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Old 09-01-2011, 06:50 PM
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While I was glad tos ee some sort of reconciliation between Adam and Bianca, I was disappointed that it wasn't dealt with more deeply. Has Bianca just changed her mind about transgender people? Did she initially lash out more due to shock? I just would like to see the thought process; this abrupt change doesn't seem very realistic. I'm also surprised that Adam was so forgiving. (although in fairness that isn't a criticism--forgiveness is always good...I guess I just want to see Bianca at least ask for it)
"Why on earth did they cast Landon and Annie when they make it so damn obvious they want to jump each others bones?!" --ShineSoBright23
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Old 09-01-2011, 07:22 PM
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Part 2 felt majorly like a soap but was saved by some brilliant moments.

First off props to the music department for choising to use the first song of the season (in Love Game since 1101/1002 were originally the season 10 finale) as the last song of the season. It really felt like a bookended situation.

The best part of the episode was by far the forehead touch between Drew and Adam as Adam is taken away. I really loved the connection between those two in that moment. For a close second the Misfits moments were fantastic. Jordy gets props for her acting tonight but I was also quite impressed by Aislinn's quite emotions as she's holding Adam's hand after the shooting. That whole scene elivated the episode.

Again I liked the moment between Glen and Jake. Glen was right and those two actors have a great connection.

I'll take the ballroom throwback as an apology. If Adam is cool with Bianca then that's good enough for me. Their dance was actually quite cute. Nice to see both of them having a little fun (that's rare for them).

Killer lines: “Mooooore bread” and “awkward” because it totally was.

I think Ziley's conclusion was perfect. Riley has come a long way since season 8. I think those two will have fun in college!

The Sav and Alli scene at the end was a great little moment. Not only did it set up next season (er... S11 take two) but it reminded me of their first scene together on the steps. Those two have come a long way since season 8 as well.

"Sis" - Text it, Jake!

I think the Eclare moment was great too. Obviously I'm a shipper but it just feels like they'll finally have a chance to rebuild. I have a feeling they'll spend a lot of the last part of season 11 just rediscovering their friendship.

Originally Posted by kaleidocat (View Post)
I gotta rant...been trying not to...but I gotta rant:

I think Helen Edwards is behaving like a foolish schoolgirl. I think she should pull herself back and think about what she is doing. The best solution is not to order her daughter to end her relationship with Jake so she can have her new husband. That’s not going to dissolve any emotional or sexual feelings they have for each other. I cannot believe this woman would actually marry Glenn and allow Jake to live down the hall from Clare after knowing that she and Jake had a relationship. There would be too many seeds of doubt in my mind and I would worry for the well-being of my child. What if their relationship doesn’t end or there are traces of it? You going to lock them in their bedrooms at night and scold Jake when he ogles Clare in her swimsuit while you are on family vacations? What if Jake has his step-sister on the side in secret and meanwhile he’s dating another girl publicly? While I don’t think Jake is the type to do that, I don’t know him well enough. And I don’t think Helen does either, despite being family “friends.” Family “friends.” Something tells me those infidelity accusations point a finger at Mrs. Edwards as well. I don’t think Helen needs a new spouse to mend her broken heart post divorce (if that is even final…she is moving so fast). I think she needs counseling and should bring Clare along with her. I hope the show doesn’t go the cutesy Brady Bunch route with this. It’s too messy.

And Jake sure as hell is lucky that it’s pops dating Clare’s mama and not his mom dating her dad. That relationship would have been over that night and Jake might have found himself being physically tossed out the door once he realizes Jake hasn’t been at their home to do household repairs. Fathers are protective over their daughters.

I still think this whole plot is ridiculous. Yes, I can respect that step-siblings sometimes do develop feelings for each other. But in reality there’s so much room for abuse with age differences, living in the same household, boundaries, and confusion over the technicality of relationships. There’s being sitcom cutesy and then there’s some responsibility that a show like Degrassi should take when handling this sort of situation. I hope it never reaches the point of Jake and Clare being ex boyfriend/girlfriend and step siblings. I hope that the show was trying to appeal to its audience with a secret relationship C & J have to keep from their parents and use that to charm the viewers. Either way, both outcomes seem unnecessary. If the show HAS to go the secret relationship route, I can see Clare being private about her relationship with Jake as she deals with her parents’ divorce and her break up with Eli for a variety of reasons. She’s testing her parents interest in her, she doesn’t want them to be concerned about her post-Eli, she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself while the divorce is being finalized. And that also leaves it open for parental frustration and a few killer fight scenes.
Honestly this is pretty much a non issue with these two because of their ages Jake and Clare are never going to see each other as siblings. Ending the relationship was the only option for them though, because that's when things could cross the line for what's appropriate or inappropriate. The fact of the matter is you don't have to have dated your step sibling for the issue of uncomfortableness to come across. If you're talking about Jake taking an oppertunity to rape or harass Clare well, that happens most often without a romantic relationship having happened. At least Jake and Clare have enough of a friendship that mutual respect has been established.

