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Old 07-07-2009, 08:48 PM
Passionate Fan

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Exhibitionists {A♥I} #309: Because she shaved her legs for their first date and he shaved her head on their wedding day

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats... "

A: Today's the day my life begins. All my life I've been just me. Just a smart mouth kid.
Today I become a man. Today I become a husband.
Today I become accountable to someone other than myself.
Today I become accountable to you. To our future.
To all the possibilities that a marriage has to offer.
Together, no matter what happens, I'll be ready. For anything. For everything.
To take on life, to take on love. To take on possibility and responsibility.
Today Izzie Stevens, our life together begins. And I for one can't wait

the characters;

[1 - 309]
310. OthLPlover
311. natural_disaster
312. Mrs_EvilSpawn
313. Whitney86
314. Naleylicious
315. oDs:.
316. xXEmmaXx
317. Pey_23
318. Touldengal
319. ..Mysha..
320. mesmerized
321. LadyNoussa
322. Serena Grey-Mars
323. stinebiene
324. *Lori89*
325. KenzieJoy
326. Dani Poa
327. SharTheLove
328. mügeshepherd
329. Narvika
330. xlennie
331. IriSka
332. Flora Bora
333. itstruelovee
334. jessica1984
335. sabrinoush
336. MissDK
337. Totty Limejuice
338. Nhilun
339. tvchick1191
340. shrimper
341. ~AIR~
342. sweetdaisy
343. lovelyzozo
344. Male
345. girl_stoner
346. Fairy*
347. blg06
348. technobabble
349. leytongrl07
350. MovieManiac
351. phoemster
352. McSteamy'sLovelyOwtinaFan
353. unokid123
354. PatrickDempseyRocks
355. Jean0524
356. bellasposa23
357. hoho11
358. missingOTH
359. NateBlairlover
360. McHobbit
361. DragonFly
362. Little_Grey
363. BlueDecember
364. Jemistry
365. breakmyheart
366. purplestuff48
367. Brooke08
368. StefarooALG
369. courrrtnnneeey
370. *lilli*
371. natasha.lee1229
372. McB
373. °Laura°
374. JUICY.
375. Jinkxy123
376. xkellyx
377. Hippo10
378. KoolKat101
379. LuCe60
380. Natispbr
381. coconut16
382. Elizabeth_88
383. kategirl
384. simplyAlex
385. NateBlairlover
386. tv-fan189
387. cbluv
388. haydeertz
389. NBalways
390. Miss-Love
391. Naleylicious
392. ~Endless Summer~
393. Motoko Ayoama
394. AI_lover
395. Brucasfanalways
396. ~JeNnA~
397. McSexie
398. starbright83
399. BlueDog9
400. RickyandChucklover1
401. vlc460
402. AIMDgirl
403. aabf
404. Youmie
405. jateryara
406. Bright And Shiny
407. sweetxmisery

I: Guess what I found. An Apartment.
A beautiful apartment with hardwood floors
and a fireplace that you can build fires in.
And I can't afford it by myself.
So .. I thought you could get over yourself.
We could live together.

A: Oh, you look nice.
I: Thanks, so do you. Hot date?
A: Nah, this thing is cheesy, I wouldn't waste a decent chick on this. You headed in?
I: Yeah, I'm just gonna go see Denny first.
A: Oh, OK

Justin: I would expect Alex to shut down
a little bit if something awful happens to Izzie
but these are opportunities to see his chivalrous side
and his true love for her..

A: I gotta go.
I: Seriously?! Seriously?!!
I: Seriously?

