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Old 04-25-2007, 07:30 PM
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Creative Souls (JP) #223: We're here, we're now, we're ready for a JP reunion!

"Once upon a time
there was a Princess who lived in a kingdom far, far away; and in that kingdom there also lived a boy
and the Princess loved that boy and, so the two decided to marry. Now in this kingdom all was not well...So the princess
and the boy were set to be wed and because she was a Princess, a call went out for a beautiful dress. Now as the wedding day
approached, the Princess worried about the evil King. Because, although he had not always been this way his heart
had grown dark and his kingdom had grown to fear and despise him. In the days
before the wedding the king surprised the Princess and gave his blessing to the marriage. But, the Princess
was still torn for even though she had found her true love it meant she would have to faithful handmaiden behind forever. On the eve
of the Princess's wedding a lavish feast was arranged. Friends and royalty were summoned from lands far away
to join the happy couple for a night of laughter and magic. As the night wore on a calm fell upon the land
and all was right in the land, if only for a moment.But the people had their struggles as all people do and they had grown to fear
and despise the King, whose heart had grown dark. But in the end the love between the Princess and the boy was
undeniable and true. And, over time that love would see them through anything. Magical things happened
to them, things they couldn’t explain, much like love its self. And,
like most fairy tales the Princess and the boy lived happily ever after...
at least I hope they do."

by Teddy

.1. Because they both need someone special.
.2. Because they can help each other with their issues.
.3. Because she secretly adores his eyebrows.
.4. Because they wear the same sneakers.
.5. Because Jenny could use a mother figure.
.6. Because the look answers the gay question.
.7. Because even Brooke saw it.
.8. Because their chemistry leapt off our screens.
.9. Because she thinks he would make a great dad.
.10. Because he turns her into a shy little school-girl.
.11. Because he takes her advice.
.12. Because he's there if she needs to talk.
.13. Because she's permanent in Jake & Jenny's life.
.14. Because he'll be back for her.
.15. Because she misses him.
.16. Because she emails him.
.17. Because she painted him a mural on her wall.
.18. Because he came back.
.19. Because he makes her laugh.
.20. Because he lets her be ok with herself.
.21. Because she kissed him.
.22. Because they opened the adjoining doors at the same time.
.23. Because she returned his ball.
.24. Because they make a really cute family
.25. Because we say so!
.26. Because they both needed that hug!
.27. Because they have the best hugs
.28. Because thier first date was perfect
.29. Because she wanted him as her boy toy
.30. Because he rearranged the stars and the breeze just for her
.31. Because her words made him feel stronger while they were apart
.32. Because he sees her strength
.33. Because that goodbye kiss was not just a friendly kiss
.34. Because, in Mark's words, "The Jake and Peyton thing was destiny..."
.35. Because in Mark's words, "There's little clues along the way."
.36. Because He's falling for her
.37. Because they're both finally happy
.38. Because we lost count of how many times she blinked
.39. Because they haven't felt like this in forever
.40. Because "two will always be stronger than one - like a team braced together against the tempests of the world"
.41. Because they both have curly hair.
.42. Because now it's him, Jenny, and Peyton.
.43. Because they love each other.
.44. Because he wants to be with her forever.
.45. Because she's the only person he can truly count on.
.46. Because for him and Jenny, Peyton?s door stays unlocked.
.47. Because she wants to come with him.
.48. Because he misses both women he loves.
.49. Because she doesn't see the point without him
.50. Because being in each other's arms forever still wouldn't be long enough.
.51. Because they gained their hearts' desires.
.52. Because she immersed herself in him.
.53. Because her wish was granted.
.54. Because she wouldn't give it back for the world
.55. Because giving her heart to Jake was ABSOLUTELY worth it!
.56. Because they are each other's muse
.57. Because she's meant for better...he is better
.58. Because there are no "exit" signs in love
.59. Because it is impossible to fall out of love
.60. Because he inspires her giggles and loves her farm animal laugh
.61. Because they make Jail scenes look cute and that's scary
.62. Because she followed her heart to him
.63. Because he wrote a song for her
.64. Because she wanted to stay
.65. Because he's not giving up on their fairytale
.66. Because they'll be together...someday
.67. Because her future is with him
.68. Because he knows she loves him
.69. Because her heart will always ache for him
.70. Because she wanted the fairytale life with him
.71. Because he still hopes for a happy fairytale ending for them
.72. Because she's stil his princess
.73. Because she wished for him
.74. Because she'd miss him more
.75. Because they want to look after each other
.76. Because he didn't sleep on the couch because of Jenny
.77. Because she proposed to him
.78. Because he say ‘yes’
.79. Because there are 6 million people in the world but sometimes all you need is one
.80. Because songs ends but that’s no reason not to enjoy the music