Had Helen gone to a therapist they would have just helped the family work together to create a harmonious environment. No therapist would be against this situation for the fact there's no grounds to infer any trauma would be inflicted on Jake and Clare. Would a therapist recommend looking for warning sides of abuse? Possibly. But more likely they'd just interview Jake and Clare seperately to see if there are signs of abuse. Which I've seen nothing to suggest this would happen.
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Old 09-01-2011, 07:26 PM
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First of all---Hey everyone--i'm new!

Tonight's episode was good. Well the Bianca/Drew stuff was good. I enjoyed that story but......the Sav/Teacher story...the entire thing was pointless. I like Sav, but.....what was the point? That text Jake sent to Claire was uncalled for. Didn't he call her sis? Really Jake! He's a jerk!

I was really surprised Adam was shot. I knew someone would be shot, but i never guessed it would be Adam. Kudos to the writers.

This episode would have been a perfect season FINALE. Not midseason finale, but SEASON FINALE. I am so tired of year stretching on this show. The school year ending MID SEASON to me is lame. I hate that. So annoying. But anyway.....not on topic!

I thought this was a good episode. I'm gonna miss Holly J, Sav, Anya and even Chantay haha.
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Old 09-01-2011, 07:34 PM
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I agree about the Ziley ending. I don't actually like them together, but it's nice to see reconciliation. Also, that sort of ambiguity is good. If you don't like them, they'll be college friends, if you do, they'll be together.

I sort og agree with Kaleidocat about the Edwards situation. In particular, I don't think Ms. Edwards has been sensitive to Clare's needs...ever. Even the way she acted about dating at first--like 'I'm doing this because it's what I need and it's all none of your business'--it really rubbed me the wrong way. Next, I think that she really had an obligation to speak to Clare privately about the marriage before discussing it at the dinner table. In general I just don't feel like she's putting Clare first and that's kind of a parent's job. Don't get me wrong, I think she should date at some point, and I kind of like her with Jake's dad. She simply isn't being fair to Clare. I would also mention that after ending a lengthy marriage or relationship, it's really best to spend some time alone, deal with your own issues, etc. Lastly, I had a problem with Ms. Edwards reaction to Clare's announcement. Like Clare has to be happy about the marriage, but Ms. Edwards can just announce that Clare's relationship is over. It's just not fair. I also think that she should seriously reconsider the marriage in light of Cake. Having a step sibling can be difficult without ongoing sexual tension. If Cake stays together, it would be completely inappropriate. If they break up, they still have a romantic connection and a thorough knowledge of each other's tonsils. They can never feel like a family and I think that would ultimately create an unsafe home environment. Not because I think anything overtly bad or abusive would happen but because home should be a haven, a safe place, and having a romantic interest there undermines that

Edit: Welcome endoftime33! I'm glad you've joined us, and it was interesting to read your thoughts on the episode
"Why on earth did they cast Landon and Annie when they make it so damn obvious they want to jump each others bones?!" --ShineSoBright23
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Old 09-01-2011, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by MD9999 (View Post)
Next, I think that she really had an obligation to speak to Clare privately about the marriage before discussing it at the dinner table.
That really bothered me too. A lot of people thought Clare was acting like a brat but finding out that way- hard to take.

They can never feel like a family and I think that would ultimately create an unsafe home environment. Not because I think anything overtly bad or abusive would happen but because home should be a haven, a safe place, and having a romantic interest there undermines that
They were never going to actually see each other as family if they didn't already.

From a personal perspective I get this. From a psychological perspective it's a non-issue.
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Old 09-01-2011, 08:02 PM
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Yeah I mean she didn't respond well, but that's kind of natural. Her parents just got divorced and now suddenly her life is changing again. I'm sure that Clare will be fine with's really reasonable for her to be surprised

From a personal perspective I get this
Ummm...which one is 'this'? That it's bad/awkward or vice versa?

Edit: Also, side note...I really don't like how now nonfatal stabbings/shootings are normal now. (Spinner, All Falls Down, tonight) I feel like it adds no value to the show other than to make the promos intense (I actually didn't mind the Spinner one as much, but these two annoyed me a lot) It just looks silly coming from the show that brought Time Stands Still and Rock This Town, violence that actually had consequences and was meaningful.
"Why on earth did they cast Landon and Annie when they make it so damn obvious they want to jump each others bones?!" --ShineSoBright23
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Old 09-01-2011, 08:10 PM
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I'm not really disappointed they didn't kill someone off, I like these characters too much.

