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Old 04-27-2007, 02:25 PM
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Joy/HJS #281: Our girl has killer legs. Pfft, like you didn't know!

Welcome to the 281st Bethany Joy/Haley Appreciation Thread

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*stands out in a crowd*

l tidbits l

- October 2006 - "Right now I’m working on my first album. It’s an eclectic mix, similar to Patty Griffin, Bonnie Raitt and really dramatic Fiona Apple music. It’s called The Starter Kit. Hopefully it will be available next year."
- December 2006 - "My music producer, Ron, and I are full-steam-ahead writing our stage musical, and hope to be in some kind of production (workshops, recording, etc) by the end of 2007 at the latest (I wish I could tell you more, but until we get the rights, my lips are sealed)."
- January 2007 - Joy has written and recorded songs for the movie Ten Inch Hero which is hoped to be released this summer. If the movie is released the soundtrack will most likely be as well. Read more here and here.


“Who or what would you say has been your greatest inspiration when it comes to your music?”

Well, I have a lot of artists inspirations like Billy Joel and Patty Griffin and you know, Carol King and James Taylor and uh Elton John. A lot of kind of old School artists although Patty Griffin is pretty recent. But mostly I just get inspired by what is happening in my life and all kinds of music that inspires me and I want to write something that is similar to that. That is usually what I get into. But I feel my inspirations are kind of changing a little bit right now so we’ll see what comes from that.
“Do you have any advice for a girl who wants to be an inspiring musician and wants to pursue a music career? What would you say to her?”
I think I’d probably would just tell her that music is something that is in you which you probably already know and just know that even if the career doesn’t take off you can still touch with your music. I mean, even if you’re, you know, working a job at Starbucks or you know, working a desk job, you can still touch people with your music in a lot of different ways, you just sort of have to figure out where you’re supposed to be. So don’t pursue it just for the sake of having a music career because that’s really tough but if you feel like you are supposed to be there and you have a passion for it then pursue it with no expectations and just enjoy the blessings and what you read from that. I would say just you know, figure out what you wanna do and then figure out a way to make money off of it. That’s something that my mom told me so I kind of hold on to that.

“I’ve been a fan of yours for a while and I was wondering which skin care you use?”
I kinda bounce back and forth. Right now I’m using a skin care line called Jurlique, J U R L I Q U E. I really love it it’s really gentle on your skin and I also use Lamere for a little while but it’s, there’s something in the process how they make it that is difficult for some skin so I think my skin got a little sensitive for a while. I pretty much just make sure I take care of my skin. I get facials once a month and you know, wash my face before I go to bed and in the morning and pretty basic routines.
read more here or download to listen here

l discography l


*Come On Home*

l from the heart l

devil archerist

This day probably tore me apart
and I didn't even know it
This day probably ate up my heart
and I got nothing to show for it
Why oh why is it so so easy to compromise?

This fog is like strawberry pie
but it keeps you keeping reaching
Here I am just watching me die,
just watching death a coming up a coming up creeping
Why don't you start calling me ungrateful?

Keep me away I've got no will to fight
Keep me away, I'm running to the light
Cause I don't want to lose your way
with these devil archerists

My soul here a million to one says
I didn't even see it
Looking up looking down at my soul
Looking everywhere but where the help was coming from
Why do I seem broke and stumbling every time I get hit?

Keep me away, I got no will to fight
Keep me away, I'm running to the light
Cause I don't want to lose your way
With these devil archerists...
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:27 PM
Elite Fan

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l wonder l
*there she goes...*

*there she goes again...*

in motion:

Credit: Manu

*screen presence*

l news, videos, etc. l
+ Joy talking to the crowd
+ Joy giving t-shirts out

l fan-created l

Credit: Elise


Credit: Renata, Michelle, Iola & Elise

*because only she brings out the inner poet in us*

~Forever Graceful
Resilient like the sun
Wonderous singing~

~Joy, you rock my socks
Joy rocks more than just my socks
Joy rocks all the socks~

~Crazy girls unite
On our way to Joypiter
Boo yah, Joy is bomb~

~Beautiful love, like
a beautiful smile, for a
cute, wonderful girl~

~Joy, she rules at life
Joy, that girl you just adore
Joy, what joy, joy, joy!~

~The greatest blessing
Sharing limitless talent
And beauty with us~

~Live on Joypiter
C'mon c'mon, just do it
Like crazy girls do~

~windows to her soul
heavenly voice from her heart
her inner light shines through~

