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Evie 12-06-2006 01:19 AM

Your Wentworth Favourites: This week - Favourite Wentworth Quote/Line?
Gist of the thread: Every week a Wentworth-related topic is suggested [ie. favourite tv appearance, picture..the possibilities are endless] and then we discuss our personal favourites. Why we like them, what they mean to us..whatever, really. The topic changes every week, you discuss your favourites, compare with others if you like and then we move on to a new topic when the week ends. If you miss one feel free to double up with your answers.

First topic is: Favourite Wentworth movie!

~*Chrissie*~ 12-06-2006 05:32 AM

awww..i feel bad because I never saw the movies he was in...I'm such a bad fan!

Giuliettonzola 12-06-2006 05:39 AM

last week i went to the videoshop(?) (ok the place where u can to take on loan the dvds) but they haven't the humas stain... i'm so curios to see this film..!
also i have never seen film about went..except dinotopia :D and his guest on Popular :D the worst telefim about teenager...i didn't like popular..itz so stupid..but i like the fact that went was in it for a few episodes! in my opinion he was the only good events in that telefilm(popular):P

i hope that u'll understand my poor english:D

~*Chrissie*~ 12-06-2006 05:42 AM

Are you Italian? ^ ^

I agree with you..Popular was so hialrious but so wrong...but Went was so scrumptiously good in it!

As fro movies..yeah..I have to become a better fan and watch the movies ASAP!

Giuliettonzola 12-06-2006 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Chrissie_tvlover (Post 12978186)
Are you Italian? ^ ^

I agree with you..Popular was so hialrious but so wrong...but Went was so scrumptiously good in it!

hi Chrissie yeahh i'm italian :) my english itz so rudimental LOL but i'll improve..i promise.
:D i don't kow what does it mean scrumptiously eheh but i 've understad that we have the same opinion about Popular :P

~*Chrissie*~ 12-06-2006 05:53 AM

Awww...your english is good don't worry...

Yeah we ahve the same opinion on Popular...

..oh and I know the movie did not go as well as everyone thought..but to be the younger version of Anthony Hopkins had to be a great honour for Went I'm sure!

sweet_zelda 12-06-2006 06:48 AM

Hmmmm, I think "The Confession" is my favorite. Because he went from loving husband to meanie in about fifteen minutes.... ^^

~*Chrissie*~ 12-06-2006 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by sweet_lynn (Post 12978780)
Hmmmm, I think "The Confession" is my favorite. Because he went from loving husband to meanie in about fifteen minutes.... ^^

Oh so that counts?

That I so agree..because I saw "The Confession" 3 times in a row to watch him..because he was so :thud:..angry Went!!

Kayla 12-06-2006 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by sweet_lynn (Post 12978780)
Hmmmm, I think "The Confession" is my favorite. Because he went from loving husband to meanie in about fifteen minutes.... ^^

If that counts, then I totally agree! It was such a strong role for him.

But if you want me to say a movie that was released in theatres or on DVD then I'd say The Human Stain...mostly for the butt shot :lol: But no, in all seriousness, I actually thought it was a pretty good role as well.

~*Chrissie*~ 12-06-2006 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by chittychitty (Post 12978918)
But if you want me to say a movie that was released in theatres or on DVD then I'd say The Human Stain...mostly for the butt shot :lol: But no, in all seriousness, I actually thought it was a pretty good role as well.

:lmao: That movie deserves to be a favourite just for the butt shot!

No, yeah i watched soem clips on YT..and he was great in it...

Kayla 12-06-2006 07:47 AM

He really was. I mean, the movie itself was a little boring, but I honestly thought he was great in it. I've read reviews that agreed too.

sweet_zelda 12-06-2006 11:57 AM

Well, I think it counts, since it was a movie. It was a short one, but it was a movie.
The Human Stain definitely has its own charme :drool: :lol:

Evie 12-07-2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chrissie_tvlover (Post 12978100)
awww..i feel bad because I never saw the movies he was in...I'm such a bad fan!

