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Old 01-08-2008, 01:59 AM
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Matthew Fox/Jack Shephard #41: The man was made to wear a suit

True Heroes are not stronger, smart or more capable than anyone..
they're just people, who don't have fear in making a move..
when nobody else does.

' ' '

Reasons Why

Our love for Dr. Jack exceeds most anything else.
It's the arms and the eyes and the soft laugh.
It's the desperation to do what's right even when he has no clue what's right.
It's how he holds Aaron, It's how he has no fear to cry.
It's his fierce loyalty to people who wouldn't know loyalty.
It's how easily he cares, it's how deeply he loves and how hard he finds it to let go.
It's how he's haunted, damaged, hurt and still, he never gives up.
It's how he is keeping secrets for everyone and most of all his own.
It's how much he sees and knows and how little he says about it.
It's how he is broken and how much he hopes that things are fixable
and how little he actually believes in it.

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you
that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong
that good will somehow triumph in the end

' ' '

Quotes on Foxy

Evangeline: He's like a big brother. He took me under his wing. (Source: People Magazine)

Evangeline: We call him Foxy because he is
Evangeline: He's so handsome, so dashing and debonair.
Evangeline: He's matured beautifully.

Evangeline: Matthew is a fantastic actor. He's absolutely one of my teachers and mentors on set… I think that's one of the reasons why Matthew and I have such natural chemistry onscreen, is that I am genuinely very taken by him when he's acting. He is a very captivating actor and I think Kate is supposed to be captivated by Jack.

Evangeline: I also challenged Matthew Fox to a push-up contest. I said, 'If you're gonna be my hero on the show, prove you can be.'

Evangeline: My first day on the set was with Matthew Fox and Dominic Monaghan. We had an instant connection, the three of us, and became instant buddies. We had an amazing time filming the pilot together and are very close.(Source: Lost, the Official Magazine)

Wentworth Miller: "I have a little fantasy where in the last episode of the season, we slip into the prison's sewer system, up through the grate, and pop out a hatch - and we're face to face with Matthew Fox and spend season 2 on a tropical beach."

Jimmy Kimmel: "Let me just say that I would be done with the show if they kill you [Foxy] off the show. That would be too much. Because there's a certain line that you don't go past and you, my friend are it for me."
(Source: Matt's Kimmel appearance May 11, 2007)

Damon Lindelof: “He’s a jock and a hard-core tattooed dude, and he’s sensitive, and he’s a dad and the guy you want to get *******-housed with. It’s all the same guy. You can have man-love with Foxy, and it’s all good.”
(Source unknown)

Damon Lindelof: "His house has become a mecca for all the other actors. He opens the door for everyone to come over on Sundays to barbecue right on the beach."

Damon Lindelof: "Matthew has elevated crying to an art, where somehow it's a form of badassness. He never cries because he's sad. He cries because he wants to hit someone. I can't think of any other hero characters who have cried. If Patrick Dempsey cried on Grey's Anatomy, people would be like, 'Meredith, do not waste your time with that crybaby."
(Source: TIME Magazine, February 2007)

McG: "He understands stillness, which is a rare trait in an age of big performances."
(Source: TIME Magazine, February 2007)

' ' '

When the will defies fear, when duty throws the gauntlet down to fate
when honor scorns to compromise with death - that is heroism

' ' '

Quotes From Foxy

While Jack has taken on a leadership position, Fox has assumed a similar role.
"I felt that both on-screen and off," he says, "being No. 1 on the daily call sheet and having the most amount of work to do, there's a responsibility that goes along with it. We had a lot of production issues to iron out this year, so we were running into obstacles quite frequently, just getting a big beast of a show running as efficiently as we possibly can.
"Along with that comes a lot of frustration on people's parts at times. The cast, across the board, has been wonderful the whole year, but certainly there have been allegiances and things that have built up among the cast. It's almost my responsibility, in the position I'm in, to make a conscious decision to be there for anybody that has problems or wants to hang out."
(Source: Zap2it, May 2005)

"I enjoy taking my clothes off and jumping in the water," Fox says. "I'm not going to worry about getting changed into a swimsuit at 2 o'clock in the morning. I really wanted to get people together, get them partying. I wanted them to take their clothes off and jump in the water. I thought that would be a good bonding experience for all of us, which it was. It was great fuel for ribbing and incessant bulls**ting with each other."
(Source: Zap2it, May 2005)

"It's always something I've loved about the way Damon and J.J. were writing this character, that he's our hero, he's our guy, but he's also the kind of guy that, if he let himself go to the dark place, could do real serious snappage on a guy like Sawyer."