A-Plot: Drew is a idiot. A fist doesn't do much against a gun, and Vince already showed you carried one. That said, this storyline was probably one of Degrassi's best overreaching storylines and turned Bianca and Drew into major players. I'm not sure about Katie being thrown into the mix, but I guess it leads into a good love-triange storyline. Bianca I think now loves Drew but Katie is there in the way.

Alicia Josipovic was magnificent, and will probably grab a Gemini nom. Her look of defeat at Vince's safehouse was great. She looked so worn-down and tired and just wanted this all to end. And yes, I am very happy Bianca danced with Adam. That was the one thing that always held me back from liking the character. I still hope she keeps some of her edge, though.

B-Plot: I'm not sure this is the end of Cake. Both their parents getting married definitely throws a wrench in that relationship. But it looks like this might continue season 11 part 2, as the Halloween Special showed. I did like Eli and Clare's little moment, at least they reached the point where they can talk to each other.

C-Plot: **** this storyline. Waste of time. I don't want Ms. Oh around any more kids. That's out the way, I liked the grad resolution. Some people might not be happy, but I'm glad they threw Declan/Holly J a line that they might reunite at Yale. Ditto for Riley/Zane and we finally got a Sav/Anya scene in part 1.

Man, these 7 weeks went by pretty fast. Well, outside of the Halloween special (which looks canon), see you guys next frickin' year...stupid Highland Gardens. And what the hell is them up with them not rerun-ing Now Or Never? Is Teennick great, expansive slate of original programming pushing it out the way?
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Old 09-01-2011, 08:43 PM
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I also felt that Mrs. Edwards has never really thought about Clare's feelings and it really showed in this storyline. Clare deserved to be told about her mother getting married just like Jake was told by his dad. I never felt that in the first place that Clare and Jake were ever going to last and that just like Imogen Jake needs more than anything to get away from EClare and so I am happy that he broke up with Clare, because I feel that now we will get to learn more about Jake on his own which just wasn't going to happen as long as EClare was involved.

I liked the Ziley scene and wished we had gotten more screen time this season since we knew going in that they were leaving for good. I thought that Sav really deserved a better farewell/exit storyline than the one we got and I found it unrealistic to say the least that he and Ms. O were never caught together and investigated. I am someone who thought that all along that Sav had a lot of potential for conflict and storylines but I felt that by the time that he found the strength to stand up for himself that it really was too little, too late. I know that some people didn't like the idea of Holly J and Declan reuniting at Yale but, I think it was foreshadowed strongly that Holly J was going to end up at Yale and I really didn't want to see Holly J added to the long list of characters who had a dream but never got to see it come true. I think that finally that the writers and the powers that realized that it's okay to let the seniors leave Degrassi realistically and for good opposed to having a character stay on the show for too long and then be written out the show really awkwardly like Spinner and Emma, for example.

I think that Drew is a now torn between Bianca and Katie and I think it's already obvious that Katie is jealous of how protective Drew is of Bianca and so I think we now have yet another love triangle perhaps even though I just can't forsee Katie and Drew lasting much longer. I also think that Bianca has probably loved Drew for a long time and I thought that Alicia was great in this storyline and that it was often just heart breaking to watch her this season. I hope that we get to learn more about her life because it really does seem like she has no one to care for her. I also think that this show has lost some of what made it realistic in that sometimes innoccent, young people are severly injured or even killed because of violence.

"Now Or Never" is being rerun in its entirety on Teennick on Monday according to the commercials that aired tonight, if anyone was wondering.
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Old 09-01-2011, 08:55 PM
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Well that was a disappointment. Not that I should expect Degrassi to be realistic...

Where are the freaking chaperones? At my prom, Vince wouldn't have even made it in the door without a ticket. And is it normal to have dinner at prom?

Aside from that, the last few weeks of Now or Never have just been a bummer. I'm very thankful Sav is gone because his relationship with Ms. Oh was just so random and boring.

Maybe this season has only looked so bad because last season was great. Season 10 was a solid A and it makes this B- of a season look like a D.

ETA- I loved Bianca/Adam. Bianca has been a favorite of mine since she joined and I think her redemption is complete.
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Old 09-01-2011, 09:39 PM
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I still need to find something to say about the other plots...