 & Disrupted Love & Enjoy the music

Hilarie Burton& Bryan Greenberg

{big big thanks to Mims, for her patience.
she brought all titles together}

.199. Because she just can't let go.
.198. Because he doesn't have to worry about her, he wants to!
.197. The 200th is getting closer - be afraid,be more than afraid!
.196. Because he would have wanted to be there for her.
.195. Because Peyton needs Jake back now!
.194. Because she left her heart in Savannah...
.193. Because she knows nothing compares to him.
.192. Because he's the only thing that's right in all she's done
.191. Because he is not just someone. He is *the one*
.190. Because we're voting for the soundtrack of love!
.189. Bring Jake back to let JP bring sexyback!
.188. FREE TO want Jake back in s4!!!
.187. Because she'll choose him again!
.186. When the time is right, she'll return to his waiting arms!
.185. Cause even Jenny knows who her "momma" is
.184. Because we're going to make a toast at their wedding!!!
.183. 'Cause she may "kiss a lot" but she proposed once
.182. Cause she opened the door to a world of new possibilities!
.181. B/c it's still a fairytale and he'll be there to make it happen
.180. Because it killed him to lose her
.179. Because they feel hope when they're together!!!
.178. Because she loves the guy and the music!!!
.177. B/c they are the song of love in the OTH soundtrack of life
.176. Because we're gasing up the bus for operation JP spinoff
.175. Because we want "Someday" to start now and last a lifetime.
.174. Because if JP were a song we'd put them on repeat forever!
.173. *Because Love Songs Were Made for Jake and Peyton*
.172. Because he is the sudden calm that washes over her
.171. Because she loves him and he knows it!
.170. Because they both have hot feet under those chucks!
.169. Because she wants this family
.168. Because she wished and will keep wishing for Jake.
.167. Because she is still his princess.
.166. Because soon she will see they are meant to be.
.165. Because she'll come back to him...someday
.164. Because her heart will still ache for him
.163. Because she'd miss him more
.162. Because following her heart took her straight to Jake's arms
.159. Because they were in love and it was *amazing*
.158. Because he's the greatest benefit
.157. B/C being with him is the fairytale she dreams about
.156. Because they are our bittersweet symphony
.155. B/c he's the one who didn't take her for granted
.154. Because both us and Peyton know Jake *loves* her.
.153. Because he can never be away from her for too long.
.152. Because they both look cute in orange jail suites!
.151. B/C she would give anything for the chance to fight for Jake
.150. Because the heart doesn’t have a kill switch
.149. Because Peyton knows no one can replace her dirty bird
.148. Because she wants him to be there for her
.147. They both failed in love.. untill they found each other!
.146. Because he's first on her list and in her heart!
.145. People always leave, but never when they're in your heart
.144. Because he's the one she needs!!
.143 Because even through the tears, we still see clearly - it's love!
.142. Because he saves her, he completes her!
.141. Because tragedy never seemed sweeter. <sigh>
.140. Because we have faith in their love!
.139. BC now that we've heard Hil,we want 2 hear what BG has 2 say!
.138. Because miles away, she still hears his song!
.137. Because seeing the JP love in HQ is Just Perfect!
.136. She knows he'll be back w/the same heart she fell in love with
.135. BC when they're apart,they're "holding on tight" to their love
.134. Because she gives him hope, and he loves her so much for it
.133. B/c he said she's meant for better,even though he is the best!
.132. B/c they make jail look romantic and hot!!!
.131. Because as sure as we are S3 is returning, so is Jake!
.130. Because he awoke her heart
.129. Because she wouldn't give him back for the world.
.128. Because we're hanging by a moment
.127. Because he's always been worth the wait
.126. Because he's the closest to heaven she's ever been
.125. Because after all he's still her wonderwall!
.124. B/C when he returns we want those red sheets to come back!!
.123. Because all we can taste is his return
.122. Cause being farther apart only brings them closer
.121. B/C forever isn't enough to say how long thier love would last
.119. Because this year both their wishes were granted.
.118. B/c OUR hopes will bring Jake back to Peyton
.117. Because he needs to refill her 'empty apartment'
.116. Because these two back together is the way we want it!
.115. Because we wouldn't take any of it back either.
.114. Because she gave her whole self to HIM.
.113. 'Cause he could hold her 4EVER & it STILL wouldn't be enough!
.112. Because we're staying on the Optimistic JP Train!
.111. Because the stupid glass will be out of the way
.110. Because Hil said it best, "Make Greenberg Stay!"
.109. Because we are patiently waiting for that promo kiss!
.108. Because he holds her like she's porcelain
.107. Because "being in love - that's how you know you're alive"
.106. B/C of Jake, she's "happier than she ever thought possible"
.105. B/C Tree Hill is a better place with Jeytonliciousness!
.104. Because things would have lead to JP even in bizzaro OTH
.103. B/C the threads keep coming, just like he came back to her
.102. Because we all know 'Bow chica bow wow' means 'You're hot'
.101. Because he caught her when she fell
.100. B/c even 100 threads can't measure up to their love.

