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Old 05-01-2009, 01:22 PM
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sarah_mae's Avatar
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Wounded Hearts (House & Cameron) #272: I Know That It's You I Need To Take The Blues Away

Welcome to the 272nd
Wounded Hearts - House & Cameron
Appreciation Thread

by SkateGirl88 (Andreia)

A damaged and complicated man; a damaged and intriguing woman; their story is a complicated one.
The greatest love stories are the ones that take a long time to unravel and tell their tale, as there are so many depths to it..
and House and Cameron’s is no exception.
Their story hasn’t even truly begun to get unraveled, but what we have seen so far has been wonderful.
It has been intriguing; there have been moments of anguish, emotion, passionate fights, eyesex, laughter,
and light heartedness, not to mention the ever-present tension and intimacy invading the space between them.
Their relation and dynamic has developed throughout the seasons, making us more drawn to them.
Thus far we’ve had four chapters (seasons) to this dynamic, each one providing us with numerous
aforementioned moments which we enjoy, laugh, agonize over, and embark on endlessly entertaining and analytic discussions.

So, let’s start from the beginning..

"Gorgeous women do not go to medical school. Unless they’re
as damaged as they are beautiful.. But you are damaged, aren’t you?"

"I’m not gonna crush you."

"Young ingénue doctor falling in love with gruff, older mentor; her sweet, gentle
nature bringing him to a closer, fuller understanding of his wounded heart."

"What I am is what you need. I’m damaged."

Since these two characters graced our screens, it was noticeable from the beginning that there was something about them that kept you wondering what was going on there; the way they interacted within a scene, their exchanges, their natural chemistry.
Season 1 is commonly referred to as THE season for House and Cameron. It was a time where we began to learn about and become acquainted with these characters. This first season was the time when their underlying emotional connection was forged. It was the beginning of their attraction, their intimacy, the angst, the tension, their fights, the understanding, and the unsaid communication.
One of the most significant moments in the first season with regard to establishing their relation, is the lab scene in Fidelity. It's one of the times he isn't that snarky. Cameron voluntarily gives him some very personal information about herself, and he does in his own way try to be comforting. However, he is still trying to figure her out and says how "you can't be that good a person and still be that well adjusted". Her comeback when she says "..or hating people" demonstrates that she seems to get him more than he does her.
Most importantly, this scene shows that their relation works on a deeper level. Even though it's early on in the first season, you get a sense there is an underlying connection between them. This was established even before they showed there was some attraction between them as well. The underlying emotional connection is the foundation of their relation.

Cameron’s feelings for House were explored in season 1, we saw her admiration and respect for him as a doctor, such as in Detox, and DNR, and in subsequent episodes like Control, Mob Rules, Heavy, Role Model, and Love Hurts, her feelings for him beyond that were brought to the forefront.
Those latter emotions it seems began from their non-date in Sports Medicine. To begin with, the scene when House asks her on the non-date, he is unsure and not confident, something, which till that point, we had not seen before. Such awkwardness is enough evidence of House’s feeling towards her (but more of that later).
On the non-date they were so comfortable around each other, and it was one of the first times we as an audience got to see a different side of House. He seemed to have let down his walls for that moment with Cameron, he looked happy, and there was less of the snark we usually see from him. What was even more interesting was that he even shared some personal information with her, about previously living with someone. This was a point where Cameron got to see the man behind the snark, where her attraction to House started, building on her existing respect and admiration for him as a doctor.
Mention of House’s “feelings” for Cameron, are indicated by subtle references in scenes, largely from Wilson, though other secondary characters have done so too.
But we see from the Pilot, how he was intrigued by her, his curiosity about her began, for him, the puzzle that is Cameron started.
A greater indication of his feelings with regard to Cameron are conveyed in House’s facial expressions, which tell us so much more than words ever could. The end scene in Role Model is a good illustration of that. One can gauge what his emotions are, through his facial expressions; when Cameron begins to explain why she likes him, House becomes uneasy, and is unable to shake her held out hand. He puts his head down and cannot look at her, he is frozen to the spot, as are his emotions, incapable of communicating what he feels. After she leaves, you can see in his expressions that he is upset, and not really knowing what to do. If he wasn’t affected by her resignation, and didn’t feel anything for her, we undoubtedly would have seen some snarky comments from him.

More evidence of how Cameron is important to him in some way, is shown in the episode Kids. Throughout the episode, one can see how he wants her back, again his facial expressions in certain moments present that. Of course, the two times he visits her apartment to ask her back is blatant enough to elicit that too. In the end, he agrees to go on a date with her as terms for her return to the team, which is shown in Love Hurts. There are subtle references that he is making an effort on the date, for example, the corsage. Initially, he is awkward on the date, and looks uncomfortable making small talk. Not really able to look at her. But as soon as Cameron asks him what he feels about her, he makes a speech about why she likes him (what he believes she thinks), ‘because he is damaged’. This can also be interpreted as him projecting the reasons he doesn’t like about himself, or why anyone as nice as her could ever be interested in him.
By the end of season 1, we also begin to see that House was/is capable of loving someone, and why he has built up walls around himself, for no one to get close to him. This was when his ex-partner Stacey arrived with her husband Mark. Cameron realises and begins to understand him more, when she says, “I thought you couldn’t love anyone, but I was wrong, you couldn’t love me”. This was the moment, when Cameron’s “crush” ended, but not her feelings for House. From then on, she no longer wears her heart on her sleeve, she is in denial of what she feels, but importantly becomes a stronger person. All these traits will be a feature in subsequent seasons.