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Old 07-07-2009, 08:50 PM
Passionate Fan

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And if you wait for someone else’s hand
And you will surely fall down
And if you wait for someone else’s hand
You’ll fall
You’ll fall
I know that I am nothing new
There’s so much more than me and you
But brother how we must atone
Before we turn to stone

Let’s go to sleep with clearer heads
And hearts to big to fit our beds
And maybe we won’t feel so alone
Before we turn to stone

You want me to tell you an epic love story? Well, since you’re here reading, I bet you will love the one Im gonna tell you right now.
It all started the year 2005, somewhere in Seattle, at a fancy party. At that party, Alexander Michael Karev met Isobel Katherine Stevens. It started with a handshake and cute smiles, but since Alex is well, Alex, it didn’t end so nicely. Im actually pretty sure that Izzie hated him. But she wasn’t alone. Alex wasn’t really the most loved person at work. And even though Izzie clearly didn’t want anything to do with him, she still had to put up with that cocky grin, because Alex had clearly set his attention on the former model. They had nicknames for each other too. Yep. Dr Model and Evil Spawn. And he was evil, right. After having just lightly made remarks about her butterfly tattoo, he went a little bigger. He found a magazine with photos of a barely dressed Izzie, and decided it could be fun to put pictures all over the locker room. If he had expected her to be angry, I bet he hadn’t expected her to strip down to her underwear in front of him and everyone else present. Dr Model wasn’t weak, that was for sure.
Work brought them together though. Alex’s patient hitting his head led to them getting to scrub in on a brain surgery together. After having teased her about her hockey boyfriend Hank and the party she was planning at Meredith’s, he showed an almost actually human side of him self in the OR, when he talked about the mistakes his dad had made. That was the first time Izzie didn’t look at him with disgust. She missed the party, and she broke up with her boyfriend. Yet, she smiled when she had Alex met in the hall way.Okay, now I bet you’re looking at the screen with a raised eyebrow and saying, “This is what you call an epic love story?” Yes it is. But this is just the start of the most beautiful love story ever told.
You know how it is when you start to see a person you thought you had all figured out in another light? Well, that happened to Izzie. She thought she knew all she needed to know about Alex. But he started to show a decent side of him self. She got a look into his childhood, which involved his father abusing his mother. She started to slowly understand that under the entire ass act, there was a decent guy. Alex wanted them to be friends, and they did become friends, sort of. But they didn’t fool their friends, and both of them flirted with each other from the start. They finally asked each other out, but that day was the day when Alex found out he’d failed his boards. He had to retake them and make it this time, or he would get kicked out of the program. That together with the feelings he knew he had for Izzie, the date became pretty much a disaster. Izzie was pissed when he didn’t even kiss her good night. That led to some cold words and tension between them. Izzie, who was angry at her self for letting Alex have her only night off in a week, didn’t even wanna be his friend. But taking the ball in his own hands, Alex entered Joe's bar one night, walking straight over to Izzie, swooping her back on her bar stool into his arms in the most epic first kiss ever. Starting to see why they are so epic?
But when you fail something, that often leaves you with the feeling that you’re gonna fail everything else. And often, when you think you will, you do just that. Because he was nervous about his growing feelings for Izzie, and because of that thought of how much of a failure he really was, Alex failed the attempts to have sex with her. Izzie was patient and wanted to keep trying, but a mistake Alex made with a nurse, destroyed everything. He hurt her, and she didn’t even wanna be in the same room as him anymore. It all came to a building point when Izzie found out he had failed his boards, and that her friends were helping him study. She was pissed as hell, but then ended up helping him too. While helping him study, she finally let the feelings she had keep inside out, and she cried, while Alex sat