~Sunshine in our life
Graces us with her beauty
What a gorgeous heart~

l she is... l

Only one part of her talent is acting (between) her singing and love of musical theatre. She's going to be a huge star.
Paul Johansson

Joie. Joie. I love her, man. She’s my best friend down here. But she lives on Joypiter.
Hilarie Burton

Her name is Joie, we call her Joybutter. She’s from somewhere very far away and we thank God every day that they sent her here because she is so unique and so just from any person I’ve ever met. You know, at first we were all like, Joie, she’s different. And then we realized, Oh my God, this girl’s like the coolest. She can do anything. She’s got wild ideas, and she’s just a fun, fun person to hang out with. So when we were all divvying up things to do for the game, you know, Chad and James were playing, Sophia was a team mom, I was a team mom, and a cheerleader. I’m like what can Joie do? Duh, sing.
Hilarie Burton

Joie’s got the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. You know, she’s gotta record an ablum, she’s gotta be on Broadway. Broadway’s like her dream. And so it’s only a matter of time before that happens. Cause I just feel that she’s one of those people who’s way too good to be down here with us. And so Joie said, ‘Fine, I’ll sing,’ and I was trying to find somebody to play a guitar on set last week and nobody was really biting, and so Joie disappeared and apparently Joie went off and taught herself how to play her own rendition of the national anthem onguitar. So, she’s running late and I’m calling her, I’m like, ‘Joie, dude they’re holding the game, where are you?’ She’s like, ‘I’m five minutes away. I’ll be there.’ Next thing you know, ‘Alright, give it up for Bethany Joy Lenz.’ Joy had run from her car, she had just left it in the parking lot, ran with her guitar, propped herself up on the side of a deck. Like she didn’t even get a real chair or a stool. Her leg was all cropped up underneath her. And sets the notebook down and just plays. In the process, drops her pick, picks it up without missing a beat and sings the most beautiful version of the national anthem that I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
Hilarie Burton

Joy sings a lot. Joy's constantly... always always using her voice. She sings between takes and stuff. I always laugh because she's always singing some showtune that I have no idea what it is or where it's from or when it's from or she just made it up. But yeah she does have an incredible voice and she's a very talented girl. And when she sang the national anthem I'll be honest, I never hear a national anthem like that, I think that's probably my favorite national anthem I've ever heard because I wanted to hear more after it was over. It was really great.
James Lafferty

Joy's someone who challenges herself to be electric on every take. Many times she will make choices that elevate the material. And that's when you really win.
Mark Schwahn

She's quiet, soulful. That's a good word for her. She's one of those people who are just really talented.
David Hartley, One Tree Hill producer

The audience took to Joie in the snap of a finger. I've never seen anything like that before.
Mary Alice Dwyer-Dobbin, executive in charge of Procter & Gamble productions

My first impression of Joie was, 'Damn, she's 17.'
Paul Anthony Stewart

Joie Lenz... wasn't she great... I got her a gold bracelet at the end of the shoot that had "Reva 17" inscribed on it. What a talent... We shot 7 shows in 5 days that first week... almost 200 solid pages of material... it could have been a horrific experience... It was great fun...
Robert Newman, Guiding Light

[Joy is] an amazing person. She's the type of girl who can do anything! She's been fortunate to be in the public limelight on a number of occasions, but we've never seen it go to her head. She's mature well beyond her actual years. She's level-headed and sensible, yet full of that crazy artist-passion which makes her so fun!
a family friend

I wasn't really a hardcore Danny and Michelle fan, but I did really like Joie Lenz. She easily clicked and held her own with Robert Newman, Michael O'Leary, Hunt Block, Laura Wright, and other actors. Paul Anthony Stewart is a good actor and Joie Lenz clicked with him too. I was a fan of hers from the clone. She was the perfect adult Michelle. She gave Michelle a depth that was lacking since Rachel Miner left the role. There was such a genuine quality to her. She didn't play Michelle as a victimized martyr either. She played Michelle as a true heroine who was sweet, sexy, passionate, and strong. Unlike the current Michelle, her Michelle had a backbone. She was determined without being obstinate. She was warm without being tepid. She was sweet without being saccharine. She was devoted and loyal without seeming like a stepford wife with a glazed look in her eye. She didn't have to try to be sexy. She just was.
a Guiding Light viewer

