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smoothaise 12-02-2011 11:55 AM

I am in such a slump these days. :pout:

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 09:26 PM

I'm house sitting again! Tomorrow I'm going to the movies, Christmas shopping, and out to dinner with my mom and sister.

Ken :hug: feel better :D

smoothaise 12-02-2011 09:31 PM

Thanks Kay. It's been a rough year for me. :(

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 09:33 PM

If you ever want to talk or Skype! I'm here for ya :hug: :kiss:

smoothaise 12-02-2011 09:36 PM

^ Thanks, :hug: Appreciate that.

So, tonight... I went to this local play production my friend was cast in. Her role was great and very lively. The rest of the play? Um... not so much. It was William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothin" --- it was just very... dry. And hard to sit through. Although, it was hilarious that this old woman had the same posture and mannerisms as Kristen Wiig. :lol:

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 09:38 PM

I had to see that play for a class. I didn't like it either.

I watched Bridesmaids last weekend! I loved it. And Kristen Wiig is amazing, after seeing that movie!

smoothaise 12-02-2011 09:40 PM

I didn't like how they started a rumor that the girl had lost her virginity before she was to be married. Her husband-to-be shames her and calls off the wedding. They fake her death, and then she tricks him... and gets back together with him?! Did I miss something? It was absolute rubbish.

Bridesmaids :love: I own it on Bluray. Can't get enough of that movie. I have so many friends who weren't fans, though. :sigh: But, it's one of my faves! :nod:

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 09:45 PM

No you did not! I think it's a pretty stupid play but that's just me :lol:

My friends didn't like it either. I loved it. I couldn't stop laughing. I put it on my Christmas list :D

smoothaise 12-02-2011 09:49 PM

Why do you think people end up not liking Bridesmaids? My one friend said she expected the movie to be like "The Hangover" with women. Idk. I just love the message it expressed and I loved the actors behind it. To me, it all just... worked.

I'm watching "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys" right now. Ever hear of it? It's on Sundance Channel. I kinda randomly stumbled upon this.

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 09:57 PM

My friends didn't think it was funny :look: I don't know how anyone didn't find it hilarious.

No I haven't heard of that movie. I'm watching late night shows :D

smoothaise 12-02-2011 10:00 PM

It's a reality show. On cable.

I'm meeting Teresa from Real Housewives of NJ tomorrow! She's doing a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in our local mall. :) Can't wait.

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 10:02 PM

You're meeting Theresa :yay: That's awesome. I didn't know she wrote a book.

smoothaise 12-02-2011 10:18 PM

It's her second cookbook.

*Kaylee* 12-02-2011 10:21 PM

Awesome! When I go to the mall tomorrow, I'll have to check it out :D

Melis 12-02-2011 10:42 PM

:wave: I'll just say hi. Don't want to get in the conversation.

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