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maxsgirl452 08-05-2005 07:44 AM

Hey guys, can't talk long, just wanted to let you know that I'm gunna be gone for the weekend. I'm going up to the twin cities with my family and we're meeting some family friends up there. It's gunna be great because we're going to a really cool italian resturant on my b-day tomorrow. Woot! I'll be back Sunday night sometime!

Oh and I put "She Says Her Name Is Anna..." up on I've only got the first two chapters up so far, but I'll be putting the rest up later! Check it out!

Bye guys! Wish me a happy b-day tomorrow! ;)

Lenea12 08-05-2005 01:48 PM

Hey guys!!!
Tammy~ Happy late birthday on my part...hope you got nice and wasted!

Steph~ I talk to you all my I don't know what to say...except...uh...Hi!!! Oh wait I thoght of something! I loooove the feeling of being sore its so great! Like it makes me feel like I've accomplished something! Kind of like the feeling I get when I shop haha

Max~ I'm so proud of you for running! I absolutly hate running for fun...bleh...I need to be like playing a sport for me to want to run. But I do it anyways so...

Harriet~ Thanks! And it didn't hurt to get done, but oh my god does it hurt now, holy ****! And I agree with steph, you're like our third little alckie! We're like a tripod! Or something...

Hege~ Dude I freaking looove lip piercings! I'm getting mine done right before I leave for school! So far I have 10 piercings, but I want more! They're so addictive!

So lemme see...last night at work was my favorite server's last night :( so at the end of my shift she and I were rolling our silverware, and she was like "when I got here I looked at the schedule and I saw that you were working and I was so excited but then I didn't even get to talk to you!" I was like awwww! Then she gave me her # and told me to call her if I was ever in greely (where her school is, like 5 hours away from mine!) so yeah it was sad! Then she gave me a hug and kind of hit my piercing with her head, and holy **** it hurt! But it was ok...she was a cutie lol. So later I got to the club...and of course M was there, and holy **** she looked sooo hot! So she gave me a hug and we talked for a sec nothing special. Then I went to the bathroom like 15min later and she was coming out of it and like was walking by me and put her hand on my stomach you know? So I like grabbed and squeezed it while she walked by...I don't know if you know what I mean but yeah lol. So anyhoo, a little bit later on I was dancing and I saw her dancing with htis girl and they started making out, and I got soooo unbelievably jealous! It was unreal! I don't think I've ever been that jealous in my life! So what do I do? I spot M's exgirlfriend and start dancing with her right in viewing distance of M to try and make her jealous...sad I know but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. So I dance with her for a bit, then later M comes up to me and heres how the convo goes:
M: Don't dance with her.
Me: Why?
M: Because shes a ****.
Me: Why do you care who I dance with?
M: I don't I just...I just don't like her
Me: Ok.
And I walked away. So then surprise surprise, next song that comes on, I'm dancing NEAR her ex, and M just comes up and starts grinding on me, oh yeah mission accomplished! So I was dancing with her, and she was wearing a skirt, and she loooked sooooo hot! I have never gotten so hot by dancing with someone, I thought I was going to lose it! So we're like really close...and its all hot, and we started making out like crazy! It was so insane! God I have balls when I've had a couple shots lol! And then the song ended and that was was like a heat of the moment thing. So much for trying to get over her! My goal for the night was to try and make out with a girl hotter than her to get over her, and what do I do? I make out with HER!! Dammit!!! But she just has this like power over me...I don't know what it is...but I'm thinking I need to hook up with her again before I leave for school...because OH MY GOD. Sigh...ok so sorry for the long ass post, but I haven't had anything worth while to post about for a long time, so yeah! Ok peace out girls!

Lenea12 08-05-2005 03:43 PM

ok so quick little update: I just got off the phone with J. So we're talking about last night and I go, "so who was that girl M was making out with last night?" and J says "oh thats her girlfriend." so I was like oh how long have they been going out?" and she goes, "About a month now." so she totally cheated on her girlfriend with me!!! can you guys believe that?? Holy ****! Ahhhhh

~Tina_Greer~ 08-05-2005 05:10 PM

Hey ~*Nikki*~, can I see that Chloe/Lana fic you were talking about awhile back.


Originally Posted by ~*Nikki*~
Yeah I'm all for Chloe/Lana, although I am a huge Chloe/Clark fan first and foremost. I did write a Chloe/Lana fanfic that took place during the episode with Tina Greer. It involved some kissing, but sadly when I reformatted my harddrive it was lost. It was pretty darn good too.

