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Old 04-16-2010, 04:34 PM
Elite Fan

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The Fords [Sawyer&Juliet] #71: Your souls will search for eternity until they unite once more.

The Fords: Sawyer&Juliet
50+ threads of
Timeless Love

Hell, what about me?
You'll be fine.
Maybe… But who's gonna get my back?
Come on. Just give me two weeks,
that's all I'm asking.Two weeks.
All right. Two weeks.

Is that for me?
You were amazing today.
Thanks for believing in me. I love you.
I love you too.

Mr&Mrs Ford

Infantile love follows the principle: "I love because I am loved."
Mature love follows the principle: "I am loved because I love."
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."
Mature love says: "I need you because I love you." [Fromm]
I love you
Not only for what you are
But for what I am
When I am with you [Roy Croft]


Sawyer and Juliet showed us a mature love relationship on Lost; being left behind on island, they had to work together and start a new life.
Day after day, their friendship became stronger and it turned into something more. Love.
For three years they've been living together and they've loved each other so much.
Sawyer has become a better man and Juliet has finally found someone who truly believes in her abilties.

Many of us did not fall in love with Sawyer and Juliet at the very beginning of their story
but we all had to change our minds after "LaFleur",
because we all realized that Sawyer and Juliet are meant to be together.

1. Because they said I love you.
2. Because "you broke through all of my confusion, the ups and the downs and you still didn't leave".
3. Because he believes in her.
4. Because three years is enough to really love someone.
5. Because they both deserve happiness.
6. Because opposites attract.
7. Because he's absolutely got her back, always.
8. Because he asked her to stay for two weeks and she stayed for three years.
9. Because she is his new and better reality.
10. Because they spoon when they sleep.
11. Because Juliet is the only woman Sawyer has ever listened to.
12. Because even in bed, she's got his back.
13. Because she seems way more reliable and good for him.
14. Because they balance each other out.
15. Because she's the only one who can calm him down just looking at him.
16. Because he grew up and needs someone like her who's substantial and stable.
17. Because John Lennon was right: "All you need is love".
18. Because Sawyer thrived with Juliet.
19. Because she doesn't play mind games with him.
20. Because they can start the Dharma book club together.
21. Because she always takes his side (even if it's "stupid").
22. Because she's killed for him, twice.
23. Because he knows she will do great at anything.
24. Because he saved her from the flaming arrows.
25. Because they are the best and cutest unexpected relationship-twist on Lost.
26. Because they have been through a lot together.
27. Because they don't have to pretend anything.
28. Because those were the best three years of Sawyer's life.
29. Because they are each other's fresh start.
30. Because Juliet is finally not the other woman.
31. Because Sawyer's the one who encouraged Juliet to deliver Amy's baby.
32. Because we've never seen either of them smile like that ever before in their lives.
33. Because they are spooners.
34. Because it may not be the reality as they knew it, but it definitely looks like a fairy tale.
35. Because he said we instead of I.
36. Because they live together.
37. Because he comforts her.
38. Because whenever someone mentions Juliet's name, Sawyer smiles.
39. Because Sawyer did a lot of growing up & Juliet was right beside him.
40. Because HE'S DOING IT FOR HER!
41. Because she's glad he talked her out of leaving.
42. Because they're gonna be rich!
43. Because they said good riddance to the island together.
44. Because he gave everything up to protect her.
45. Because he's gonna kill Phil for hitting his sweetheart.
46. Because she told him she loved him so much!
47. Because he told her not to let go! not to leave him!
48. Because she finally realized he loves her as much as she wants him to.
49. Because he's her Romeo & she's his Juliet.
50. Because their reunion in S6 is going to be epic!
51. Because they're winning almost every poll out there!
52. Because they're our gorgeous, intelligent bookworms!
53. Because their relationship is based on more than just physical needs.
54. Because they looked at each other when their world was about to end.
55. Because they're the best relationship the show has ever created.
56. Because according to EW they have sizzling-hot chemistry.
57. Because Juliet always called him James, even when people called him Sawyer or Jim.
58. Because Sawyer would love her forever.
59. Because they've become THE most praised Lost couple in the media.
60. Because she's Lost's Drama Queen and he's Lost's Drama King.
61. Because Juliet brings out the vulnerable side of Sawyer and we totally dig it!