What we can take from this season is the subtleness of this dynamic, it speaks volumes, and however little or much we see in later seasons it will always be there.

by Pandora (S1/4)

"I’m over you. I’ve jumped on the bandwagon. I hate you, ok?"

"Stop me.. physically, stop me... You can’t, because that would involve touching me and then things would get so sexually charged."

After the end of season 1, the next chapter in these two character’s story saw them being preoccupied with; an old love, new admirers, new interesting cases, facing health scares, and life-threatening situations. Though the focus of their feelings were not at the forefront in many episodes, it was the subtle moments within their scenes, the air of intimacy between them, which held strong and grew.
We see a changed Cameron, her character has developed and grown. In this season, we are presented with a more confident woman, as a doctor and an individual, compared with her persona in the first season. Even though she is still learning, she is a better doctor, and is more sneaky (although that side was evident in season 1, but not as much), and more assured to stand up for what she believes in, which on the whole sees her challenging and standing up to House, saying no to him, but also standing up to Cuddy.
She also has moved on from her crush on House. It doesn’t define her anymore, she wants and is determined to be judged on her actions as a doctor and individual. It doesn’t necessarily mean she has no feelings for House, though we now see her being in denial regarding that.
This new side of Cameron is shown in the opening episode Acceptance, though she is still learning and becoming a better doctor , she is more willing to challenge House (of course, we saw signs of that in season 1, Heavy, being an example), and this is played out in the many passionate and intense fights they have in this season, as well as succeeding ones.

From House’s point of view, when he is engaging in fights with her, he is not necessarily imposing his opinion on her and that she should think that way, on the contrary, it shows he wants her to be the best she can be, and to become stronger. This is illustrated most of the time when he is challenging her. Even though they have their fights, when they are pulling for what they both believe in, Cameron comes out stronger. She doesn't have to agree with him in the end, which I don’t think he wants, but she is growing into a better doctor and individual. The latter is the raison d’être for him pushing her, one of the key reasons for their fights.
The scene in Sleeping Dogs Lie, where he says to Wilson that Cameron needs to learn not to be screwed over (vis-a-vis the article conflict with Foreman), is illustrative of that point. Other passionate and intense fights occur in Clueless (a great scene in Cuddy’s office), Acceptance, Euphoria, and TB or not TB.

One also cannot forget the exquisite, electrifying and intense eyesex moments between them, which seemed to have reached new heights in this season. A few notable eyesex moments were the balcony scene in Daddy’s Boy, the hallway scene in Euphoria, the corridor scene in No Reason, and one of the office scenes in Acceptance. At times the tension between them during those moments is so much, that as a viewer you forget that others are also in the room. It’s like they are bearing into each other’s soul, so much so, that there is unspoken communication taking place when this occurs.
An excellent example of the unsaid communication between them is from their end scene in Clueless. It is a beautiful and subtle moment, a moment of calmness in his office, and in the manner in which they speak. However, there are two conversations going on, the audible one, and the one which is silent, conversed through their body language, their touches and their eye contact. The intensity in the room is at fever point, while the surroundings are calm.

Even though for a large part of season 2 House is consumed with the presence of his ex-partner Stacey in the hospital, House and Cameron still had their moments, and there were some signs of what House thinks of Cameron. In TB or not TB for example, alongside the fights him and Cameron have, a lot of why he is engaging in these fights is that he is a tad jealous of the patient, Sebastian. There are many instances in this episode that show House’s jealously there. But their end scene is quite telling. With the threat of Sebastian waning, House is less confrontational. There is some playful banter between them, but he begins with an inquisitive question to Cameron, about whether Cameron is going to go out with Sebastian. When she answers “No”, he seems quite relieved.
We also see House being concerned about Cameron (in his own way) in Need to Know regarding her HIV test. She again constantly surprises him in a number of episodes, and renders him speechless at one point in All In.

A part of the House Cameron dynamic is how we see a different side of House through his interaction with her, even if it is momentarily. We get insights into House, regarding his personal information, feelings and thoughts, contrasting the snarky comments he usually hides behind to avoid any human contact.
This is particularly the case in their end scene in Daddy’s Boy, when he voluntarily tells her something very personal, mirroring the scene in Fidelity (season 1) when she does likewise. That’s the emotional underlying connection, which has been forged between them since then. At times we see him share information about himself to her, because that time a few years ago she trusted him to tell him something personal about herself. So he feels he can do the same with her. They have a shared intimacy that is more meaningful than physical attraction alone.
In that moment, you can see House is vulnerable, he trusts her with this information, he breaks down those walls surrounding his wounded heart, even if it is for just a few seconds. This is a big revelation for House. He doesn't make any snarky comments, he is completely void of that in that scene. The arrogant, confident House is not displayed here, it is a man who is vulnerable, scared, and damaged.

This summary ends with mentioning the most crucial episode of the season, in relation to insights into House, and what he thinks and feels about Cameron. This is No Reason, where we find out that the majority of the episode has been a hallucination of House’s following him being shot, therefore, the scenes with Cameron have added meaning. First, we see him wake up with Cameron by his side, implying that he wants her to be by his side, to care for him. He expects that. Additionally, his hallucination indicates that he respects and admires her too. Their banter in discussing the patient exemplifies that, as well as his expressions.
The comment about “physically touching him” again shows what he thinks about them, that there is intensity, tension and physical attraction between them. He is scared to physical touch her because of that, because of what he might feel, he doesn’t want to open himself up to anyone, to human contact.
In the robotsex scene, you see he is delicately touching her with the robot arm, caressing her cheek, blowing on her skin and gently opening her shirt. This can imply a few things, that he feels scared about touching her, thus the use of the robot arm in his hallucination, and that the delicate touching also describes his feelings towards her, he is unsure, or maybe not deserving of being that intimate with her. The latter draws back to his conversation with the patient’s wife regarding “sevens marry sevens, nines marry nines, fours marry fours”, to him it would be a mathematical error to be in a relationship with her.