.99. Because from thread 9 to 99 we're not taking JP for granted
.98. Because he misses both of his girls
.97. Because She shines so bright when he's around!!
.96. Because they wanted to hold each other - stupid glass
.95. Because she wanted to go with him
.94. Because he's never been happier than when he's with her
.93. Because he wants to be with her forever
.92. Because the ILYs aren't silent anymore!
.91. B/c they might of hid Jenny, but they aren't hiding their love
.90. Because they've come a long way out of the rain
.89. Because the door's unlocked...just like her heart
.88. Because you can see it in their eyes!
.87. Because they make us feel all warm and fuzzy
.86. Because we want more than silent ILYs!
.85. Because now it's Jenny, Jake and Peyton
.84. Because the JP lovefest is back!! ) )
.83. Because they're holding on tight to each other.
.82. Because even Peyton said they were perfect!!!
.81. Because this is what it all comes down to! <3
.80. Because they hold our hearts! <3
.79. Goldilocks and Superfox- the story of an artist and her jock
.78. B/C she is the Joey to his Pacey, the peanut butter to his jelly
.77. B/C Goldilocks and Superfox give us this "funny little feeling"
.76. Because he was able to break down her brick wall
.75. Because we can feel the "ILYs" in the air
.74. Because Superfox and Goldilocks are here to save the world!
.73. Because the afterglow could have lit up the world!
.72. Because both BG and Hil love this couple
.71. Because even during OTH hiatus, we still have Two Bunny Hill
.70. Because we love seeing the TWO of them HAPPY
.69. Because red sheets just make it hotter
.68. B/C there's a song of love in Peyton's heart & Jake sings it
.67. Because thanks to Jake, Peyton's not hiding anymore
.66. Because Jake didn't change Peyton - he just brought her back
.65. Because he loves her farm animal laugh.
.64. B/C they're both *blink* falling *blink* in love
.63. B/C with Hiatus we know the emptiness she felt without him
.62. Because "I love you" is just around the corner
.61. Because they're joined together by fate
.60. Because Nicki will only make them stronger.
.59. Because JP is so great that we don't have to go off-topic!
.58. Because they're as good as a Power Bar!!!
.57. B/C she finally gave him her heart and it wasn't scary at all
.56. Because they have this whole "2 thing" going on! <3 <3
.55. Because "two will always be stronger than one"
.54. 'Cause it wasn't just sex, it was love EXPLODING at the seams
.53. Because they fit together like a pair of old Chuck Taylors
.52. Because Nikki is just another "sidewalk" along the road
.51. Because they're "looking ahead for the first time"
.50. B/C they're braced together against the tempests of the world
.49. Like Mark said, there have been "clues along the way"
.48. Because in the words of Mark, it was "destiny"
.47. Because if you didnt catch Mark's hints before you cant miss them now
.46. Because he didn't charge extra for the handholding
.45. Because look how far they've come from a "Lonely World"
.44. Because she gave him cool points.
.43. Because she thinks he's a total fox and he thinks she smells good!
.42. Because they couldn't think straight all week
.41. Because they're turning up the heat!
.40. Because Even With A Hectic Schedule He Still Made Time For Her!
.39. Because he's tired of running - he needs to be with her
.38. Because their lips just fit together
.37. Because even Jenny ships them.
.36. Because we're glad they don't have a "no tongue" rule
.35. Because we were biting our lips and she was biting his.
.34. Because we weren't the only ones checking him out in the wifebeater
.33. Because she's turned on by that whole single father thing
.32. Because he's building his safe place with her
.31. Because can you say "sexual tension"?!?
.30. Because every moment with them is JEYTONLICIOUS!
.29. Because they want the real thing every day
.28. Because she's the sudden calm that washes over him
.27. Because she's buying him beef jerky
.26. Because he wants to worry about her
.25. Because he was just listening to her breathe.
.24. Because their matching sneakers mean something to us too, Mark!
.23. Because even Lucas knows how much they need each other
.22. Because it won't rain. Not now. Not ever, now that they're together!
.21. Because when they're together, everything stops, including the rain.
.20. Because his heart brought him home to her!
.19. Because we want to see him kiss someone...and it's not Nikki
.18. Because he heard her all those miles away
.17. Because she's ready for his room service now
.16. Because Jake's return means one thing...BOWCHICKABOWWOW!
.15. Because we got a hug, now we want a kiss.
.14. Because they both needed that hug.
.13. Because we say so!
.12. Because he is here to rescue her
.11. Because we want a long passionate reunion kiss
.10. Because now that he's's time for sweet, sweet loving!
.9. Because he came back for her...everyone knows it!!
.8. Because we miss him as much as Peyton does
.7. Because we're hoping we'll see these two together again!
.6. Because they'll be a family some day!
.5. Because even the eyeliner stalker cant keep her away from him!
.4. Because she wouldn't mind ordering some of his room service
.3. Because 'Jayton' just rolls off the tongue
.2. Because They Wear The Same Sneakers

