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Old 12-21-2007, 12:41 PM
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Zac♥Nikki #107 Because he'll help her practice her vocals this Christmas

107 Threads of Zac and Nikki Appreciation

I want to let you in on a secret. I'm not who you think I am. In fact, my disguise is so thin I'm surprised you haven't seen right through me. I'm the girl of your dreams masquerading as your best friend. My dad said there are two types of girls -- the ones you grow out of and the ones you grow into. I really hope I'm the latter. I may not be the one you love today, but I'll let you go for now, hoping one day you'll fly back to me. Because I think you're worth the wait.
(Chloe Sullivan "Fever")

Dreamers and Believers
Shippers List
1) write2me
2) othfan628
3) sarahbeth0587
4) sarah11650
5) princess_narnia
6) l0velie
7) butterflygoodbye
8) V-Nessa
9) ~Jewel~
10) NattyPatty
11) Lennie1984
12) jillrenay
13) ~Blueyedbelle~
14) Elya
15) toxicgurl169
16) -Beautiful Disaster-
17) Brucas Forever <3
18) MissMarie
19) lovely_liza
20) FaLL oUT giRL 0X
21) kyleschick
22) Tayloriffic
23) fashionfanatic08
24) lafcia
25) GottaLuvJoy23
26) dcleo1515
27) theirishgirl
28) *Eliza (Liz)
29) xTommyxQxLovex
30) ZacNnikkifan91
31) perfectlyscrewed
32) Kare
33) throwawaythekey
34) looniejoolie
35) They Love You Link
36) Sweet Honeycomb
37) Dingbat
38) jessica3311
39) tricialynn75
40) CrystallineGreen
41) OTH_Leyton_4eva
42) StellaMayfair
43) pretty saucy
44) Wynter
45) ATLNikkifan
46) AAVaria
47) hear_the_bells
48) RainbowChaser
49) calliebear32
50) MissLarkin
51) chrissyluvszac
52) isitcharm
53) Dir en Grey
54) *Dominique*
55) Elijah Kelley
56) Rove McManus
57) zac'sgirl
58) xunloved05x
60) speechless1021
61) SweetAnna
62) Zac+Nikki=Love
63) confectionery
64) Elle452
65) Ash515
66) motleyangel
67) Ugie86
68) Nikki_B
69) everyday's a daydream
70) kimmysue7
71) itsinthestars
72) Nikki_W
73) xXxgalaxyxXx
74) al2539
75) daydreamer22688
76) dalia_doll
77) erinbonnie
78) Adam Shankman
79) Mezamashi Hosts
80) Glen
81) Batman
82) Spiderman
83) Catwoman
84) Alfred
85) Flying Monkeys
86) Munchkins
87) Wicked Witch of the West
88) Darth Vader
89) The Joker
90) Green Lantern
91) VanesZikkiPower
92) Shelley
93) MellyBelly
94) LivvyxBaby
95) sabrinoush
96) Joella
97) Zadan & Meron
98) Parade Magazine
99) PattiFm
100) BehindtheMusic<3
101) Krizzteh
102) mb24jg
103) magpiez
104) Genie43
105) BiggGeekMimi
106) only dreaming
107) peach73
108) zikkiluvr92
109) cute chick
110) Frank
111) evielost
112) hairsprayfreak08
113) *o*Peryne*o*
114) thenew_girl07
115) LisaP
116) Z100 Morning Zoo DJs
117) LuvinJames23
118) Jimmy Marsden
119) Amanda Bynes
120) The Universe
121) hairsprayX12
122) Matt Lauer
123) Brittany Snow
124) Damien Fahey
125) Zain Meghji
126) Matte Babel
127) Dane Cook
128) Bees
129) Cows
130) Eddie Izzard
131) Aladdin/aka Disney
132) zaclover07
133) z/nlover
134) ZacFanOnWheels
135) musicalgirl
137) avispas
138) Rainstorm18
139) blackgreywhite

Two Drifters off to see the world. And such a lot of world to see.

(Moon River)

Zac: This is Nikki. She’s playing Tracy. She’s absolutely incredible. I get to make out with her in the movie. Actually the whole reason I signed on to this thing.

