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Old 12-14-2007, 03:54 PM
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Hooligans {S/K} #235: Running together is much more fun

By: In Fair Verona

By: Lovecat

(Please PM Killers Angel Eyes to be added to the list)
Why We Love S/K
1. Because they have a connection.
2. Because she's his 'Freckles.'
3. Because they had the first kiss.
4. Because once you go Sawyer, you never go Jack.
5. Because he knows her type.
6. Because she's seen every square inch of him.
7. Because she made him moan.
8. Because she triggers something in him that's vulnerable.
9. Because they know each others darkest secrets.
10. Because we saw tongue!
11. Because they couldn't say goodbye.
12. Because they've rolled around the floor, several times!
13. Because he got the briefcase for her.
14. Because she has carte-blanche.
15. Because they spent the night together.
16. Because she's his Nurse Kate
17. Because she's his reason to stay
18. Because She was Worth Staying For
19. Because he won´t judge her
20. Because they were the first to kiss in the island
21. Because he wished for her four years before he knew her
22. Because they played "I never"
23. Because they have "something in common after all"
24. Because she just wanted to spend some time with the only other person on this island that just don't belong.
25. Because she was looking for his letter in the bottle
26. Because she didn't say goodbye
27. Because he wouldn't mind sharing a few things with her himself
28. Because he was "protecting" her (Ep. 112)
29. Because he "hate to bicker about positions" (E.112)
30. Because she was on top (E. 112)
31. Because Hoolies are an impatient bunch.
32. Because she got ON THE BED!!
33. Because she bet on him against Jack (Ep. 109)
34. Because her lap is the perfect pillow for him.
35. Because maybe she was not there for the case at all
36. Because she was dieing to get a little closer and warm him up
37. Because they talk one outcast to another
38. Because he doesn't bore her
39. Because she´ll make him fall in love for the first time
40. Because the head kisses are deep
41. Because she admitted she has feelings for him.
42. Because when he said there was nothing worth staying for, he lied
43. Because her thoughts were of him on the raft, they didn't get to say goodbye
44. Because her "whisper in the ear" technique made him all better
45. Because she sat by his side while he was recovering
46. Because he woke up to the sound of her voice
47. Because they both saw the horse
48. Because they wished they could've said goodbye to each other.
49. Because we know she really does want to be his nurse.
50. Because they make bananas sexy.
51. Because she wants to wake him up every morning.
52. Because when she helped him up, the sexual tension was nearly explosive.
53. Because Kate could use a little Southern Comfort.
54. Because lets face it we are all Hooligans at heart.
55. Because love tastes like strawberries and fishbiscuits.
56. Because she asked about him first. Twice.
57. Because "How dare you!"
58. Because she kissed back. With tongue!
59. Because he thinks chain gang looks good on her.
60. Because she calls him "James".
61. Because she's actually impressed.
62. Because "Yes! I love him!! I love him!! Please."
63. Because nothing scares her more than him being scared enough to lie.
64. Because she is not leaving him.
65. Because HE needs HER to be safe.
66. Because SHE needs HIM to be safe.
67. Because a guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.
68. Because she tries to keep him feeling productive.
69. Because they are a team.
70. Because she asked Jack to do the surgery to safe Sawyer's life.
71. Because he never wanted to tell het about the second island.
72. Because "I wanted you to believe we had a goddamn chance."
73. Because she kissed him.
74. Because there was spooning!
75. Because "I love you, too."
76. Because she wanted him to fight.
77. Because "I'll do anything you want!"
78. Because "Close your eyes, Freckles."
79. Because we know Frimples is on the way
78. Because he stole a mixtape for her
79. Because he makes her smile even in the worst situations
80. Because he is ready to die for her
81. Because they didn't need nets to put them together, but not even metal bars kept them apart
82. Because even when he had nothing to eat the whole day, he gave her his only fish biscuit
83. Because of the beautiful way she looks at him after the TGB kiss
84. Because she was sleeping, naked, on his chest, right after making love to him.
85. Because Kate runs from everybody, but stays for Sawyer
86. Because she doesn't have to play "Monica" when she is around him
87. Because he shows his love for her with more than words
88. Because they feel free, even in a cage, as long as they stay together
89. Because Kate and Sawyer know how to kick asses together
90. Because she would take a bullet for Sawyer when Pickett was about to shoot him
91. Because when she's with him, she's a strong woman, not a puppy
92. Because they're each other's someone to name dumb stars with
93. Because they make each other smile
94. Because when she isn't around we can notice how much he loves her
95. Because everyone, including Losties and Others, can see how much they love each other
96. Because in his whole life he was a con man, a bad guy, and for her he's tring to be a better person
97. Because their hug in One of Us was one of the most toching scenes in the history of television
98. Because he is "so romantic" and she loves it!
99. Because she can feel when he is not alright
100. Because she misses it when he doesn't call her 'Freckles'
101. Because “no one write song about the relationship that came easy”
102. Because they see each other as equals
103. Because they can see their true colors
104. Because it's so dificult for her to stay in a relationship, but she is trying hard for Sawyer
105. Because their kisses in any situation are full of intensity and passion
106. Because they were destined to meet
107. Because they were both denounced by people who loved them
108. Because he met the woman who denounced her
109. Because she met the woman who denounced him
110.Because family does mean something to them
111. Because thinking he was the real Sawyer she came to him anyway
112. Because after their first kiss he didn't have anything to live for
113. Because everytime they make out he's knocked out
114. Because he hasn't died yet and that means many kisses to come
115. Because when he didn't shoot the boar, she saw his worth
116. Because his nightmares worry her
117. Because she tenderly watched him sleeping
118. Because "goodbye" doesn't belong to their language
119. Because Katie always wanted to run away but Kate won't leave James
120. Because the new Sheriff in town just can't resist his Freckles
121 Because he wanted to know why the case meant so much to her
122. Because he's always working hard to make her think that he doesn't need her
123. Because that night they didn't have a lot to go on but that's not how it lived in her head
124. Because for the first time she felt the urge to explain her behaviour
125. Because he loves her enough to push her away
126. Because each time he rejects her she comes to him anyway
127. Because she knows him well enough to see when something's wrong
128. Because "it's nothing personal, just old habits"
129. Because he said it to protect her
130. Because they took their revenge for their parents'pain
131. Because family does mean something to them
132. Because attachment goes with loss and grief
133. Because they didn't have a home until they met
134. Because they lost their innocence too soon but are willing to find it again,together
135.Because out of the island nobody's missing them