Hint_Of_Skater 08-06-2005 04:17 PM

Nea - OH man, I've got so much to say to you! Firstly, M is a total biatch - you deserve so much better than that. I think if she keeps coming to you, use her BIG TIME cause chicks like that deserve it. And as hard as this sounds, just keep it in your mind that you feeling nothing for her. Maybe you not seeing her is for the best, once your off to college you'll get over her! Ahh I'd be totally jealous if i saw someone i like making out with somebody else, weirdness... but yeah, i hope you're alright.

I'm always here :) mwah wifey

hunni_girl 08-07-2005 02:05 AM

Hey everybody!! I missed you guys so much! I got back last week but I've had a few things to sort out before I could post, but Im here now! Omg there's sooooo much 2 catch up on so Im not even gonna try, but it sounds like you all been havin some big up dramas, I'll try n read up on whats been happenin but yeh...that may take a while!

Ok Im gonna tell you sumthin that you've all been waitin to hear since....well...ever. Yeh me n S are
seeing each other. You have no idea how exciiiiiiiiiiited it makes me to say that, but yeh!!!!! Well we kinda are...its unofficial at the moment..but we've been gettin it on...u know what Im sayin ;) She admitted yesterday that there's obviously something goin on between us, so I duno whats gonna happen next, but everybodys talkin bout us kuz we got it together at her birthday party last week...which I can't actually remember.. I've never got so completely smashed in ma life, but aparently we spent the whole night together, slow dancin to all the fast songs, n kissin..n she aparently proposed to me, which I accepeted, n then we 'got married'...i WISH i cud remember dat!!
Im goin over hers soon so I'll catch y'all later!!

BepperGirl 08-07-2005 05:44 AM

Estel! Baby! You could see me right now, I'm grinning like an idiot! I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy for you!

I saw somethin on MSN Messenger when you were offline one time last week but I didn't want to say anything. Seriously, I'm so happy for you two! It gives me hope!

Also, belated wishes to Sara. Meant to send out an e-card yesterday but I've been cleaning my room all day. Dad says no dirty clothes at home when you're at school and we're not taking dirty clothes to school. Also my mom's moving in October and I won't be home before she moves so I gotta sort through the stuff over there. Man, I'm going to be BUSY the next two weeks. Leave the 24th, hopefully. Orientation starts on the 25th. So if I'm AWOL at the end of the month, just know I'm getting adjusted to college life.

Lenea12 08-07-2005 12:01 PM

Oh my god you guys, I have been like wasted off my ass for the past two nights...holy ****...ok...

ESTEL!!!! Oh my god my sexy latina I thought you fell off the face of the earth or something! I am so unbelievably happy for you babe! Well anyways post more often k???

Max~ Happy belated birthday babe! When I get the chance (probably tomorrow) I'm going to send you the pic of my tongue ring that I know you so badly want! If I could I would totally give you a birthday lap dance!

Wifey~ Aw you always know how to make me feel better! Thank you so much babe! I've been working like crazy so thats why I haven't been able to message you lately by the way...I'm not deserting you!!!

Steph~ Just want to say hey to my sexy texan!

Gaby~ Dude I leave next thursday for school and I still haven't packed!!! My first day of school is the 22nd, whens yours?

Ok so hmmmm...I don't rememeber much of the past couple nights except for drinking copious amounts of alcohol...and getting a grand total of like 4 hours of sleep combined in the past 2 nights. So yeah I'm exhasted and have to go to work again tonight...but I work with my favorite hostess again so its all good! Ok well hopefully I'll have something better to post about soon! Love you girls!

BepperGirl 08-07-2005 12:11 PM

My first day of classes is the 29th..... Hey Nea, you should totally sign up for if you know your college email address. ;)

Lenea12 08-07-2005 01:47 PM

yeah I don't have my college address yet, but once I do I'll for sure sign up

StephLova 08-07-2005 02:19 PM

WAIT HOLD THE ***CING PHONE!!! ESTEL!!! where the hell have u been? Just when i was about to give up hope that you were ever coming back you bring your butt back!!! Well I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unbelieably happy for you and S! You have to tell us how it all went down! It's a must!!! Well I MISSED YOU soooo much my little sexii latina!

Max, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! I tried to get on and send u a little message but FF was jammed I guess and I was only on the computer for like 45 minutes yesterday. Well I hope you had a great time whereever u went! Finally 17! Yikes!