xxMexx |151
MovieManiac |152
scarlett55 |153
gizzie_fan |154
Suliet_is_Love |155
quicksand |156
gelin |157
bluewhiteheart |158
haleylove |159
McSexie |160
-Glena- |161
KateShephard |162
SergeantPepper |163
K.Corinne |164
nikoulini333 |165
TheSweetestSmile |166
-Krishna- |167
Lemariz |168
JB4EVER |169
Runny Babbit |170
wooster182 |171
DoctorsPatient |172
Nightlife_Eyes |173
irulan |174
ruenschen |175
SkySamuelle |176
ShipperHeart |177
axxgirl |178
TRoss |179
ForeverFaraday |180
Daydreamer09 |181
AntiChrist |182
Jainadawn86 |183
crazycait714 |184
arakha |185
iKi |186
~ayumi~ |187
lisagslack14 |188
tofillupthedays |189
PheeNiks |190
Ally88 |191
AmandaB |192
parapluie |193
falling slowly |194
AnnieStace |195
DharmaLove |196
Greysaholic |197
Creativity |198
tvlover88 |199
FrenchMira| 200
copulated kiss | 201
Lindsay | 202
Leo-4-Life | 203
TizzyGaGaBlank | 204
mchun | 205
Scheming Star | 206
Yesterday | 207
tidbit2008 | 208
bayloriffic | 209
Anjelia | 210
LuCe60 | 211
DandaLaFleurMC | 212
notrunningnow23 | 213
kissed by starlight | 214
kpassion04 | 215
SaarSuliet | 216

~ And I've lost who I am and I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken rejecting your love ~

Last edited by Addison Montgomery; 04-16-2010 at 04:47 PM
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:35 PM
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YouTube - Meant to be alone ? || Sawyer ♣ Juliet (by Lostbeth)
YouTube - Sawyer & Juliet ~ Broken Lifehouse (by AmandaB)
YouTube - Sawyer & Juliet ~ A Drop In The Ocean (by Donnaos)

YouTube - James and Juliet - Lost in Love - Part 1
YouTube - James and Juliet - Lost in Love - Part 2
YouTube - Suliet: The Story
YouTube - Sawyer & Juliet - My Immortal
YouTube - My immortal (Sawyer&Juliet)
TouTube - Juliet[Lost 5x16];FIX YOU
YouTube - Sawyer & Juliet No Ones Gonna Love You More
YouTube - Halo (James&Juliet)
YouTube - Sawyer&Juliet{Breathing Space}
YouTube - Sawyer and Juliet "Die For You" Part 1
YouTube - Sawyer and Juliet// Soulmates Never Die Part 2
YouTube - Suliet Crack the Shutters
YouTube - Easier To Lie [Juliet/Sawyer]
YouTube - You Found Me (Suliet)
YouTube - Suliet - Better Man
YouTube - Sawyer/Juliet: Breathe Me
YouTube - Suliet- Love Story
YouTube - Sawyer and Juliet So Contagious
YouTube - James/Juliet This Years Love
YouTube - Sawyer and Juliet - Suliet
YouTube - Sawyer/Juliet- Collide
YouTube - Sawyer/Juliet: Have a Little Faith in Me
YouTube - James and Juliet
YouTube - Dare you to move (sawyer/juliet)
YouTube - Sawyer & Juliet (James & Juliet) - Tidal wave
YouTube - Stranger (Suliet)
YouTube - Sawyer/Juliet "True love"
YouTube - Sawyer and Juliet "Die For You"
YouTube - Sawyer & Juliet - For You
YouTube - Sawyer&Juliet |EDEN|
YouTube - James & Juliet - Anytime
YouTube - I'd Rather Be With You [Lost: Juliet and James]
YouTube - Sawyer/Juliet/Kate{If You Could Only See}
YouTube - Sawyer/Juliet - The Walk
YouTube - Top 5 suliet´s scenes season 3 and 4
YouTube - Suliet scenes 25 to 20
YouTube - Suliet 19 TO 16
YouTube - SULIET 15 TO 11
YouTube - Suliet 10 TO 8
YouTube - SULIET 7 TO 5
YouTube - Suliet 4 to 1

