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Old 03-11-2008, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by josebajm (View Post)
Don't you think that's foreshadowing of what happened the next episode, when George ended up proposing to Callie?
I don't know.. maybe. But I like to think it's foreshadowing of a BGL marriage in the future.
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Old 03-11-2008, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by p&j =true luv (View Post)
I don't know.. maybe. But I like to think it's foreshadowing of a BGL marriage in the future.
LOL, me too, George and Izzie have all those marriage foreshadowing, which I love. I hope we get them back, I know things are not looking good but we cannot give up.
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:24 PM
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So IsabelAmandaEvans posted this Katie interview from the 27 dresses promotion she did in England, they are getting early season 4 there.
It does not sound that positive, or hopeful, but then she does say she has no idea what is going on. I did like the interviewer was a Gizzie fan, and the comment at the end. Those are IsabelAmanda's comments not mine

Host: Series 4 about to start...please tell us do Izzie and George stop all this sillyness and get together (I was wrong the first time I watched. I thought he was anti-Gizze, but actually the host is pro-Gizzie fan he just talks too damn fast lol)
Katie: No, course not. That doesn't make for good drama does it. (again notice this is the same line she spoken many many times about drama, but here she does give out a spoiler but only for the people who haven't seen S4 yet. The actors have yet seen the 4.12 script.)
Host: Four series into a show I deserve that
Katie: No one can be happy....good relationships just don't make good one would watch if everyone was in a normal healthy relationship (again nothing new)
Host: So definitely no?
Katie: Probably not, but I don't even know actually because I thought Alex and Izzie were going to get back together (note the probably since that is not a "definite" term, and reference to S3 timeline at the end as an example that she has no idea where her storyline is going).
Host: Maybe Izzie, Alex, and George get together....
Katie: Now that be happiness

Seriously, I will cry if they don't get back together, right now they are the only thing keeping me hanging on. I won,t give up the fight though even if things don't look too bright, there is all that promotion that is making me hopeful and the fact she has no idea what is going to happen, just that they broke up in the last episode

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Old 03-11-2008, 06:24 PM
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I would not worry about it, she said herself and TR has said they do not have any idea what is going to happen, and actors are famous for guessing wrong.

The show has years to go, even if Gizzie does not get together now, it does not mean they never will. We just have to keep hope and faith and stick around for those two.

I know I will. Don't worry so much.
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Old 03-11-2008, 10:52 PM
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Thanks for posting the interview. Since it was done for early Season 4 promotion - that's what she's talking about... not trying to give to much away I guess, except what she's said before.. that nobody is really ever together and happy for long on Grey's.
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Old 03-11-2008, 10:55 PM
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I don't worry about what actors say as they don't know what is going on, something she admitted.
I do share her frustration about no couple being allowed to be happy, she seems frustrated and has mentioned that a couple of times. I think she was really rooting for Gizzie to be happy, remember the whole I believe in them and saying how much she wanted them together.
It makes me happy she seems as disappointed as we are.

So now back on Gizzie.

You guys remember that on March 15, it is Gizzie day so if anyone wants to share fics, or make Youtube videos or something in honor of the best couple in the world, that will be welcome.
if I get a minute, I might write a short Gizzie fic, something happy.

Oh and over at Tv-com, we picked an official Gizzie song: Something about you by Jamelia in honour of Virginie,s super amazing video
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
Nikki Nav Caetano and Josh ET Holiday: an unforgettable forbidden love
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Old 03-11-2008, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by mariem201 (View Post)
I think she was really rooting for Gizzie to be happy, remember the whole I believe in them and saying how much she wanted them together.
It makes me happy she seems as disappointed as we are.
I think she's rooting for them too. At least it's seemed that way from things she's said.

You guys remember that on March 15, it is Gizzie day so if anyone wants to share fics, or make Youtube videos or something in honor of the best couple in the world, that will be welcome.
if I get a minute, I might write a short Gizzie fic, something happy.
I'm still not sure if I'll have my fic ready, but I'll try.

I'd love to read your happy BGL fic, Marie.