next to her, not knowing what to do. This though, gave Izzie a chance to let it go. She decided that they could be friends, and she was the one who opened the envelope with the result of Alex’s retake of the boards, just because he simply couldn’t. Clearly, Alex’s feelings for her didn’t go away, but he kept them inside, unable for her or anyone to see. They didn’t stay apart for too long though. When a bomb threatened to blow the whole hospital up, Izzie realized she needed to be a doer. She had been a watcher the whole time, and now she needed to do. And well yes, she did do something. She did Alex in a supply closet. After not having had sex in 8 months and 12 days, she dragged him into that closet and ordered him to take of his pants. Kinda funny, since she just that morning had told him that they were never gonna happen. The reality of the bomb situation made Izzie freak out, and Alex was there to comfort her. That led to more sex. After the bomb scare, Alex wanted to do it again. Izzie told them they were friends though, and that it didn’t work the last time they had tried to be more. But a patient with a rather different case didn’t really help the beast, that Izzie called it, sleep. Especially as it was hungry for more of the food that Alex had given it. It had been good food. After having looked at each other with dirty in their eyes for all day, Izzie ended up breaking the promise she had made to her self, and they had sex twice before heading home. Okay, so we didn’t really get to see that, which sucks, but at least Izzie assured us that they did.
The happiness of course didn’t last long this time either, because being an AIer sucked. Izzie dumped Alex outside the hospital, with a cupcake he had brought for her, just because a patient, Denny Duquette, was back. While she still had been away from Alex, she had formed a bond with the patient, who couldn’t stop flirting with her. And now he was back, and that led to a jealous Alex. Alex, who preferred to see Izzie as his, did anything to keep Denny away from her. But this made Izzie angry, as she clearly didn’t understand how deep Alex’s feelings for her were and just thought he was being an ass. They started fighting, and it didn’t take long for Izzie to break up with him, and completely break his heart. Alex stayed away from her, and Izzie went into a relationship with Denny, one that was against the rules, and didn’t really make any sense. They even got engaged, but he died. And Alex did something that I believe that everyone that has ever seen the episode remembers. He did something so beautiful and EPIC that I bet you get why AIers still loved them more than anything. He picked her up from Denny’s bed, and carried her over to a chair, sat down with her in his lap, and let her cry in his arms. He was the only one who knew how to comfort her.
Izzie quit her job, and Alex stayed away and let her mourn Denny for a while. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t care. He got angry at Bailey for not wanting to talk to Izzie, and when Izzie decided to come back and talk to the chief about having her job back, he was happier than anyone. That day though, Izzie ended up standing outside the hospital, not being able to move. Alex saved her again, by walking out in the dark and placing his jacket around her, and taking her home. Another reason to why their story is the most EPIC. He always saves her.
Izzie was back at work, and they pretty much were back to being friends. One day though, Izzie was supposed to shadow Alex. This meant she was just supposed to stand next to him and watch while he worked. But Alex’s love for her was so obvious, as he defended her to Mark Sloan, and then let her be apart of the case he was on. Izzie was happier than she had been in a long time, and they had fun together. They talked in third person, just liked their patient, Frank. Im sorry, just had to mention him, because he was such a great part of the AI love story. Well anyway, he saw the vibes between them, and told Alex to go for it. Make Izzie forget all about the other guy. And Alex did go for it. He kissed her in the stairwells. And Im telling you, Izzie was close to kissing him back. But she didn’t, and told him she wasn’t ready. Later, they met at the bar. Yes, the EPIC bar haha. Well anyway, there she said she was sorry, and Alex told her he was sorry for being such an idiot. They shared smiles and laughs, and were back to being friends.