Previous Threads:
LaFleurs{S/J}#5: because Juliet has got Sawyers back... and also his front.
LaFleurs {S/J} #10: "I'm doing it for her" - Fan Forum
Survivors{S♥J}#26:Because in almost every season finale, they end up together. Bring on 6x17!
Survivors{S♥J}#27: "I'm with you."
Survivors{S♥J}#28:"No one could doubt how much Sawyer loved her." - S. Krishna's Books
Survivors {Sawyer♥Juliet} #29: "Sawyer is Her Constant" - Liz Mitchell.
Mr.&Mrs.Wiseass{S&J}#30:'It seemed to resonate so much more than pretty much every other love affair on Lost'-Popwatch
Bookworms{Sawyer&Juliet}#32: "That scene had to be one of the most powerful scenes I’ve seen in a while on any show."
Tracy & Hepburn {James&Juliet} #40: "Their friendship bloomed into a real love." - LostMag
Tracy & Hepburn {James&Juliet} #41: "S + J = The Heart & Soul of Lost S5" -Spunkybean
Heathcliff & Catherine #42: Through difficulty and deceit these two made each other whole and fell in love -Dark Ufo
{James & Juliet}#43: "Sawyer´s love for Juliet will forever mark him, regardless of what reality they wake up in"-Josh
{James & Juliet}#44: "We had grown to love these two characters together so much…" ~ Elizabeth Mitchell
{James & Juliet} #45: "We'll just say, here it is. If you hate it, sorry. They love each other." ~ Damon
Mature Love {Sawyer and Juliet} #46: "He truly loves Juliet" ~ ABC
Mature Love {Sawyer and Juliet} #47: "Kiss me." "You got it, Blondie."

Future Titles:

