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Old 04-26-2007, 10:42 AM
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James/Nathan #486: Because he is the King of Tree Hill

Welcome to James Lafferty/Nathan Scott
#486th Thread

The Society Of Gutter Girls... A Fandom Is Born.

Behind Blue Eyes

Born and raised in Hemet, California, Lafferty spent much of his childhood hanging out with friends and his younger brother, Stuart, taking acting classes and playing basketball, his two passions in life.
Lafferty successfully balanced a high school education and starting spot on his varsity basketball team with his burgeoning acting career, landing a starring role opposite Ron Pearlman in the independent feature Boys on the Run.
The NBC sitcom Emeril was Lafferty's first series regular role, in which he played Emeril's son. He followed that up with ESPN's A Season on the Brink. Lafferty's role in the film is thought of as a prelude to his OTH role, in which he was able to first showcase his basketball prowess in front of the cameras. Starring opposite Brian Dennehy, Lafferty played Steve Alford, the star player of the Indiana Hoosiers basketball team. He has also made guest appearances on Once and Again, Boston Public and most recently HBO's Unscripted. Currently living in Wilmington, NC, Lafferty has been working on film projects set up through his production banner in conjunction with continued filming of the show. He has hosted numerous charity basketball events for local organizations and schools in the Wilmington area. Lafferty has also lent his support to other charitable organizations recently including Lamar Odom's Music Jam and The Pink Project. When he isn't working Lafferty spends time with his friends and his dog Nino on his new boat


Nathan Scott's Biography

Starting for your Tree Hill Ravens, co-captain and last years league high scorer, at small forward, number twenty-three, Nathan Scott..

We're introduced to Nathan as the badass baller with all the high school popularity the son of a former glory days father could want. His attitude is that of the cocky alpha male that boys want to be like. His status and good looks make him the boy girls want to be with.
The flaw? His step brother stands in his way not only on the court, but also in the eyes of his over-bearing father. The plan? Get to his brother thru his best friend. The glitch? Haley doesn't buy into his big man on campus status and lets him be the person he truly is underneath it all. This includes standing up to his father... and his mother. Realizing his brother is not the source of his problems, and may be the only family member who does not expect or want anything from him.
Marraige. A HUGE step for someone so let down by family many would say, but our favorite character has learned from the mistakes of his family and is not going to let his love go. He'll make a family of his own and surround himself with those who truly care about him and vice versa. Enter evil music man (here after referred to as he who shall not be named). Our hero is quickly forced with the prospect of losing his wife to her "new found" dream. Nathan quickly turns down a chance at a basketball program that could further his dream so that he can stay with his wife. Money worries and separation worries lead him to choose his heart. Yes, the invitation to High Flyers was set up by his dad... but Nathan was unaware of this. His wife, on the other hand, chose her dream and when faced with an ultimatum, she chose the road and the newlyweds were separated. Nathan again felt let down and his emotions overwhelmed him. Once again he feels alone and must find his way back. This time his uncle offers him words of encouragement, or discouragement (each viewer formed their own opinion of the crash). A new Nathan awoke and found a new courage inside himself, but did he build a wall around it to protect it? One that was too high for others to get in? In the meantime, his wife found her choice to pursue her dream meant nothing without her husband; she returned to him, but was it too late?
Face to face with his wife, our hero is torn from the reunion by the news that his father is in a fire. More sadness faces Nathan and he continues to mature and grow out of necessity more than the desire to do so. Nathan decides to focus on his basketball. He attends High Flyers and returns to Tree Hill determined to take his team to the championships and hopefully attract college scouts. His wife, also determined, joins the cheerleading squad to be closer to her husband and prove to him that she is not going anywhere. He uses this to test her and invokes the help of his nemesis, the evil musician, er, he who shall not be named. More turmoil hits Nathan when his father becomes mayor and his mother leaves town without him after promising to get them away from Dan Scott. He once again turns to Haley for consoling and the door opens for his relationship with her to begin to heal. This again proves how Nathan's fears of turning into his father are unfounded. He lets Haley back into his life and learns of his mother's hand in the attempted murder of his father. Nathan is then faced with the news that there is not only a school shooting but that his wife is locked in the school. Thinking only to protect her, he enters the school and is face to face with the "other side" of popularity. This experience becomes a part of Nathan as everything around him has, and again, instead of taking a Dan Scott route in life- Nathan becomes more of a man than his father ever could be. He is able to confront his feelings and opens up to his wife on new levels. Re-proposing to Haley becomes an important symbol to him and he sets out to start over and put the past behind them....
We start with Nathan having just dived into the cold river without hesitation to save his uncle from a car crash. A man feeling like he is without a loving family such a short time ago, now risks his own life to keep his family safe. The reluctant hero takes another emotional maturity leap this season. True to character, Nathan grows each season and is surely becoming an honorable man. Shrugging off advances from Rachel, Nathan demonstrates that his vows are not questionable and that he is faithful without a doubt. His hard work has paid off and Nathan receives word that Duke is interested in recruiting him. This news becomes overshadowed by the bigger news that he soon will be a father himself. Nervous and scared he reacts with harsh word, but as the information settles in and after a conversation with his own (for lack of a better word) father, he announces during his press conference that the decisions he faces will be done as a basketball player, a husband and a soon to be father. All seems well in his world, but a new problem has been brewing and now Nathan and Haley face the money issues. Attempting to reach out to his dad for help and getting denied, Nathan turns to the local loan shark who words their arrangement in such a way that Nathan accepts the loan. Thinking he has a while to repay the loan he is hit by the news that interest will be compounding at an unrealistic rate and he is now being asked to shave points from a game to wipe the slate clean. (Oh, dear Nathan, so much growing and yet still so much naivete). Our hero now proves he is not perfect and makes a choice that will change lives forever. By doing this imperfect act Nathan very well may have became even more endearing to those of us watching. This, of course, is not the last of the nasty Daunte and he now threatens Nathan to throw the championship game. So much stress at such a young age. Nathan turns again to Dan Scott and is not to find the help he needs. A man without morals, cowers and advises his son to comply and throw the game. In one of the most important episodes to date, Nathan begins the journey that could very well put him back on the path that was taken by his father. Letting down team mates. Letting down a beloved mentor and coach. Letting down family and friends. The Ravens are down by quite a lot at 1/2 time and Coach Durham pulls out a recording from his last trip to the championship game. One starring the Scott brothers' own father. Hearing this brings renewed purpose to Nathan's game. Not to mention that he also finds out the sex of his own baby is a boy. Nathan returns to the court and with the full team effort, they go on to win the champtionship game and all morals and wisdom stay in tact. A celebration is followed by a shocking new twist in fate for Nathan. His wife pushes him out of the way of Daunte's car seeking revenge. She, along with their unborn son, are hit. His brother (who did not take his heart pills) collapses. He has pulled Daunte from his car and after a succession of punches, the loan shark lies dead. Has he killed him or did the crash? Will Haley and their son survive? Will his brother's heart beat again? Will his father take the blame for the death of Daunte? Will Nathan's past moral victories help him thru this or will he break? Stay tuned!!!

