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Old 04-29-2004, 08:12 PM
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Oh my GOD.

First, I cried when Harrison died. Next, when Luc died... when he said "I love you" and then when she said "I love you too." Although... I don't know who I wanted to die more, Luc or Harrison. STUPID ASS JACK. I was also very shocked about Tru's dad... jeez. It was an amazing episode though.

Does anyone know what the song at the end was? It was a very good song.
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:13 PM
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I only saw the second part of the finale so I can't say what happened the first part but I really really loved it. I knew that Luc had to be the one to restore the balance...poor Tru who had to watch him die like that but at least it's not Harrison...

And Lindsay marrying some schmuck? WTF? When did she have time to find somebody else and get married? Okay, Harrison will have to get her back.

Ah and the dichotemy between Jack and Tru. The angst, the tension, the hatred...well at least on Tru's part. I don't know if she'll ever forgive him for what he did and the fact that her father was what Jack used to be. But the setup between them is very interesting. If only the show would come back next season cuz it's going to be awesome...and even though Jack is 'evil' (I say that term loosely cuz some people may believe what Jack is doing is justified) I still have ship Jack and Tru...sworn enemies who fall in love...that would be interesting.

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Old 04-29-2004, 08:17 PM
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I cried, paniced, laughed (at jacks lame jokes), and almost died in just the span of two hours.

I had read all the spoilers for this episode, but everything I had read before left my head when this ep started.

The beginning with Tru finally getting Jack to talk to her about their "gifts", was great. Although it did seem what flakey how quickly Tru just believed he was just like her. But I could understand that, if I was her and I just learned someone else shared something similar I'd do the same. I know Davis was trying to protect Tru, he knew something was off with Jack. Although I did detect some jealous when Tru just kept going on and on about Jack. But hey thats ok, we all know Davis has a secert crush on Tru ( [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] ).

I think Harry giving Lynds his blessing to get married was really great. It showed what a better man Harry can really be, and I'm glad he took that road the second time around.

It was great seeing Nick gueststarring in the first half. That added alot more to the greatness. I started crying when Tru had him come to his dads (dead doc) and he saw all his paintings his dad bought, it was just so emotional, but it let him know he was loved by his father.

At the first day of Lynds wedding I knew something bad happened when Davis came in. I just didn't except it to be right then. At the hospital when Harry told Tru he will ask her, I just started to tear up. The scene when they pronouced Harry dead and Tru over him, that was just so so..I just don't know the words. I almost thought he wouldn't ask for help, I was like about to have a panic attack if he didn't. But thank goodness he did.

The day reround and Tru was able to save Harry. Which was great, Tru wouldn't be Tru without him.

I may be the only one that thinks this but I thought it was right of Jack to send Luke. Jack told her, if Harry lived, someone else would die. That is common knowledge basicly. You save someone then someone else has to die, the order of the world.

I never was much of a Tru/Luke fan, but when he told her he loved her, and then at his funeral she told him, it was heartbreaking.

The shocker though, Richard, was the "death" such as Jack is now. And he killed his own wife to do his job.

I'm glad Jack is up for the challenge, and we know Tru is. It's showdown time next season (lets pray stupid fox gives it to us).

The true question of the night is who is really the good one? Tru or Jack? Its more complicated than just saying one saves people and one lets them die. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:19 PM
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I don't even watch the show every week and I knew Luc was going to be the one to die as soon as I saw him dancing with Tru at the wedding (and especially since she told him the truth). That ep summary saying someone would die basically made me watch tonight to see if i could guess who it was. Hopefully there will be another season & I can catch up on this one in the meantime. I mean, I didn't even know Harrison & Lindsay broke up.
I actually dislike her father way more than I think I could ever dislike Jack.
The original was Phil Collin's "In the Air Tonight", but 18 minutes later I can't remember what version they had at the end.
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:24 PM
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As for the song at the end---I know it was a remake of the Genesis "In The Air Tonight" song. Did anyone tape it? If so, can you check the credits to see who sung it? I'd love to get that song. I did a search and I don't think it was the Full Blown Rose group who does the theme, but I can't be sure....

Anyhow, I want that song!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:28 PM
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Originally posted by Superhero:
<STRONG>Hey, *Sweetie*, is your avatar from the Something Blue episode of Buffy? I know that this is off-topic, but it's gonna bug me, if I don't ask. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]</STRONG>
Sure is. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

As for the episode...

Is it totally crazy to still be rooting for a Tru/Jack romance? [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

I love Jack, despite his evilness. And what a plot twist with the dad--I really didn't see that one coming. This show has improved SO much as the season progressed. I'll admit I missed a ton of episodes, but as soon as Jason Priestly joined the cast, I've been hooked. He's such a great addition and gives the show an on-going plot, instead of just the "episode a week" thing, which can get old.

Anyway, the finale kicked ass. I was never big on Luc, but I realized right before he died that I really didn't want him to die. That was so horrible of Jack. But I loved that final shot of Tru and Jack walking towards the camera in slow motion with that Phil Collins remake playing in the background. So awesome.

*sigh* It better be renewed. It better be. I won't survive the year without at least one of my favorite shows... *shakes fist at FOX* Renew it, damnit!

So, yeah. Kick ass finale. Seriously.
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:37 PM
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Oh lord. That episode rocked. I really think it was the best episode of the season, I was starting to get bored with the show but this whole new plot with Jack and stuff just totally made me all 'woo' lol. There had BETTER be a new season, they can't leave us hanging like that!! I mean poor Luke! I cried, he was hot. So sue me. lol Harrison was great...and ok, random marriage thrown in there? Kinda confusing. I wouldn't marry a guy that fast. But yeah. Anyone know the song at the end of the ep? If you do PM me or something, I really want it lol

And oh..*Sweetie*, it's not wrong to want a Jack/Tru thing, a friend of mine kind of figured next season that would be a big dynamic of the show. Since hey, Hello sexual tension. Hello ratings. lol

[ 04-29-2004: Message edited fear x less ]
It was a real relationship, it was just real dysfunctional. That's for sure.
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:43 PM
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Ahhhh! Nooooooooo!