Nea!!!! Ohhh my little sugar booger! I love you soooooooo much!!! You brighten my day ;)! I start school on the 22nd too!!!! UGH. Somebody shoot me!! I am soooooooooo not ready for school again, so fast. Are u going to have internet in your room bcuz you are going to have to keep in touch with us. guys yesterday was my birthday dinner and all my friends, gay and straight were there. It was soooo bizarre. Every girl that I have ever liked was there. Nicole, Erica's twin sister!!! Paige from school, Katie, the one I started talking to for a while, TASHA!!!!, RAE!, ANA, Briana,...etc. The list goes on!!! It was sooo much fun..being the woman of the night! The food was great, it was at my favorite Italian restaurant. All my family was there!!! My brother played a special song for me on his guitar! he wrote it for me!!! It was kinda crazy how my gay friends and straight ones kinda didn't mingle very well. And I am sooo use to hanging out with the gay ones that it was kinda weird being witht the straight ones. Tad... is such a good guy!! and i think i hurt him when i told him i had been seeing someone and he asked me who it was and i motioned that it was Ana..and he was kinda like :goof: And then I introduced him to all the chicks that I have had something with. After a while he got cool. And RAE!! remember her? The first girl kiss or crush..something like that. Well she came...and she was suprisingly early. And she was very sweet. And not being a bitch. Ahhh well. It was sooo awkward how all the ladies that I have ever had a crush on was sitting near each other. Tasha was totally flirting when me outloud!! And some of my guy friends really wanted to talk to her and Ana. Katie came with her girlfriend. Erica tried to get with Paige. It was bizarre!! THEN!!!after a while all my friends started colliding together and they said they wanted to take me to a club. So ERICA had the funny idea of going to Meteor, a gay club! All the guy friends where like HELL NO! But all my straight girlfriend were cool with it. When we get there nobody was dancing. I mean I was seriouly rolling with like 20 friends. Everybody wanted to dance with me. I was soooo tired! I danced my ass OFF!!! No joke! It started getting hott up in there! Oh and T finally showed me my gift..but since my actual birthday is on Tuesday I won't get to see her in it. Guess what it is? It's like this really sexy garter belt attire thing! Soooo much fun with that on Wednesday night.

Friday night was kinda cool hanging out with the straighties! lol. Oh and has anybody heard of Mike Jones? He says his name like a million times in a song? Well he's from Houston and I met him and he wanted to talk to me. I was like urr uhhh. No!.... really wants to get back together and we kinda slept together two days ago...but I think I am starting to kinda like Kaci, my brazillian chica! And then Tasha is telling me all the things she is going to do with me and that sexy ass garter belt lingerie stuff isn't making matters better!!! But... I am not making any commitments right now. Especially since this is my birthday week and I have been sooooo freaking drunk! No telling what will happen. And I got a total of 2 hours of sleep before I had to wake up, go to church, and repent. Owi. :rolleyes:

maxsgirl452 08-07-2005 03:24 PM

Hey guys, I'm back!!! Thanks for all the happy b-day wishes. My weekend was great! On Friday we went to the Mall of America for like half the day. OMG there were so many hot girls there!! then we went to the Twins baseball game over at the Metrodome. And we totally kicked Boston's ass 12-0!!! Then on Saturday we went to a couple of different stores, including Ikea, anyone ever been there? Totally crazy, and they have the most uncomfortable couches and beds! Then we went to the zoo, then back to the hotel, then out to eat at this cool family-style italian resturant, Buca's. We met some other family friends there who we haven't seen in like years, and their daughter is like 5 years older than me, OMG she looked so f-ing hot!!!! And I got to sit next to her at dinner. It was so yummy! They have the best garlic mashed potatoes ever!!! And I got my presents at Buca's, a CD, DVD's, guitar stand, some other stuff... got chocolate cake... and today we went to one of the art musiums and made fun of all the weird modern art crap. It was so fun, we were trying to analize what the different pieces represent, it was like the weirdest crap you've ever seen. Anyway, had a great time! Now on to you guys....

ESTEL!!!! OMFG!!!! You're back!!!!!! You and S?!?!?!?! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! As you can tell, I'm pretty damn speachless! :yay:

Stephy, my little drama queen... Sounds like a fun night! That's all you need for a fun night, alcohol, cute girls, and a dance floor... :P

Nea, Ooo, a pic? for me? coolness! and way to go making-out with M!!! I think I'm gunna dream about that b-day lapdance tonight! ;)

Gaby, thanks hun!

Mischa's_n(ex)t 08-07-2005 08:30 PM

Hey guys!!!!!!
I missed you all!!!