"I’ve never really done a complete nude scene. Looking forward to that, actually, considering that I like to get naked all the time. That should be pretty easy."
(Source: Extra! March 2007)

"I'm a liar and a cheat and a thief and the ultimate manipulator. You can never believe a f*ing word that comes out of my mouth. I tell lies everyday, man. And when I say I'm phenomenally manipulative, I am."
(Source: Men's Journal, February 2007)

"The John Wayne idea was what a man wanted to be--not what a man is. I'd rather watch a person be full of intense emotions and fighting [against] expressing them."
(Source: TIME Magazine, February 2007)

' ' '

Jack believes in right and wrong with a passion, goes the extra mile,
puts himself out for others, likes to believe that people are worthy of
consideration unless they prove otherwise.
He believes the best in people, loves deeply, works hard
and as Kate said, "If you weren't here, Jack..."

' ' '

Jack Quotes

Fears's sort of an odd thing it's like an in-law who just drops in.
You don't like it, but you can't just get rid of it. It's a struggle,
but you have to learn to deal with it or it'll make you insane.
When i was in residency, my first solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a sixteen year-old kid.a girl.
At the end of it, thirteen hours later, I was closing her up and I...
I accidentally ripped her dural sack, membrane as thin as tissue. So it ripped open,
the nerves just spilled out like like angel hair pasta,
her spinal fluid flowing out and I just..froze. 'Cause I knew.
If i didn't get those nerves back in that sack and sew it up..those thirteen hours were for nothing.
That girl would be paralyzed. I had about a minute. And the terror was so..crazy, so real..and i knew i had to deal with it.
So i just made a choice. I'd let the fear in. Let it take over. Let it do it's thing. But only for five seconds.
That's all i was gonna give it. So i started to count. And it was gone.
I got back to work, sewed her up, she was fine..

I want you to listen to me ok? Because I'm asking you a favor.
Chrissy, I am standing in front of you in the same suit that I'm wearing to my father's funeral, and I'm asking you a favor.
In 16 hours I need to land in L.A.X. and I need that coffin to clear customs because
there is going to be a hearse waiting there.
And I need that hearse to take me and that coffin to a cemetery. Why?
Chrissy, why can't I just bring him
to a funeral home and make all the arrangements?
Why can't I really take my time with it? Because--because I need it to be done.
I need it to be over. I just--I need to bury my father.

It's been 6 days, and we're all still waiting...waiting for someone to come. But what if they don't?
We have to stop waiting. We need to start figuring things out...We can't do this.
Every man for himself is not gonna work. It's time to start organizing.
We need to figure out how we're going to survive here. Now, I found water, fresh water, up in the valley. I'll take a group in at first light.
If you don't wanna come, then you find another way to contribute.
Last week most of us were strangers. But we're all here now.
And God knows how long we're gonna be here. But...
if we can't live together, we're gonna die alone.

-I'm intense
-What .... no ketchup?!
-I'm a repo man. You know, when people don't pay their bills
I go into the bank and collect their possessions. I'm a people person so I really love it.
-Is she .... is she happy?
-Who's x-rays are those? Outside? Those are spinal x-rays. They belong to a man about 40 years old.
And whoever he is, he has a very large tumor on his L-4 vertebrae.
And I just happen to be a spinal surgeon. So, you tell me, Juliet, who am I here to save?
-Well Ben, at least you won't have to be disappointed for very long.
-Kate, dammit,RUN!!!
-Promise me, that you'll never come back here for me
-After everything that I've been put owe me an answer

-I trust them, because you told me to,Kate
-The fact that I trust her should be enough
-So tomorrow night, we stop hiding, we stop running, we stop living in fear of them. Because when they show up. We're gonna blow em all to hell.
- For 90 days I've been asked to make decision for this entire camp.
there you go.I just made one.
-Because I love you.
-Every little bump we hit or turbulence, I mean I--I actually close my eyes and pray that I can get back.
-We made a mistake. We were not supposed to leave. We have to go back, Kate.

