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Old 10-05-2010, 10:42 PM
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James/Nathan #687: Because he's just getting better and better. There's no stopping him now!

Welcome to James LaffertyNathan Scott appreciation thread #687.

to be added, PM Sally

Latest news

-The 5TH Annual James Lafferty/One Tree Hill Charity Basketball Game will be held on Saturday, April 26th, 2008 in Wilmington, NC.
-James participated in the NBA All Star Celebrity Game 2008. He played for the New Orleans, and they team won.
-NBAE score box of James: Spurs VS Sonics//Spurs VS Bulls // Spurs VS Magic
-Article from campus circle: "One Tree Hill” Star on Marriage, Fatherhood and Acting Your Age
-Portrait magazine: Prince Charming
-James is part of "Bid 2 Beat AIDS" & "Global Summit on Aids"
-James was a part of "Lend A Helping Hand".
-The 4th Annual OTH Charity Basketball game raised $64,000

Latest Videos

-CW Source interview with James: Part 1 // Part 2
-James on Watch With Kristin

-NBA All Star Celebrity game:
Highlights on the game (credit: J)
James Lafferty at NBA All Star Celebrity Game 2008 Part 1 (credit: sarah)
James Lafferty at NBA All Star Celebrity Game 2008 Part 2 (credit: sarah)
James Lafferty at NBA All Star Celebrity Game 2008 Part 3 (credit: sarah)

-Between Takes - James Lafferty
-James Lafferty Macy's Tour Interview 2008/01/19
-Soapnet interview with James


At that age, what attracted me to the game
was the precision that the sport demanded.
It was the fact that I could shoot all night long
and no matter how many balls went through
that hoop, I could still get better. It became
an addiction that consumed my
adolescent life

"James is awesome. He's so laid-back and really interesting. He's extremely intelligent but a lot of times you'd never know because he's so quiet, which I think is awesome. He never feels like he has to prove himself to anybody and I really appreciate that about him."

"James is level-headed and a good sport"

"I love catching James off guard."

"I love Nathan and Haley and James has just been so amazing
to work with."


"We didn't expect James Lafferty to be the right guy for Nate because he's the nicest guy you'll ever meet in real life. Then — boom! — he turns it on and becomes this raging [jerk]"

"People think James is shy, but James Lafferty is a gentleman. He doesn't need to draw attention to himself, and he doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anybody. I really appreciate that. James Lafferty is going big, big places. He's a very talented man. I just wish he were older. See! I have a crush on James, but who doesn't?"

"Uh no, you know, he’s a charmer, and then there’s James. The strong but silent type, you know, he’s, he’s our Cary Grant; he’s our graceful old Hollywood. "I stand around, and uh, I speak when I’m spoken to, and I treat women well." He’s just a gentleman, you know, and so you’ve got your charmer and your gentleman. What is a girl to do?"

"Watching little James Lafferty grow into a beautiful man"

"James is just the sweetest thing ever. He plays such a jerk on the show, but in real life, it's like, "Oh buddy, let's cuddle." You're just so nice."


"Oh, they're just wonderful guys. They're so different and lovable in different ways. They're just great, great guys, I love working with them. James is such a professional; he always comes to work extremely prepared and ready to work. He takes his work quite seriously, but doesn't take himself seriously, he's just a lovely kid."

“He is just the sweetest kid and he’s handled all this so well, especially living on his own for the first time. He hasn’t let any of this get to him at all. I think that’s a testament to his family. He’s a real kid”

"A few of you have asked me specifically about James. Simply put, he's a great guy. We have been good friends ever since we filmed the pilot together, and I really respect his talent as an actor and an athlete. More importantly, I respect the fact that he is practically unaffected by fame. He is very much the same guy that I first met a couple of years ago, and that says so much about the kind of quality person that he is."

"The whole cast is great. James is probably one of the most grounded, down to earth actors on that show."
-Michael Trucco

"James is a sweet kid." "James has had a problem with emotion in the past... (now) he was so good with emotion. He has come so far. I love James so much for being able to go now to that emotional place."

"James has come so far. When he started the show, I guess he was, gosh he was 18. And he was a lot more gangly but he's been in the gym everyday drinking protein shakes and lifting. He's BUFF! He terrifies me... I won't even call him names anymore cause he'll slap me. He's going to be a leading man in Hollywood. And I just hope he throws his old friend PJ a job now and then. But if he doesn't that's fine I can still beat him at one on one!"

"James and I are very different actually. I was always the more outgoing one, but I was less stubborn which balanced things out when we're together."