Im gonna tell you, season 3 wasn’t the best season for AI. We have to skip passed some time, involving Alex hooking up with Addison and Izzie being jealous of George and Callie’s relationship. Those don’t really go with the AI story, do they? Well anyway, so Alex moved into the house with Meredith and Izzie. Izzie didn’t like that at all. Probably wasn’t a good start that Alex walked in on her naked in the bathroom, but as he said, he had seen it all before. Izzie tried to get someone to come home with her so she wouldn’t have to be alone with Alex, and lucky for her, Meredith’s father and his wife came over for dinner. Alex was there too, and they shared a moment in the kitchen, where Izzie realized that he maybe wasn’t interested in her anymore. And that hurt her a little bit. He didn’t deny it when she asked if he had a hot date, even though that date was his patient Jane Doe/Ava/Rebecca/... She doesn’t go well with the AI love story either. Anyway, Izzie told him that she didn’t want him to want anyone else, and then asked him if she was supposed to move on. He told her that she would move on when she was ready, and kissed her on the cheek. If you have seen the season leading up to this, you know that this is a really sweet and uncommon thing or Alex to do. But he always had a soft spot for Izzie, actually, his whole heart for Izzie. He did try to love Rebecca, while Izzie fell in love with George after some drunken sex. The end of season 3 was so bad for AI if you ask me. Not that I want to keep you from watching the show, but AIers deserved a lot more than what we got.
The first half of season 4 wasn’t that much worth talking about except from when Alex found out Izzie had slept with George and got hurt. Later that night he came into Izzie’s room and brought her tissues as she cried, and it’s obvious how much he loves her and how badly he wants it to go away. But in the second half, things finally started to look up for our EPIC couple. Alex did the grand gesture again, when he let Izzie have the case he was on, just because she was a bright yellow, the opposite of him. Izzie and George were broken up, and Alex wasn’t sleeping with anyone at the moment. But then Rebecca returned, with some news. She told Alex she was pregnant. Izzie got on the case, and pretty quickly found out that Rebecca wasn’t pregnant at all. Rebecca left to tell her husband about the pregnancy, before Izzie had the chance to tell her she wasn’t pregnant. Alex was about to turn his whole life around, and Izzie couldn’t tell him Rebecca wasn’t pregnant, since it was against the rules. That led to Alex thinking she didn’t think he was good enough to be a dad, and he got angry at her, telling her to get out of his freaking life. When Rebecca returned, denying Izzie’s every attempt to explain that she wasn’t pregnant, Izzie told Alex. He got angry at her again for not telling him before, and he took Rebecca home, not caring about Izzie’s attempts to tell him that Rebecca wasn’t okay. It wasn’t until when Rebecca hurt her self and Alex had to get her to the hospital, that he yelled at Izzie, telling her that he had done it before, that he had taken care of his mother. Izzie calmed him down and told him he didn’t need to say more, and seeing the look in her eyes, finding out what Alex had been through broke her heart as much as his. Alex let the hospital take care of Rebecca, realizing that he couldn’t do it on his own. The feelings and memories that it had brought to him, made him go straight home to his room, staring right into space, slowly breaking down. Izzie came in and sat down next to him, and said she was sorry. That made Alex kiss her. She pulled back, but Alex begged her for just one night. He was trembling and tears had started to make their way down his cheeks. The cold walls around his heart had disappeared, and Izzie had never seen him like that before. So vulnerable and weak. She obviously still had feelings for him, and even though she knew she shouldn’t, she kissed him. It didn’t go farer than kissing, because Alex broke down for real. And just like he had done when Denny died, she wrapped her arms around him and let him cry. EPIC full circle.
