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Old 07-26-2008, 10:08 PM
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Hey Lauren!
You haven't been on in forever.
How have you been.

Hey rebecca, yeah it's been really quiet. Hmm and we're noticeably missing Cat and Kate.
Santana Lopez
"Legend has it when I came out of my mother I told the doctor she looked fat."

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Old 07-26-2008, 10:38 PM
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Cat was around just before i went to bed at 10am my time, so 2am her time.. she must have gone to sleep
"Lisa is a wonderful partner and I think Cuddy really was the woman House needed.
I would have liked to give it a different ending for them"
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Old 07-26-2008, 11:01 PM
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Hey Lauren!
You haven't been on in forever.
How have you been.
Hey Angela!
I've been quite well, thank you.
How have you all been?
Did I miss any House/Cuddy/Huddy news?
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Old 07-26-2008, 11:01 PM
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At 2 am!
I'm shocked.
Lol my only point wasCat and Kate can carry on a whole thread by themselves, in fact I've seen them do it.
Wait Rebecca you went to bed at 10 in the morning?
Hey Angela!
I've been quite well, thank you.
How have you all been?
Did I miss any House/Cuddy/Huddy news?
Just our sex list.
Did you watch all the buffy seasons?
Did the early seasons make you ill in your cangel heart?
I adore all my cangel ff buddies. And I have a lot, its very strange everyone I talk to ships cangel.
It must be something in my ships. But I like the couple so it's all good. Not that it wouldn't be good if I didn't.

Anyways Its not like all of my ff friends are a certain harry potter ship.

That wasn't sarcasm, I didn't mean the ones you guys like. I meant the one I hate.

...I hate the internet it makes things sooo strange. Like I really have to make sure my wording doesn't come off wrong, cause I never mean it too!!!!

But seriously what did you think? Like any new couples, like oooh willow/oz or willow/tara and spuffys had good chemistry.

And ooh did you see the x files movie? You ship s/m right?

OOh I got a puppy! It's named Kiley, after Rilo kiley.
Santana Lopez
"Legend has it when I came out of my mother I told the doctor she looked fat."

Angela; tumblr;

Last edited by How-very-girl629; 07-26-2008 at 11:15 PM
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Old 07-26-2008, 11:14 PM
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Just our sex list.

The one in the OP, I'm assuming?
Me likes it muchly!

Did you watch all the buffy seasons?
Did the early seasons make you ill in your cangel heart?

No, I haven't even finished S1 and 2 yet because I've had my attention diverted to X-F alot recently because of the new movie. From what I've seen of the series so far though, my Cangel heart isn't ill at all. In fact, it's quite healthy, thank you very much! The Bangel doesn't affect me at all.

JK, of course.

I'm still experiencing mild irritation with BtVs because I haven't had my OTP moment yet. And as a Shipping Addict, I NEED an OTP in such a big fandom as this!

I adore all my cangel ff buddies. And I have a lot, its very strange everyone I talk to ships cangel.
It must be something in my ships. But I like the couple so it's all good.
Its not like all of my ff friends are a certain harry potter ship.

Thank goodness for that, am I right?

I know what you mean. I often find that I'll be on a thread and while we all share the same ship in that particular fandom, in other major fandoms, we're at war.

And ooh did you see the x files movie? You ship s/m right?

No, I haven't seen it yet! But if things go well with my schedule, I hope to see it on Tuesday! I can't wait! I've heard awesome things about it, ship-wise. I'm a passionate MSR OTP shipper! They are total !
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Old 07-26-2008, 11:29 PM
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I know what you mean. I often find that I'll be on a thread and while we all share the same ship in that particular fandom, in other major fandoms, we're at war.
ooh I wouldn't be at war with with you guys on the btvs thread
I'm not just lying to be nice, I do like them. If I didn't I would just subtly change the subject.
but if you're referring to a certain HP ship, I might just leave w.e thread I'm on.

Of course I'm kidding.
I was posting on this thread though and I mentioned that I didn't like a particular HP ship but I didn't say who, cause I wasn't going to start a fight. And this girl who ships a particular ship said that she was done with this thread.

The one in the OP, I'm assuming?
Me likes it muchly!
It's like the symbol of a true huddy fan. Creative and dirty.

I'm still experiencing mild irritation with BtVs because I haven't had my OTP moment yet. And as a Shipping Addict, I NEED an OTP in such a big fandom as this!
Hmmm I'mt trying to think of who you might end up liking. I can't really think of any best friends falling in love kind of couple...well the closest I can think of is Tara/Willow.
They might be your couple.
Or you could end up liking spuffy because while season six for them is more sexual than deep, season seven they develop a beautiful friendship.

No, I haven't even finished S1 and 2 yet because I've had my attention diverted to X-F alot recently because of the new movie. From what I've seen of the series so far though, my Cangel heart isn't ill at all. In fact, it's quite healthy, thank you very much! The Bangel doesn't affect me at all.