That just means you have something Wentylicious to look forward to. :D

If I can choose "the Confession" too, then that's what I pick as my fave Went movie role. It's just so much varied emotion in that short space of time, it's very impressive. The girl's not that great but then again, she doesn't do much, Went's really the star of that production. :nod:

But yeah, of the actual movie roles, I would pick THS, mostly because it's an important role for inbetweeners who have no idea who they are. Of course that's a bit of an extreme example but obviously this was a role he could sink his teeth into because he's familiar with the racial themes in it. And being able to be around Sir Anthony Hopkins would have been a wonderful experience so I suppose I like that movie for what it did for his acting ability and him as a person..he must've been chuffed to act alongside him, even if the movie flopped.

[And yeah, that butt shot is priceless. ;)]

Kayla 12-07-2006 09:50 PM

:nod: Ya, that's right...don't forget the butt shot. You cant be all intellectual with your answer and then not mention the best part of the movie :lol:

Evie 12-07-2006 09:55 PM

I know, it is the best part of the movie, forget the director's/writers dreams being realised with that's all about the butt shot. :nod: :lol:

I'm surprised though, with the cast they gathered for that, it's odd how people didn't warm to it all that much..

Kayla 12-07-2006 10:01 PM

I know. I was always surprised. I know I wanted to see it when it came out because it looked good...Nicole Kidman and Anthony Hopkins...awesome! I didnt actually see it until a few months ago....and it was decent...a little slow...but it was ok. But I never did understand why NO ONE liked it lol

Evie 12-07-2006 10:05 PM

That's the thing, it's just very slow going. But I don't think you could rush trying to get that story out. I think it was a lose/lose situation either way, cos people would've thought it was either too slow or not believable if they'd condensed the story down for more hard-hitting scenes. :shrug: Who knows..least Wenty got to be around people like AH and Nicole. They're probably any aspiring actor's dream cast!

Kayla 12-07-2006 10:08 PM

Exactly. I think he was also probably more concerned with the story itself rather than how well it was going to do at the box office. And ya, Anthony and Nicole...cant get any better than that.

Evie 12-07-2006 10:16 PM

I reckon they had big hopes for it hence them not looking at how the movie was going as they filmed it. I think it's pretty hard to royally bugger up a movie nowadays. They don't get turned into big-budget films if they don't think anything will come of it. Perhaps the audiences weren't ready for a [thematically] serious film like that.

Kayla 12-07-2006 10:21 PM

You're probably true. And I really don't think audiences are ready for it even now. It's something that makes you think and in all honesty, that's not really what people go to the movies to do.

Evie 12-07-2006 10:35 PM

Yeah, that's so true. You just have to look at [aptly titled] movies like Jackass to see what audiences really wanna see. :sigh: But then again, most people only watch the intellectual films after they get Oscar buzz attached to it [& the people who decide that are old fogies who actually don't really understand the movie-going public]. I think given his profile now, it could have been something huge had they released it later. Perhaps that's not the best way to promote a film using the actor's success/celebrity [in terms of Nicole Kidman] from other projects to gather momentum for it, but yeah..could've worked!
I don't think people even knew he was a bi-racial actor because he was a newbie. Now that people are interested in him, [as possibly don't know that about him] it could have been so much more!

Kayla 12-07-2006 10:39 PM

I know for sure people didn't know he was bi-racial! My friend actually said, "Ya, like he could ever pull off being bi-racial!" And I was like, dude, he IS. And she didn't believe me until I listed off everything he is :lol: I know she didnt like the movie when it came out.

Evie 12-07-2006 10:54 PM

Ahh, see it was all bad timing. You can't say he couldn't pull it off when it's actually what he is, eh! Actually now that you see the state of the world, I think it COULD have been more successful because it gives you can understanding over underlying racial issues over a larger scale [kids to teens to adults etc]. We had some race issues over here last year, mostly only two racial groups kept clashing, not really the same thing as the movie, but the overall theme would have been appreciated here most definitely.

Anywho, if only more people were like us. If they just forgot its few imperfections and looked at the movie for what it is they'd see that it's not so bad. Maybe it's a grower that you need to see a few times. [Who has time though eh :lol:]

Evie 12-21-2006 04:50 AM

New topic: Favourite Wentworth television role?

Kayla 12-21-2006 06:34 AM

Popular!!! :lmao: OMG he's too funny in that!!!!!!!!

And Joan of Arcadia was good because he was evil. And what's better than evil Wentworth?

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