Small Version - Large Version on 100th Thread

Nikki: Find your summer love.(gesturing to Zac)

Chance meeting your perfect other, your perfect opposite - your protector and endangeror. Chance embarking with this other on the greatest of journeys - - a search for truths fugitive and imponderable. If one day this chance may befall you, my son, do not fail or falter to seize it. The truths are out there. And if one day you should behold a miracle,you will learn the truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart. And in that moment you will be blessed - and stricken. For the truest truths are what hold us together, or keep us painfully, desperately apart.

(Trust No1. X-Files)

Reasons To Believe In The Magic:
1) Because Zac says they're best friends!
2) Because Nikki said 'it's all natural baby'
3) Because Zac said he's only in the movie to make out with Nikki (from TRL set visit)
4) Because he can't live without his babydoll.
5) Because Zac said: "I think me and Nikki got a thing"
6) Because she thinks he's a great guy and that he deserves every fan he has
7) Because she thinks he's gorgeous inside and out
8) Because She adores him
9) Because he thinks she is amazing and fun to be around
10) Because she thought he was perfect to play Link
11) Because he thought she was perfect to play Tracy
12) Because they had a blast filming the kissing scene
13) Because they have fun together
14) Because the kissing scene was exciting for them and their characters
15) Because they have great chemistry
16) Because 'who better to love than this girl right here' (hugs Nikki)
17) Because if he were to date anyone on the HAIRSPRAY cast, it would be her!
18) Because she loves him for the beauty inside, not out.
19) Because she told him he looked good and he said she looked beautiful before they hugged
20) Because she shot a kissing scene with Zac for four days
21) Because Zac said 'she's got everything'
22) Because he loves her for who she is
23) Because she thinks he’s magic, and he thinks she's magic
24) Because there’s “no one better to work with” than each other
25) Because Zac likes big girls
26) Because when they were asked where they saw themselves in 20 years they said with each other
27) Because when asked about their relationship they said they are keeping it to themselves for now but they see each other a lot
28) Because the look they shared at the Madrid premiere was pure love
29) Because when she dances he can't seem to take his eyes off her
30) Because her performance was ‘incredible’ as always
31) Because ‘something better’ HAS come along
32) Because every day with Nikki feels like Zac’s birthday
33) Because unicorns came to their wedding
34) Because Adam Shankman, Craig Zadan and Neil Meron are Zikki enablers
35) Because Zac and Nikki are the ‘Ones to watch’
36) Because Zikki caused a smexual revolution
37) Because Zikki is the only ship with a Royal Court
38) Because he’s four times more beautiful on the inside, and she’s just as beautiful for seeing that
39) Because she’d buy his room key…even though she really doesn’t need to
40) Because he’s always dying to touch her, especially when he can’t
41) Because they inspired porn month
42) Because we have Evil Twins, Emo!Twins, wives and mistresses…and all because of Zikki
43) Because most days Effie and Nickles’ll take it fast, some nights they’ll take it slow…and on very rare occasions they’ll take it somewhere private
44) Because we know we’re not the only ones loving her lady lumps
45) Because even best friends aren’t THAT friendly
46) Because it’s not a friendship, it’s a solid foundation for future bliss
47) Because we don’t need to imagine or pray…we just need to wait
48) Because Irish, her dad, the forces of the universe and Al Roker can’t all be wrong
49) Because somebody who mentioned ‘soulmates’ would not be accused of crazy talk
50) Because they brought all of us together and that is perhaps the most amazing thing about them
51) Because Zikki has superheroes on their side
52) Because Zikki swayed Darth Vader into the light
53) Because the Wicked Witch melted for Zac and Nikki
54) Because it's the smallest looks and touches that give them away
55) Because they're just so CUTE together
56) Because who else could pull off pixies and still be hot
57) Because they love each other for who they really are, and so do we
58) Because they've got some stories to tell
59) Because destiny is on their side, as the Universe ships Zikki
60) Because they intrigue us (cheesebake, anyone)
61) Because they look happier with each other than with anyone else
62) Because they are the only ship that has 'everyone' rooting for them
63) Because they led us to each other
64) Because in them we find hope and love and a beautiful, glorious possiblity
65) Because they do more than any fate could have done to make each other happy
66) Because it was never awkward between them
67) Because they have so much fun together, on and off the set
68) Because they're close in so many ways
69) Because they inspire smexy ficcage
70) Because they're perfect for each other
71) Because they shared a trailer, with a flimsy connecting door
72) Because they lived together for 6 months; who wouldn't be close after that
73) Because the boob gawkage was so obvious
74) Because the butt grabbage went both ways
75) Because young love, in any form, is beautiful and captivating
76) Because size is less important than heart
77) Because emo, angsty, fluffy, smexy, or crack, they inspire kickin' fic
78) Because when it's right, everyone knows it
79) Because together they fly to whole new worlds
80) Because it is in each other that their fate is found
81) Because love, no matter the type, is a gift
82)Because to chance meeting your perfect other is a risk worth taking
83)Because they are dreamers, believers and lovers
84) Because they are the dreams and though they may carry dragons, they also carry magic
85) Because no matter the universe, it is them we love
86) Because they gave us Al Roker
87) Because without them, life is a little less colorful
88) Because to see them is to ship them
89) Because she is the girl of his dreams masquerading as his best friend
90) Because she's Cinderella and he's the Prince
91)Because they are a fairy tale and a happy ending
92)Because they are the smiles on each others face and the secret in their hearts
93) Because love is a gift
94)Because we can see all the glorious possibilities
95) Because they are mirror souls
96) Because they are each others dreams
97) Because they make beautiful music together
98)Because they share dreams and moments and sin
99) Because their drive through specials are always HOT!
100) Because with them it's real