Fans Encounter


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Old 04-26-2007, 10:44 AM
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In His Own Words

On Nathan: "Nathan Scott. He's a guy who's not the best at dealing with problems, especially his half-brother Lucas (Chad Michael Murray). Nathan is the star of the [high school] basketball team and things get very competitive with Chad's character when Lucas is recruited to the team."

On The best part about this gig: "I get to do a lot of my own work in the basketball scenes. I've played ball my entire life and I asked them to let me give doing my own stunts a shot.I guess they liked what I did."

On Joy: Joy sings a lot. Joy's constantly... always always using her voice. She sings between takes and stuff. I always laugh because she's always singing some showtune that I have no idea what it is or where it's from or when it's from or she just made it up. But yeah she does have an incredible voice and she's a very talented girl. And when she sang the national anthem I'll be honest, I never hear a national anthem like that, I think that's probably my favorite national anthem I've ever heard because I wanted to hear more after it was over. It was really great.

"Bethany is of course my co-star on the show. She plays Haley. And we've gotten to know each other pretty well. And she's a really great girl. She's a really nice girl and she's extremely, extremely talented."

On Hilarie: "Hilarie is such a cool girl, and she's got a pretty good jump shot too."
"Hilarie is a neat chick, she gets along well with everyone and is sort of the spark plug on set. She can really lighten mood at work."

On Chad: "Definitely a chick magnet. He causes quite a ruckus when we go out. I think Hilarie and I are going to have to escort him around town to keep him out of trouble."

On Barry: "Barry is definitely cool like Whitey. He's a very smart man, very funny, very laid back. You can learn alot from him if you listen."

On Nathan/Haley: "Fans absolutely love the whole relationship. That makes me so proud, so I say if the fans want it to work out that badly. I would love to see them get what they want. At the same time I think they should trust that regardless of what happens they're gonna see some great storytelling. "

About New Year's Resolution: "My new year's resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will keep me healthy and happy."

On His Favorite Holiday: "I always have the most fun on the Fourth of July. You don't have to exchange any gifts. You just go to the beach and watch fireworks. It's always fun."

They Say...

Joy:"James is awesome. He's so laid-back and really interesting. He's extremly itelligent but a lot of times you'd never know because he's so quiet, which I think is awesome. He never feels like he has to prove himself to anybody and I really appreciate that about him."