By: Killers Angel Eyes

By: Lovecat

By: Lovecat
Even TV Guide Loves Them
They aren't officially a couple, but Lost's Sawyer and Kate generate a ton of heat with their spark-filled love/hate attitudes. This unbeatable romantic tension will have to be addressed sooner or later — the island isn't that big. And after the thieving Kate gave the tortured troublemaker one of the hottest kisses of all time, another may send an S.O.S. to Sawyer's heart.

Excerpt from an Evangeline Lilly interview in Lost magazine:
"I try to analyze the situation as realistically as possible and I can only see Kate and Sawyer growing closer from what's happened. If Sawyer gets back to the island, they should have a new sense of value in each other. They say if you love something, let it go, and then see what happens from there. Not only did they break physically, but they really broke ties emotionally before they left. You see them both gazing out across the beach before they left, looking for each other, so they clearly play a significant part in each other's lives. I also think that what Sawyer gives to Kate is a sense of normalcy and mutuality. When she is around Sawyer, suddenly who she is doesn't have to be hidden and I think she's less ashamed of it. I think she is more able to say, This is who I am. Take it or leave it, buddy! That's a real gift. In real life, usually the people we feel the most in love with and attracted to are the people that allow us to be ourselves- faults and all."

Excerpt from a Josh Holloway interview in Lost magazine:
No doubt fans are eagerly anticipating Sawyer and Kate locking lips again but will his absence truly have made their hearts grow fonder? "I don't know how reuniting with Kate will strengthen or weaken their relationship," reports Holloway. "It is yet to be discovered. However, their current relationship definitely is motivating his will to survive."

Excerpt from a Josh Holloway interview in TV Guide:
Viewers will have a chance to see the softer side of Sawyer as his romance with Kate continues to heat up. "He generally cares [for her]," Holloway says. "She triggers something in him that's vulnerable."

From an Evangeline Lilly interview with E! Online's Kristin Veitch:
"How could anyone choose?" Evangeline Lilly tells me. But she does have an opinion for her alter ego, Kate. "Honestly, I think that I have to say sometimes I feel like Kate is a better match for Sawyer, because they've got a lot in common. I mean, Jack's almost like Kate's hero, whereas Sawyer's like her equal. They're kind of just these sparring partners, and Jack is like someone she almost idolizes and that, to me, is not the kind of relationship I'd want to be in. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna worship the guy that I'm with. I wanna kind of play around with him and be on equal terms with him, so I'm gonna have to go with Sawyer... for now!"