I couldn't help but notice that the 'it' she brought to the screen, and in her photographs, transferred to her being right in front of me. Some actors just look different, some look the same, some blend in, but she stood out every single time. What she brought to the screen came across very easily.
a fan on meeting Joie

It isn't just one scene or one moment that captured our hearts, it's the character that was created and nurtured over time. It's a scene here, a moment there, that look in her eye, the smile on her lips, it's all of them coming together, it's the little things that I will miss and remember most. [...] I will remember all the faces of Michelle: daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother. So instead of rushing home to pull out my tape and watch my scene, I'll just close my eyes, cue the song in my heart and let my mind take me back and just remember...
Joie Luck Club tribute on Joy's last day on Guiding Light

Joie Lenz, you are the master. Years from now film scholars will look upon your role of Marni in Bring It On Again and see a star born. Playing the # 2 Evil Girl henchwoman role, you shine in this dopey cheerleader sequel to Bring it On.
Kevin Hanna, Entertainment-Today on Joy's role in Bring It On Again

I'm going to give the microphone to the best actress on One Tree Hill who is an incredible singer. Who is it? That's right! Bethany Joy Lenz!
Paul Johansson introducing Joy on the OTH tour

Joy and I jam quite a bit. Maybe I'll do some things on her album and maybe she'll do some on my next one. It all depends on where we are. She really is talented, though. Lots of people ask me if that's really her singing. She doesn't only sing in an honest, unpretentious voice, she plays piano wonderfully (I keep asking her to show me how to play a couple of her songs 'cause I can't figure them out), and can song write so well. I've got her demos on my iPod. She just says things differently in her songs...I love 'em.
Tyler Hilton on Joy's music

I still liked the idea of doing a very homemade feeling video where Joy could be Joy. Something that was real, like her music, and not overly glossy or lacking the human element and soul that you see missing in many music videos today. Joy's music is heartfelt and I wanted the video to mirror that. Also she has the kind of spirit and glow that you don't need hundreds of thousands of dollars to manufacture, nor could you manufacture for any amount of money. I loved the idea of stripping away all the elements and having Joy just do her thing.
Alex Merkin on the making of Joy's SIMP video

So at the end of our meeting with Bethany Joy, (which went great and David and I have been fans of hers ever since), I asked about her music and did she have a demo CD or anything. She said she did in her car but needed to go burn me a copy... so she runs out and burns a copy on her laptop, comes back in like a half-hour and hands me this CD-R with song titles written on a piece of paper. I went home and listened to it, and don't want to be melodramatic but I was blown away. And that happens very rarely. Amazing vocals, wonderful vocal style, very real and natural, great phrasing, and 100% natural real sound, none of that over-processed, auto-tuned to death stuff we're all used to hearing now. Two songs in particular grabbed me and would not let go, "Blue Sky," and "Never Gonna Be." (I have probably listened to Blue Sky now 50-100 times; it's a cover of a Patty Griffin song.) So I gave the CD to David and told him this is no ordinary singer, she's amazingly good. He listened and felt the same way I did.
Mark Witsken, producer of Ten Inch Hero on Joy's music.

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Old 04-27-2007, 02:31 PM
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Thanks for the new thread Gem. Love the title and so true
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:33 PM
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Thanks for the new thread hun. The title is awesome
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:37 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Gem! Hee, love the title.
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:40 PM
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No problem. It might have been up sooner, if FF would play nicely.

I'm very happy it's nearly May 2nd. I've been going through Joy withdrawals. I want to see what she pulls out of the bag for the last few eps. Nothing short of awesome, I'm sure.
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:44 PM
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I know. I can't believe it's less than a week. And it's a long weekend, so it's going to go so fast. It feels like we have been waiting forever.
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Old 04-27-2007, 03:06 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Gem. Love the title. So true!

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Old 04-27-2007, 03:09 PM
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There is a naley clip up here

One Tree Hill - Yahoo! TV
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Old 04-27-2007, 03:11 PM
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Thanks for bringing it over, Zee

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Old 04-27-2007, 03:17 PM
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Thanks for the new thread. Bravo on the title
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Old 04-27-2007, 04:39 PM
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Thanks for the new thread. LMAO at the cuteness of the title.
it's immortality, my darlings
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:40 PM
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the new thread!
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:48 PM
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Love the new thread, and the title is prefect.
n&h + 1
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:58 PM
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Great new thread!! The title is such !!

ETA: I just noticed we're closing in on 300!!!
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