Oh and over at Tv-com, we picked an official Gizzie song: Something about you by Jamelia in honour of Virginie,s super amazing video
That song is so perfect for them, I'm glad it was chosen.
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Old 03-11-2008, 11:37 PM
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That song is perfect, it seems as if it was written specifically for them, especially the part about I must admit it took a while for me to see that this is more than oh, it's nothing, he's just a friend.
And the whole I am enchanted by your smile makes me think of how Gizzie smile at each other like they do with nobody else.

And Katie saw that, that happiness George brought Izzie and vice-versa and loved Gizzie for it like us
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
Nikki Nav Caetano and Josh ET Holiday: an unforgettable forbidden love
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Old 03-11-2008, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by mariem201 (View Post)
That song is perfect, it seems as if it was written specifically for them, especially the part about I must admit it took a while for me to see that this is more than oh, it's nothing, he's just a friend.
Exactly! Nails it.

And the whole I am enchanted by your smile makes me think of how Gizzie smile at each other like they do with nobody else.
That too!

I've mentioned before.. but I listened to this song before G/I happened (but the sex rumours were flying around) and it made me think of these two.

And Katie saw that, that happiness George brought Izzie and vice-versa and loved Gizzie for it like us
Like the quote in my signature. Pure joy - I don't think anything tops that.
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Old 03-12-2008, 06:56 AM
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3.13 Great Expectations

Izzie: George. Can I come in? I made you some cookies and brownies and muffins of course. I always make muffins.

(Callie comes out of George's room)

Callie: Thank God you're here. I can't take any more. Three times already tonight and he's getting ready for a fourth.

Izzie: Are you talking about...oh.

Callie: Yeah I'd get it if he were all crying and depressed. Everyone deals in different ways but this is not grieving. This is my legs being bent in ways my legs do not go. And i know. I know his dad died. I know. I get it. I feel horrible, but ow ow ow.

Izzie: I'm going to give you guys some privacy.

Callie; No. You stay. You take over for me ok?

Izzie: Callie Torres!

Callie; No. Not like that. I am giving him to you ok? You are now officially on George Watch 2007. You are his friend. Yay. I need a break. And I need to heal I need to heal.

Izzie: No. What am I supposed to do?

George: Callie?

Callie: Thank you. Goodbye.

George: What is taking you so long...oh. Where is she?

Izzie: She had to go. Are you hungry?

Izzie: George has turned into a sex machine. Are you hearing me? A machine of sex. We have to do something. What's wrong with you people?

Meredith: Derek kept me up all night with his ranting. Cristina and Burke still aren't speaking to each other.

Cristina: Oh you know what? I'm fine. I'm just not going to be the first one talking. He's going to be the first cause I'm in the right. Talking first is for losers. I'm winning.

Meredith: And Alex. I don't know what's wrong with Alex.

Alex: Nothing wrong with me. I'm all good.

Izzie: Let me just remind you that I'm still recovering from the death of my fiancé, the demise of my surgical career, the fact that I was forced to deposit an $8 million check that I was saving for a good cause even though I haven't found a good cause. I'm the only one here under the care of a shrink. I could blow any minute. Now, George's dad has died. He's turned into a sex machine. I'm going to need a little help with that so one of you better pull it together.

George: Hey anyone seen Callie. I kind of need to see her for something.

Izzie: Last I heard, perpetual sex was not one of the five stages of grief. Denial is though.

George: That's not what I...You shouldn't be listening at other people's doors.

Izzie: You were in the hallway naked. I saw you.

George: I blocked that out.

Izzie; Denial. Dr. Montgomery is sex another form of denial?

Addison: What do you know?

George: That you have a GYN patient here that you want us to see.

Addison: That's right. That's right, I do. Shall we.

Izzie: You gonna be ok with this? Working on a cancer case?

George: Yeah. Why?

Izzie: Cause of your dad.

George: Callie! Hey.

Callie: Hi. Uh, sorry. Busy. Izzie.

George: Is she avoiding me?

Izzie: Maybe. I don't know. But I'm here. If you want to talk. I know you're sad.

George: I don't want to talk about that.

Izzie: George I'm your friend. I'm trying to help you.

George: Why are you making this about you?

Izzie: It's not about me. It's about me wanting to talk about you needing so much sex that your girlfriend's vagina is broken.

George: Puritans.

