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BepperGirl 07-27-2005 08:21 AM

I, for the most part, get along with the 'rents.. Dad and I have this great bond that on LJ, I use this icon all the time:

And, aw, cute email. Come out of lurkdom, Helma!

Harriet, condoms as balloons. That totally just reminded me of Popular. Anyone else love that show? It was on The WB in 2000 or so I think. Had two seasons. Sammy would have been a lesbian in season 3 had the show gone on.

hazylazydays 07-27-2005 09:13 AM

I freakin' loved Popular! I was so bummed when i found out it was cancelled - especially considering it was a cliffhanger. Stupid network execs always cancel my favourite shows!

That e-mail was so sweet. :)

maxsgirl452 07-27-2005 09:14 AM

I used to love Popular!!!! Good show! Wasn't Tammy Lynn Michaels in that?

My dad is like really liberal, so when I get up on Sunday mornings, he'll be watching those political talk shows and he'll explain to me why the topic is good or bad or whatever. It's really cool, even though I'm like WAY more liberal than him. I think that's where I get my values and stuff. And me and my mom can talk alot easier than I can talk with my dad, at least about personal stuff. But I mean I have really good relationships with both. Sometimes I feel like I'm really lucky cuz all of my friends complain about how evil their parents are. I'm like, "Um... ok... don't really have that problem." lol Its cool.

BepperGirl 07-27-2005 10:17 AM

Yeah, TLM was Nicole. My favorite episode from season 1 (since I've seen that more recently, I got the DVD.. Not season 2 yet though) is the one where the girls are all spilling out their secrets. Caged I think was the title. Nicole had this line, I think it was "Was there tongue?" and she says it with a straight face I just crack up now. Cuz she was closeted at the time of Popular.

Lenea12 07-27-2005 12:17 PM

Steph~ I'm pretty sure its pull your leg, lol. Don't think too hard hunny! Haha you know I love you sugar booger!

Tammy~ I know what you mean, its like ever since I turned 18 I feel like I can do whatever the hell I want, lol which is probably not a good thing!

Max~ I have condoms in my night stand still from when I had sex with guys, lol, the girls liked to keep me stocked up! Maybe I'll fed ex them to you! And omg, what a cuuuuute email! It kind of made me sad though :( poor girl! Maybe I should put my email address in my sig...hmmmm

Well...ummm lets see...I'm going to go get my hair cut today...and cash my pay check...and do laundry. Yeah, thats my plan for the day. Maybe I'll go out later...hmmmm ok peace

StephLova 07-27-2005 01:28 PM

OMG!!! I LOVE YOU HELMA!!! That is soooooo sweet! Geeze... It feels good to know that we are admired. Don't you say, girlies?

Gaby, I LOVE popular!!! And I remember that episode vividly!! Good stuff!

They ALWAYS cancel good freaking shows like Young American which had Kate Moennig in it!!! UGh! I wanted Jake to get together with...Ian Somerholder's character! UGH!!!! Didn't they kiss because I remember him thinking Jake was a he and then he found out Jake was a she...and he got really mad. Anybody know what i am talking about?

Nea, awww. "sugar booger" you are toooooo sweet to me! I love you girlie!!! Take pictures of your haircut!! I don't know whether I am going out tonight. It's Wednesday which means all the lesbians are out in Houston! hee hee. I felt so prideful saying that! Well I should have said all of the "family" is out in Houston clubs tonight! What's the update with M and J. LMAO!!! I think you and J would make a cute lil couple. A lil jungle feverish. I likey! lol just kidding dude! I know you aren't that crazy. And I wouldn't want you to disappoint me! Bcuz you deserve the hottest of the hottest! ;) Simply because you are so hott! Aww aren't I sweety?

Anna, my beautiful sexy european wife! you know i love ever inch of you! I just wanted to say hey to you....and i'm still waiting on my photos! and i don't care if you have your house clothes on! that's even sexier!

Harriett, photos? What? That's kinky! I likey! And depending on how much I drink...says if I will remember anything or not. Chances are I won't bcuz I drink that hard **** like NEA!!!

Oh gosh..all this talking about condoms have me thinking about the time my parents tried to teach me about them. Horrible, horrible experience. I will share it with you guys! hee hee. My mom called me in the kitchen one time to have "the talk" and I saw all these skinny little packages. Me being like 13 I already knew what the hell it was. So my mom was like blah blah sex sex. Then she opens the condom and she's trying to teach me how to put in on a banana but she couldn't really do it. I was like...ewwww. My dad walks up totally oblivious to what's going on. My mom sees him and asked him how does he put it on. Then my dad said "i don't know we don't use them"...and he looks at me really fast and was like "That's the good thing about being married. But you should ALWAYS use them! Hell you shouldn't even be thinking about having sex until you are 30." So i was like okay..i'm leaving. Then my mom was like "well you never know! Now if I could remember how thi--" She pulls another one out and it slips out of her hand and slaps me in the face. It was sooo sick!!! and slimmy and rubbery and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! It like hit my eye and went to my ear. Gosh... horrible horrible experience. It stains my memory! But...two years ago me and Tad were at his beach house in Galveston. Well we went into the ocean and it's really gross because it's Houston's water. He went down and came up with a condom stuck to his neck! Really gross. I called him "Herpie neck" for like a year.

