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water lilies 08-24-2010 06:37 PM

Rachel's rumored roles: Movies you could've seen Rachel in
Below is a list of movies for which Rachel was rumored/considered/offered a part, but ultimately wasn't a part of:

Mission Impossible 3
  • Offered role: Julia
    Role ended up going to: Michelle Monaghan
  • Plot: Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend.

Valentine's Day
  • Auditioned for:Morley Clarkson
    Role ended up going to: Jessica Alba
  • Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's Day

Black Swan
  • Was considered for: Lilly
    Role ended up going to: Mila Kunis
  • A thriller that hones in on the relationship between a veteran ballet dancer and a rival.

Get Smart[list]Offered Role: Agent 99
Role ended up going to: Anne Hathaway
  • Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 for CONTROL, battles the forces of KAOS with the more-competent Agent 99 at his side.

Devil Wears Prada
  • Offered role: Andy Sachs
    Role ended up going to: Anne Hathaway
  • A naive young woman comes to New York and scores a job as the assistant to one of the city's biggest magazine editors, the ruthless and cynical Miranda Priestly.

Mamma Mia
  • Auditioned for: Sophie
    Role ended up going to: Amanda Seyfried
  • The story of a bride-to-be trying to find her real father told using hit songs by the popular '70s group ABBA.

Iron Man
  • Offered role: Pepper Potts
    Role ended up going to: Gwyneth Paltrow
  • When wealthy industrialist Tony Stark is forced to build an armored suit after a life-threatening incident, he ultimately decides to use its technology to fight against evil.

The Dark Knight
  • Was considered for: Rachel Dawes
    Role ended up going to: Maggie Gyllenhaal
  • Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent are forced to deal with the chaos unleashed by an anarchist mastermind known only as the Joker, as it drives each of them to their limits.

  • Was considered for:Ariadne
    Role ended up going to: Ellen Page
  • In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job till date.

Casino Royale
  • Offered role: Vesper Lynd
    Role ended up going to: Eva Green
  • In his first mission, James Bond must stop Le Chiffre, a banker to the world's terrorist organizations, from winning a high-stakes poker tournament at Casino Royale in Montenegro.

Fantastic 4
  • Auditioned for: Sue Storms
    Role ended going to: Jessica Alba
  • A group of astronauts gain superpowers after a cosmic radiation exposure and must use them to oppose the plans of their enemy, Doctor Victor Von Doom

The Last Kiss
  • Was cast as: Jenna
    Role ended going to: Jacinda Barrett
  • Michael and Jenna, having been a couple for three years, want to get married and start a family. These plans seem to be well on their way when Jenna announces that she's pregnant. But Michael is worried that his life and his youth will over for good.

If anyone knows of anything else, please let me know, and I'll add it! I don't know if all of them are true, but it's fun to speculate. :) Most of these come from IMDB, and a few from interviews.

Any movies you wish Rachel had accepted? Any movies you were glad she ended up not being in? :)

water lilies 08-24-2010 06:39 PM

Sorry for the delay. I finally had time to work on this and put this up. :)

Rukia 08-24-2010 09:05 PM

Thanks for staring this thread, Belle! :)

Let's see... I'm so glad she wasn't part of Valentine's Day! God, that movie was horrid! :sick: Ditto for Fantastic Four. That was just cheesy.

It would've been awesome if she'd been in The Devil Wears Prada, Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Casino Royale, and Inception!!!!! :D That would be a dream come true.

I just watched the trailer for Black Swan. It looks really dark, intense and interesting. :nod: Both Natalie's and Mila's roles look very interesting. I wish Rachel would go for darker roles like these!

(As a side note, didn't know Vincent Cassel was in it, too. :D)

water lilies 08-25-2010 08:17 AM

I agree about Fantastic 4. I'm glad she didn't have to do the was a lot worse than the first. And personally, I find Jessica Alba's acting very distracting in that one. It would have been nice to see Rachel in a big ensemble such as Valentine's Day, but the character she auditioned for was totally unnecessary to the storyline. She was there for maybe 5 minutes? And she didn't do much.

Black Swan does look really good!! :D I would have love to see Rachel do something like that. Ballet + thriller? I'm so there. :)

Out of all of the movies I've seen from that list, I would have liked to see her take on the roles in Devil Wears Prada and Inception. That would have been amazing. :thud:

violet wings 08-25-2010 11:23 AM

Wow, thanks for this thread!! Love the topic :)

I would have loved to see her in Black Swan with Natalie :). The movie looks so interesting!!
Then, I like the idea of her being in Casino Royale. The role of Vesper seemed perfect for her :)

Rukia 08-25-2010 06:21 PM

I would love to see Rachel in a big ensemble movie, too, Belle, but something better and more substantial than that god-awful Valentine's Day. :sick:

Black Swan looks so interesting! It would be interesting for Rachel to play Natalie's character! :D

I agree, Val. Rachel would've been great as Vesper. :nod: Eva Green was pretty perfect though. :blush:

ku53v 08-25-2010 09:45 PM

I dont want her acting on a big movie. It's weird but I wouldn't like if she were getting too much attention, like amanda seyfried, megan fox, kristen stewart etc.