When he wakes from his hallucination she is there too. Leaving us to wonder what would happen in season 3.


"You miss me."
"You miss ME."

The most recent season was somewhat erratic, but we will not dwell on that now. Though their scenes were few and far between compared to previous seasons, what we had was good. Good, not just in the sense of the interaction between the two, but in relation to the development of their dynamic.
With Cameron no longer working for House, and running her own department, they are now equals. So, that is one reason for the change, but a larger reason is the development of Cameron’s character. In season 4, we see her more strong and confident, and most significantly she has a sassy edge to her.
A majority of their scenes comprised playful banter, with them engaging in verbal exchanges, Cameron often matching House to his comments. On a number of occasions she beat House at his own game, which only left him being more puzzled and intrigued by her. There was of course, the Freudian slip by Cameron in the episode Ugly, where she said she loved Dr House.
It was always House seeking Cameron out in this season, an indication maybe of him needing to be around her, or likes being near her.

The two most important scenes were their first and last one of the season in The Right Stuff, and Living the Dream respectively. The former can be argued to exemplify their dynamic and how it has evolved, and the latter appears to be an end of one chapter, and beginning of another.
The end scene in The Right Stuff illustrates many levels of their dynamic, from what we've seen in past seasons, to the new layers of their relation. It had everything in there, her understanding him, his curiousity about her, the playful banter, the unsaid communication, his uneasiness about being around her. It shows Cameron's growth and confidence, her sassiness, and how they are now equals. She still shows she understands him, he is still trying to figure her out; and the looks they give each other are still there, especially House when he is watching her, and halfway through their conversation when he looks at her, and when she walks away.
All the details there illustrate new elements of their dynamic, as well as the existing elements that have forged the basis of their relation throughout the seasons.

Their final scene together from this season (in Living the Dream) was very poignant. It showed that House does miss her being around. The “you miss me” exchange portrayed that, as well as the earlier scenes in the episode, where one can see how House is happy, in his own way, that she is around him.
At the end of the scene with Cameron telling him that “I don’t miss you”, illustrates that he still doesn’t understand her in many ways. He appears to be somewhat upset, and surprised at what she has said. He has underestimated her, and probably assumed that she always will be there, but she has moved on. That doesn’t necessarily mean she has has no feelings for him, to the contrary, she is confident enough to wait for him. Now the ball is in his court.

So, what will happen next in the story of these two characters? One can only speculate, but we hope we will be pleasantly surprised of what’s in store for them in the forthcoming chapter.