' ' '

Greatness comes not when things go good,
greatness comes when you are really tested,
when disappointments and sadness come.
Because only if you have been in the deepest valleys
can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.

' ' '


-Chosen by People (USA) magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world [1996]
-Graduated from Columbia University in 1989.
-Daughter Kyle(born in 1998) and son Byron (born in 2001)
- Hasstudied acting for two years at The School for Film and Television in New York City.
-He frequently hosts parties at his house where the whole cast of "Lost" (2004)
gathers to watch the last episode they had filmed.
-He was raised in Crowheart, Wyoming on the family ranch.
-He has been horseback riding since he was six yers old.
-Attended Wind River high school and did post-graduate high school study at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts.
-Is good friends with Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong.
-Is a Philadelphia Eagles fan.
-He is the tallest principal cast member of "Lost" at just over 6' 2".
Josh Holloway, Terry O'Quinn and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje are just slightly shorter.
-Is a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
-music is a major part of his life, citing The Arcade Fire,
Sigur Ros, I Am Kloot, Modest Mouse and Texan band The Black Angels as some of his favourite bands. He's a fan of punk.

"Wings" - Say It Ain't So, Joe (1992) TV Episode (as Matt Fox) .... Ty Warner
"Freshman Dorm" (1992) TV Series .... Danny Foley
My Boyfriend's Back (1993) .... Buck Van Patten
If I Die Before I Wake (1993) (TV) .... Charlie Deevers
"Mad TV" (1995)
"Party of Five" (1994-2000) .... Charlie Salinger
Behind the Mask (1999) (TV) .... James Jones
"Haunted" (2002) TV Series .... Frank Taylor
A Token for Your Thoughts (2003) .... Rock star
"Lost" .... Dr. Jack Shephard (2004-)
We Are Marshall (2006) .... Red Dawson
Smokin' Aces (2007)...Bill
Vantage Point (2008)...Kent Taylor
Speed Racer (2008)...(pre-production)...Racer X

A hero commits a courageous action without considering the consequences.
He acts for the greater good.He is an ordinary individual who finds strength
to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
A hero will take charge.He'll act instead of react.
A hero is defined by action, not by potential.

' ' '

Previous Threads&Suggestions

#12: He's the heart and soul of LOST
#13: Because even as a red-head he's still a Fox!
#14: Because Fox is like wine get better with age!
#15: The Reluctant Hero!
#16: He's Not Going Anywhere!
#17: We Need Our Foxy Fix!
#18: Playing Doctor is a lot more fun than playing Cops & Robbers
#19 Save the Doctor, Save the Island!
#20 Because he can whisper in our ears ANYDAY!
#21 4 Words. He's a Sex God!
#22: Jack back on the beach...ratings go UP!
#23: Team Jack Bitches!!!
#24: Who Got the Finale? Oh that's right...JACK.
#25: He Can Fix Us ANYTIME!!
#26: ....I like to get naked all the time. - Foxy
#27: He doesn't get older, He just gets BETTER!
#28: Sorry Justin, Sexy NEVER Left.
#29: He's the perfect specimen of God's creation!
#30: "Jack will always be the guy that is leading by example." -Foxy
#31: After his OWNage in TTLG, he should get his own board already!
#32:He understands stillness which is a rare trait in an age of big performances ~McG
#33: He has elevated crying to an art ~Damon
#34: "He really commits body and soul into the story he's telling." ~ Jack Bender
#35: True heroes don't fear making a move when no one else does
#36: B/C He's a Country Boy at Heart
#37: Foxy by Name, Foxy by Nature
#38: "He's the freakin' star of the show!" -EW
#39: Forget Superman, We'll Take Jack Shephard
#40: Shirt. Unbuttoned. Hair. Thanks Entertainment Weekly!

