2012, 11:53 AM
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Exactly. It won't change the out come.... but will make for one hell of a documentary in about 15 - 20 years.

I really feel like I'm getting agitated by this discussion
Means you believe in what you feel, there is nothing wrong with that, same goes for for me.

Plans for the weekend involve planning for Thanksgiving.

ETA - updated the op with some new oxy and

my thing that makes me happy Unsusal garden projects -- any have an old piano handy?

The worst thing in your life may just contain the seeds for the best things to begin to grow.

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Old 11-08-2012, 02:15 PM
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^ That's a lovely picture Kali, very peaceful!

Well, since we came back from London everyone's been sick! First my husband, then Jude and now me... basically throwing up everywhere and feeling dizzy. I had to take the day off work today, but I'm feeling a little better now so will probably go in tomorrow.
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Old 11-08-2012, 02:31 PM
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Oh no, hope it's not the flu and it goes by quick and is healthy again soon

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