1. tableofhearts ~°~ 2. chrissy1302 (Chrissy) ~°~3. crazy_diamond
4. 86amanda86 ~°~5. Fiona ~°~ 6. Serenachan (Serena)
7. Mandasmal ~°~ 8. jessie_roe ~°~ 9. DESPERATELY LOSTforHouse
10. italian_jj (Carolina) ~°~11. -Kat- ~°~ 12. PiCkLeS4dAwSoN (Anji)
13. Flopsy ~°~ 14. javajunkie4eva88 (Kaila) ~°~ 15. Airie
16. Buttacup ~°~ 17. Cilie ~°~ 18. _virgo_ (Aroa)
19. jopace1970 ~°~ 20. unapologetic mocker ~°~ 21. ~*bitterswt*~ (Kay)
22. DreamerChild13 ~°~ 23. sicilybelle ~°~ 24. Aynad
25. ColdLinoleum (Shaena) ~°~ 26. mrspatrickstump_x ~°~27. mokis (Mónica)
28. Janelle_GilmoreGurl ~°~ 29. Sheree-Lynn ~°~ 30. evildeathchik
31. Mdwstdncr ~°~ 32. KerBear ~°~ 33. *oluha*
34. -SecretTragedy- ~°~ 35. Lenschn ~°~ 36. aabf (Ale)
37. Pilsburygurl459 ~°~ 38. Labyrith 39. The Crow
40. Kaylee123 ~°~ 41. kara46 ~°~ 42. radagast
43. Mrs.Almeida (Jenny) ~°~ 44. Patty M 45. Parallax
46. ~*Seth's_Secret_Sister*~ ~°~47. Kalikala ~°~ 48. luv2lobu
49. cowgirl_cj ~°~ 50. Madel-1 ~°~51. TessShipper
52. tidbit2008 ~°~53. ThUyN19 ~°~ 54. Shinystar
55. GracesAngel ~°~ 56. megs212 ~°~57. gravitygirl
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61. Maus ~°~ 62. bohemianrhapsody ~°~63. greysanatomyfan05
64. Gaelicmaiden ~°~ 65. youandme1105 ~°~ 66. vanille123
67. degrassi_islove1 ~°~ 68. maginary light ~°~ 69. Ally88
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73. cabot007 ~°~ 74. Jack4Sam ~°~75. Lindsey Mayer
76. Ryan-Marissa<3 ~°~ 77. pandora13 ~°~ 78. sanna_o75
79. lostaway04 ~°~ 80. EvaBlue ~°~ 81. lucita_nic
82. Nymph Marty ~°~ 83. Merlin Bodhi ~°~ 84. how2savealife (Kelsey)
85. othobsessed ~°~ 86. Ana Luthor (Ana) ~°~ 87. merveille
88. ale_tapia ~°~ 89. lolelaifan ~°~ 90. beautifully broken
91. -cuckoo bananas- ~°~ 92. RayRox ~°~ 93. Sir Fireboard
94. MissParker ~°~ 95. ancientshadows ~°~ 96. Butterflygirl
97. Cathangel (Cath)~°~ 98. ~*Gabriela*~ ~°~ 99. Buckeye4life
100. Selmica ~°~ 101. TiggerBlue ~°~ 102. Vote_SWC (Jess)
103. xO_tasha ~°~ 104. Living Dead Girl ~°~105. Eilleen
106. Apestaartje ~°~ 107. LPisKiller90 ~°~ 108. rummagingforanswers
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115. twinkletoes77 ~°~ 116. Dreamer who loves candy ~°~117. jesse21
118. zietke ~°~ 119. Christy January ~°~ 120. TwistofFate
121. Deiaa ~°~ 122. msqueenbea ~°~ 123. Beti ~°~ 124. Flowers
125. guiltypleasure1 ~°~ 126. dice8us (Kata) ~°~ 127. sherylle
128. naturellebella ~°~129. kutu (Tamara) ~°~ 130. x-Betty-x
131. x.sparks ~°~ 132. vicotine ~°~ 133. roguebailey
134. xDevylzgoddessx ~°~ 135. SkateGirl88 ~°~ 136. Theresa07
137. IviilBrown ~°~ 138. Tiiulicious ~°~ 139. Jazz
140. Ashes & Wine (Shauna) ~°~ 141. sarah_mae ~°~ 142. Carlie06
143. Kai_Abercrombie ~°~ 144. K.Corinne ~°~145. JJ-Isa
146. entity22 ~°~ 147. BoneLady ~°~ 148. gone_girl
149. rajen48 (Jen) ~°~ 150. xClarebellex ~°~ 151. bitsofbrits
152. bibleboymary4ever ~°~ 153. lunas_borednow ~°~ 154. xyber116
155. Love & Passion (Sara) ~°~ 156. LoVe-Story ~°~ 157. aeariel
158. bohemianhysteria ~°~ 159. *Lucy_In_The_Sky* ~°~ 160. hoLiday
161. Titch22 ~°~ 162. LostForJate ~°~ 163. bonzita
164. foreveravalon ~°~ 165. MandyX ~°~ 166. ? Laura ?
167. deelishis ~°~ 168. Pink77 ~°~169. misschile
170. Ms X ~°~ 171. Nici Dawson ~°~ 172. cove00
173. dibacelar ~°~ 174. AggieBabe ~°~175. princess8
176. jammin ~°~ 177. lost soul ~°~ 178. georgina31
179. LadyLyla ~°~ 180. Jaded Joy ~°~181. CrazyForYou
182. starblake ~°~ 183. hungry4chocolate ~°~ 184. massa
185. SwettyMa ~°~ 186. TV fan xx ~°~ 187. Neutrophil76
188. rysamad ~°~ 189. Amy_UK ~°~ 190. InannaGirl
191. klavierwunder ~°~ 192. Mari82 ~°~ 193. AllyCottonCandy
194. CharlieBMMi ~°~195. Dudaidoj ~°~ 196. iva11
197. electricpeppers ~°~ 198. mellifluouscloud ~°~ 199. Rainbow_Badger
200. naika ~°~ 201. ElizaSparrow ~°~ 202.vamos jorge
203. *Lori89* ~°~ 204. JillLUVShameron ~°~205. Dims
206. dnj4evainluv ~°~ 207. woolfie woof
208. Dadidou ~°~ 209. SimplyxEileen ~°~210. Logan lover DK
211. JLarah ~°~ 212. Andi1013 ~°~ 213. Cameron1980
214. lauratillnoon ~°~ 215. ale-la-pazza1 (Alessia) ~°~ 216. Esra
217. Icey ~°~218. LostEvi ~°~ 219. CheeScAKe&BRUCAS
220. jlneveloff ~°~ 221. Lucy_Lou ~°~ 222. kissmesweet
223. Marya Lena ~°~ 224. Anka_Loves_Grey'sAnatomy ~°~ 225. Forbiddenloveaddict
226. Missml ~°~227. hameronious ~°~ 228. bilson_xo
229. aliaskate18 ~°~ 230. tvchick1191 ~°~ 231. Aleki77
232. NBalways ~°~ 233. courtneybangelcakes ~°~ 234. Ellie Cameron
235. michchar ~°~ 236. LiVenLoVe902 ~°~ 237. Jackie85
238. TeamLaFox ~°~ 239. Elyx ~°~ 240. Mocha Frappalicious
241. eiluvial ~°~ 242. Gabriela ~°~ 243. SharTheLove
244. jr24tw ~°~ 245. Dragonfly ~°~ 246. Polish Princess
247. LuCe60 ~°~

Just ask if you want to be added!

by Silvia

"Help me out here
All my words are falling short
And there's so much I want to say
Want to tell you just how good it feels
When you look at me that way
(Please Forgive Me)

1. David Shore (TPTB)
2. Jennifer Morrison
3. Cameron
4. Wilson
5. Hugh Laurie
6. House
7. Joyce Millman (NYT writer)
8. Chase
9. Clarence (Death Row Guy)
10. Cuddy
11. "Do her or you're gay" guy (From "Love Hurts")
12. Swollen Tongue Guy (from "No Reason")
13. Tom Biro (tv squad writer)
14. Katie Jacobs
15. Kristin (from E!)
16. David Foster (writer on House)
17. Michael Ausiello (Ask Ausiello)
18. Graham Besinger (radio show host)
19. Detective Tritter
20. Foreman
21. ER Guy (from "Ugly")
22. ER Guy (from "Death Changes Everything")

by Esra

"Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won."