Max, dude I don't want the chapter if it's been in your ass okay. That's just sick!. Oh and that's soo cute about you and your fam. I kinda have a good set of parents. All four of them! Even tho they get a little crazy at times..I love them still! They don't make me crazy too often! And my dad is a liberal. Well all of them are really. I get most of my opinions from him because he is soo smart. And he gives both sides of the pictures and he's not bias about a situation....and you get along with your brother. You guys must be like the perfect family! that's cute!

maxsgirl452 07-27-2005 02:34 PM

Gaby, hmm, maybe I should put the DVD's on my b-day wish list! I don't have a lot on there, so that could be fun!!

So what are you guys getting me for my b-day? Hmm? jk jk, an e-mail greating card would be cool tho! *hint hint* lol jk

Nea, Sounds like you have a packed day! Send me a pic of your new haircut! You still have to send me a pic of that tongue ring of yours!!! ;) lol

Stephy, hee hee... condom stories make me laugh! Yeah, me and my family are pretty damn perfect!! Well except for the lesbain aunt, my dad lies about my grandfather's suicide, and my dad's on anti-depressents, which would have been useful to know that my family has a history of depression, becuase when I was younger I was really depressed! And my bro, I sware he's gay, but he wont admit it. And my aunt on my moms side has ran away, and not let my mom, uncle, or grandparents know where she went... yep, pretty damn prefect!! lol

So today at college 4 kids, these two girls kept following me around and teasing me and asking me questions... pretty weird... But I gotta talk with Bailey for a little during snack time. Yep, fun stuff!

Mischa's_n(ex)t 07-27-2005 02:38 PM

Steph - Wow, getting into the parents room at the wrong time is sooooo, soooo bad. Sorry girl! lol I know i would've start crying if it happened to me! lol But, there was this time when i looked for something in their room. I didn't find what i needed but i did find condoms! Ewww! It's like I don't wanna know! That was depressing :lol:
(I just saw your new post heehee) The story about the condoms! DAMN! That's funny!!! :lmao: I always thought that only on TV parents would talk with their children about sex! But, for real??? Fortunatelly, my parents haven't talked about condoms with me!

Max - I think that you are the only one who gets along with her parents! lol Lucky you! But how old are you? 16? Wait till you turn 18, lol i think it's something about this age, they just can't accept the fact that you're becoming an adult, and they might always treat you like you're still their little girl!

hazylazydays - What's your name? :)
And yeah, I argue with my mom more than with my dad cuz i spend more time with her than with my dad. He's in his office all day, and i see my mom wayyy too much, so it's "easier" to get into these fights with her. Abd besides, my dad is this calm and nice person, so i can't yell at him.

and Nea - Yeah, we should learn how to clam ourselves down sometimes! lol
And talking about having sex with guys, won't you all miss their cute little thing between their legs? :sigh:
And how many of you had sex with a guy?

And the E-mail is definately cute! I hope she join us and start posting! :)

Oh, guys, i just thought about something really ironic! When i was like 13, i was this little girl who was too conneceted to her mom, so i would talk to her about anything. So there was a time back then, when i had these thought that i might be gay cuz i thought i had a crush on my best friend lol So i got depressed for a whole week cuz i was scared of myself! And i told my mom about this, but somehow she succeded in persuading me that i wasn't gay and i believed her... (and actually i was a real straight for a few years later) until i realized that i am gay :lol: And she used this conversation and told me that i mustn't have sex with a guy until the age of 17... But then again, i could'nt stick to that promise :sigh:

BepperGirl 07-27-2005 03:34 PM

Tammy, hazylazydays = Harriet. Also I haven't even been kissed by a guy. Or a girl. So there's nothing going on with me.

Mischa's_n(ex)t 07-27-2005 04:23 PM

How come you haven't kissed a guy? :)

BepperGirl 07-27-2005 04:24 PM

Haven't had the opportunity to do so!

Mischa's_n(ex)t 07-27-2005 04:36 PM

Oh OK.
i was just guessing you didn't kiss a guy cuz you're not attracted to guys :)

BepperGirl 07-27-2005 05:01 PM

Guys are fun. Some of them anyway. Girls are the same way.

maxsgirl452 07-27-2005 09:09 PM

I've never kissed a guy either! You're not alone Gaby!!! Thats one thing that made me think that I might be gay, is that I never conected with guys, at all, like I have a couple of guy friends, other than that, all of my friends are girls. So, therefore, I've never had sex with a guy... yep... had sex... had... hmm... why is it had? sorry, it's late, and I'm tired!

Lenea12 07-28-2005 12:00 AM

Ok, let me just say, I've kissed many many people, because I am a makeout **** haha! So don't feel bad girls! I make out with everyone, so yeah! Um...yeah so I'm thinking maybe me hooking up with M was a mistake, because now I really like her, and I really don't want to, because I don't think she feels the same way. Like I think to her it was just a one night stand...which its pretty obvious that it was, so yeah. I'm feeling really down right now...I'm going to go listen to some sad music and have a good the way I changed my myspace guys should go see it and tell me what you think...k bye

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