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ash515 11-28-2007 01:45 AM

so Lync what got you into Zikki? :D

Nonna 11-28-2007 01:46 AM

Lync, that is pretty cool and I am sure Ley won't mind if you use an icon she's made. :D Also, try to watch out for double posting, just go back and editing your posts. ;)

I'm off to bed. Night girls. :group_hug:

LuvinJames23 11-28-2007 02:00 AM

well ash515....I fell in love with Zikki the moment I saw Hairspray! Well, I fell in love with Zac and Nikki individually then, but I thought they made such a cute and unique pair onscreen! I fell in love with the movie too! I swear it's in my top 3 all time favorite movies now! lol I saw it opening night when it came out and I actually went back 3 more times after that. And now since it has come out on DVD, I've watched it almost every day. Is that too much? :blush: And I just can't get over how adorable Zikki is! Especially now that I've seen all the pics ya'll have and read all their interviews! I'm seriously wanting these two to get together already! lol

sorry if I double posted, write2me. Fanforum has been acting weird on me tonight and messing up. So, if I double posted, I had no idea I did. Sorry! :)

ash515 11-28-2007 02:04 AM

night Nonna :hug:

that's great. I saw HS 8 times in theatres. :lol: yeah I loved Zikki from when I saw what we call "the cutest interview ever" they just have great chemistry. :love: and you can just call me Ash. :D

and Seventeen news. Matthew Perry to play older Zac in 17
Matthew Perry to Play Zac Efron in 17 -

theirishgirl 11-28-2007 02:22 AM thread and nu zac hair maybe! :lol: Thanks for using my title :D

:lmao: at the you're you're cuter salon convo!

Still obsessed with the Newark clip I squee.

Ash..your avi is made of WIN :D


Originally Posted by ash515 (Post 19450451)
so I FLOVE Chuck Norris facts and and I just found this one and it cracks me up.

"Chuck Norris CAN in fact stop the beat."

ahahahhaa :lol:


:hug: Kayla..ouch!

The yearbook is back...*freaks out*..ok..ok..I will get my answers in.

I flove that Zac's house smells like Christmas :love: :lol:

Also don't be emo wife :back_hug: I cannot allow it.

Thanks to all who reviewed the latest Zachary & Nicole fic :cool:


Originally Posted by speechless1021 (Post 19452432)
] If you run into Zac at Aroma Cafe you should totally yell out " HEY THERE'S NIKKI BLONSKY" Just to see what Zac would do :)


Bee-yoot-tee-ful words as always Ley And the art..:thud:

OMG Stell..sorry to hear about your cat :hug: But I am glad to know that I would be the cause of you dying of hotness if you ever met Zac :lol:

Welcome to the whorehouse LuvinJames23 :wave: Lync? That is so awesome :lol:

To see my Shadow you have to be my friend on LJ. It is that simple :lol:

All the pics killin' me as usual :cool: Have to watch vids..squee.

I have Beckles number..I'll text her :cool:

Matthew friggen way! :yay:

ZOMG Kayla fic..and Tracy too.. :gone:

Oh fic..more..musing? On LJ ;)

ash515 11-28-2007 02:34 AM

Irish :back_hug:
yeah I LOVE Gil/Anne. Crombie was a hot guy. but I decided to change it now. :lol:

"Before the boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for Chuck Norris"

"Chuck Norris sleeps with a nightlight, not because he's afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris"

:lmao: I could go on and on. :lol:

and eep. I have to get my yearbook answers in too. :D

theirishgirl 11-28-2007 02:55 AM

I flove Chuck Norris and all he stands for :lol:

Oh god fics :thud:

Now that Rome let me get this straight...he gets distracted by her lips and then he becomes uncomfortable in his seat..okay..:lmao:

ash515 11-28-2007 03:07 AM

well you know Effie and his TM's he probably went to the bathroom after that to take care of JOY ;)

theirishgirl 11-28-2007 03:15 AM

You know it. say joy..I hear division and love will tear us apart :lol:

Yeah okay random I know ;)

This just cracked me up. It's one thing him singing to his reflection in Bet On it...but this could be funny/cheesy/funny..oh I can't decide :lol:

Of course, this means that it’s likely that Perry won’t get a great deal of screentime – he’ll probably just bookend the movie, unless Steers can find a way to incorporate Perry into the main action (perhaps appearing as Efron’s reflection, a la Lily Tomlin in All Of Me?).

Empire: Movie News - Matthew Perry Is... Zac Efron?!?

If it does film in January I hope it doesn't keep him from the Palm Springs Festival :cool: What am I talking about..they get an out for awards season :lol:

ash515 11-28-2007 03:18 AM


I don't know if I can take more of the reflection thing. Bet On It was enough. :lol:

all I know is I want shirtless!Zac and slightly cussing Zac. haha :D

and Hunter Parrish from WEEDS is in the movie too. I'm guessing he's playing Zac's son. haha

theirishgirl 11-28-2007 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by ash515 (Post 19456367)

I don't know if I can take more of the reflection thing. Bet On It was enough. :lol:

all I know is I want shirtless!Zac and slightly cussing Zac. haha :D

and Hunter Parrish from WEEDS is in the movie too. I'm guessing he's playing Zac's son. haha

I don't want Zac to ever be slightly anything..I want him full force all the way!


You mean the gratuitous shirtless scene in HSM2 wasn't enough for you? :lol:

As for Hunter..picture the scene..

Zac: "Know this...I am your father!"
Hunter: :eek:

AAVaria 11-28-2007 03:28 AM

I've recorded something on my computer which I want on my LJ now... but I have no idea of how to get it there!
I Couldn't call the stupid number on LJ to record and I cant use that Gizmo thing because apparently it doesnt like Vista - STUPID!

*sigh* Maybe You all will just never hear me talk! :lol:


ash515 11-28-2007 03:42 AM

no the gratuitious scene in HSM2 wasn't gratuitious enough for me. :D

and hahhaha love the Star Wars/17 scene.

Anna :hug:
I'd help but I don't know what to do either.

well I'm off to bed. night girlies. :hug: :love:

Wynter 11-28-2007 06:13 AM


Apart from that, hey everyone :wave:

Wynter 11-28-2007 06:14 AM

I coulda sworn I just replied to this thread, but apparently FF is now eating my posts :rolleyes:

Hey all :wave:

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