(Falling Slowly)

"Just have a little patience
I'm still hurting from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
Any minute all the pain will stop.
'Cause I need time
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience."


201) Because he likes being near her - Hugh Laurie
202) Because let's face it, she's addicted to House
203) Because she has literally taken his breath away
204) Because she's his angel of mercy
205) Because we have our very own Phantom Of The Opera romance
206) Because she surrenders to his darkest dreams
207) Because "she can't help but find him desirable" - Jennifer
208) Because there has never been an age issue for her
209) Behind his rough exterior, she sees a man that's really needing love
210) Because despite it all, Shore hasn't given up on them
211) Because "He has feelings for her too, in a much more subtle way" - David Shore
212) Because "Cameron likes House. And House likes Cameron" - David Shore
213) Because her well-being is not trivial to him
214) Because she doesn't want him to be someone he's not
215) Because "their romance has merely been postponed" - David Shore
216) Because "there *is* an attraction between the two of them."- Katie Jacobs
217) Because House is a force to her
218) Because they're both damaged
219) Because "there will always be an underlying tension between them" - Jennifer Morrison
220) Because, just like the Phantom, he wants to hide himself away from her
221) Because their kiss is hypnotic
222) Because there is always an air of intimacy between them
223) Because he misses her
224) Because her opinion matters to him
225) Because even when they don't touch, things get sexually charged
226) Because she knows where his porn is
227) Because he'd fire 13 or Kutner to have her back
228) Because he wants her back
229) Because one look from him and she knows what he thinks
230) Because they will never be over
231) Because she doesn't need him, she wants him

by Silvia

"But I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Our love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah."


These two have natural chemistry, no denying it. It just flows so naturally between them. I don't care about the age difference, i don't give a damn about that, because it doesn't play a role here. These two just click. They just work, They don't need a set up for the scene to scream: "Look at these two! They belong together! They are two pieces of a puzzle that belong together!". They don't need any of that hoopla to get the message through. They just have it. - Katja

Why i ship HC is pretty simple; it combines the two things of the show, that entertain me the most . First House's sarcasm and his unique humour, second the inner and outer beauty of Cameron. Whenever these two are in the same room it gets exciting, deliberately or not, and one can feel the subtle tension that's being build up when they start having eyecontact. The best proof though, for how great House and Cameron are, is this amazing group of lovely fans here in the Wounded Hearts Thread. - Massa

From the moment I saw these two characters interacting, I could not help but be captivated by them. To me, it is an intriguing and amazing dynamic, and one that operates on many levels. These depths to their relation, such as; the subtle moments, the angst, the eyesex, the subtle touches, the tension, the fights, the playful banter, the unsaid understanding, the underlying emotional connection, House's curiosity of Cameron.. how he is intrigued by her and can't quite figure her out, even when he thinks he has, and the subtext, are what keeps you drawn to them and wanting more. It is a relation that has evolved throughout the seasons with new elements being built upon the existing layers, thus changing their dynamic. I feel that this is refreshing, and one that makes me more curious to see how their relation will develop in future seasons. Georgina

Finding the right words to express my feelings has always been hard, and in this specific case it’s even harder than usual. I cannot really say I could be able to give order to my thoughts and put down a list of the reasons why I love this ship so much, but the first and most important of them surely is the extraordinarily peculiar unspoken communication I sense every time they look at each other. Blue speaks to green in a way words could never do, and that’s the greatest connection two souls could ever experience.Silvia

I love the many levels of the House and Cameron relationship. It’s never static and always evolving. There’s the professional aspect, where they have respect for each other’s abilities as doctors, but at the same time will strongly stand by their opinions. At the same time they have the ability to make the audience hold their breath as they forget themselves momentarily when they look into each other’s eyes, showing each other and us some great insights into their characters’ minds and feelings. Also we have seen a trust that has been growing since season one, where they have felt intimate enough with each other to voluntarily share personal things about themselves. Then there is the understanding that has developed between them to the point where they are able to know each others true intentions behind their words and behind their eyes. Finally, there is that easy familiarity and banter that both thoroughly enjoy. Hopefully writers will continue to build layers to this complicated and intriguing relationship. Alhy

The reason I ship House/Cameron is because they can both see each other like no one else sees them. They understand each other. And even though they fight and disagree, they always value the others opinon. There's also always something there beneath the surface, something subtle. Like in the Clueless scene for example. They are talking about medicine, but there are the body language and the eye contact that let us know that something else is there. - Sanna

To slightly paraphrase a quote from Shrek, "House and Cameron have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? They both have layers!"
These layers have been seen throughout the four seasons. House and Cameron have had playful and light hearted scenes, scenes in which they challenge each other, emotional scenes, moments which were so hot the screen was in danger of melting and moments which showed us a side of House that we would never usually see. All of these layers make this ship so wonderfully complex that in a few years from now when House has ended, whether or not H/C becomes canon, I'll still be here having crazy discussions, squeeing over caps and making up different !sex's because their emotional attachment is simply irresistible.
icon: angelic37

House ♥ Cameron

Last edited by sarah_mae; 05-03-2009 at 08:28 AM
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:23 PM
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She narrowed her eyes back at him, taking a few steps forward. Until she was right in his personal space. He invited her proximity, but he could never handle the reality of it. He was straddling a ridiculous balance, and she, in turn, was determined to tip it over the edge. Break whatever constant struggle was going on between the two of them.
The incendiary dance between them should have been snuffed out so many times, and yet it had only grown stronger with every word, every lingering stare.
He had underestimated the effect she would have on him.
He was doing that a lot.
Chaos Theory - TeenWitch

She honestly had no idea what House felt for her and wasn’t willing to put herself out there unless she was sure they were on the same page with this…thing. She wouldn’t put herself in a position to be crushed by him again. She knew he found her attractive and probably wanted her sexually but that wasn’t enough. Not now.