"He’s such fun to dress. He’s really tall. Certain lines of clothing that just fit him really well, like Hugo Boss Menswear."
-Carol Cutshall (OTH's Costume Designer)

I actually met him – he’s a really good guy. I was supposed to be on the show, because his character was supposed to play basketball at Duke, but I didn’t get to do it.
-J.J Redick

"James is excellent. He’s the guy who's always interested in opening the gym, whether it's midnight or 2 a.m."
-Brendan Kirsch(who coaches the players on the show and choreographs the sports plays)

"Take a look around you and where you are in your life. Look around at the people that are doing things that are selfless and see what you can do to help them."

"I always really made a point to try to be a kid and do things that I wanted to do as well. My mom was always really concerned with that; she wanted me to grow up
like a normal kid and do the things normal kids do."

"Happiness. I don't think you can be successful if you're not happy. I'm definetly a happy person."

"everyone else was at least two or three years old than me, so I definitely knew I had a lot to learn. I have come along way though, and learned a lot from my coworkers"

"Fans absolutely love the whole relationship(NH). That makes me so proud, so I say if the fans want it to work out that badly. I would love to see them get what they want. At the same time I think they should trust that regardless of what happens they're gonna see some great storytelling."

"Working on OTH has been an experience of a lifetime. I'll never forget the people I have met here and the impact they have had on my life. Not only have I been so fortunate professionally to work on this show, I've been extremely
fortunate to surround my self with the people that work and live here."

"Basketball's always been a part of my life, as much as acting."

"The highlight of filming over the past two seasons has definitely been the charity opportunities we've been presented with. Charity basketball games, football games and all the things we've been able to do to give back have been so much fun."

"My biggest role models have got to be my own father, and Michael Jordan. Both are great leaders and champions in their own way."

"My advice to an aspiring actor would be to never stop learning or working for what you want. Nothing comes easy, ever, if you want something, you have to work for it. By working for it I mean work on your craft, learn from people who have something to teach. It's just like anything else, practice makes perfect."

"I always had goals as an actor and I always wanted to achieve them so that’s what I’m doing here."


I’ll never forget what it was like to be
looking DOWN at the rim for the first
time ever. The adrenaline rush, the
fear and elation that flooded my entire
body and mind has I hammered down
my first one-handed tomahawk jam.
I’ve only smiled at one
other thing like that since…..

He is photogenic

Season 1

I felt like a kid again, giddy and
excited for something that could
give me an experience like nothing
else in the sporting world. I was
hooked. And I still am.

Season 2

I've always been interested in roles
that mean something to me personally.
As long as it touches me or
inspires me and the story's
really good,
I'm into it. It doesn't matter
how big the role is or how small the role is.
If it is part of a great story, I'd love to do it.

Season 3

I would say if people wanted to learn
something from that or continue along
that same path,
to take a look
around you and where
you are in your life.
Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
icon~ lolo13
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:43 PM
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Season 4

He is everything

He got style
"He’s such fun to dress. He’s really tall. Certain lines of clothing that just fit him really well, like Hugo Boss Menswear."

He got game
By the time I was 10 years old, basketball had become a mainstay in my life. I was in leagues, I played at recess during school, and I was outside every single day, rain or shine, imitating the likes of my favorite NBA stars

I was in love with the game and nothing else mattered but the feeling that I got when I watched that ball go through that rim. I had no idea how much more the game had to offer.

Welcome to the Gutter Land, Ladies

"One of People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive in 2006, James Lafferty effortlessly turns heads with his chiseled body and his gorgeous face."

"He is one of the few young actors who exuded sexiness at a very young age, a reputation that leaves steamy images in the minds of the viewers"

-Buddy TV

Guttery Girls dictionary

Guttery Girls: "Ah yes, I remember it well... Our early delve into the thread we lovingly call the home of the Gutter Girls. It all started one day when we were discussing our love for James and his excellent portrayal of Nathan Scott. Thoughts led to his hotness and we needed to cool off... so we grabbed our rafts. Secured margaritas and chips/salsa and decided to embrace the gutter and just make ourselves comfortable there since we wouldn't be leaving for a while!" -D3

Gutter Land: After out head is filled with Guttery thoughts, we all take a trip down to the Gutter land.

Jamesgasm: "The word "Jamesgasm" was coined by ForTheSound in Andrea's LiveJournal. It then went to my LJ where it generated 339 comments. I then decided to use it as a title in the 428th Thread; James/Nathan Thread: "Because the Jamesgasm is the final level of the Gutter" (which still is) & again in the 437th thread by Lauren. We all thought it would be edited by the Mods but it survived. Show a picture of James' butt and there will be Jamesgasms all over the place, just ask Berry. Jamesgasm has gone on to be used all over the internet, latest in fan fiction. There is no end to this word, this is only the beginning" -Zee

Multi-national fanbase


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Fan Fiction
Title: Whatever It Takes
Author: Egyptian_pixie (Diane)
Summary: He closed his eyes and let the images his mind conjured up take him away to a happier place...