Hilarie:"People think James is shy, but James Lafferty is a gentleman. He doesn't need to draw attention to himself, and he doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anybody. I really appreciate that. James Lafferty is going big, big places. He's a very talented man. I just wish he were older. See! I have a crush on James, but who doesn't?"

Sophia:"James is the sweetest guy you'd ever meet"

Barbara: "Oh, they're just wonderful guys. They're so different and lovable in different ways. They're just great, great guys, I love working with them. James is such a professional; he always comes to work extremely prepared and ready to work. He takes his work quite seriously, but doesn't take himself seriously, he's just a lovely kid.

Lee: "A few of you have asked me specifically about James. Simply put, he's a great guy. We have been good friends ever since we filmed the pilot together, and I really respect his talent as an actor and an athlete. More importantly, I respect the fact that he is practically unaffected by fame. He is very much the same guy that I first met a couple of years ago, and that says so much about the kind of quality person that he is."

Mark: "James is a sweet kid." "James has had a problem with emotion in the past... (now) he was so good with emotion. He has come so far. I love James so much for being able to go now to that emotional place."

Paul: "James has come so far. When he started the show, I guess he was, gosh he was 18. And he was a lot more gangly but he's been in the gym everyday drinking protein shakes and lifting. He's BUFF! He terrifies me... I won't even call him names anymore cause he'll slap me. He's going to be a leading man in Hollywood. And I just hope he throws his old friend PJ a job now and then. But if he doesn't that's fine I can still beat him at one on one!"

Brendan Kirsch(who coaches the players on the show and choreographs the sports plays): "James is excellent.He's the guy who's always interested in opening the gym, whether it's midnight or 2 a.m."

JLa Stories
"I haven’t really meet James Lafferty, more like drooled at him from a far. I was an extra in 321. James was the nicest of the main 5 when they were on set. He just seemed like he cared that everything went well. He took phone calls a few times but spent most of the time chilling with the main extras joking and laughing. He even did a crossword puzzle with everybody while we were waiting around. There is a lot of waiting around in this business, but James spent most of it with the extras. He was really nice to everybody and thanked us at the end for being there. I also got to stand behind him in one shot and almost brushed shoulders with him if I wasn’t so stupidly polite and switched directions at the last second. When you’re an extra your not supposed to interact with the stars unless they talk to you. So I was doing the right thing, but it would have been a dream come true to be able to say I brushed shoulders with him Stupid me, hopefully next time. Anyway, extraing with James Lafferty was one of the best experiences of my life and I can’t wait to do it again, and hopefully actually talk to him this time "
By Danielle

"In March, there was a Friday when we had a 12+ hour filming day. James worked ALL day, and his knee was really bothering him. When the camera wasn't rolling, the poor guy was limping. Yet, he did not complain once, and did his job. Well, the next day, one of the mall tour visits took place.... I think it may have been in Atlanta, and it started at about noon. He worked a full day on Friday, in pain. I remember, he didn't wrap until around 10 that night, and had been on set since 8am. He immediately flew out to the signing on Saturday morning, (which he was late to because of his flight), but he showed up and stayed to meet and sign autographs for every last fan who came to interact with him. He then had to fly back to Wilmington for more basketball filming during Monday and Tuesday of the next week. He had to have been completely exhausted, and in a lot of pain. But, he still did all of it, and never complained. He took time out of his weekend to cater and be kind to the fans, despite his condition. He is very, very dedicated, and a genuinely caring young man. He naturally proves that constantly. His heart is always in the right place."

"It's amazing, because James has such a shy disposition, but once he gets comfortable enough, he's quite a talkative, "normal" 21 year old guy. Every single person who I've talked to who has interacted with James, has nothing but wonderful things to say about him. All of the cast loves hanging out with him, working with him, and is very proud of his growth as an actor. The crew adores him, and everyone else at the studios in Wilmington are very fond of him."
By Nicole

He Got Game

James/Nathan Soundtrack

Front Cover Back Cover
Soundtrack at MediaMax//Sendspace"P1" & "Pt2"// SaveFile "Pt1" & "Pt2"

FanArt & 100x100 Boxes of James

By: Steph

Click here for more

Credit: Janeart, Hana, Chelsea , Sally.

honey, you are so f i ne, you blow my mind | Chris Evans - 8 years celebration & 100k
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:46 AM
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Recent Pictures

400 Thread Credits
James/Nathan#483: You are the star for which all evenings wait.
Picture of the Moment

Latest News

- James and Stuart Lafferty signed Blue jeans for the "Celebrity Blue Jeans for Genes" charity, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the National Hemophilia Foundation. More info here.
- James was mentioned in a recent Cosmo Girl magazine article.
- Nathan/Haley ranked #1 in Top 10 Young TV Ships. Click here for the article
- is the first to confirm that James Lafferty will host the 4th Annual OTH Charity Basketball game on March 24th
-TV Buddy had James on their "Hot List". To read full article, click HERE
-To Read CW Interview, click here.