Cameron’s intentions had always seemed clear to him before. But four years was too long for her to cling to some hopelessly romantic notion of turning him into something he wasn’t. And, if he was being honest with himself, she was one of the few people in his life who hadn’t tried to change him. He figured she probably knew him better than most people by now, so the fact that she hadn’t run screaming from him when given the chance had him puzzled and wondering where things could lead.
Different Parity - Jesmel

He guessed that Cameron had somehow realised their misguided attempts to teach him some humility by withholding the fact that he had solved a case with no medical proof after he returned to work following his shooting. There had been no indication that she was even aware of that and he had no idea how she found out. He certainly hadn’t needed her to go and get into an argument with a department head and the Dean of Medicine on his behalf. So he wasn’t sure why knowing that she had done it anyway, without his knowledge and not expecting anything from him in return, made him feel a brief burst of warmth deep in his chest. Then he shook his head, puzzled as always by Cameron’s caring nature, especially when it was directed his way.
Depth Perception - Jesmel

They were together, and yet they weren’t. He denied any sort of feelings for her; she claimed she was over him. When their eyes met, holding each other’s gaze for even a second too long, their defences collapsed.
They’d say it all without speaking a word.
Delicate- Meltalviel

She is the diseases he loves to diagnose; she sneaked inside of him, building and reproducing. Crawling inside all the little cavities no matter how tiny they were, until he was almost dying. Because she wasn’t supposed to be there.
Gray - GabbyAbby

She’s like a puzzle that I can’t figure out. Complete one minute, missing several compulsory pieces the next. But when I think I’ve found a missing piece, she hides it again. Takes it away. Almost as if challenging me to continue my search. But I don’t know where to look. Nor do I really know if I want to.
And, I reflect, it’s possible that she’s just as confused about it as I am. Not that I will ever admit it.
He’s like a little boy, playing hide and seek. Hiding one minute, seeking out solace the next. But once I’ve found him, he pulls back. Takes it away. Almost as if challenging me to find him again. But I don’t know where to look. Nor do I really know if I can.
And, I reflect, it’s possible that he’s just as confused about it as I am. Not that he will ever admit it.
Inevitable - Mikki13

Despite his blunt dismissal of her during their first date, she remained oddly attracted to him. House was a brilliant diagnostician – but only when it involved the human body. His reading of her interest had been completely wrong, but she wasn’t sure that he’d ever give her the chance to prove that to him.
He wanted her to give up on him, but he never thought how much it would hurt to actually hear her say the words. That couldn’t be a good sign. He cared. He wanted her to like him. This was dangerous. You let people in, and they betray you.
Rash Decisions - Mossley

A lot of things about her had surprised him over the past months. As successful as he’d been at keeping his feelings at bay, it was becoming harder and harder to do. All of her characteristics that he’d so quickly zeroed in on and used as excuses to keep his distance were slowly disappearing, and he was finding it difficult to come up with more.
It would be statistically impossible for a woman of her age, with her looks, intelligence and…niceness…to not have had the opportunity to be with at least a dozen younger, and undamaged guys in the time since he’d known her. Yet here she was; why? He'd have given up on himself a long time ago. A part of him already had.
Broken - 2tailswaggin

House had called Cameron weak more than once in their dealings with patients but he said it mainly to garner a reaction. He knew her well enough to know that under her gentle exterior lay a strong woman. She was capable of so much more than he would ever admit out loud.
Designated - Jesmel

He is scared of you, your sensitivity, your age, that you work for him, that you’ll leave him, that you’ll hurt him. He has a catalog of hurts written across his flesh that he slowly starts to display to you. You are scared that he’ll never let you in, that you’ll never get close enough, that he’ll never trust you, that you’ll lose him, because you’re tired of losing people. And even worse, that you are falling in love.
Allison Cameron crashed your world covering your mind and soul in her enchanting pixie dust. (You do not tell her this). You did not expect this (ever). Especially from such a small, soft creature against your thick and callused nature. You never ever expected such a piercing. This is stronger than before. It scares you. Often you try to run from it, hide from it or hurt it (do anything but hurt from it). And you know it’s not her fault. You hate yourself for what you do.
You watch her from your glass surroundings, her slim shoulders straight and strong from your latest barbs. You refuse to be soft on her, you are often harder, you test her, you try to weaken her before she weakens you (more).
She’s not working for you long, when you really instigate the flirting. She, of course, calls you out on everything. And you lie, lie, lie. You have no feelings. You don’t like her. You stomp all over her emotional being.
When she quits, she breaks you. You never thought you could break again this easily. You were stunned by her absence and realize that you need her to be around. You keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, but Wilson is constantly challenging you about your life and how you live it and how you feel. You hate him for putting ideas in you head - especially ones that you have been trying to forget and evade. He calls you out when he realizes Cameron has gotten to you.
Proximity- LaDanaid

"I've built walls,
A fortress deep and mighty,

That none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship; friendship causes pain.
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain.
I am a rock, I am an island.
Don't talk of love,
But I've heard the word before;
It's sleeping in my memory."

