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dewrays 04-07-2004 12:22 PM

he is a teenager going to a strip club , i see nothing wrong with that.

now the n/p kiss, i can crack his skull open

Tim'sLoveSlave 04-07-2004 12:24 PM


Originally posted by JulieB:
<STRONG>Ok, I think I remember. I do remember his expression and him looking over at Tim LOL

And this brings me to Nathan and his "dollars". Was this for drinks or tipping the strippers? Because here we are worried about a kiss between N/P, wondering what it all means and here is Nathan with no hesitation to going to a stip club, dollars in hand.
It makes me wonder what is the bigger issue here?

Should we write it off as a *guy* thing? Nathan resorting a bit to his old ways? Or what? Curious for others opinion....</STRONG>
I think we can chalk it up to a guy thing. I think just about any guy would be excited and have his dollars out taken or not.

Mal-- Ok I'm caving and jumping on ship last night did it for me. Add me to the list darn you TPTB I don't need another full time ship. Maybe I can lure you over to B/L anything's possible right LOL.


Liliya 04-07-2004 12:25 PM

Julie Nathan in the strip club doesn't really bother me because he is a guy, teenager too, and we all know how horny they are. As long as he doesn't do anything (he didn't), then I'm fine with it.

Mandie great avies, I snagged some. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

amore85 04-07-2004 12:28 PM

Still getting over the greatness that was last night's episode. I loved reading all of your commentary about the show. I'll have to watch it again tonight to make my majorly suck-ey day better.
Julie- Wow, I didn't even notice Nathan with the dollar bills. I think he might of collected it from the team to pay for the drinks... but who knows? I wouldn't read to much into it... I think it is just a "guy thing."
Does anyone know if there are any caps up from last night's episode?

ladonna 04-07-2004 12:30 PM

I totally agree about the whole cheerleader competition. I was hoping that they would not win b/c the other group was by far better. It would have been so lame if TH would have one. By the way how did Brooke get captain of a squad when she is only a sophmore? At our school you couldn't even try out for varsity until you were in 10th grade and only seniors could be captain or co captain.

Well, I'll just speak out and say that it didn't sit well with me at all that Nathan was at a strip club. I know I will probably be in the minority all by myself but I just don't think if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend whatever that you should be looking at other naked people.

Bgirloth1 04-07-2004 12:31 PM


Originally posted by JulieB:
<STRONG>Ok, I think I remember. I do remember his expression and him looking over at Tim LOL

And this brings me to Nathan and his "dollars". Was this for drinks or tipping the strippers? Because here we are worried about a kiss between N/P, wondering what it all means and here is Nathan with no hesitation to going to a stip club, dollars in hand.
It makes me wonder what is the bigger issue here?

Should we write it off as a *guy* thing? Nathan resorting a bit to his old ways? Or what? Curious for others opinion....</STRONG>
Julie He was going to put those dollars...well, someplace... [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I'm going with it being "a guy thing"...Putting aside my own feelings on strip clubs - I know guys in relationships that go to an occassional strip club (I even know girls that go with there boyfriends)....Its not about cheating for them, in most cases it is just about being "one of the guys" and hanging out....As 16 year-olds, I think the opportunity to go to strip clubs if few and far between so this was a fun adventure for all the guys (next week's promos aside because obviously Brooke can get you anything)....

I just think there is a line (cheating) for Nathan and though we don't know what it is yet, we will eventually find out what it is.. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

We don't know an awful lot about anyone's dating past yet...but I have always gotten the feeling that Nathan is kind of "a relationship" guy...He is not about a lot of random dating because it is distracting and he doesn't have time for a lot of crap...I think that is why he tried to maintain the relationship with Peyton - no matter how destructive it was - it fit....Now that I have gone way off topic - I think the first paragraph covers my response to the question.... [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Whitney 04-07-2004 12:33 PM

They made Mere a shipper, so happy to have you aboard, LOL.

Julie, we were talking about that last night, and I think it is a natural thing for a guy. But what intrests me is the fact that Nathan didn't think twice about it, or even seem to think about Haley at all in the decision. He's never had to think for two people before, it was obvious he didn't consider Peyton's feelings in there relationship, it's the way Dan raised him. For some reason last night really made me see the NP kiss in another light, I honestly think Nathan is oblivious to how his actions could effect Haley. Because from his comment to Lucas, it's obvious he doesn't want her hurt. I'm hoping we'll see his steady progression to realizing that he does have to take Haley's feeling into consideration when he makes decisions. But I think this will all come with their relationship growing. This is all new to him.