Title: Everything’s Better Scott Style
Author: lorilozz (Lori)
Summary: Wiping a finger down his cheek, Nathan scooped up some whipped cream and licked it off his finger. “Isn’t this how you’re supposed to eat cake?” he asked, chuckling when Jamie shook his head. “Well this is how we eat cake, Scott style.”.

Title: My Life with My Father
Author: Love Kitty Cat (Donna)
Summary: This is a look at what Nathan's plight when he joins the Varsity Basketball team.

Title: Heaven

Author: HaleyBub (Cibele)
Summary: "He was a father. He’d do it better than his father did. He’d love unconditionally, he’d help, he’d protect, he’d nurture, he’d give his life for him"

Music Videos

-"23" by Poupa (Sally)
-"I can't do this" by Dreamer 4 Ever (Jennifer)
-"Gotta get it now" by amoRBD (Veronica)
-James Lafferty 600th appreciations thread by haleynathan23 (Chelsea)

Previous celebrations

Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
icon~ lolo13
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:45 PM
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Post away!
Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
icon~ lolo13
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:45 PM
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feel like he is going to break down at some point
i wonder what he will do whithout basketball

I found love where it
wasn't supposed to be
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Old 10-05-2010, 11:01 PM
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It's like now is the time for Haley to help Nathan that he way helped her after Lydia died.

to me, Nathan is already reached his breaking point
I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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Old 10-05-2010, 11:01 PM
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You're welcome hun

That's what I'm worried about
I'm wondering the same thing....He's going to need something to fill that void in his life although nothing could ever fill that void completely.
Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
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Old 10-05-2010, 11:03 PM
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and quitting basketball seems like a great idea considering his health. but nathan is basketball. that's his identity. he can be the family man and husband which is great, but outside of that, he doesn't have anything. It's like he said in 3x12 "I Am Basketball" and that has never changed.
I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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Old 10-06-2010, 12:04 AM
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I couldn't agree more Pat

Seeing as how bad his back is he's been left with no other choice but to give up bball. The choice of continuing to play bball has been taken away from him. If he continues to play he could end up not being able to walk ever again, he doesn't want to risk that for himself and especially for his family. By giving/losing bball he's losing a part of who he is. Bball has been a part of him his whole life.
Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
icon~ lolo13
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Old 10-06-2010, 04:02 AM
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Thanks for the new thread!

I like how Julian and Nathan had a scene and how he was looking at the thing he recorded at the end. . it's like he totally knew Nathan was giving up something so big

I think I hate to see basketball leave because then I feel like all we see is Nathan popping in and helping others and being involved in their storylines, basketball always gave him something of his own.

“When we get home, I am going to fill that freezer with rocky road.."
"And mint hocolate chip."
- Raffaella -
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Old 10-06-2010, 04:39 AM
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Julian totally did. He looked shocked and devastated for Nathan when he told him about his back and that he's done with bball.

I loved the Nate/Julian scene. Julian has really been there for Nate, Haley and Jamie. He's a great friend to them all.
Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
icon~ lolo13
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Old 10-06-2010, 08:09 AM
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So what is this about leaaving the NBA? I can't even ... WUT. Mega pissed.
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Old 10-06-2010, 11:44 AM
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how sexy was he last night! the beginning!!
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Old 10-06-2010, 12:34 PM
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“When we get home, I am going to fill that freezer with rocky road.."
"And mint hocolate chip."
- Raffaella -
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Old 10-06-2010, 01:35 PM
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I have to say that my favorites moments from last night episode is the scene with Haley in the bathroom when he was shaving and she ends up with shaving foam on her cheek and the scene at the beginning/end when Julian filmed him and watch it at the end. No talking but the scene was intense and I like they show Julian/Nathan like that, we can see that Julian really care for Nathan
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Old 10-06-2010, 02:33 PM
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I LOVED his scene in the beginning and his scenes with Haley and his scene with Julian at the bar

When he got shaving foam on Haley's cheek and then wiped it off was just too adorable for words And he was so sexy during the opening scene at the RC

But my heart broke for him also I'm scared for him and I'm worried about how letting go of his dream to play bball is going to affect him
Nathan: Hi Hales. Haley: Say it again. Nathan: Hi Hales.

Naley....always and forever
icon~ lolo13
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