Excerpt from an Evangeline Lilly interview in the British Elle Magazine:
"Sawyer makes so much more sense than Jack because Kate is inferior to Jack in so many ways at this point. Jack is so righteously superior to her and that's not attractive. She and Sawyer are on a level. They get each other. They might get each other in a depraved, wild way, but at least it's parallel."

Excerpt from an Evangeline Lilly article in the UK Daily Express:
"Kate has gravitated more toward Sawyer. She's not completely in love with him yet, but she has an attraction to him."

Excerpt from Evangeline Lilly interview in Brazilian ELLE magazine, August 2006:
"I keep calling the writers asking when Kate and Sawyer are happening."

Excerpt from Josh Holloway in TV Guide:
If Sawyer has let his guard down at all on the island, it's because of Kate (Evangeline Lilly), the fugitive with a heart of gold, affectionately dubbed Freckles by Holloway's character. "She sees right through him," Holloway explains, "she's like this little chisel that broke that first wall."

"Slowly, he's been falling for this girl," Holloway says, "And when you come into danger from outside forces, it reveals your feelings even more."

Excerpt from an Evangeline Lilly interview on the online edition of the Brazilian magazine Globo, November 2006:
"I believe that romance on the show bloomed on the right moment, and the way it's happening, I believe it's very realistic, without being infantile or gratuitous. It's something genuine, mature and sensitive."

Quotes from the official Lost podcast, December 2006:
Carlton Cuse: But let's talk about Kate hooking up with Sawyer, just for a segue.
Damon Lindelof: Sure, I'd love to. [...]
CC: Was this choice...definitive?
DL: How much clearer could you be about her choice? I mean, who's watching it and going, 'I'm not sure that she picked Sawyer, I think maybe she went with Jack there.' She's had sex with him.
CC: And yet- And yet people actually do, you know, I think certain people maybe just don't value the act of sex as being that important.
DL: I don't- I don't even know how I could possibly respond to that in any PG-13 sort of fashion. But...I will say that when you are curled up naked on someone's chest, as I have been on Carlton's on several- on several occasions...
CC: I knew that was coming.
DL: You...You've made your choice.
CC: Well. And I'm- I thank you for that. I appreciate it. I appreciate your commitment to me.
CC: I guess if you blow your father up that might not be an illegal act, as having sex with someone doesn't mean you are necessarily committed to them.

Excerpt from a Josh Holloway interview for
He said that he had always been personally hoping for Kate to choose Sawyer over her other potential love interest, Jack (Matthew Fox), but was never sure that it would turn out in his favor.

Excerpt from TV Guide about Skate:
She's just as headstrong as Sawyer is which is why they're a better match than her and Jack. I was surprised that Sawyer never broke down and told her what was in his chest though. He loves her, that's a certain.

Excerpt from a JH/EL interview in the March/April 2007 issue of Lost Magazine:
"I felt that a huge part of Kate became vulnerable enough to cry out that she loves a man and offer him her kiss. Instead of letting him kiss her. I think because she was stripped so bare, when Sawyer says, " I was trying to give you hope". The idea in all this hell, that he was trying to protect Kate broke her down. It opened her up to offer him this little nugget of love, her kiss. Even after she did it, she was afraid to admit it...when she says I don't know, she knows obviously the actual answer is "I love You" and I don't know how to say it because I am afraid to say it. He is so much like her and when he hears her say that he hears "I love you" and kisses her back. I think the writers did this beautifully because it was real and grown up." (Evi)

Excerpt from a Josh/Evi interview in Lost magazine:
"Sawyer’s always seen through [the persona] she’s presented to the group and he’s gotten right to the nitty-gritty of who she really is. There are no secrets or pretenses between these two people. The fact that he loves her knowing all of her crap is one of the main reasons why she loves him." - Evi

Excerpt from Evangeline Lilly in Lost magazine
"I think it's beautiful and so endearing. I feel like, unfortunately, it's my job to play Kate in a certain way, but I feel like, "Awww Kate! Can't you see how much he's trying and what he needs from you?" When Hurley said to Sawyer, "You're the leader now," the idea had never drawned on Sawyer in a million years that he could lead people. He doesn't think that he's capable of taking care of himself. But when he realized that, I think that he couldn't help but reflect on why Hurley would see that in him. I think he realized that Kate has seen that in him too. She has always pulled on his shirt tails, saying, "Come on! Be the person I see in you and the person I know you are." She was the first person to do that with him on the island when everyone else thought he was the scum of the Earth. She understood him because they are two peas in the same pod. She was basically saying, "I am offering an olive branch and I will be that person that will care for you and invite you to come with everyone else." Kate's not as much of an outsider as Sawyer is, so she can be that bridge. I think when he finally realized - and it took a while - that Kate has seen that in him all along, he realized if he was going to be that person, he needs her. Sawyer sees the good person in himself reflected through how Kate looks at him and feels about him."