- "And he truly does love Juliet. It was agony watching him lose her into the magnetized tunnel." - TV News and Reviews
- "We've been together and we love each other" ~ Josh Holloway in EW
- "Juliet&Sawyer: the best relationship the show has ever created"
- "S&J = Sizzling-hot chemistry" - EW
- "A Scorching Chemistry and a Deep Love" - Spunkybean-
- "Her love made him a better person" -Spunkybean-
- "A pairing that made the Internet collectively swoon" -Spunkybean-
- Sawyer and Juliet: An Achingly Sweet Romance - (Detroit free press)
- The real impact of the episode(the incident) was witnessing Sawyer lose the woman he loved, Juliet. - (io9).
- Like the romance between Sawyer and Juliet, the season´s most winning Storyline. - (EW).
- Sawyer is a much better man because of Juliet. - (
- Juliet has brought out the best in Sawyer, who has emerged as a leader. ~ Elisabeth Sarnoff
- "And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true. In this life, I was loved by you."
- Sawyer found real love in the arms of Juliet. - (Dark ufo)
- "Because we won't rest until we see the deleted sink scene dammit!"
- "The romance for Juliet and Sawyer was wonderful to play" ~ EM
- Sawyer gave his heart to Juliet - TV GUIDE
- Juliet Burke, the woman who tamed wild boy Sawyer on Lost - (Buddy TV)
- Sawyer and Juliet belonged together - (Zapit)
- Sawyer and Juliet not only hooked up, but really loved each other ~ Houston Chronicle
- Lost´s writers hit us in the heart (oh, Sawyer and Juliet!) - EW
- Sawyer and Juliet's love story anchors time-traveling fifth season - journalstar
- I did not let go of her. She let go of me! ~ Josh Holloway
- It came up with its best love story yet with the romance of Sawyer and Juliet. - Star-Telegram
- The story between Sawyer and Juliet it is beautiful, tragic and just so real. - The star online
- "Kate was an advocate for Sawyer and Juliet" ~ Evangeline Lilly or Lost Magazine
- "This couple that is beautiful and happy" ~ Evangeline Lilly
- "The new relationship between Juliet and Sawyer added new life to the series." - Reflector
- "Sawyer and Juliet had a really fantastic storyline this year and the fans really embraced their romance." ~ Paul Terry
- "A Mature Love" ~ Damon
- "Juliet and Sawyer were so sweet and so convincing together" ~ Evi
- "Juliet and Sawyer relationship blossomed in a way we've never anticipated and it was really fun and thrilling to see the audience embrace that." ~ Carlton
- Sawyer’s new relationship was mature, complicated, a genuine partnership- Flavorwire
-Sawyer has never been happier than when he was in dharmaville with Juliet at his side!
-.Juliet saved Sawyer in the way that he was able to be truly happy for the first time in his life. Daemon's Blog..
-Juliet and Sawyer find an interesting and interactive way to pass their time in Dharmatown: falling in love. Film Fodder
-Suliet: So epic, even the NBA ships them
-He's obviously destroyed and hateful toward life. He dosen't care-Josh Holloway
-Sawyer was killing me with that damn flower.- Dark Ufo – Erika
-The hooking up of Sawyer and Juliet was surprisingly awesome - Dark Ufo- Vozzek
-The things they've faced together have bonded them - Dark Ufo- Vozzek
-Sawyer sweet talks his way into Juliet’s heart and Juliet enjoys her first good years on the Island - Pop Syndicate
-I love the Sawyer-Juliet pair-up- Buzz Sugar
-Sawyer nearly kills me with adorableness when he goes to Juliet's with a flower and tells her she was amazing - Buzz Sugar
-They are all schmoopy-lovey-dovey — even trading "I love you"s." - Buzz Sugar
-In a very sweet scene, we see that Juliet and Sawyer have fallen in love and are living together in hippie harmony. He even brings her flowers. - Sci Fi Chicks
-They seem to work really well with each other and make one of the best 1-2 punch leader combos.- Huffington Post
-Sawyer has fallen deeply in love with
-He has the right flower now he just needs the right girl to give it to.
-Good things come to those who wait!
-Sawyer is working toward a positive end now and honouring Juliet- OK Magazine
-Selflessness was just one of many of Juliet’s gifts to Sawyer- OK Magazine
-Juliet. She will be his salvation. - Game Zone
-Sawyer will meet Juliet and fall in love with her all over again at a pivotal moment in his life- Game Zone
-It will be through Juliet that he finds peace, happiness, and the ability to survive despite his unbearable circumstances- Game Zone
-So many people feel Juliet and Sawyer belong together-EW
-“Recon” has revealed itself to be a twin to “The Other Woman,” the episode devoted to Juliet-Jeff Jensen
-Because even Jeff Jensen ships Suliet!
-Juliet’s relationship with Sawyer was
-Juliet’s message from beyond the grave will be a prophetic happily ever after for the
-I want Sawyer/Ford to reunite with Juliet-
-Juliet was all about cooking and loving and since we found out Sawyer likes it kinky, Juliet probably had a closet full of whips too-
-It’s nice to know that at least one of these island survivors is guaranteed a chance at a blissful life...
-Sawyer will end up going dutch on a cup of coffee with Juliet before this show is over-
-We will one day dock at the same port and give rest to our weary legs.
-You've been the only thing that's right in all I've done
-Even if you cannot hear my voice I'll be right beside you dear
-I think Josh and Elizabeth did an amazing work with that couple.~Evangeline Lilly
-Your souls will search for eternity until they unite once more
-"If the finale could also include Sawyer and Juliet sharing a cup of coffee together, that'd be sweet." IGN
-"Oh, and I want Juliet and Sawyer to be together. I know that doesn't make sense since she's dead in the Island world, but I don't care." IGN
- "We'll find each other, we always find each other."
- "With Juliet and Sawyer, it genuinely felt like true love." - Inside Pulse
- "And even though everything's changed, some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice."


They that love beyond the world
cannot be separated by it.
Death cannot kill what never dies.


Don't find love, let love find you.
That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.

You can find the rest of our arts here.