Season 5… Yeah, what can you say about season 5? That it was one of the most EPIC things ever? Yeah, probably. I think that every AIer will say yes when I ask if this was your favourite season so far.It started with that Alex and Izzie actually were friends. Good friends too. Alex had changed since he broke down, and Izzie enjoyed the sweet guy that had taken form. Of course they still looked at each other on a way that says ‘more than friends’, but at least they weren’t fighting. Alex was actually really sweet. Well, that was before Meredith let it slip that Izzie had told her what a good man Alex had become. Alex got angry, thinking Izzie had told her about everything, involving the crying part. He got back at her by making out with another woman right in her face. And there was the ass back. Izzie, who was really tired of him changing personality all the time, was cold to him, making remarks of his ‘skanks’ that he brought home. Alex though, had a patient that made him realize that when it came to having something to live for, or at least the possibility of something, it was Izzie. She was his reason to live for. The funny thing with AI though, is that they always have to go on each others nerves. The sexual tension they are both trying to ignore makes them practically hate each other. They fought hard about a surgery they both wanted, but still ended up sitting together at the bar, where Alex said he knew he was an ass, but that was just because there was no one else to be pissed at except her. In Alex language, that means that she’s the only one for him.
They shared two patients, a father and a son. The problems they had build up the problems Alex and Izzie had, and at one point Izzie told Alex that he couldn’t keep being a decent guy once and act like a total jerk the next. He had to pick one. But Izzie soft of picked for him. She walked up to him in his room, ignoring him telling her to get out, and kept telling him she cared about him. Finally he cut her of with a kiss, and they ended up in each others beds again. This time though, Alex wanted it to be more serious. But since he isn’t that good at talking about feelings and relationships, Izzie completely misunderstood him, and thought he was getting tired of her. She did realize he didn’t want them to see other people later though, and she asked him to go steady with her.
But since Alex and Izzie never can just be happy without having to face a lot of crap, they didn’t get to be together for long until Denny came back. Okay, now I bet your eyes are wide and you’re saying, “What? Didn’t he die?” My answer is yes, he died. That doesn’t mean they don’t take him back a lot on the show though. Well anyway, Denny came back, and Izzie started to have ‘ghost sex’ with him. She was still dating Alex, who was the world’s sweetest boyfriend. He noticed that she was acting weird, and begged her to talk to him, to let him help her. Even when she said she was a mess, Alex told her that he wasn’t going anywhere. That he could handle the mess. And Izzie obviously didn’t want to break up with him, since she clearly had feelings for him, while she didn’t wanna stop being with her dead ex fiancé. That led to one of the weirdest most disliked love triangles in TV history. Alex told Izzie he loved her. He had a beautiful speech, and the rush of getting picked to do a solo surgery made him even more confident. It wasn’t until afterwards that he started to freak out, when he realized he had told her he loved her and she hadn’t said anything. All that, before his first solo surgery. He didn’t think she would show up and scrub in with him, but she did. She choose love, she choose life.
Izzie started to feel guilty about not telling Alex about Denny. So she did. She told him she was seeing Denny, that they were having sex, but Alex brushed it off, telling her it was okay to have fantasies. He gave her a little birthday present in that room and Izzie asked Denny to go away. Alex baked her a pink birthday cake, and Izzie wished at nothing would change.
Derek’s mother coming to visit made Izzie realize that she would never have that with Denny. That she was dating a ghost and things wouldn’t get farer than they were. So she choose Alex, who later asked her if she wanted to met his mom, which made her even surer about her decision.
Denny hadn’t been just a ghost do. Izzie soon, after help from him, realized she was sick. She started to do tests on her self, but keeping it from Alex and their friends. After some time, she found a mole on her back. She went to get it looked at, and what she had feared was true. She put the interns to work, trying to figure out what it was she had. At the same time, she was just trying to act normal and bubbly around Alex, but he quickly understood something was wrong. He was worried, but she kept telling him she was fine.