Ok. Better now.

The ending was unbelievable. I've watched all season (though I think I've missed a few eps. here and there), and this got me totally hooked.

I never guessed Tru's dad would be involved in all of this. Though at least her mom's death (and why he hired a hit man) makes more sense now.

I almost cried during Luc's funeral. It broke my heart how she was trying to hold it together, and when Harry thanked him. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] So sad. That whole scene was done so well.

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Old 04-29-2004, 08:45 PM
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I thought that tonight`s season finale was great. I really like how different both episodes were. DOA pretty much showed Tru thinking that Jack is the same as she is, but later on her idealistic view was shattered when she found out the truth about him. While Two Weddings & a Funeral pretty much showed the battle of wills between Tru and Jack.

I thought that the storyline in DOA was pretty good with that doctor and his son not being able to speak to each other and then later the son(i forgot his name) saw his painting in his dad`s office. That was a very moving scene. It was sad that he had find out about his dad being proud of him like that. BTW Nick was great in it. It`s nice to see a Roswell alum on Tru Calling.

Harrison showed a lot of maturity when he told Lindsay that she should marry Randall. When Randall showed Harrison that ring, Harry pretty saw that he didn`t apppeciate his time with Lindsay and shouldn`t taken her for granted. It was obviously bittersweet for him, but at the end of the day he wanted Lindsay to be happy. BTW i was pretty surprised that he was a Big Brother. I never thought of Harry as the type to be a Big Brother, but it`s good to see him mature.

I knew that Davis wouldn`t be so thrill about Tru telling Jack that she has the same power as he does. Being the brillant mind that he is, Davis did his homework and learn the truth behind Jack`s power.

It was very sad that Luc was the one to die. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] He and Tru was such a good couple. However i wasn`t surprised that he was the one. Right before the second hour, i had a feeling that Luc would be the one to die. Still it was very sad, especially after Tru told him the truth about her.

You couldn`t help but feel for Tru. First she sees Harrison die, then when she relives the day, she has to battle Jack to save Harrison, tells Luc the truth about her, has to deal with him walking away from her, save Harrison from being killed, and finally being unable to save Luc. I don`t how Tru could deal with that. However i think that all those situations made Tru`s resolve even stronger, as evident when she confronted Jack at Luc`s funeral.

Speaking of Jack, i just can`t believe this guy. [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] It`s one thing to act on his own theory about life and death, but to do it to Tru and her loved ones is unforgivable. [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] He made it very personal with Tru. Jack is one of the worst type of people, who seems friendly at first, but then turns around and stabs you in the back. He was just so cold about all this, not thinking about what it will do to Tru. Tonight`s episode really showed that he`s the perfect nemesis for Tru. His meeting with Tru`s dad really open the door for a lot of possiblities. I think that Jelenbean has a very good theory about Jack possibly being Tru`s brother. It`s pretty obvious, especially since he and Tru`s dad has the same power.

Anyway tonight`s season finale was a great way to end the season. I really hope that TPTB at Fox bring Tru Calling back for another season. In fact they better. After all i, along with a lot of people, still haven`t forgiven them for cancelling Dark Angel.
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:47 PM
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This episode rocked. It was the best this season I think. DOA was kinda boring but I loved Two Weddings and a Funeral. But this brings up one question for me about Tru,her mom,her dad, and the hitman guy...
So, did Tru die earlier then asked her mom for help? Then her mom saved her so her dad tried to get Tru killed because of fate. Since Tru didn't die though, the hitman guy took the next best thing, her mom?
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Old 04-29-2004, 08:57 PM
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Hot Rod, I agree, I don't think anyone has forgiven them for cancelling Dark Angel.
It was a real relationship, it was just real dysfunctional. That's for sure.
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Old 04-29-2004, 09:09 PM
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Anyone here who read spoilers and was surprised that Jack didn't die in the end?
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Old 04-29-2004, 09:13 PM
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Originally posted by Hot Rod:
<STRONG> Anyway tonight`s season finale was a great way to end the season. I really hope that TPTB at Fox bring Tru Calling back for another season. In fact they better. After all i, along with a lot of people, still haven`t forgiven them for cancelling Dark Angel.</STRONG>
I agree with everything.
After DA (and Wonderfalls), they owe me. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

I really hope they don't leave us hanging. They have a great show that can do very well. They just have to give it time to catch on.

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Old 04-29-2004, 09:14 PM
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Nick Wechler was awesome. It wasn't until I saw him did i realize just how much I miss seeing him on TV. And I love that he played an artist, cause I'm one too. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Luke and Harrison had me in tears. Ugh, Jack and Tru's dad, god, I'd love to see that story line get played out.
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Old 04-29-2004, 09:20 PM
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Originally posted by Jelenbean:
<STRONG>Anyone here who read spoilers and was surprised that Jack didn't die in the end?</STRONG>
Early spoilers indicated Jack was the one to die, I wish they'd stuck to that. Cause if we get a second season, when they finally kill him and her crappy father I'll be very happy.

Although I must say we got some interesting insight to Jack and Richard. And I'll say this. The finale. Kick ass. Definately one of the best I've seen in a while.

I liked that we finally got to see mature Harrison. And I have to say I'm glad they didn't kill him in the end.
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