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Old 09-28-2007, 02:23 AM
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seriously, i think the ugly betty (as well as 'the office') had the best premiers ever!!! such a good job.
i wanted to cry for hilda at the end, that was just so sad i saw the meaning to that fantasy of letting go but still its sad. i wish santos hadn't died.
justin at Mode! can't wait for that as well as henry's return.
clair punching out wili was the best.
marc and amanda rock!
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Old 09-28-2007, 05:38 AM
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- I was surprised but excited to see Santos. I still thought he was probably dead but when it was just broke my heart. Poor Hilda.

- Loved the Daniel/Betty scenes. It was very sweet. It's great to see Daniel support Betty and be there for her. I hope we get more sweet scenes like this.

- Uh oh. Alexis doesn't remember about her sex change. This will not be good. Eric Mabius was great in that scene.

- Marc and Amanda are fantastic as always. Poor Amanda. She has no clue who her daddy is. And hopefully it's not Bradford (I don't think it is) because that would just be icky.

- Henry! Although I am a huge D/B shipper I also like a little H/B. And he's just adorkable so I'm glad to see him back.

I can't wait for next week!

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Old 09-28-2007, 05:41 AM
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my poor little heart was broken too when at the end they revealed that Santos was in fact dead.

my pretty pretty eye candy.

the wedding vow scene and Hilda admitting that he was really gone almost had me tearing up.

this was a great premiere ... Mark and Amanda were hilarious as usual and at Amanda's new 'figure', she's so crazy.

Justin has matured and he's even more adorable, lol, especially when he was being the little fashion elf. i'm glad that he's going to be interning at mode for a little bit, that should be funny.

Alexis still thinks she's a guy, that should be interesting ... it was bittersweet seeing Daniel apologize to her finally.

i loved the burial scene w/ Daniel and Betty.

and Henry is back in NY at the end!

this looks to be another great season.

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Old 09-28-2007, 06:45 AM
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So this episode was so sad it broke my heart because i really thought that Santos was alive with those scenes i was like "OMG he's alive yeah it's great" but no it had to be revieled that he is dead. I felt so bad for Hilda all the hope she had for them just gone.

Betty=Well Betty still having so many problams.I loved the scenes with her and Daniel they have great chemistry i love them. I also loved the last scene with Henry coming back loved it.

Justin=Still the cutest most hilarious boy on tv love him to peices.

Daniel=The scenes with Alexis was so good felt bad for him.I'm like please don't balme yourself sweetie it's not your fault.

Whilamina=Still the b*tch that she is ugh hate her but love her lol.I hope she doesn't marry Bradford cause that would be just aweful.
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Old 09-28-2007, 09:31 AM
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It was good to see a new UB on my tv. Yay! ;D

Claire/Willi - Way to throw a punch, Claire! Willie - 'flutter once for yes' Hah! So, why didn't JL or VW win the emmy?

Marc/Amanda/Dadford - Just say no! M/A - what else is there to say about these two - Fa. Bu.

Hilda/Santos - I was in the - He's dead camp - It was a great scene between them though. Ana continues to shine - Awesome. RIP Santos - again.

Daniel/Alexis - Poor Daniel thinking it is his fault. It will be interesting to see how their relationship grows only to (maybe) go downwards again when/if Daniel finds out Alexis is at fault for the accident.

Daniel and Betty - Great friendship between them. It's about time Daniel does some giving instead of the friendship being one-sided. LOL - I was in silent prayer.

Henry - I totally was not expecting to see Henry again after the opening scene. Yay! He's Back. Las Pasiones de Betty - It. Seriously. Rocked.

Betty - Poor Betty. Always doing for others and ignoring her own pain. The card from Henry - Sweet and her last straw. Amanda's lucky she didn't get strangled by Betty for that.

Justin - Intern @ MODE! Can't. Wait. Justin is coping his own way. We just have to wait and see more in the next episodes - hopefully.
Thanks to nerble for providing the pics of CG
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Old 09-28-2007, 10:42 AM
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What a great premiere! Glad the show is back!

When the ep first started I thought Santos was dead because they said Hilda wouldn't leave the room. But then as you saw their scenes I started to believe that maybe he was still alive. So heartbreaking to see it was all a fantasy. That was just wow.

Loved the funeral Betty and Daniel had. And Daniel falling asleep since Betty brought so much stuff So excited that Henry is back though!

Alexis not remembering the sex change will definitely be interesting!! Can't wait to see how that turns out.

Justin being at Mode was great! I'm sure there will be some great scenes coming up with him and Marc and such.

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Old 09-28-2007, 10:48 AM
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I'm sure a lot of people guessed Santos wasn't coming back, but still...I agree with people who say that the writers dropped the ball on that one. I've heard arguments being made that taking away Santos is a good way of giving Hilda a new love. But let me ask this...why would Hilda ever need to "spread her wings" and find a new love when the right one was there all along - and ready to make a commitment? Yep - they should've kept Kevin Alejandro on the show. Bad move, ABC.