Izzie: I'm not a puritan.

George: Izzie...

Izzie: You wanna grab lunch?

George: Actually I was just hoping I could grab lunch with Callie. Have you seen her?

Izzie: No but...

George: I think I'm going to page her.

Izzie: George...

George: Izzie.

Izzie: They're still here.

George: They're her parents. Where else are they going to go? Actually I'm going to find Callie.
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Old 03-12-2008, 06:57 AM
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Izzie: I'm sorry.

George: Why...I'm angry. What's wrong with having a lot of sex if it makes me feel better?

Izzie: Do you? Feel better?

George: You know how you felt when you were lying on the bathroom floor.

Izzie: Maybe you're not supposed to feel better.

George: Iz you can't help me. I know you want to. But you can't. You can't help me.

Izzie: I have to let you go.

George: Yeah.

Izzie: Just one last thing.

Izzie: Life is short George. Life is short and it sucks a lot of the time. If being with Callie makes you happy then go be with Callie.

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Old 03-12-2008, 09:40 AM
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Wow ! This thread has been moving extremely fast recently. That's good.

About Katherine's interview, it doesn't sound positive, indeed, but the actors don't really know anything about the future of their characters. Katherine said so herself. So we have to be patient and we'll see what happens.

I do share her frustration about no couple being allowed to be happy, she seems frustrated and has mentioned that a couple of times. I think she was really rooting for Gizzie to be happy, remember the whole I believe in them and saying how much she wanted them together.
Yeah, Katherine does seem to be frustrated about that. That makes me happy.

You guys remember that on March 15, it is Gizzie day so if anyone wants to share fics, or make Youtube videos or something in honor of the best couple in the world, that will be welcome.
I will definitely try to make a vid for that very special day. And now that I have Sony Vegas 8, I can do things I've always wanted to do. But I'm still learning so I need to be patient.

if I get a minute, I might write a short Gizzie fic, something happy.
That would be great, Marie-Eve. I think I can speak on behalf of everybody here if I say we all need happy Gizzie fics.

Oh and over at Tv-com, we picked an official Gizzie song: Something about you by Jamelia in honour of Virginie,s super amazing video
In honor of my video ? Really ? Now, I'm the one who is honored. That just made my day.
Btw, I was actually thinking about finally creating my account there so I can join the Gizzie discussions. I will do it today.

Oh and ... Thank you for posting the episode recap. I loved this episode so much. Izzie's medical case is the one that has moved me the most so far.
I love when Izzie looks impressed (you know what I mean ). And when Callie tells Izzie to take over her.

The last scene with the hug is obviously one of my favorite ever. Such an emotional where you can feel all the love and friendship they have for each other. Izzie understands that because she loves George, because his happiness matters more to her than anything else and even more than her own, she has to let go of him in some way. And, to me, that is the biggest proof of love.

"Ron had had a fit of gallantry and insisted Hermione sleep on the cushions from the sofa, so that her silhouette was raised above his. Her arm curved to the floor, her fingers inches from Ron’s. Harry wondered whether they had fallen asleep holding hands."

Last edited by Virginie_GW; 03-12-2008 at 10:03 AM
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Old 03-12-2008, 09:40 AM
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Double post. Sorry.

"Ron had had a fit of gallantry and insisted Hermione sleep on the cushions from the sofa, so that her silhouette was raised above his. Her arm curved to the floor, her fingers inches from Ron’s. Harry wondered whether they had fallen asleep holding hands."
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Old 03-12-2008, 09:41 AM
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Triple post, actually. I'm sorry for that. It had never happened to me before. If someone can delete it, I'd be happy.

"Ron had had a fit of gallantry and insisted Hermione sleep on the cushions from the sofa, so that her silhouette was raised above his. Her arm curved to the floor, her fingers inches from Ron’s. Harry wondered whether they had fallen asleep holding hands."
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Old 03-12-2008, 01:02 PM
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Cool, I post there as chemicalsame. Will be cool seeing you there. This episode is one of my favorite Gizzie episode ever. The looki on Izzie's face when she sees George naked, she seems impressed, LOL. And the hug at the end when she starts to cry just holding him, you can see how intense her feelings for him are, she is so in love and does not even realize it.
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