(I Am A Rock)

"The weight of things
that remain unspoken

built up so much
it crushed us everyday."

(Won't Go Home Without You)

"Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend

A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again."

(Sometimes When We Touch)

1. Be Be Your Love - Rachael Yamagata ~ 2. Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson
3. Damaged - Plumb ~ 4. The Special Two - Missy Higgins
5. Broken - Seether & Amy Lee ~ 6. Too Lost In You - Sugababes
7. Do What You Have To Do - Sarah McLachlan ~ 8. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
9. The Scientist - Coldplay ~ 10. Everything - Lifehouse
11. Giving It Away - Mae ~ 12. You're On My Mind In My Sleep - Richard Ashcroft
13. Will You Fall For Me - Delta Goodrem ~ 14. Something - The Beatles
15. Here Without You - 3 Doors Down ~ 16. Lover, You Should Have Come Over - Jeff Buckley
17. Leave Right Now - Will Young ~ 18. Wicked Game - Chris Issak
19. You Do Something to Me - Paul Weller ~ 20. Falling For You - Jem
21. Stateless - Bloodstream ~ 22. Crave - Nuno Bettencourt
23. Thing Goin' On - J.J Cale ~ 24. What Would Happen If We Kissed - Merdith Brooks
25. It's Okay to Think About Ending - Earlimart ~ 26. Into Dust - Mazzy Star
27. The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice ~ 28. Communication - The Cardigans
29. This Year's Love - David Gray ~ 30. Delicate - Damien Rice
31. Please Forgive Me - David Gray ~ 32. Make This Go On Forever - Snow Patrol
33. Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy ~ 34. Patience - Take That
35. No Ordinary Love - Sade ~ 36. Breathe Me - Sia
37. Catalyst - Anna Nalick ~ 38. Since I Fell For You - Nina Simone
39. Breathe - Anna Nalick ~ 40. It's Been A While - Staind
41. Broken - Lifehouse ~ 42. Come Back - Pearl Jam
43. You and I - Jeff Buckley ~ 44. Couldn't Care Less - The Cardigans
45. Since You've Been Gone - Theory of a Deadman ~ 46. I'll Find a Way - Rachael Yamagata
47. Kissing You - Des'eree ~ 48. Finally - Allison Crowe
49. By Your Side - Allison Crowe ~ 50. This Unavoidable Thing Between Us - Evermore

Other HC songs

by Alhy

"What would happen if we kissed
Would your tongue slip past my lips
Would you run away, would you stay
Or would I melt into you

I struggle with myself again
Quickly the walls are crumbling
Don't know if I can turn away."

(What Would Happen If We Kissed)

Part 1 no longer available // Part 2 // Part 3

Ausiello: "If you give me a piece of scoop...
something that no one else knows,
preferably something to do with Cameron and House making out."
Jennifer: " my dreams!" (Both laugh)
Ausiello: "You've been pulling for that for a while and so are the fans."
Jennifer: "I know."
Ausiello: "When's it going to happen?"
Jennifer: "I don't know, I...we did have that one kiss last year,
I don't know if you've seen..."
Ausiello: "It was hot."
Jennifer: "Was that a hot kiss or what, right?"
Ausiello: "Oh yeah."
Jennifer: "Yeah, I'm still thinking about that, that was kinda nice."

"I think I'm drowning,
I wanna break this spell
that you've created.
You're something beautiful,
a contradiction;

I wanna play the game,
I want the friction."

(Time is Running Out)

crazy_diamond - Tracey

~Just ask if you want your videos added on the list~

by Pandora

"I was the one you always dreamed of
You were the one I tried to draw
How dare you say it's nothing to me
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw

I'll make the most of all the sadness
You'll be a bitch because you can
You try to hit me just to hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
Because you can't understand."

(Slow Dancing in a Burning Room)

Our Favorite FanFictions

Wounded Hearts
House Loves Cameron
Dysfunction Junction
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Vicodin For The Soul
House Fan Fiction Archive
House/Cameron Fic Recs