Sawyer & Juliet Appreciation Shop!Created by Lynn aka lynnashley

Winners of Tv´s Hottest HookUp on the Tubbey´s awards Tubbey´s awards
TWoP Staff Pick "Best romantic relationship" on the Tubbey´s awards Tubbey´s Awards
Winner of EWwys awards 2009 "best actor in a drama" Josh Holloway as James "Sawyer"Ford EWwys awards 2009
Winner of EWwys awards 2009 "Best supporting actress in a drama" Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet Burke EWwys awards 2009
Winners of "Couples Showdown" on ABC LOST |
Winner of "Drama Queen" Elizabeth Mitchell as Dr. Juliet Burke, Lost on Tater Top Awards |
Winner of "Drama King" Josh Holloway as James "Sawyer" Ford, Lost on Tater Top Awards |
Winner of "Moment That Made You Want to Throw Your TV Out the Window" Juliet gives up, Lost on Tater Top Awards |
Winner of "Best Tearjerker" Juliet's final scene, Lost on Tater Top Awards |
Winners of "Favorite Couple" on DarkUFO |
Winners of "Favorite Couple" on Fanpop |
Winners of "Most Heartbreaking Scene" on Fanpop |
Winners of "Suliet or Jacket" on Fanpop |
Winners of "Suliet/Jate VS Skate/Jacket" on Fanpop |
Winners of "Hot or Not Suliet poll" on Fanpop |
Winners of "Who's should Sawyer be with" on BuzzSuger |
Currently Winning "Who most deserves a Happily Ever After" on DarkUFO |
Currently Winning "Suliet or Skate" on DarkUFO |
Currently Winning (with Jate) "How do you want the quadrangle to end?" on DarkUFO |
Currently Winning "Who do you think Sawyer will choose?" on DarkUFO |
Currently Winning "Which couple do you prefer?" on DarkUFO |
Currently Winning "Which do you like better? on Dark Ufo
Currently Winning "Would you prefer Juliet to end up with Goodwin or Sawyer? on Dark Ufo
Currently Winning "What endgame would you like for Sawyer? on Dark Ufo
Currently Winning "Does Sawyer belongs with Kate or Juliet? on E!
#5 "Best ships of 2009" on Buddy tv

Josh Holloway |1
Elizabeth Mitchell |2
Elizabeth Sarnoff |3
Damon Lindelof |4
Carlton Cuse |5
Kate Austen |6
James 'Sawyer' Ford |7
Juliet Burke |8
Evangeline Lilly |9
Mark Goldman |10
Jeff Jensen |11

~ And I've lost who I am and I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken rejecting your love ~

Last edited by Addison Montgomery; 04-16-2010 at 04:41 PM
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:36 PM
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I started to ship James & Juliet in season 4, mostly because they were (and are) my favorite characters on the show.
At the beginning of season 5 I was sure they were perfect for each other and I completely fell in love with them.
Now, even if Juliet is dead, I've still hope for them, because they are meant to be together! [Ally88]

I fell for this pairing the instant James looked at Juliet and you saw his eyes soften.
Unlike others, she had the ability to break down the walls from his childhood and love away his imperfections.
Juliet and James supported each other more than any couple I've watched in television history.
When her hand slipped from his during 'The Incident,' I could not stop crying.
And the fact that this epic love story was created in only one season is the phenomenal icing on the cake. [California_ here_ I _come]

"I love James and Juliet together because they simply WORK. They're able to have a true, functional,
and adult relationship that made each of them want to become better people.
They finally found a life to share with another person that made them both truly happy,
and in the process became the very essence of everything epic, tragic, and wonderfully perfect on this show." [Baby_SweetPea]

She calms him. He makes her smile. That's what makes them perfect for each other.
They bring out the best and love each other unconditionally.
Soulmates never die and someday soon, they will be together again. [AmandaB]

It wasn't an active decision for me to ship Suliet, it just happened based on what I saw during season five, and specifically, "La Fleur".
I went into that season thinking I wouldn't like them, or that I would be indifferent at best.
But when I actually saw their scenes, my opinion completely changed.
Seeing these characters so happy and in love with each other just stole my heart
in a way I could have never anticipated, and Sawyer/Juliet have been my OTP of Lost ever since. [forblueskiesxx]