We were strangers on a crazy adventure

Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true

Now here we stand, unafraid of the future

At the beginning with you

(At The Beginning With You- Donna Lewis)

Past Threads:
#1 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread # 1: Because she thought he'd be the perfect Link!
#2 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread # 2: because they have a thing
#3 Zac & Nikki Appreciation Thread #3: B/c Zac thinks Nikki is easy to love
#4 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread # 4: Because Nikki shook it all for him didn't she?
#5 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #5: B/c no one can resist Butt Grabbage & Trouser Malfunctions
#6 Z/N Thread #6: B/C in 20 yrs he'll be on the couch and she'll be makin him a sandwich
#7 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread #7 B/C Nikki would buy his room key
#8 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread #8: Because Chapter 7 could happen!
#9 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread #9: He looks at her like he sees nothing else!
#10 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread #10: BC nobody makes him smile like Nikki does!
#11 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #11: Because the almost in them, makes us wonder what could be
#12 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #12: Because he's tired, and she's glowing. Do the math!
#13 Zac/Nikki Appr. #13: BC there's a fine line between "second parents" and "in-laws"
#14 Zac/Nikki Appr. #14: Because you can't fake chemistry like THAT!
#15 Zac/Nikki Appr #15 BC we've learned just to trust they'll be there when they're ready
#16 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #16: BC their souls tangle just like their fingers intertwine
#17 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #17 : B/C Rove stopped the clock!!
#18 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #18: Because they are both in LA...wonder what they're doing!
#19 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #19: Because he admitted he got carried away!
#20 Zac/Nikki Appreciation Thread #20: Because they share something infinitely precious
#21 Zac/Nikki Appreciation #21: Because according to Zac..."she's got everything".
#22 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #22: B/C if he were to date anyone on the HS cast, it'd be her
#23 Z/N Appr. #23: B/C sometimes the one you need, is the one you never knew you wanted
#24 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #24: Because don't look back and wonder what could have been
#25 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #25: Because he's torn between what was and what could be
#26 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #26: Because He's Driving And She's Riding Shotgun
#27 Z/N Appr. Thread #27: BC people who are meant to be, always find their way in the end
#28 Z/N Appr. Thread #28: BC it's definitely happened** We just fill in the blanks
#29 Z/N Appr. Thread #29: BC she thinks he's hot, but 4 times as beautiful on the inside
#30 Z/N Appr. Thread #30: BC what do Zac & Link have in common? "The same taste in girls"
#31 Z/N Appr. Thread #31: Because he slipped her the tongue!
#32 Z/N Appr. Thread #32: Because Zac thinks her performance was incredible as always
#33 Z/N Appr. Thread #33: Because we all know he's going to give her a...cold
#34 Zac/Nikki Appr. #34: Because something like this comes along once in a lifetime
#35 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #35: Because the most epic romances start out as best friends.
#36 Z/N Appr. Thread #36: BC its love; the way he tenderly brushes her hair off her face
#37 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #37: Because where Rove ships, the rest of the world follows
#38 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #38: Because they have the best eye sex!
#39 Z/N Appr. Thread #39: B/C he's "not all about these like super skinny perfect girls"
#40 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #40: Because something better has finally come along
#41 Zac/Nik #41: B/C he doesn't want to live without her, and doesn't want to live a lie
#42 Zac/Nik Appr. Thread #42: Because I need you because ILY, not ILY because I need you