Quotes from the 'I Do' commentary in the S3 DVD box set
Evi: 'And I love the contrast between the two stories because every element of them is completely opposite to the other. So when Kate is with her husband in the flashbacks, she wants it so badly, and yet she knows she can't have it. And yet with Sawyer, she so desperately doesn't want to go there, and doesn't want that thing to happen, but she can't seem to stop it from happening, because there's this momentum and this chemistry between them that she can't really help.'
Carlton Cuse: 'It was great. I mean you think about it, you know, in a show, in a television show, to basically go fifty-five hours before these two characters who are in love with each other actually finally culminate and, you know, make love. And I think it's really amazing, and I think it was all the better for that. And I think just as a starting point to that relationship, and you know, really kind of deepening and existing on a different level, it was really a great scene. And then you know, we kind of now see that in contrast with Kate and this other man who she loved, but obviously is kind of very torn because she's keeping this deep secret.'
Evi: 'I was actually surprised, and really pleased with the writing when I read that there was this sort of post-coital scene, because I felt like for it to be really clear that Kate and Sawyer didn't just have a weak moment of lust where they gave in to their desires, but that they actually had realized, physically realized, something that was inside of them emotionally. I thought this scene provided that, and it proved that, and it supported what we were trying to show in, you know, the previous cage scene. It was really nice to read it and to feel like they were honoring that, they were honoring the emotion.'
Carlton Cuse: 'Yeah, and just having Sawyer say 'I love you too' to Kate was such a huge moment for us on a writing level, because just that acknowledgement from him was such a hard thing for that character to get to that place.'
Evi: 'You know, again in contrast to the flashbacks, where she's got this man who is doing the exact opposite. He's, you know, really really heartfelt and intense and intimate about the way he will look her in the eye and say, 'I love you Monica.' And it's just really sort of what you imagine the traditional idea of falling in love with someone being like. And then here on the island she's got, you know, a guy who's kind of throwing it out there flippantly while she's not even looking at him, and it seems to mean so much more.'
Evi: 'And that's what kind of breaks my heart in this scene, is that I think Kate displays some of the girliest qualities you ever see her display, in this scene. She's kind of weak and whimpery about the whole thing, but I.. for me, where that came from was that 'I just for the first time, maybe ever, finally connected to someone, and feel like I have something here, and something worth fighting for and worth living for, and now you're gonna take it away.' And I feel like Sawyer is, again, in the same situation, where this is the first time, maybe ever in his life, where he's found someone who he can love. And now he's about to be killed.'

By: Demy

Official Hooligan Greeting
The Sawyer Tackle

The Drinking Game
That's right, Hooliganians! You can't wait for him to call her 'Freckles.' You get giddy when they're in a scene together. You spend all week thinking about what the next new episode will bring. Now there's a game that's just as crazy as the Hooliganians! The Hooligan Drinking Game.

Kate Gives Sawyer a Longing Look - 1 Drink
After a heated conversation, one of the two walks off and Kate shoots her Lover Boy a longing look (i.e. her thoughts are something along the lines of 'I love you,' 'I want to jump you,' 'Let's ditch this island and go get it on in a motel.')

Sawyer Calls Kate 'Freckles' - 1 Drink
It's self explanatory. Take another sip if he gives one of those cute smirks after he says it.

Kate Breaks Up a Fight Between Sawyer and Someone Else - 2 drinks
Kate tries to break up a fight between Sawyer and someone else and does so while remaining calm, cool, and collected. Half a sip more if it's Sayid.

Sawyer Makes an 'Obscene' Comment and Kate Pretends to be Offended - 1 drink
Yeah . . . we all know she's not offended. Take another 5 sips if she actually doesn't make a fake offended face.

Kate and Sawyer Have Physical Contact - 3 drinks
Kate and Sawyer have some sort of physical contact, be it him on top of her or him protecting her from boars. Take one more sip if it's foreplay.

Kate and Sawyer Kiss - Chug, Chug, Chug!
And then tape the episode so you can watch it again and again.