Latest Videos

Thanks to TylerChrisFan

Charity Game Part 1
Charity Game Part 2
James Talking
Thanks to PoeticRose23 Ashley

Gutter Dessert List
1)Chocolate covered Baby James with whipped cream
2) Whipped cream
3) Chocolate
4) Strawberries
5) Cherries
6) Cotton Candy (bubblebath or real cotton candy)
7) Vanilla (bubblebath )
8) Marshmellow Powder or real edible ones
9) Cupcakes
10) Lollipops, Candy Canes
11) Carmel
12) Gravy
13) Any type of oil (lol)
14) Sprinkles
15) Ice-cream
16) Brownies
17) Pancakes
18) Muffins

James' Supporters
- The Shift List -

European Shift
  • Zee - Zee...
  • Angie - XXAngieXX
  • Berry - berrymcgregor
  • Shay - kacey lou
  • Krys - Kitel
  • Andrea - RedHighHeels
  • Sally - Poupa
  • Sofia - sofiasam
  • Sophie - JamesLaffertyLover
  • Candice - naleyforever
  • Shayesta- Shayesta
  • Alexandra - Alexandra
  • Stephanie - SweetMilo


American Shift
  • James Lafferty
  • Pat - MJordan23
  • Sun - addicted2oth
  • Danielle - craziprodigy
  • AJ - ~AppleJacks~
  • Cindy - loveatlanta
  • Cristina - kingjames23
  • Amanda - kenjigirl
  • Nicole - missnic1129
  • Kelly - rock_air_guitar
  • Candi - iTzMeCaNdi
  • Ashley - PoeticRose23
  • Stephanie - music_junkierules
  • Amber - Rogue Faerie
  • Calla - Callalily
  • Brittany - JLaffertyFan23
  • Lauren - James_is_my_baby23
  • Cibele - HaleyBub
  • Rachel - Chelbh
  • Alyson - ***Aly***
  • Lena - Khleoswife
  • Ash - flash502
  • Anj - Alwaysxforever
  • Danielle - danielle002
  • Megs - megs23


Asian Shift
  • Wendy - glazed.over
  • Ruby - DiaMOoNDa
  • Nadhu - nedhu
  • Hayatt - Tooty


Australian Shift
  • Rachel - Rachel89
  • Liltina3 - Tina
  • ~KiRsTy~


The James Birthday Project

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Old 04-26-2007, 10:47 AM
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500 Thread Announcement

-Anyone who wants to participate/contribute in the 500 thread by making Icons, Arts, Music videos, PM Sally (Poupa) informing her what you will do, inorder to write down a list of everyone who will participate.

-There will be polls posted later. Sally will keep you informed.

-For those who Sun & Pat PMed about arts, please send the arts/icons/music videos to Sally.

We are halfway to the 1000 Thread, so we want the 500 thread to be special, we hope that you will contribute

honey, you are so f i ne, you blow my mind | Chris Evans - 8 years celebration & 100k
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:50 AM
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Thanks for the new thread, Candice.

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Old 04-26-2007, 10:50 AM
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Great job Candice
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Honey, I'll be there before you hit the ground...
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:53 AM
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Thanks Sally, Ash

honey, you are so f i ne, you blow my mind | Chris Evans - 8 years celebration & 100k
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:59 AM
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500 Thread Announcement

-Anyone who wants to participate/contribute in the 500 thread by making Icons, Arts, Music videos, PM me informing me what you will do, inorder to write down a list of everyone who will participate.

-Vote for...
-Vote for your Top favourite 5 Nathan Quotes/VO
-Vote for your Top favourite 5 things you love about James

-Vote for your Top favourite 5 Nathan's Emotinal scenes

We are halfway to the 1000 Thread, so we want the 500 thread to be special, i hope that you will contribute

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Old 04-26-2007, 11:17 AM
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I'm back around
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:41 AM
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:49 AM
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hey guys

Thanks for the new thread
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Old 04-26-2007, 12:05 PM
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Shay, did you vote?

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Old 04-26-2007, 12:08 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Candice!

Just voted, Sally! It was hard to narrow it down to 5! Thanks!

Love the new pics we have gotten from the new episode. I think it is time to change my avie!
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Old 04-26-2007, 12:15 PM
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Thanks Cin
You should

Note: Anyone who doesn't have a LJ, you can PM me with your votes or leave a comment there

I think those pretty stills weren't posted here and that's so wrong.


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Old 04-26-2007, 12:16 PM
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Yes i did vote. I have to say, most of my 5 were from season 4, i think it's obvious way.
Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle
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