#43 Zac & Nikki #43: Because Time Square can't shine as bright as her
#44 Zac/Nikki Appr. #44: Because Zac is "Breaking Free" and has found the music in Nikki
#45 Zac/Nikki Appr. #45 - Because with her it's like they're not trying, it just is.
#46 Zac/Nikki Appr. #46 Bc it's her hand he reaches for..when words just aren't enough
#47 Zac/Nikki Appr. #47: B/c Zac wants to unwrap Nikki's present
#48 Zac/Nikki Appr. #48: Because he said "Come on, Baby!" before he kissed her
#49 Zac/Nikki Appr. Thread #49: Because its love and he watches her with stolen glances
#50 ZN 50 BC for every reason why they shouldn’t be together there are 50 why they should
#51 Zac/Nikki Appr. #51 B/C He's got one hand in the past..and the other in the future
#52 Z/N Appr. #52: BC it's effortless, they don't have to try: its "all natural baby!"
#54 Zac/Nikki Appr #54: Because We're Waiting For Him To Make The Interesting Choice
#55 Z♥N #55: BC there are 2 kinds of girls: ones you grow out of & ones you grow into
#56 Z♥N #56: BC When They're Together It's Like The Lights Dim Everywhere Else
#57 Z♥N #57: BC he's more than a man and this is more than love
#58 Z♥N #58:Because their connection is beyond words
#59 Z♥N #59 B/C the kiss was never
#60 Z♥N #60: Because she makes fun of him and he makes eyes at her
#61 Z♥N #61 Because Zac loves that... "Link" fell in love with... "Tracy"...mmmhmmm
#62 Zac♥Nikki #62: Because we've never seen him happier than when he's with her
#63 Zac♥Nikki# 63: Because he always finds a way to cop a feel
#64 Zac♥Nikki#64: Because when he's with her, he doesn't have to fake it
#65 Zac♥Nikki # 65: Because he holds her hand like he never wants to let her go
#66 Zac♥Nikki #66 Because he holds her tight and smiles at her with his eyes
#67 Zac♥Nikk #67: bc whether they become a couple or not,we LOVE their amazing friendship
#68 Zac♥Nikki #68 Because they should be lovers, and that's a fact!
#69 Zac♥Nikki #69: BC when they get together we can't help but think naughty thoughts!
#70 Zac♥Nikki #70: Because they'll stay true to the steps they've taken.
#71 Zac ♥ Nikki #71 Because they can wait and so can we
#72 Zac ♥ Nikki #72 Because love is friendship set on fire
#74 Zac ♥ Nikki #74: Because he loves her - Irish's dad says so!
#75 Zac♥Nikki #75: Because falling in love is as easy as 1, 2, 3
#76 Zac♥Nikki # 76: Because when it falls in place with you and I, we go from if to when
#77 Zac♥Nikki #77 Because Was there tongue in the on-screen kiss? Yeahhhhhh!
Zac&Nikki #78: B/c when he looks into her eyes he sees his future
#79 Zac♥Nikki #79: Because the hip thrusts weren't part of the choreography *wink wink*
#80 Zac♥Nikki #80: Because Nikki is the one that has the stories!
#81 Zac♥Nikki #81: Because they want to do it together... on Broadway
#82 Zac♥Nikki #82: "Because they are “very, very good friends”
#83 Zac♥Nikki #83: Because he can't help but smile, feeling her lips against his
#84 Zac♥Nikki #84: Because her nose isn't the only body part he rubs
#85 Zac♥Nikki #85: Because the kiss was all business? He said "No!"
#86 Zac♥Nikki #86: Because he totally messed up takes so he could kiss her again
#87 Zac♥Nikki #87: Because they shared a trailer. They had to practice somewhere!
#88Zac♥Nik #88: Because when he's ready for the love of his life, she'll be by his side
#89Zac♥Nik #89:Because Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but this is for life
#90 Zac♥Nikki #90 BC they know how to do it in L.A
#91 Zac♥Nik #91: Because Summer heat, boy and girl meet, But uh-oh those summer nights
#92 Zac♥Nikki #92: Because he loves his girls "curvaceous and beautiful"
#93 Zac♥Nik #93: Because they’re amazing actors…but there are some things you just can’t fake!
#94 Zac♥Nik #94: Because it's the stolen glances and soft caresses that drive us wild
#95 Zac♥Nikki #95: Because they "were constantly together on-set...and off"
#96 Zac♥Nik #96: Because whenever he was with her, they were always close and being silly
#97 Zac♥Nikki #97: Because they just like to do the ‘boink boink’
#98 Zac♥Nikki #98: Because they had fun filming the kissing scene - yeah, we can tell!
#99 Zac♥Nikki #99: Because she'll take him home and unwrap him this Christmas
Zac♥Nikki #106 Because she'll rock him around the Christmas Tree