And you know Justin is keeping all his pain pent up inside. That dam is just waiting to burst.

Love the Marc/Amanda stuff. Absolutely loved Claire. But move on, sweetheart. Bradford's not worth the time and effort. Fight for the kids, but forget the sperm donor.

Originally Posted by planters (View Post)
Daniel and Betty - Great friendship between them. It's about time Daniel does some giving instead of the friendship being one-sided.
I don't think that's true. Daniel came through for her before - and I'm not just referring to those plane tickets for her family. He's helped in giving her the confidence and reassurance that she needed to "aim higher" - like in "In or Out"? In that episode, I really think that Betty got that extra push from Daniel to feel better about herself and face Henry (i.e., "you're better than any model, Betty", etc.). It's subtle, but it's certainly there: Daniel has helped build Betty's confidence, and on more than one occasion.
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Old 09-28-2007, 12:56 PM
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Couldnt stop laughing @ Henry speaking spanish
Fat Amanda and Marc, simply amazing as usual
Sooo sad for Hilda though, but cant wait to see next episode
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Old 09-28-2007, 01:58 PM
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Such a sad episode :-( But funny too, of course. Love the Marc/Amanda stuff. Felt bad for Amanda, though, about her parents. Wilhelmina is sucha bitch, but I can't help, but love her. I really liked the spanish thing in the beginning. I sat through the whole thing thinking "Now, do th 2 of them had to learn spanish or did they already know it...?" I sort of suspected something wasn't right about the Santos thing, so I wasn't THAT surprised in the end, but it didn't make it less sad
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Old 09-28-2007, 02:13 PM
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That's an awesome premiere! *_________*
I'm all shocked for Santos storyline: I wasn't spoiled so I didn't knew he was actually dead! O_o When I've seen the scene when Hilda admitted he was dead I started screaming "No,he can't be dead!"
Alexis thinking he still a boy is good storyline,who knows how she/he is gonna handle the truth
Justin is a great,but maybe he should be a bit more sad since his father died
Amanda fat is great to see
Marc's always clever and smart..
Poor Betty,she should really slow down
B/D scenes were very good,I like them
Henry is back? Now that she let him go??
Anyone know where I can find the next episode's promo?
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Old 09-28-2007, 10:15 PM
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Anyone know where I can find the next episode's promo?
Here it is: Family/Affair Promo
Thanks to nerble for providing the pics of CG
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Old 09-28-2007, 10:21 PM
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haha! totally forgot the beginning when they did the novellas, henry and whats her name (totally forgot) were speaking in spanish was awsome especially with henry being all suave.
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Dan/Blair (Gossip Girl)-Jackie/Hyde(That 70's Show)-Harry/Hermione(Harry Potter)-Zutara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)-Henry/Anne (The Tudors)-Spike/Faye (Cowboy Bebop)( And all the more to come.
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by planters (View Post)

Here it is: Family/Affair Promo
Thank you
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Old 09-29-2007, 02:42 AM
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I really liked this episode:

-It dealed with all the drama from the finale but at the same time it kept the sense of humor.

-Poor Hilda, but I guess if Santos had lived it would have cheapened the sense of tragedy from the finale.

-D/B are They're just suited for each other.

-Alan Dale got more screen-time! And it was the kinda of screentime that I like (=no Wilehlmina).

-I loved Amanda's parents ("mother! If that's her real name"). They'd make good friends with Claire.

-Claire and Yoga are made of awesome, they should make yoga a regular... or at least recurring.

-ILLEANA DOUGLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope they notice what a great actress she is and give her a bigger role in the next episodes.

Only one bad thing:

-The telenovela form the begining: why were they all talking like Gwyneth Paltrow when she speaks in spanish? It was the same exact way And why so many gramatical mistakes in 2 minutes? I'm sure Salma could have helped them translating if they need it. They girl who plays Charlie said "bebe" instead of "bebé" which means that instead of saying "baby" she said "you drink!" (?????), Betty's "tirar a través de mi" just doesn't make any sense at all in spanish, "ser*a mi placer"? Mmmm, wrong tense. "Te quiero también"? It should be "También te quiero".
Did you know that your dad has died? And that your mum could become mad and kill you any moment?- Ángel Martin

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Old 09-29-2007, 05:36 AM
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OMG it was so sad watching Hilda as in the ending part of this episode i hope Santos is really still alive!!
And what about Alexis that think to be Alex O_o poor little darling...
Fat Amanda is simply awesome! As the telenovelas with Betty, Henry and Charlie XD
I hope that Ignacio will be fine in the next episode... i remember the Antonio's call but no news about that in this ep.
Betty and Marc are great as usual
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