Alex got a lot of respect at work, and that made him tell Izzie she needed to stop screwing around and do real surgeries, because he didn’t want to be the future of the hospital if she wasn’t there with him. Izzie told Cristina about her sickness, and it didn’t take long for Cristina to tell Alex that Izzie had cancer. Izzie got admitted to the hospital and that was the start of an EPIC cancer storyline. Alex stayed away from Izzie under the first time she was a patient, because he couldn’t handle seeing her like that, didn’t know what to do to make it better. He was also angry at him self for not realizing she was sick. The Chief freaked him out even more when he asked him to give a sperm sample, because Izzie’s eggs would have a bigger survival rate if they were fertilised. Even if he wasn’t in her room with her, he looked out for her form the outside. A patient made him realize that he wasn’t handling the cancer on the right way at all, and he hurried to her room, to find an empty bed. After the surgery that had gone well, Alex came into the room and cried while he held her hand. He told her he was there. He lay down next to her on the hospital bed and held her hand through the night. Which is one of the most epic things a guy can do, isn’t it? He was with her on everything, and was the perfect boyfriend.
Her mother, who came to visit, really liked Alex. A little too much maybe. Alex tasted food for Izzie as they were deciding how Meredith and Derek’s wedding menu would be. The shrimp was sweet and spicy, kind of like their first date. Bailey came to take her to surgery, and Alex kissed her good bye, both on the lips and the hand.But the most EPIC episode ever was the 100th episode. The episode where Denny came back. While looking for the reason, Izzie told Bailey and Derek that Denny wasn’t the man she loved anymore. Alex was. They found the tumour, on a very risky and bad place, which broke Alex, who started to think that Izzie would die on him. Things lightened up a lot when Meredith and Derek gave their wedding to Alex and Izzie. It was Izzie’s wedding. It was just the way she had wanted her wedding to be, and it was perfect. The most beautiful heartbreaking wedding ever. Alex said the most beautiful vows, and Izzie told him she loved him for the first time. Funny, doing that on your wedding day, huh? Their wedding kiss was probably the most EPIC wedding kisses of all wedding kisses ever made.Alex took his wife back to the hospital, and helped her in bed. She started crying over her hair that was slowly falling out, but Alex told her she was beautiful and kissed her. They shaved her hair off, and Alex still looked at her with this huge love in his eyes.
They had problems deciding how to do with the tumour in her brain. Izzie decided to not operate, but that made Alex yell at her, telling her it wasn’t just her life anymore, it was his life too, his life with her. So she chooses the surgery, but she signed the DNR. Alex was completely broken because of that, begging her to please rip it. Telling her that he would risk his job to have her alive if he had to. Izzie told him to please, let her go, because she didn’t want to live like that. They kissed and he pretty much promised her he wouldn’t do anything crazy.
After the surgery, Izzie was asleep, and they didn’t know when she would wake up. Alex was by her side every second, holding her hand, begging her to wake up. She did wake up, and her memory wasn’t gone, and she was okay. Or so they thought. Her mind reset every five minutes, and Alex was angry at Derek, thinking he had screwed up her brain. Alex did everything to make her memory come back. Maybe it seemed harsh when he yelled at her and all, but he did it because he loved her. It was obvious how much the situation scared him, and how badly he just wanted Izzie to be okay. He had promised her that she would come out of the surgery with a life, and now he didn’t know what to do. Luckily, her memory came back, making both of them relieved and happy. But that didn’t last long, as Izzie collapsed in his arms, and started coding. Her pressure dropped and Alex stated to make compressions while yelling at the nurses for a crash cart. Cristina tried to stop him, saying that Izzie had signed the DNR, but Alex didn’t care. He just wanted to save her. The chief decided to screw the DNR, and Cristina took over the compressions as they told Alex to step back. They started to work on her while Alex stood at the back and started to cry. At the same time Izzie walked into an elevator in her prom dress, while Alex sobbed uncontrollably…