Sawyer and Kate hook up and then ditch Jack to run off into the jungle to live on their own - Keep On Drinking . . . Never Stop

By: PollyGreen

Season 1 Moments

Season 2 Moments

Season 3 Moments

Previous Threads
#215: There Is A Darkness Deep In You; A Frightening Magic I Cling To
#216: '99% Of The Women In The World Prefer Sawyer', And So Does Evi
#217: I don't care to fix the twist in you
#218: "They're two peas in the same pod."- Evi
#219: Reflected in Each Other
#220: In the confusion and the aftermath, you are my signal fire
#221: They move through their souls like a hurricane wind
#222: Ship Skate, Save the sex
#223: Skate > All
#224: Hating themselves doesn't erase their immeasurable love
#225: "I need your grace to remind me to find my own."
#226: "They have something worth fighting for." -Evi
#227: "Two characters who are IN love with each other..." - Carlton
#228: Nothing worth having ever comes easy
#229: 55 hours was just a starting point
#230: That Son of a Bitch and His Crazy Girlfriend are Epic
#231: This is Heaven to No One else but Us
#232: "Sawyer's 'I love you' seems to mean so much more for her" - Evi
#233: Chain gang never looked so sexy
#234: Running and conning their way into love

UK Promo

Season 3 Kiss!

Season 3: Hoolie sex!

Skate hug 2.0!

Hoolie sex reloaded!



Avi by Demy
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Old 12-14-2007, 03:58 PM
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Thanks for the new thread I love the title!!
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Old 12-14-2007, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Titch22 (View Post)
Thanks for the new thread I love the title!!
Thank you, it was my pleasure, the first hoolie thread I have ever opened.

Avi by Demy
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Old 12-14-2007, 04:05 PM
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Yay for the new thread!!!!!!!!!!
CARLTON CUSE - I mean, you think about it, you know, in a show in a television show to basically go 55 hours before two characters who are in love with each other actually finally consummate and make love. It’s really amazing. And I think it was just as a starting point of the relationship really kind of Deeping it and existing in a different level. It was really a great scene.
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Old 12-14-2007, 04:34 PM
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New thread! Love the title!

Kate&Sawyer | Eric&Sookie | buffy&Angel | Damon&Elena | Dan&Blair

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Old 12-14-2007, 04:51 PM
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Hi Deiaa
When I see those images (those that Deiaa posted), I always see them like newlyweds going on the honeymoon.

Avi by Demy
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:20 PM
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News on Lost's return

I've just found out that Lost is retuning on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m.,January 31st 2008
DarkUFO: Lost Returns Thursdays
Kate&Sawyer | Eric&Sookie | buffy&Angel | Damon&Elena | Dan&Blair

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Old 12-14-2007, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Deiaa (View Post)

News on Lost's return

DarkUFO: Lost Returns Thursdays
I already knew, but thanks anyway, Deiaa.
Well, I have to go to bed 'cause here it's almost 1:00am and I'm very sleepy.
See ya tomorrow.

Avi by Demy
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Old 12-14-2007, 06:50 PM
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Yay new thread!!!
Thanks Johnny

Great title!!!
you keep runnin'
~ o. dunham .original

adara . lucy . polly
one . two . trio
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Old 12-14-2007, 09:49 PM
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Our thread is so pretty.

Finals are over! Now I can actually feel like I post here.
"I believe in anything that brings you back home to me..."
Sawyer & Kate
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Old 12-15-2007, 03:24 AM
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Good morning guys!!!

Nice news about the premiere date! Good to se that's going to be in january (even if is just a few days before the date that I thought it was going to be)
CARLTON CUSE - I mean, you think about it, you know, in a show in a television show to basically go 55 hours before two characters who are in love with each other actually finally consummate and make love. It’s really amazing. And I think it was just as a starting point of the relationship really kind of Deeping it and existing in a different level. It was really a great scene.
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Old 12-15-2007, 05:02 AM
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Morning Girls!
Well is afternoon already, but I just woke up , so for me is morning.
So, what's up?

Avi by Demy
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Old 12-15-2007, 05:34 AM
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Morning Hooligans!!

Thanks for the premire date!!
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Old 12-15-2007, 06:11 AM
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Great title.

Great news on the premiere.

jus general greatness!

not all those who wander are lost
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Old 12-15-2007, 06:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Killers Angel Eyes (View Post)
Great title.

Great news on the premiere.

jus general greatness!

Definete greatness!!
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