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MotherDear 10-30-2007 12:25 AM

and Quentin Tarantino is directing the last two. there shall be blood. and weird musical scenes..

one can hope.. :D

I'm Not Dead 10-30-2007 04:54 AM

Since Jelliot's fate is going to be resolved long before the finale, it's bound to be a tumultuous few weeks where we don't know WHAT'S going to happen! So I'm don't over-hypothesising. My head can't take it anymore. :lol: I'm just going to sit back and pray to God Jelliot work out. :P

But if they don't work out, I'll be interested to see what kind of relationship they will have. Will they be friends? Or just colleagues? Will they be unable to work together because it's too difficult to move on from their history? Will they drift apart?


dice8us 10-30-2007 08:31 AM

:yay: New thread!! :woot: Haven't been here for a while but haven't forget JD and Elliot either :D Love the banner :love:

JDZachfan 10-30-2007 11:05 AM

Glad you liked the banner guys, will try and make some more art soon.

I can't wait to see how these two will end up. I just hope for a good realistic ending, with the two of them together in the end. If not I hope they will still have their friendship. It would be worse for them just to drift apart, I don't think this would happen, they have a strong bond, and their friendship has overcome a lot.

valeposh 10-30-2007 11:49 AM

The banner looks great in the OP!!! :D

I'm a bit tired of reading about JD's immature self. Let's give him the chance to prove he's better, first. ;)
JMO of course. :)

Ellipsis 10-30-2007 03:10 PM

Kata! :hug:


I'll be interested to see what kind of relationship they will have.
If they can't be together, then I'd like it better if they were single. It's just so weird to have them with other people. Or, they are both with in relationships with people they care about. As long as they are happy, I guess I'm happy...:look:


I don't think this would happen, they have a strong bond, and their friendship has overcome a lot.
I agree. I don't think they'll drift apart. I think they'll always be friends, because they have been close for so long. Plus. JD doesn't want to loose her...:love:
You aren't the only one Val. He's human, and Elliot isn't perfect either. :pout:

agentcmk 10-30-2007 04:44 PM

I love that banner so lovely!

I haven't been on here for awhile :*( BUT

I did like the season premiere. Elliot & Keith breaking up, JD in the beginning ,...his reaction to it meaning nothing, him in the end realizing he is truly just staying for the baby all is just another indicator to me they are going to end up together.

Besides that I just liked the epi. OHHH Janitor. What would we do without you?

Anyways, I just have confidence. They have been on & off so long, but always go back to eachother. Especially in their current situations I can't see it going any other way. I hope my intuition is correct, but at least they will always be best friends. & if I am wrong about that...well...****kkk SCRUBS. nah haha but SERIOUSLLYYY that's not gonna happen.

Wow this is truly the last season. Crazy.

I'm Not Dead 10-31-2007 05:03 AM


You aren't the only one Val. He's human, and Elliot isn't perfect either.
That's why they're an interesting couple. You can't put all the blame for their failed relationship on either one of them, so they've both got to work to get together again.

McHobbit 10-31-2007 12:26 PM

I hope JD realizes that he CAN'T stay with Kim for the rest of his life just because she's carrying their child!!!!!

vespertine 10-31-2007 03:32 PM

After watching the last few episodes again they make a big deal out of JD being with Kim whether he loves her or not since they have a baby. Originally I thought they would make something happen so the baby was out of the question but now I think that either way JD is bound to leave Kim. If he wasn't they wouldn't be making a big deal out of the fact that he doesn't like her this early.

I think they are just builing it up so they can make it really dramatic when JD ends up realising he can't be with her. If not then we are in for a boring season as far as JD goes with relationships.

Ellipsis 10-31-2007 10:50 PM

Yeah, this season is a lot about how JD grows more out of being a "Man-Child" and I think realizing that he can't spend the rest of his life being in a relationship with a woman he doesn't love just because they are having a child together will show that. Even though he is being fairly adult right now staying, it will take alot of courage and "stones" to end it with her.


That's why they're an interesting couple. You can't put all the blame for their failed relationship on either one of them, so they've both got to work to get together again.
By the way, I love your sig, Stephen. Stewie's awesome. :D

I'm Not Dead 11-01-2007 04:49 AM


By the way, I love your sig, Stephen. Stewie's awesome.
He is. :D But if I ever have a kid who behaves the way he does, it's going up the river! :lol:

valeposh 11-01-2007 07:15 AM

:lol: Stewie. :lmao:


Yeah, this season is a lot about how JD grows more out of being a "Man-Child" and I think realizing that he can't spend the rest of his life being in a relationship with a woman he doesn't love just because they are having a child together will show that. Even though he is being fairly adult right now staying, it will take alot of courage and "stones" to end it with her.
Word. :nod:

JDZachfan 11-01-2007 09:32 AM

Even though I love JD's childishness. He does need to grow up in his relationships. I am sure he will get there and find the courage to end it. He already knows deep down it is wrong to stay with Kim, he just doesn't wan't to admit it, because he wants to be a good dad, because he is a good guy.

Hopefully soon he will realise he can still be a good dad, without staying with Kim.

And then he and Elliot will get together and live happily ever after of course. :D

I'm Not Dead 11-01-2007 09:48 AM

My friend is doing a Media Studies dissertation on Scrubs and the theme is something like, "JD is a boy living in a man's body/world" so I'll have to make sure he watches Season 7 since so much of it is about JD growing up.

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