Well I'm glad to hear you're cangel heart is in good shape.
Question and if you think this will stir up some problems feel free to not answer.
But how do you feel about early season bangel(I just got a therapist image!)
I'm just insanely curious, I mean I know you're never going to ship them and I would expect no less from you because you're a loyal shipper! But completely aside from Cangel, whats your opinion on them.
And be as honest as you want. You can they suck, their disgusting, I never want to see them together ever. I promise I won't turn into a scary bangel fanatic.
I'm just really curious because I think that joss wrote all three couples extremely well(although they all had serious issues I mean it's joss verse!), so I wonder what you see in them.

And if it makes you feel uncomfortable feel free to tell me to shut up.

Oh and I hope you get to see your movie. I've heard other shippers say they were happy.
Santana Lopez
"Legend has it when I came out of my mother I told the doctor she looked fat."

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Old 07-26-2008, 11:52 PM
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ooh I wouldn't be at war with with you guys on the btvs thread
I'm not just lying to be nice, I do like them. If I didn't I would just subtly change the subject.
but if you're referring to a certain HP ship, I might just leave w.e thread I'm on.

Of course I'm kidding.
I was posting on this thread though and I mentioned that I didn't like a particular HP ship but I didn't say who, cause I wasn't going to start a fight. And this girl who ships a particular ship said that she was done with this thread.

I totally believe you,Angela!
And I know what you mean about that OTHER HP ship (known henceforth as the-ship-which-must-not-be-named. ) My passionate hatred for that ship is rivaled by few. It was just so....words can't describe it's horribleness IMO.

Leaving a thread over a casual, polite mention of an anti-ship opinion though? That's just childish. I visit several shipper threads where there are Hams, but I don't get petty over it.

It's like the symbol of a true huddy fan. Creative and dirty.
Our dirtiness is better than many people's poetry, I must say.

Hmmm I'mt trying to think of who you might end up liking. I can't really think of any best friends falling in love kind of couple...well the closest I can think of is Tara/Willow.
They might be your couple.
Or you could end up liking spuffy because while season six for them is more sexual than deep, season seven they develop a beautiful friendship.
I don't HAVE to have the BFFs-to-lovers thing though, as long as the couple in question has a real understanding and connection and chemistry, and they compliment one another well. And of course, are well-written, which is a given for creating such a relationship. I DO have certain leanings towards some ships, but nothing has really, you know, GRABBED me yet.

Question and if you think this will stir up some problems feel free to not answer.
But how do you feel about early season bangel(I just got a therapist image!)
I'm just insanely curious, I mean I know you're never going to ship them and I would expect no less from you because you're a loyal shipper! But completely aside from Cangel, whats your opinion on them.
And be as honest as you want. You can they suck, their disgusting, I never want to see them together ever. I promise I won't turn into a scary bangel fanatic.
I'm just really curious because I think that joss wrote all three couples extremely well(although they all had serious issues I mean it's joss verse!), so I wonder what you see in them.

Sure thing. I don't feel at all uncomfortable. I think I can explain my feelings without causing offense to you or any other Bangels who may be reading. We're all mature here right?

My opinion: I don't hate Bangel. I do dislike it quite a bit, but I don't hate it. Joss does write it well most of the time for what it is, a teenage romance. My problems with the BA relationship are that 1)I don't feel any chemistry. AT all. Zero. That's an individual thing though and has no bearing on whether the pairing is good or not objectively speaking. 2)They always seem miserable around one another. I rarely see them happy together or light-hearted together. I know things are tough for them, this being the Whedon-verse, but really kids, lighten up! The only times they seem "happy" to me are when they're getting smoochy. And they're the meant-to-be romance, something that tends to irk me alot of the time (though for future reference, not ALL of the time. I have exception ships.) It's as if they're supposed to be in love from the first few moments. There isn't much build up. And the I-love-you but I-can't-have-you thing got old fast for me. It got to a point where I wanted to scream MAKE A FINAL DECISION. Be together or don't and accept it and move on. I hope I'm not sounding too hostile here. If I am, I sincerely apologize. I don't mind certain Bangel scenes. And I quite like the Angel episode "I Will Remember You" and found the ending quite moving. I just find too many flaws in BA to ship it, and plus, I love Cangel dearly. Once again, I hope I didn't offend. Those are my honest feelings. Feel free to come back with a paragraph on why I'm wrong or why Cangel isn't as good as BA. I'm cool with it.

Getting back OT:

How long do you think it will take before we get to the bulk of the Huddy storyline in S5? Do you think they'll get into it near the beginning or wait until the later half of the season?
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Old 07-27-2008, 12:13 AM
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My opinion: I don't hate Bangel. I do dislike it quite a bit, but I don't hate it. Joss does write it well most of the time for what it is, a teenage romance. My problems with the BA relationship are that 1)I don't feel any chemistry. AT all. Zero. That's an individual thing though and has no bearing on whether the pairing is good or not objectively speaking. 2)They always seem miserable around one another. I rarely see them happy together or light-hearted together. I know things are tough for them, this being the Whedon-verse, but really kids, lighten up! The only times they seem "happy" to me are when they're getting smoochy. And they're the meant-to-be romance, something that tends to irk me alot of the time (though for future reference, not ALL of the time. I have exception ships.) It's as if they're supposed to be in love from the first few moments. There isn't much build up. And the I-love-you but I-can't-have-you thing got old fast for me. It got to a point where I wanted to scream MAKE A FINAL DECISION. Be together or don't and accept it and move on. I hope I'm not sounding too hostile here. If I am, I sincerely apologize. I don't mind certain Bangel scenes. And I quite like the Angel episode "I Will Remember You" and found the ending quite moving. I just find too many flaws in BA to ship it, and plus, I love Cangel dearly. Once again, I hope I didn't offend. Those are my honest feelings. Feel free to come back with a paragraph on why I'm wrong or why Cangel isn't as good as BA. I'm cool with it.
Actually I agree with you on quite a few statements.
I of course do see the chemistry but you know, I don't like the fated couples either. In fact I usually loathe them. BA is my one exception.
The thing about my feelings for bangel is yes I used to be. They have to end up together They have to end up together! But now, I don't think they do. They had a moment in time together, I believe it changed them. Angel found his path for redemption because of her, and buffy found someone who understood the darkness she had to live in so she wasn't so lonely. And thats all thats important to me. I do believe that they'll always love each other, but if Angel ended up with Cordy(if he could have)(And loved her not some awful second choice thing, ugh that would just be cruel) I would actually be happy with it, as long as it didn't completely erase the bangel history, cause I don't think thats any fairer than cordy becoming buffy esque when their romance finally started. Big slap in the face.
I'm not so sure about spuffy as endgame just because they could be very unhealthy. But if buffy ended up with someone else I would be happy with that.
Their whole relationship is about sacrifice as clearly shown in IWRY,(which is probably the episode that will make me never not ship them, I cry everytime buffy says I will never forget) so them not ending up together is actually kind of right.

And towards the end of their relationship they did become miserable because they were fighting the fact that at that point in time they didn't belong together. Now of course as a bangel, if they did end up together, I wouldn't be unhappy. But they would definitely need to work on getting to know eachother better, cause Cordy knew angel better than buffy ever did.

And aww you didn't offend me lauren. You made very good points.

I don't HAVE to have the BFFs-to-lovers thing though, as long as the couple in question has a real understanding and connection and chemistry, and they compliment one another well. And of course, are well-written, which is a given for creating such a relationship. I DO have certain leanings towards some ships, but nothing has really, you know, GRABBED me yet.
Ooh what ships!?
I totally believe you,Angela!
And I know what you mean about that OTHER HP ship (known henceforth as the-ship-which-must-not-be-named. ) My passionate hatred for that ship is rivaled by few. It was just so....words can't describe it's horribleness IMO.

Leaving a thread over a casual, polite mention of an anti-ship opinion though? That's just childish. I visit several shipper threads where there are Hams, but I don't get petty over it.
The ship that shall not be named!!!
Yes don't say its name, it only gives the ship more power!
Honestly ron and hermione I enjoyed at times, although again bad writing and they had build up, but the other ship. I loathe! If I have a kid who likes them, I will ground them!

And i know isn't it incredibly childish, its not like I was gonna start a fight with them and we could have been friends over the ship on the thread.

How long do you think it will take before we get to the bulk of the Huddy storyline in S5? Do you think they'll get into it near the beginning or wait until the later half of the season?
Yes we should really get back on topic lol. Before mods come.
I think house will be leaning on cuddy towards the start cause of wilson but eventually he will become more vunerable around her and it will have nothing to do with Wilson! I think I want them to be together9in some odd house and cuddy way) towards the late middle of the season. If they get together fast in the season, well its never promising on shows.
Santana Lopez
"Legend has it when I came out of my mother I told the doctor she looked fat."

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Old 07-27-2008, 02:29 AM
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Wow, Bec, you really did pull an all-nighter!

Hi Angela and Lauren!

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Old 07-27-2008, 02:41 AM
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lol yeah Fez haha. i was pretty silly. went to sleep at 10am and woke up at 4pm. luckily i dont have uni till 1pm 2moro.. i can have another late-ish one 2nite we can finish this thread and get to #69
"Lisa is a wonderful partner and I think Cuddy really was the woman House needed.
I would have liked to give it a different ending for them"
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Old 07-27-2008, 03:08 AM
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We will finish this one today, I promise. well maybe not your today, but certainly the Europeans' today!

"The best number is 73. Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.".
~Sheldon L. Cooper, PhD
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Old 07-27-2008, 03:21 AM
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most likely .. there are only four hours left in my day here
"Lisa is a wonderful partner and I think Cuddy really was the woman House needed.
I would have liked to give it a different ending for them"
{Hugh Laurie - Huddy Forever}
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Old 07-27-2008, 03:41 AM
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It's just 12.40 pm here!

"The best number is 73. Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.".
~Sheldon L. Cooper, PhD
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Old 07-27-2008, 04:27 AM
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Old 07-27-2008, 05:14 AM
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hey Cat hows your day been?
"Lisa is a wonderful partner and I think Cuddy really was the woman House needed.
I would have liked to give it a different ending for them"
{Hugh Laurie - Huddy Forever}
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