Thanks for the greeting and blessing! I had a really fun birthday!
But first of all i wanted to tell you about my little trip to the north, it was freaking 4 days of fun, alcohol, cigarettes (i know i'm adictted to cig, but damn! a whole pack per day is freakin' insane!) but not many guys or girls (for me lol). Oh, and you know what the hell it's like eating McDonald's every day?!?! I got a f-cking stomach ache! Damn it! Anyway, it was this prestigious neighborhood, so my friend owns her own appartment there, how cool is that?!?! There's a public pool right next to the building, and you can see the ocean from the appartment. That was such a beautiful sight! So we spent 4 days laying in sun, next to the pool, trying to get some suntanning! lol I'm so brown! At the 3rd and 4th nights, we went to this club near by, we drank a lil bit (A LOT), and we also sat right next to the bar, so we were all sooo flirting with all the bar tenders! lol I had a crush on one of them, he was so hott!!! That's intersting, cuz i thought i would never have a crush on a guy again lol They were all like 27-30, so nothing really happened, exept for one of my friends who couldn't help it and did her thing with one of those guys! So yeah, we had some really fun nights there! I actually went with two of my best friends (who were the first ones i told to about me being gay) and another girl who's not such a friend of mine, but she's cool. So yeah, i couldn't act naturally with the gay thing bcuz of her. She's this straight girl who thinks gay people are weird, and she adores dicks! lol So i didn't want her to know about me liking girls too, altough usually i don't have a problem with telling people about it. The hardest thing was when i saw some hot girls at the pool, i'd think to myself like "God, she's fine" and had to keep these thoughts to myself! That's really funny, how people would have never known i'm gay if i haven't convinced them differently. Actually i gave this friend some clues about this fact, but she thought i was joking!!!
Ok, so wednsday night we drove all the way home cuz i wanted to be at home at 12 am, cuz that's when my b-day was staring! I wanted to check with my parents if they had remembered! lol Well yeah, they didn't disappoint me :) The next day i got so many phone calls from people i haven't heard from for a while. In the morninng i was a little depressed. I think it was about H. The girl I was in love with for a whole year. I just couldn't help not thinking about my 17th birthday last year, which was right at the time when we got to know each other and she bought me a b-day present. I dunno, i'm crazy! I won't deny it, but i really wished she'd call. But of course, it didn't happen so i got a lil' depressed, but never mind. So me and my friends went out to this bar, it was next to the beach, so it was a real fun! I got some very cool presents and stuff, but i still haven't got THE present i've been waiting for so long - My second TATTOO! I had my first one on my 16th birthday, and now i want another one! So my sister promised me she'd pay for it for my b-day, so we're gonna go together next week and have another tattoo for both of us! :)
Oh, and it's so weird turning to an adult all of a sudden, cuz here, when you're 18 you're turning into a legal adult! It's like, I can legally buy ALCOHOL! And vote at the elections for the government! lol (yeah right, like i have my own state of mind about it) Ok, enough bout me!

It's hard to catch up, so lets see!
Max, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! but seems i'm a little late lol So i'm glad you had a great birthday! Oh, and about Ikea? They have the coolest furniture! :lol: I like their style!

Nea, DAMN! You kick ass! You totally got M! I'm sure you're flattered of her for cheating on her gf with you, seems like she was totally into you! But you don't need this kind of a girl, i think you deserve waaay better then that! :blush:
And holly ****! you have 10 pericings?! WHERE??? I only have two, in my ears. That's lame! lol I wanted to pierce my eyebrow but my mom will hate that so much she'd tell me to get rid of that thing anyway (I still cant believe she let me have a tattoo).

Steph, firstly, i'm glad you had a real fun birthday dinner! :) And i can believe you about the bizarriness (? :lol:) of the combination with the straight and the gay friends! I know i can't dp that with my friends, cuz my gay friends are sooo different from the straight ones. They wouldn't get along well. A couple of months ago, my gay friend came to town, so i introduced him to my straight friends, and they found him so girlish and gay!
About Ana, what do you mean by "slept together"? :lol: Did you just fall asleep together or were you having sex? How did it happen??? LMAO! I know it's a weird question, but really, how?

And hege_k_t - Hey to you too! :D What's your name and where are you from?

K guys, i'm off to bed!!!! I had a really tough day (just hung out with my friends, who am i kidding? lol)
Good night!

p.s, Leo's do ROCK!!!!!!!

StephLova 08-08-2005 08:17 AM

Tammy, man...that sounds like SOOO much fun! Lol. I kinda have a crush on this guy that's been working at this shoe store called Journeys. He just the cutest little thing. He reminds me of Adam Brody's character Seth Cohen from The O.C. Except he's more punish...and he dresses soooooooo cool! I love him! Yeah it's SOOO RARE that I have a crush on a guy... so yeah. Oh and LEO F-ING ROCK!!! :D

So tell me why...five of my friends called me thinking today was my birthday. I was like noooo it's tomorrow!!!! :mad:

It's EARLY in the morning and I am soo sleepy. So to you chicas later.

BeingBJLisabummer 08-08-2005 10:12 AM

What does club for the confused mean..........??? I love the L word...... BTW

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