Of those movies, i'd like to see her on "get smart", is so funny.

One Love 08-26-2010 12:51 PM

What a great idea for a thread! Thanks for starting one.

I'm glad she didn't accept some of those roles. But I would loved seeing her in some others. Maybe I would've watched those movies if she was in them

water lilies 08-27-2010 05:00 PM

You're all welcome. :)

I noticed a lot of the roles are franchise or superhero movies. I guess she finally liked Sherlock Holmes, but I would have rather seen her choose some other 'big' movies like Iron Man instead.

Get Smart was really funny!

Gabriela 08-28-2010 07:04 PM

Wow - great idea of a thread!

I am also glad she wasn't in Valentine's Day - awful, awful, awful movie, imo.

I'm sad she didn't do Devil Wears Prada or Inception.

Were these all roles that she turned down or did she audition for some and didn't get them?

Rukia 08-29-2010 05:46 AM


I dont want her acting on a big movie. It's weird but I wouldn't like if she were getting too much attention, like amanda seyfried, megan fox, kristen stewart etc.

Of those movies, i'd like to see her on "get smart", is so funny.
I wouldn't mind her being in 'big' movies really. As long as it's a good movie. :nod: A bit more exposure to larger audiences doesn't hurt.

I loved Get Smart! It was hilarious. :lol:


I noticed a lot of the roles are franchise or superhero movies. I guess she finally liked Sherlock Holmes, but I would have rather seen her choose some other 'big' movies like Iron Man instead.
I just wished her role was more substantial in Sherlock Holmes. I would've loved it if she'd chosen Iron Man! :D And The Dark Knight! Then she'd finally be in a Nolan movie plus she'd be working with Christian Bale! :)


I'm sad she didn't do Devil Wears Prada or Inception.
Ditto, Gabriela. I loved Prada! She could've easily been great in either Anne's or Emily's role. :) Her being in Inception would've been amazing. :thud:


Were these all roles that she turned down or did she audition for some and didn't get them?
I don't know... :confused: I think they're just rumors. :shrug: I can't say for sure though.

One Love 08-29-2010 04:16 PM

I loved Prada too. Too bad she didn't do that one. I think she would've been amazing in it

water lilies 08-30-2010 06:21 AM

Some roles she was offered directly like Iron Man, MI3, Casino Royale and Devil. Other roles she auditioned for were VD and F4.

The rest are just rumors. :)

Devil would have been amazing! I love that movie. :D

Rukia 08-30-2010 06:56 PM

Those roles were offered to her directly, and she turned them down?! :eek: I'm pulling my hair over her turning down Iron Man, Prada, and Casino Royale!

She auditioned for Valentine's Day and Fantastic Four?! And lost them to Jessica Alba?! That's such a joke that Jessica won... she's such a bad actress.

One Love 09-01-2010 06:12 AM

Would've never guessed that! Can't believe she turned down prada

water lilies 09-01-2010 06:49 AM

It was a great movie. Plus, she would have been working with Meryl Streep.

Rukia - I know, I'm not a fan of hers at all either. :lol: The good thing is that the roles weren't that amazing.

Rukia 09-01-2010 06:30 PM

Oh, Rachel! She could've worked with Meryl Streep! :thud:

I totally hope Rachel won't be following in Jessica Alba's footsteps anytime soon. :sick:

water lilies 09-01-2010 07:31 PM

And Emily Blunt as well. :love:

Have you guys seen 'The Last Kiss'? Rachel was supposed to be in the movie, but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts.

Rukia 09-01-2010 08:11 PM

I know! I love Emily! :love: Rachel and Emily would be great together in a movie! :nod:

I've seen The Last Kiss. I saw it a while back though. I remembered that it was okay, and that I liked it okay. Jacinda Barrett's role wasn't too big of a role though. It's one of those girlfriend roles. :shrug:

One Love 09-02-2010 02:34 PM

Rachel and Emily Blunt sounds like a great combination to me. I hope they'll get to work together some day.

water lilies 09-03-2010 05:51 PM

A movie with Rachel and Emily Blunt sounds fantastic.

I've seen The Last Kiss and it didn't really make any impression on me. I found it to be a bit boring, so I'm okay she had to drop out of it for other projects. :nod:

Rukia 09-03-2010 07:00 PM

Emily's one of my favorite actresses, and she's such a great one as well. :nod:

Yeah, The Last Kiss was all right. The role she would've gotten wasn't the greatest one ever, so I'm pretty happy she wasn't in the movie. :) It'd be fun for her to work with Zach Braff though.

water lilies 09-04-2010 11:14 AM

Yeah, didn't Rachel Bilson have the biggest role (along with Zach), if I remember correctly?

Rukia 09-06-2010 07:45 AM

Yeah, Rachel Bilson did have the bigger female role. :nod: I wouldn't even want for our Rachel to have that role. It was a bit mediocre. I liked the movie okay though.

It'd been fun for Rachel and Zach to work together though. :)

water lilies 09-06-2010 04:10 PM

If Scrubs was still on, seeing Rachel on that would have been so funny. :D

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