I didn't want Sawyer and Juliet to happen at first.
But they completely won me over in one episode with their loving and mature relationship.
Finally getting to see two beloved characters experience a happy,
peaceful partnership after a lifetime of pain and loneliness was so rewarding.
I can't wait for them to find each other again! [AdiG9]

Sawyer and Juliet remind me of the saying that love is friendship that has caught fire--- it takes root and grows one day at a time. A slow burning love that has a foundation of mutual trust, respect honesty and faith with one another with one another--- which was lacking in their previous relationships. And of course, I absolutely love that they have EACH OTHER’S BACKS ALL THE TIME!! I love that sawyer became a BETTER MAN and reach his fullest potential mainly because of JULIET! I love that his tender, vulnerable, selfless sides of him are shown more when he’s with her! Meanwhile, I absolutely adore that Juliet is not indecisive and ambiguous at all in showing her love for Sawyer both in words and in action! She STAYED AND GOT SAWYER'S BACK ALL THE WAY till the END!
That’s one hell of a woman who despite three freakin torturous years of wanting to leave the island--- stayed an additional three years because sawyer asked her to even if they were still at the initial stage of their friendship at that point of their relationship! So as far as I’m concern, sawyer and Juliet are the romantic heroes of Lost and I fervently hope that they will be together again when all is said and done in the end! [maisie07]

I’m not ashamed to say that, at first, I didn’t want James&Juliet to happen because there was already so much drama on the show that I didn’t want Juliet to be part of the main love triangle. “LaFleur” made me change my mind, though. When you see two amazing people loving each other so much you just can’t help but fall in love with them. Juliet and James have found each other; they’ve never loved that much before. Thanks to Juliet, James has become a better man and Juliet has found someone who truly believes In her. They shared a very mature, adult relationship that developed from friendship to something more. Love.
They’re meant to be together, they’re each other’s world. Two weeks became three years, three years of loving each other and having each other’s back. Endless love never dies, death doesn’t put Soulmates apart because they share that kind of love that will never die, no matter what. James and Juliet are Soulmates and I’m sure that they will meet again. [Addison Montgomery]

True love never dies nor fades away.

Sawyer&Juliet ~ A Love gone Epic

~ And I've lost who I am and I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken rejecting your love ~
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:38 PM
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I love the title
But I'm miss him, I really...really miss him. Lexie Grey
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:39 PM
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Love the new title
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:39 PM
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You're welcome! Yes, it's a great one.
~ And I've lost who I am and I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken rejecting your love ~
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:40 PM
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did you guys knew that Liz's her grandparents are from Belguim
yeah the small country with the best beer and frites
But I'm miss him, I really...really miss him. Lexie Grey
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:41 PM
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hahaha Saar. I know
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by DandaLaFleurMC (View Post)
hahaha Saar. I know
I'm just so pround on it
I mean I don't know an other famous actor that I adore that has a connection with Belguim
But I'm miss him, I really...really miss him. Lexie Grey
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:43 PM
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Yes, i knew it. Cool!
~ And I've lost who I am and I can't understand
Why my heart is so broken rejecting your love ~
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:44 PM
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tftnt!!! OUR THREAD IS FLYING!yay!
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:45 PM
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I mean I don't know an other famous actor that I adore that has a connection with Belguim
awww! well... I don't know anyone connected to Brazil
well... we had a brazilian on Lost and another on Alias. We have one on V. But no actor I really love...
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:45 PM
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can someone add me to the list because I totally forgot about it
But I'm miss him, I really...really miss him. Lexie Grey
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by maisie7 (View Post)
tftnt!!! OUR THREAD IS FLYING!yay!
yes! It's getting close to their reunion <3
Nanda | youtube&tumblr
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by DandaLaFleurMC (View Post)
awww! well... I don't know anyone connected to Brazil
well... we had a brazilian on Lost and another on Alias. We have one on V. But no actor I really love...
yeah Brussels was also on Alias
and than of course mucles from Brussels Jean Claude van Damme
But I'm miss him, I really...really miss him. Lexie Grey
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