Threads 2-99
Threads 100-199
200. So Close No Matter How Far
201. I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
202. She Saw My Loneliness, Shared In My Emptiness
203. You can see what no one else can see
204. There's a centre of gravity that brings you near to me. Nearer all the time.
205. Season 5 ~ A forgotten love will return
206. Years gone by and words still don't come easily
207. And I Can See That You're Lonesome Just Like Me
208. Because there's no one like them in the universe
209. You see all my light and you love my dark
210. Sometimes When We Touch The Honesty Is Too Much
211. Let me occupy your mind as you do mine
212. House and Cameron - a class of their own
213. "He has feelings for her too, in a much more subtle way" - DS
214. House and Cameron: Just Do It!
215. "Because they share those remnant feelings of guilt" -JM
216. I just want you closer
217. "The two of you used to be together?" - Cool Patient #3
218. Because we'd love to watch them drive each other crazy
219. This is true, I am fragile just like you
220. You set my soul alight
221. The House & Cameron Effect
222. Because they make us feel euphoric
223. Reading between the lines
224. House and Cameron. There's no better way
225. And maybe you could take me in, somewhere underneath your skin
226. Like a stone I fall into your eyes, deep into some mystery
227. Because they make a small duel of brains and wit sexy
228. Because she can interpret the fine nuances of his whistling!
229.House & Cameron may cause your computer to explode
230. Because their relationship has meaning
231. Feels Like Lighting Running Through My Veins When You Look at Me That Way
232. How Can You Know It, If You Don't Even Try
233. You're the only one who really knew me at all
234. House & Cameron: Against all odds
235. Because he loves and misses her still
236. Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be, will be
237. Hamster FTW!
238. Because they're so in sync, she can read his mind
239. House & Cameron: The smart choice!
240. Like the philosopher Turner once said, "They're simply the best. Better than all the rest."
241. He's Houselicious. She's Camerontastic. Together they are Hamstergastic
242. She'll be his answer at the end of the line
243. Because Nothing Compares To Them
244. Because they even have chemistry when they're not in the same room
245. Because Nothing Else Matters
246. Because he gave her a Christmas present
247. You're the only thing that's right
248. 'Cause the flame still burns
249. Horoscope forecast for the New Year: 2009, the year of Hamster
250. I'm proud of you, I like you, I need you, I'll miss you, I love you: True Revelations
251. I never dreamed that I'd meet someone wonderful like you
252. Because It'll Never Be Too Late
253. Because she knows him better than he knows himself
254. Because she's his future
255. Because She Knows How To Stun Him Into Speechlessness
256. That Had A Beginning, Their Middle Will Come, But There'll Never Be An End
257. Because they amaze us
258. C.ameron H.ouse E.quals M.aturity I.ntelligence S.exiness T.rust R.espect Y.earning
259. My Heart's In A Dither Dear When You're At A Distance, But When You're Near...Oh my
260. It ain't over till it's over
261. March 6th, The Day The Earth Stood Still
262.Because she can match him beat for beat
263. Beacause Their Differences Are What Pull Cameron and House Together ~ Bryan Singer
264. House & Cameron, Awesomeness Personified
265."...and knowing House so well allows Cameron to understand how House's mind works"
267. Because we like our ship smart and sexy
268. Because she's got a House decoder
269.Eye!Sex Masters are at it again. Amateurs, watch and learn
270. Heart to Hearts and Counter!Sex, We Likey *insert eye-waggling smiley here*
271. Blinded by the UST

"I know I'm not deserving
of your trust from you right now,
But if by chance you change
your mind you know I will not
Let you down 'cause we were
the special two, and will be again.

(The Special Two)

by Pandora

-Because House is a force to her
-Because she gets him
-Because she was drawn to his intelligence
-Because they makes each other think
-Because let's face it, she's addicted to House
-Because she surrenders to his darkest dreams
-Because they have their own choir
-Because House and Cameron are a religion now
-Waiting for the writers to blow on the smoking embers
-Because They Gave Each Other Christmas Gifts
-Because Eye Contact Is What Turns Hugh On
-Because He Wants Her Back (Of Course)
-Because they miss each other
-Because she just can't keep away
-Because They Help Each Other
-...Till There Was You
-Hopelessly Devoted To You
-I learned from you, I really learned a lot
-Love hurts, love scares
-Take a chance on me
-I've hungered for your touch
-My kind of wonderful, that's what you are
-You broke the bonds, and you loosened the chains
-I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
-No Matter What You Do, I Only Want To Be With You
-No one would listen, no one but her
-Your words make me whole again
-I never felt until I looked at you
-You see what no one else can see
-I see you. I feel you
-You're here, there's nothing I fear
-Real Love Bursting Out Of Every Scene
-They just make sense to us!
-They try to break us down but we wont play along
-All I want is you
-Trust I seek I find in you
-The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
-Because she can match him beat for beat

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House ♥ Cameron
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:25 PM
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Let the love continue
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:27 PM
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Thanks for the new thread
"She's so great. She's a w e s o m e" ~JJ Abrams
I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:42 PM
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Oh, I just started reading Proximity again, because I accidentaly clicked on the link above
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:45 PM
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Thank you for the new thread

I like the title
-My suggstion would´t have been that nice I think we shoud learn from Jesmel House & Cameron because Canon can bite us..!
Wierd works for me
Icon: credit to whoever made it..
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Old 05-01-2009, 01:47 PM
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didn't even occure to me. I was just listening to that song and thought we could use the line

Sarah - it is a great story. I gotta read it sometime soon too
"She's so great. She's a w e s o m e" ~JJ Abrams
I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:01 PM
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If we´r in a pissy mood we´ll use my title another time

What song is this title from?

I gotta go again, -I have work tomorrow

Ohh there´s an update on "the Cure" btw, if you have´t already seen it..
Wierd works for me
Icon: credit to whoever made it..

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Old 05-01-2009, 02:09 PM
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It must be love by Madness

Ohh there´s an update on "the Cure" btw, if you have´t already seen it..
no, you didn't beat me this time

See you Mich
"She's so great. She's a w e s o m e" ~JJ Abrams
I tried to give you up but I'm addicted

Last edited by pandora13; 05-01-2009 at 02:15 PM
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:23 PM
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:31 PM
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"She's so great. She's a w e s o m e" ~JJ Abrams
I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:35 PM
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beautiful, just so beautiful, the way they look at each other
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:49 PM
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my favorite scene from that episode is when she tells him the real reason behind her avoiding Chase
"She's so great. She's a w e s o m e" ~JJ Abrams
I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:55 PM
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it is a great scene
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Old 05-01-2009, 02:56 PM
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I love how she teases him with "because you're not at my place"
"She's so great. She's a w e s o m e" ~JJ Abrams
I tried to give you up but I'm addicted
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