by Paulina

I still believe in someday.
Icon credit -Antedka
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Old 04-25-2007, 07:34 PM
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Bless The Broken Road & Follow Through
{made by Sara specially for the 200th celebration}

JP: Love is all around them
Sara's latest vid!

made by Drop86

Just A Little Heartace& Home & Run& Hungry Eyes & Why
The Mixed Tape& Against all odds & Chasing Cars & Only one
& more

Faking it-part 1 & Faking it-part 2 & Faking it-part 3 & Faking it-part 4
& Will You Fall for Me? & Pieces of Jake and Peyton & Mirrors Of Reality & Savior & Someday We'll Know&
Just a ride &Fall, baby fall & Do what you have to do & For a moment
&And I fall again & I'll be here & Two lives, one instant & Heart ripper & Coffe and TV&
All though the night &With you & Home is where you are & Unbroken

Rocking Savannah
(show description)

Their linked pasts and common city is going to bring them together and change them in unspected ways.

From the TV hit series "One Tree Hill" comes the spinoff "Rocking Savannah" focused on the lives of some known and dearly loved characters (Peyton, Jake, Tim, Chris and Whitey), describe their meaningful choices to grow up and evolve in a strange city. The gorgeous Savannah, GA is going to be their new home and playground.

Peyton Sawyer, is a familiar face in the streets of Tree Hill, now after a rollercoaster year and her high school graduation she opted to change all she knows and cares for a scolarship on her dream art school. For her this is the beginning of an adventure, to rebuild what she is and conquer her demons. The future that's separating her from her friends and what's left of her family is daring to reunite her with problematic feelings that still lingers in her past.

Jake Jagielski is the teenage single proud father of a 2 year old baby girl, that left his hometown for his daughter's benefit, the only thing he didn't expect was that he broke his heart with that decision. Today he lives in Savannah struggling with the responsabilities of his life and trying to shine as a singer and songwriter, he breathes and acomplish his tasks but in the inside he's fighting a lost war with his feelings. He's not prepare to what is going to hit him.

After months on the road, presenting in every stage available, singer Chris Keller is tired of not belonging, lost he returns to the only place he has ever called home: Savannah. He has reached a point in his life and music career where he needs to make tough choices, he just realize he became a different person and somewhere along the line he left part of himself behind and he wants everything back, and he's going to make it happen.

Tim Smith was clueless about what his life after highschool is going to be but he receives an opportunity he can't miss and that can put him on the right road. Always the funny social guy is afraid of not being anything besides that and swear he's going to reach his full potential.

Just like the school year, Whitey's career as Raven's coach is over too, decades of basquetball and teenage boys needing his guidance has left him tired and nostalgic of the good old days. His bestfriend in life retired as well and bought a home in Georgia near his daughters, his plan is to rebuild it completely, it's at least a 2 man job and Whitey has no excuses this time.

Rockin Savannah is a one of a kind show, that brings us the the every day life of young people making their own path in life, and fighting to prove themselves and the rest of the world that they're worthy of their achievements.