I'm crazy I know, but the NP kiss was bugging me for so long motivation wise, and last night really reminded me that although Nathan has been on his best behavior he still really is very clue less to how to have a relationship, he'll learn with Haley, and it'll be bumpy. But it's story progression, so I'm very pleased.


Ravens23 04-07-2004 12:35 PM

Julie and Becca...
Now I am really cracking up... I just asked my friend what she thought about Nathan at the strip club and she said that they were all talking about that too...

Here's our response:
Don't ya think its funny that we are all excusing Nathan for going there. Tee hee. If Haley were dating anyone else would we still excuse it??? Hmmm, things that make ya go hmmm.

Bgirloth1 04-07-2004 12:38 PM


Originally posted by Vilandra-N-Kivar-Lover:

I'm crazy I know, but the NP kiss was bugging me for so long motivation wise, and last night really reminded me that although Nathan has been on his best behavior he still really is very clue less to how to have a relationship, he'll learn with Haley, and it'll be bumpy. But it's story progression, so I'm very pleased.

Whitney Thanks, I couldn't put my finger on it - but Nathan is so relationship naive that he doesn't see the whole picture....I'm sure he will learn! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Mere [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Welcome to NH-land! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ 04-07-2004: Message edited Bgirloth1 ]

dewrays 04-07-2004 12:41 PM

even i am beginning to be ok with n/p kiss now.
nathan is just clueless abt relationship, he will learn when haley will kiss some random guy and wonder why nathan is making a big issue out of it.

Bgirloth1 04-07-2004 12:43 PM

Julie Did you just answer my PM in the spoiler thread? [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Ravens23 04-07-2004 12:45 PM


Originally posted by dewrays:
<STRONG>even i am beginning to be ok with n/p kiss now.
nathan is just clueless abt relationship, he will learn when haley will kiss some random guy and wonder why nathan is making a big issue out of it.</STRONG>
OK! This made me giggle! I would love to see this scene... any of our fanfic'ers wanna give it a go?

JulieB 04-07-2004 12:52 PM

Thanks for all the responses guys. I actually talked myself down about it on the spoiler thread LOL

Well, there, you have a little more freedom to expand upon it a bit.

But yes, I'm going to write it off as a *guy* thing as well too.(for now) But I also agree Whit, some of it is about Nathan always being able to do as he pleases as well, even with Peyton. And not really giving it a second thought about it. It's just his nature at this point.

Denise, I agree, we are quick to forgive our boy for pretty much everything, huh? LOL!!

Edited to say Becca, no, not yet. Did it seem like an answer? LOL...of to read it...

[ 04-07-2004: Message edited JulieB ]

Whitney 04-07-2004 12:56 PM

But see I think the point is Haley isn't niave to that part of the relationship. She does think about Nathan in her decisions, because she was obviously brought up that way. Nathan on the other hand had Dan, who taught him to do whatever suited him and his needs. If Haley were to kiss some random guy, I'm sure Nathan would freak out, and he would have reason too because she knows it's wrong. I think from Nathan's point of veiw, the strip club, the NP kiss, it has nothing to do with Haley, it's like he separates the two things quite easily. Does it make it right, no. But Nathan's going to have to learn these things and grow with Haley. I mean I don't think for a second he would do anything to hurt her, he respects about her, and cares about her too much.

So hopefully, we'll see this growth with Nathan. It can't be easy to be taught one thing your whole life, and then to have to wake up in the middle, and realize you can't go on like that. He's going to have to start thinking about Haley in his decisions, but it's something that will come with time, and probably a lot of strife on both their parts.


Bgirloth1 04-07-2004 12:59 PM


Originally posted by JulieB:
But yes, I'm going to write it off as a *guy* thing as well too.(for now) But I also agree Whit, some of it is about Nathan always being able to do as he pleases as well, even with Peyton. And not really giving it a second thought about it. It's just his nature at this point.
This just reminded me of that scene in the pilot when Peyton is waiting and Nathan comes to her house and says "I was with the guys.." While Peyton is saying "We had just left me here waiting..." Yeah, Nathan has had no training on relationships (but I still think he likes them ! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )

ETA Whitney You're right...I think that Nathan does quite a bit of compartmentalizing....Slowly he is moving toward the "awareness" - he is thinking about Haley's needs above his own: seeing Lucas in the hospital and last night telling Lucas he wasn't being fair to Haley....I also agree that he doesn't realize that his actions may be hurtful but there is a nice build going.... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ 04-07-2004: Message edited Bgirloth1 ]

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