Nikki: And then of course watching all the other actors work. I mean I probably learned the most by talking to this guy(points to Zac) and working with him.(Zac is blushing) I mean he’s, he’s incredible. Just the way he works and the way he handles himself. He’s such a professional. So I truly…he’s an inspiration.

Zac: Am I in John’s seat? I think I’m in John’s seat. Am I?(laughs)

Nikki: Stop it! No, you’re in Zac’s seat.

Zac: Aw, Nikki. (hugs her)

Just someone who’s able to laugh a lot,

you know, and I find I can get through

a lot of stuff in life by just going with

them and being easy going and laughing.

And – I think someone who’s passionate about

their career and where they’re going in life.

I think that’s very important, someone who likes to have fun.

I could go for days, but yeah those are some general things.


Somebody who’s secure in himself.

Somebody who’s excited about life and

fun loving and somebody who’s just kind

and somebody who can make me laugh.

‘Cause I love to laugh. There’s nothing more

that I love than to be made to laugh.

So somebody who’s just fun and like I said,

who’s just secure in themselves and knows

where they’re going and what they want to

do in life so – I think those are the qualities

that I would look for in a guy. - Nikki

What is the nature of your guys relationship?

Zac: Best pals…Well, no no no, we can’t…we don’t want to say. We’d like to leave that open.

Nikki: Yeah, we keep it between us.


Zac (RE his on-screen kiss with Nikki ): It was great! She was so ready - it was hilarious! The director wanted us to practice, and we just sort of knew that we had it, so we didn't have to worry. It was really natural.


Rove: Y'know there a moment there where I kinda thought you...just a little...*makes twiddle gestures*..did you?!

Zac: A bit..y' kinda forget...I guess..

Nikki: That we're on tv!

Zac: ..and you get carried away..

Rove: How could you not?!

Zac:..this was one of those moments...


I love you

Not only for what you are,

But for what I am

When I am with you.

I love you,

Not only for what

You have made of yourself,

But for what

You are making of me.

(Roy Croft)


Zac: I always say, it’s funny...but one of the main reasons I can relate to Link is because you know I’m not all about these like super, super skinny perfect girls. I mean that’s so Hollywood, that’s not what girls are about. It’s self-confidence(Nikki giggles), it’s…it’s um, sense of humor, it’s fun, it’s what you do. It’s how comfortable you are.


Where do you guys see yourselves 20 years from now?

(leaning close to each other)

Zac: I’m on the couch and…

Nikki: …And I’m making him a sandwich. (Zac nods, they both giggle)

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you...I had no control over.

They start so easily and become so much. It is them, all those touches and dreams and things they can not name, that keep them going. That keep them sane. They are a beautiful tale of truimph, of love sought and won.

They are not at the end but the beginning.

credit for art goes to Ley, Becca, Livvy, Clare, Alex, and Jenny

Icon: Shey

Last edited by ZacFanOnWheels; 12-21-2007 at 12:55 PM
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Old 12-21-2007, 12:49 PM
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New Thread
the title
Zac Efron
Icon credit - erinbonnie
Falling in love with you was completely uncontrollable
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Old 12-21-2007, 12:51 PM
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New Thread!