TEAM JACK (CarlaBehr)
Jack OWNS all! (watchmebleed)
Because Foxy OWNS you. (Ash_lost)
B/C He's Worth It (Vivianaley23)
B/C you can GFY emmys' (Viv)
He is the epitome of the perfect man
Because he's the ONE and ONLY (franci)
A hero will take charge. He'll act instead of react.(Ash)
'there's a line that you don't go past and you, my friend are it for me' - J.Kimmel(Ash)
He must be a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it,without saying it.(Ash)
Because he wears Jack so naturally.(Grace)
B/C He rides horses. Need we say more?(Carlie)
Don't touch your screen cause you'll get burned (Liesbeth)
Team Jack Bitches!! 2.0(Ash)
Jack hands. Piano playing, spine saving, miracle making hands. (Molly)

Clips & Videos

How to save a life
How to save a life #2
Jack&Sawyer-Brokeback island

Matt on SLN-Elevator
Ellen-Lost remake
Audition tape
Kimmel May '07
Columbia Speech

WARNING - extreme hottness
Click Me. It's Worth It.
UK Version Behind The Scenes

There are two types of heroic deeds.One is the physical,in which the hero performs a
courageous act and saves lifes.The other kind is the spiritual deed, in which
the hero learns to experience the supernormal range of human life and then comes back with a message.
A hero follows his own passion into realms previously unknown, discover a new truth,
and bring that gift back for his people.Heroes understand something is missing from their consciousness,
struggle until they find what it is, claim it,and share it.

' ' '


Matthew Fox's board campaign thread
'We Are Marshall' info
Matthew Fox Web
Foxy Daily
'Speed Racer' official site

Pics Section

day1 - Smily - THP - LTDA - Reclutant Hero - What? - Smirk
Cage - The Pianist - TTLG - Cutie Cutie - Uncle Jack
Purple Shirt - Airport - Smile gif
S3finale - cavein - rain - the kate Smile

Cute - Glasses - Lovely - Thoughtful - Smily - hot
Matt&Josh:WAM premiere - Ducati style - Mc Sexy&Mc Dreamy -
A night with Lost- Vantage Point- TRL - Street -Columbia - Street2
A night with Lost2- Speed Racer - ABC Upfront1
bike- I want u- VP - daddy - bed - ABC Upfront2
ABC Upfront3 - ABC Upfronts4 - L'Oreal - BOX

Sarah - Achara - Gabriella - Kate - Juliet

Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean,
who is neither tarnished nor afraid.He is the hero, he is everything.
He must be a complete man,a common man and yet an unusual man.
He must be a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it,without saying it.
He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world

' ' '

The FOX Club

1. ::mavie::
2. franci*
3. Jason's_Lover4life
4. Ash_lost
5. B/Lfan200
6. PureVanity
7. KerBear
8. Roswell 10/2/00
9. _virgo_
10. Prancer
11. HaveALittleFaith
12. Giuly
13. Adeline
14. *Sinead*
15. Whatsername
16. Jackie85
17. -Katie-
18. CarlaBehr
19. IloveJate48
20. ColdLinoleum
21. Dreamer who loves candy
22. Liz01
23. ~*Yuki*~
24. Spikes Angel
25. ale-la-pazza1
26. brucas_luvin
27. mani12191
28. jabs
29. Foxy4ever
30. x-Jenzy-x
31. foxy's lover
32. rmc19945
33. DanceWithLife
34. Gina Potter
35. *Lenore*
36. innocent_chick
37. *Noella Rae*
38. Watchmebleed
39. Butterflygirl
40. LostEvi
41. angelface211
42. Dreamer 4 Ever
43. LostForJate
44. Vivianaley23
45. PiCkLeS4dAwSoN
46. othobsessed
47. how2savealife
48. adriene_evans
49. icekimi
50. CaughtInTheMoment
51. lost4mavie
52. maya_lostris
53. stephie04
54. xxCrashIntoMexx
55. Shadowgirl17
56. Merlin_Bodhi
57. I_love_sawyer
58. othfan628
59. AlexandraMavier
60. Sina
61. LoveyKJ23
62. chughes
63. cathangel
64. luvcali76
65. lamagamorgana
66. BeMyBaby
67. Noraabs
68. Jenna16
69. chazt07
70. spacekiddet32
71. Velvet
72. Irish Jater
73. Ashes & Wine
74. Anny86
75. newbie_Luby
76. Flowers
77. Kate&Jack
78. ella_jullian
79. princess fiona
80. brummie
81. makry
82. Carlie06
83. Emanfan642
84. vecastone
85. rcerione
86. Olga *)
88. lostluva14
89. K.Corinne
90. Orangemoonbeam
91. Addison Montgomery
92. wicked_sun17
93. young_urban
94. Brightlights
95. HalesNLuke
96. *Lori89*
97. aliaskate18
98. ryanforever
99. evielost
100. rockchiq234
101. LoVe-Story
102. ~Jules~
103. *luthien*
104. kate204
105. Jasonsgurl310
106. mouette79
107. nerdette
108. Within
109. sluky
110. earthangel172
111. lostfan91