{ The soundtracks were made by JP fans
for the JP fans. Thanks to everyone who voted and to Michelle for doing the job of the vote counting.
Soudntrack covers made by Teddy (angst) and Marina (fluff).}

I still believe in someday.
Icon credit -Antedka
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Old 04-25-2007, 07:35 PM
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by Kita

by Sara ++

by Teddy

by Ashleigh

by Mel

by Teddy

by Ashley

by Sara

by Chrissy

by Paulina

by Eva (BrownEyes1980)

I still believe in someday.
Icon credit -Antedka

Last edited by Michelsita; 05-05-2007 at 08:31 AM
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Old 04-25-2007, 07:39 PM
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Thanks Micky for the new thread!
When you push yourself to the edge and back
Honey, I'll be there before you hit the ground...
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Old 04-25-2007, 07:43 PM
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Ash, you have become my thread opening companion!
Always together to start a new thread and for that I you even more!
I'm going to bed, you should rest too.
Sweet dreams!
I still believe in someday.
Icon credit -Antedka
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Old 04-25-2007, 07:45 PM
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Aww... you're very kind Micky

Have a great night!
When you push yourself to the edge and back
Honey, I'll be there before you hit the ground...
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Old 04-26-2007, 12:34 AM
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Thanks for the new thread girls.
→ Mimi
→ Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I'm lost.
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Old 04-26-2007, 01:44 AM
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Thanks alot for the new thread. I absolutely the title

Smoak & Arrow
Sally | | |
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Old 04-26-2007, 01:59 AM
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thanks for the new thread
I'm so sad i'm never here when you are swettie

"i'm not weird, i'm limited edition "

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Old 04-26-2007, 05:48 AM
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Hello Creative Souls

I hope everyone has a great day!
When you push yourself to the edge and back
Honey, I'll be there before you hit the ground...
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Old 04-26-2007, 01:57 PM
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nice title
Desperation, needing you
Every last breath I scream for you
Shatter me into a million pieces..
..make me new
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:49 AM
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Morning everybody!
I still believe in someday.
Icon credit -Antedka
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:52 AM
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Morning, M!
→ Mimi
→ Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I'm lost.
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:52 AM
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Micky is here!
When you push yourself to the edge and back
Honey, I'll be there before you hit the ground...
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:56 AM
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Baby M! and Ash!
This is like a party!

How're you?
I still believe in someday.
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