BTW: Hi..
icon: justrealize1@livejournal.
how am i supposed to lose you,
when in reality i never had you in the first place
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Old 12-21-2007, 12:56 PM
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Hey chickies!

I know I've been MIA! I've missed 6 threads!

What have I missed? Someone please bring me up to speed! There's no way I'll be able to catch up since I'm going to my hometown tomorrow until Wednesday!! I won't be able to post or read you guys!

ETA: Great title, by the way! It reminds me of the little clip of Zac singing with the pianist: "TEST DRIVE this AMERICAN male." And she's telling him what parts to stress more than the others and all that good stuff. He nails it! Yeah, I'm...weird.
Adam Lambert: MY American Idol!

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Old 12-21-2007, 12:58 PM
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Did you miss the 100th thread Liz?
icon: justrealize1@livejournal.
how am i supposed to lose you,
when in reality i never had you in the first place
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Old 12-21-2007, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ZNLover01 (View Post)
New Thread!


BTW: Hi..
hehe Hey
How You Doing????
Zac Efron
Icon credit - erinbonnie
Falling in love with you was completely uncontrollable
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:01 PM
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Let's see...Hairspray got nominated for Best Ensemble at the SAG awards

Nikki did her concert in Dallas on Sunday and it looks like videos are starting to trickle in.

Let me see if there's anything else I can think of
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:02 PM
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I'm good.

And BTW, my name is Sarah. What's yours?

How are you?
icon: justrealize1@livejournal.
how am i supposed to lose you,
when in reality i never had you in the first place
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:05 PM
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ZNLover01 - No, I didn't miss the 100th, but I did miss threads 101 through 106. You're new, right? What's your name?

Hey Clare! How are you? How's the leg?

ETA: LANIE!!! Thanks for the update!! Man, HS is being nominated left and right! I'm so proud! I do hope all this WGA stuff gets resolved! I read somewhere that they are cancelling the GG's! I was bummed that I couldn't see Nikki in Dallas. I live so close! But...I will definitely go to her next concert.
Adam Lambert: MY American Idol!

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Old 12-21-2007, 01:09 PM
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ZNlover01- I'm Clare, and I'm doing good jsut watching Hairsprayw ith My boyfriend
how are you????

Liz- Hey
I'm great thanx...Oh I've had the cast off for a while
Are you okay????
Zac Efron
Icon credit - erinbonnie
Falling in love with you was completely uncontrollable
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by ZNLover01 (View Post)
I'm good.

And BTW, my name is Sarah. What's yours?

How are you?
Hi Sarah. I'm Lanie, it's a pleasure to meet you

Liz, yeah it doesn't look good for the GG's (poor Nikki) and the word is now that the People's Choice awards are being pre-taped. I hate this strike
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:13 PM
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Sarah - Nice to meet you. I'm Eliza, but everyone calls me Liz. I'm sure you've read this before, but...WELCOME to the madhouse!

Clare - I'm happy for you! You have to take it easy for a while still, right? I'm doing great. Excited about going home for Christmas.

Just saw the pics of Zac with the wig.
Adam Lambert: MY American Idol!

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Old 12-21-2007, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by *Eliza (Liz) (View Post)
Sarah - Nice to meet you. I'm Eliza, but everyone calls me Liz. I'm sure you've read this before, but...WELCOME to the madhouse!

Clare - I'm happy for you! You have to take it easy for a while still, right? I'm doing great. Excited about going home for Christmas.

Just saw the pics of Zac with the wig.
Ahhh the wig. There's an uncanny resemblance to James Marsden when he wears it. Quite scary, actually
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by *Eliza (Liz) (View Post)
Sarah - Nice to meet you. I'm Eliza, but everyone calls me Liz. I'm sure you've read this before, but...WELCOME to the madhouse!

Clare - I'm happy for you! You have to take it easy for a while still, right? I'm doing great. Excited about going home for Christmas.

Just saw the pics of Zac with the wig.
hehe don't worry I will
And I'm glad your doing good

Which pics off Zac with the wig ????
Zac Efron
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:20 PM
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hi Girls

so I disappeared last night because me and my friends went to the midnight showing of National Treasure 2. good times

Zikki's hot.
Kevin Jonas is
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