Re our discussion on the Edwards/Martin potential family: I didn't mean to make it sound like I think that Jake is capable of raping or abusing Clare. I meant that their blended family is going to have a lot of unique issues because of their children's romantic past and their parents should take that into consideration and not just expect that ordering them to stop dating is going to avoid any hurt feelings. And the parents should acknowledge that there is potential for Jake and Clare to take advantage of their own living situation to have a physical relationship, even if it's a single spontaneous moment, and have complicated feelings for each other. That's a lot of trust for a parent to put in them and feel secure that it won't happen again and they should consider the challenges the family will face because of their children's romantic past (for example, the hurt and jealousy the other will feel when they date someone else). And then there's the fact that both Jake and Clare seem to be struggling (or recently struggled) with accepting the divorce. If I was Mrs. Edwards my heart would ache for my daughter knowing she's suffering because of that and now has to carry out her day to day routine with her ex-boyfriend not only at her school, but in her home as well. If I was Clare I would be feeling very lonely and powerless right now.

It's not that it's wrong for Helen and Glenn to get married. Or that Jake and Clare won't adjust to it over time. It's just that personally (and I'm not married or have kids), I would slow the relationship with my partner down and my child would be my first priority. I wouldn't act like his or her feelings about the marriage don't matter, that the break up with their future stepbrother isn't a big deal because to the child it might be, or that there is some limit on how long it takes them to adjust/have feelings about their family.
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Old 09-01-2011, 09:57 PM
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I had dinner at my prom, so yeah it was normal.

I won't go into deep analysis, but I enjoyed the episode, I thought it was well done and it was nice to see something actually happen during the finale. Glad Clare and Jake broke up, im sorry but they had awful chemistry. Eli has come so far, I feel we're getting glimpses of the real old Eli and I'm glad he's back.

Sav and Ms. Oh I could not care less about. Sav has been here for so long and she has to be in his last big scene? Loved Alli's lines though, really a great ending to the season, felt conclusive for once and not a cliffhanger which I think we needed for one season at least.
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Old 09-01-2011, 09:59 PM
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So Dave's father wasn't at prom?
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Old 09-01-2011, 09:59 PM
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I just watched this, but it's been a long night (work, RU football opener, etc.), so my full $0.02 will come very late tomorrow night after I survive 3 morning classes and the drunk drive home later that night.

I enjoyed the episode. It wasn't as intense as I was expecting, don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Random that Adam got shot. I feel like it would've been much more powerful if Adam (or whoever was shot in any case) to have ended up in a coma or something. No death, but an issue that would stay unresolved during the season hiatus. It felt too daisies of an ending for me. Technically, the plot isn't over yet, though I'm not sure if they're going to dive into the trials in part 2 of the season.

Glad Eli and Clare got to have a friendly conversation, and that HJ made a final "appearance" with the rest of the seniors.

On a side note, I'm curious as to what the re-edit of the opening credits will look like. They did a good job of grouping the seniors, so those will be easy cuts, but KC and Jenna's spot would have to change, as would the segment with Eli, Fiona, and Imogen. I'd laugh if they start/end the video with Clare/Jake since they're on a run of beginning and ending with siblings

BTW, anyone know details about part 2 of the season? Like how much time will pass (the summer I'm assuming)? And if there will be a summer special? Also, did they start filming it at all?
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:18 AM
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I think they start filming again in October.

Originally Posted by MD9999 (View Post)
Edit: Also, side note...I really don't like how now nonfatal stabbings/shootings are normal now. (Spinner, All Falls Down, tonight) I feel like it adds no value to the show other than to make the promos intense (I actually didn't mind the Spinner one as much, but these two annoyed me a lot) It just looks silly coming from the show that brought Time Stands Still and Rock This Town, violence that actually had consequences and was meaningful.
Exactly. The more they shoot people, the less shocking it becomes. Adam is one of my favourite characters, but when he was shot I didn't feel anything. Part of that is also because I knew exactly what was going to happen. But I just don't see the point in shooting him. We all know that he's going to be fine and everything will go back to normal. Whatev.

I did like the Ziley ending though. I wish they had more screentime and I wish we got a storyline with Riley's Dad. There are many things I would've liked to see happen for these two. But at the same time, I kind of love how they are practically the only major Degrassi ship to be (semi) endgame. I like ambiguous endings. And I'm proud of Riley. So it's all good.
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:35 AM
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Edit: Not even sure how that double post happened with a ten minute time lapse. Whatever.
"Why on earth did they cast Landon and Annie when they make it so damn obvious they want to jump each others bones?!" --ShineSoBright23

Last edited by MD9999; 09-02-2011 at 05:49 AM
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