' ' '

'Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it.
men come to be builders, by building, and harp players by playing the harp.
In the same way, by doing just acts, we come to be just.
by doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled.
and by doing brave acts, we become brave'

' ' '


thanks to Kate who colored the beautiful pics.
mood theme by lulinha_k.some pics from Milz

The high sentiments always win in the end,
the leaders who offer blood, toil, tears, and sweat always get more out
of their followers than those who offer safety and a good time

' ' '
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:01 AM
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New thread! Thanks Mary!
there's only ever been you.
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:05 AM
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You're welcome!
Foxy is too delicious!
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:06 AM
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Woo hoo!! New thread!! Thanks for starting it Mary!

Love the title! It's so true.

I'm out my fellow Foxy/Jack hussies. I'll miss this talk while I'm gone. I'll have some wonderful piano!Jack to think of though! Great discussion!
I love you,
Freddie Lyon.
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:07 AM
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Bye Ash! I'll miss you! Have loads of fun!
there's only ever been you.
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:17 AM
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Whouhou! New thread!

Oh, and exactly... He is made for suits, for all the clothes in fact...
all good things come to an end | LOST
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Old 01-08-2008, 03:03 AM
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great title!
VP comme out on february 22,but anyone know when is the "World" premiere of VP?

Elodie"Aujourd'hui il va pleuvoir,mais demain le soleil brillera..."
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Old 01-08-2008, 03:17 AM
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new thread!

well actually he was made to wear nothing but suit is fine too
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Old 01-08-2008, 03:29 AM
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Originally Posted by ryanforever (View Post)
great title!
VP comme out on february 22,but anyone know when is the "World" premiere of VP?
I'd searched for so long...but nothing only worldwine release dates
Vantage Point - Worldwide Release Dates

vrrrr I have to wait Czech Republic 10-Apr-08
"We walk by faith "
avi Ahmed

Last edited by sluky; 01-08-2008 at 03:35 AM
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Old 01-08-2008, 03:33 AM
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thank,i think we have to wait...i think i'ts one week before the film release.....(for new foxy pics!) i'ts so long!!!

Elodie"Aujourd'hui il va pleuvoir,mais demain le soleil brillera..."
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Old 01-08-2008, 11:22 AM
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February 22nd!
there's only ever been you.
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Old 01-08-2008, 11:41 AM
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wet. angry. shirt ripped off!

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Old 01-08-2008, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Carlie06 (View Post)
February 22nd!
i really hope for a good promotion!!

Elodie"Aujourd'hui il va pleuvoir,mais demain le soleil brillera..."
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Old 01-08-2008, 01:00 PM
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"You're not running now."
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Old 01-08-2008, 01:52 PM
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hmmm...i found some other things about VP - script reviews - character Kent Taylor - played by Foxy - that man


Vantage Point - Script Reviews - Latest Movie Reviews and trailers

"We walk by faith "
avi Ahmed

Last edited by sluky; 01-08-2008 at 02:49 PM
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