So, this was the EPIC love story that is Alex and Izzie. And I’ll tell you guys, this story is far from over.

Stay, stay a little longer, do you have to go away
Stay, stay for tomorrow, then I will know, if I'd rather be alone
Take, take a moment of time and turn it back, so we can start from scratch
Suppose, I leave all I got, would it make it easier on your heart

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Old 07-07-2009, 08:51 PM
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A: I'm not good at this.
Alright, I'm not good at relationships or talking about stupid feelings and you are. So maybe you could teach me or something, you know.
Tell me what I did wrong.
I: You don't want us to see other people.
You don't want us to see other people and that's how you tried to tell me. By asking if it was cool if you screwed Michelle.
A: Laughing is not helping.
I: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

A/I Fanfic Authors:
FanFiction.Net - Lexziema
FanFiction.Net - Sammie03
FanFiction.Net - Gigi18
FanFiction.Net - Karevsanatomy
FanFiction.Net - lexzieluver2010
FanFiction.Net - SkyEvangeline

Videos by Mona:
Alex & Izzie - Season 5 Moments - Mona9800 - MyVideo
Alex & Izzie - How Deep Is Your Love - Mona9800 - MyVideo
YouTube - Million Miles - Alex & Izzie
Alex & Izzie - I"d Come For You Video - Mona9800 - MyVideo

Videos by Shiran:
Youtube - Alex & Izzie - "What's left of me"
Youtube - Alex & Izzie - "Baby when the light"
Youtube - Alex & izzie - "She's"
Youtube - Alex & Izzie - "From a whisper to a scream"

Videos by Isabel:
YouTube - Everything You Want - Alex & Izzie
YouTube - Alex and Izzie - "HOT"
YouTube - Alex and Izzie - We might as well be strangers.
YouTube - Alex and Izzie - Why don't you & I
YouTube - 2 Become 1 - Lexzie/Merder

Videos by Emma:
LoveInNewport Videos

Videos By McLexzie:
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - All I Need
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - Yellow
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - Re-Offender
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - She Says
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - Hot
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - Closer
YouTube - Alex & Izzie - Reach Out

Because Justin thinks that Alex will always be pining for Izzie.
Because Izzie saw the real guy underneath.
Because she was the first woman he fell in love with.
Because true love triumphs anything.
Because they are the best thing that could happen to each other
Because he loves her, he freaking loves her

Because their love and passion can't be denied.
Because Bailey knows he has a thing for her
Because she's his girlfriend
Because he's changing, all because of her
Because Izzie thinks that Alex is a great kisser
Because Izzie thinks that only Alex can make her happy ...
Because Izzie thinks Alex is the "coolest and the greatest."
Because they think talking in third person is fun

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Old 07-07-2009, 08:53 PM
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A: Come on.Hey, hey, it's okay. It's just hair, you don't need it.
I: It's just gonna keep falling out.
A: We'll shave it off. I bet you'd look good bald anyway.
Ok? (Izzie starts crying) Hey, stop. You're beautiful. (Alex kisses her)

"Alex? You wanna go steady with me?"
"I'm here Izz. I'm right here."

credit to Mysha

credit to Sofia

credit to Mai

the latest fanart;

300th Thread's OP Credit to Dani and Nil
Special thanks to Emma for writting Alex and Izzie's beautiful love story..

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Old 07-07-2009, 08:55 PM
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YAYYYY you did it honey!!! Thanks for the new thread
See? You had no reason to freak out
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:56 PM
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post away!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Mai
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:00 PM
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Congrats on losing your threadginity It had to be an AI thread

I the title. Oh, right, it was my idea

Kate, now you need to open one!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:01 PM
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You did it Nati. You were worried for notihng. TFTNT btw.

It's midnight, and I'm sleepy so I'm going to go to bed now girls. It was great talking to the 2 of you tonight. I hope the both of you are here tomorrow night. Maybe the 3 of us can go threw a few pages on this new thread then.

Mai- Maybe I'll be the one to open the next one. Just have to wait and see.
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Maité (View Post)
Congrats on losing your threadginity It had to be an AI thread

I the title. Oh, right, it was my idea

Kate, now you need to open one!
Thanks! It was awesome I feel older now
This title is AImazing
Yes Kate, you should open one We'll help

Bye Kate Happy AI dreams for ya
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:04 PM
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I'm going to bed too

But we killed the thread. Finally the night shift opened a thread
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:09 PM
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Yay for us!!!!
Bye Mai and thanks again for helping me
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:47 PM
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TFTNT the title is so cute !
And I pulled her body close to mine, I had just one chance... I whispered
"Baby, will you marry me for just one dance?"
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Old 07-07-2009, 10:10 PM
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TFTNT and good morning
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Old 07-07-2009, 11:47 PM
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thx for the thread and I agree with everyone that the title is AImazing
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Old 07-08-2009, 12:50 AM
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LOL, the title is so sad and romantic at the same time
my home isn't some place, it's someone.
it's you. *
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