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Old 04-30-2007, 03:49 AM
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Chad/Lucas #148: B/c with new episode, new appearance and new pics coming, a great we

Welcome to the 148th Chad/Lucas appreciation thread! [/COLOR]

by Spacebabe

by Spacebabe

by anettbianka

by anettbianka

by ~Lin~

by anettbianka

by Manu9

"My Rule Is To Just Be Who I Am"

Once upon a time, there was a happy little kid, who loved to see his big family smile, especially when he’d sing and dance. After dinner time, the kid would take center stage in the living room and sing songs he made up about anything his imagination conjured up. The good times, sadly, came to an end when the kid was ten years old. All of a sudden, his mother left, abandoning him, his father and siblings. This could have ripped the family apart, but instead, it made them stronger and they relied on one another to survive. As if his mother’s abandonment wasn’t enough, the little kid had yet to experience his worst years – his teen years. The kid always felt different from the other kids at school. He was a nerd and an outcast. He never wanted to be trendy or follow the crowd. He liked doing things his own way. He enjoyed reading and studying and he was always about being creative. When he was 15, the kid suffered an injury to his small intestine and required a series of surgeries, which meant a two-month-long hospital stay. The experience was scary. The kid was terrified he’d never get to go home. But one positive thing came out of his hospital stay: a career boost. One of his nurses, who also happened to be a model, convinced him that he might have what it took to build a successful career as model. The kid told her he didn’t want to be a model. He wanted to be an actor. The nurse convinced him that he could segue from modeling into acting. And the kid saw the light. He did some little modeling jobs in his hometown area and after graduating, he decided to give Los Angeles a go. His father supported his decision and the kid made the move. He started acting lessons right away and took modeling jobs when he could to pay the bills. Soon after he arrived, he appeared in several guest-starring television roles. In 2000, he got his big break on the TV show Gilmore Girls and since that moment, his star has kept raising and raising. Nowadays, the little kid who loved to perform for his family is one of the hottest, most talented and loved stars of young Hollywood, best known as


Eye Candies


“There are things that go through your head on a daily basis,
different thoughts you have that a lot of people can’t understand”
(this is about being abandoned)

"I love acting, but part of me wants to have a family, raise kids - have a normal life."

"Writing inspires me

“I always want kids to be allowed to have a chance or a shot in life”

"In the end, it's not about fame or fortune. It's what you leave behind - your work and your family - that really counts"

“I don’t think people know what’s really important to me. Maybe that’s my fault. Maybe I should have taken a step back
and looked at the way I handled things in the past and readjusted myself”

"My ideal girl is someone who's smart and pretty in an innocent way, and someone who listens and cares."

“All I ever ask for is health and happiness”

"The rumours - that's the thing I hate. People assume way too much, and I can't stand it. I know the truth;
I don't feel like I have to defend myself. I'm a pretty good guy. Yeah, I like to go out with my boys and have
a good time - I'm 23 years old! But the next thing you know, there are 20 stories about me. It's inappropriate on so
many levels. I don't know if it will ever stop. All I need to know is, I have faith in myself and I know what's really going on."

“My insecurities lie in that I don't like to be alone. It's scary being alone.
I'm always worried that I'm going to be abandoned or that people
won't care for me.
I have incredible insecurities every day”

"I think people should do what makes them happy. Peer pressure shouldn't make an impact on what you want to do with your life".

"My goal is to grow as much as I can as a human being."

"I am an ordinary guy who likes normal things, and have feelings like a normal human being."

"I just want to be healthy and happy. I don't want to hurt anybody or make them mad. If that's a philosophy then that's my philosophy.

“My rule is just to be who I am. Sometimes I don’t take my own advice,
but I know that no matter what, I can be happy with continuing to go forward.
I wake up in the morning proud of the man I’m becoming”

"I love older music, Frank Sinatra, James Brown - there's so much passion in their songs."

"I hated high school. I didn't have any friends because I didn't fit in, but I enjoyed the educational part of it.
My teachers allowed me to be creative, so I thought
past high school to what I wanted to do."

"Chad’s our heartthrob, you know, he, he’s Chad, he’s charming, he’s got that steely gaze, hold on.
I got it, and he does it so well. How does he do it? I don’t even know, I’ve been working with him forever,
I don’t know how he does it, but gets me every time.
Uh no, you know, he’s a charter”
Hilarie Burton

"He's a whore but he's hot. He is a good kisser and I should know. Not to brag"
Hilarie Burton

“I wish I worked with him more. I can see why the girls are so crazy in love with him. He has so much charisma.
He oozes charisma. He's a great actor, I learn from him and he's a great guy to hang out with all day"
Barbara Alyn Woods

"There's something very mischievous about Chad. He's a prankster, and he takes pride in it.
He'll leave a little present form his dog in your trailer,or make faces during your close-up.
But he's got such an angle on being charming. He's got the bad-boy laugh, the blond-boy
dimples--he's cute as hell. His speciality is eye contact, really focusing on you. He's
brought me to tears in scenes where I thought I was all cried out. Chad laughs a whole lot,
but he can also embrace Lucas's broody, moody side"
Hilarie Burton

"Definitely a chick magnet. He causes quite a ruckus when we go out.
I think Hilarie and I are going to have to escort him around town to keep him out of trouble"
James Lafferty

"Chad has an amazing heart. He's one of those men who desire truth in every area of their lives"
Bethany Joy Lenz

"Michael [Lucas] – his name is Chad Michael Murray; I just can't seem to call him Chad –
has a good heart and desires to treat everyone around him well”
Bethany Joy Lenz

“Chad is a gentleman and a warrior”
Bethany Joy Lenz

“He likes to keep things loose and as light as he possibly can. He likes to mess around and joke with people”
Greg Pranger (One Tree Hill producer)

"Chad is one of my dearest friends on the show and incredible
person and one of the few people that have that magic star dust glittered all over them.
And it makes me hate him, because when I was his age I had no talent and he has
all the talent. I had to learn to be or fake to be a good actor"
Paul Johansson

"This role means more to him"
Mark Schwann

"Chad Michael Murray was the first piece of casting. He was sort of the key"
Mark Tollin (executive producer)

"First of all he is hot, second of all he is HOT. .He is a great actor
and brings energy to a room. He seems to be a nice guy even though he is a smoker.
People heard things about him but I believe what I want, and some stupid rumors wont change
how I feel about him. He maybe wasn't a good husband but he has defently stepped up. The funniest
thing is that people forget that actors/actress are people and have their faults just like Chad has. Chad deserves
to be happy. He loves dogs, and even if I am not a animal person I find it great. He looks like the kind off guy that care
of his family and friends. He is just a great guys who is not blind by Hollywood, I think he will not let him self fall like other celeb"

I love Chad for his talent , his beauty , both the inside & the outside, his kindness
and giving nature and his heart. I think He is a great guy , a pure soul who had to suffer to get to the point where
he's happy. when I look at him sometimes I see a child who had been hurt, sometimes pain sometimes laughter,
but also a man with so much grace & gentelness. I love the way he's helping to children and the emphasis he puts on his
family and his love for them. There's a saying that a man who knows where He came from will always know where He's going .
I love how passionate he is with his work , his love and his ideas. I see only great things for him for he's a very positive person .
He's a really great person . I wish only the best for him in life .

The biggest reason why I love him is that he's a very great actor. He can play anything
and that makes him an amazing actor. Of course I like his look too. Who doesn't? But that's sad when people
only love him because he's handsome. I also love him because of his big heart and his personality. Maybe I don't know too
much about him but from what I know I think he's a really down to earth person with good sense of humor which is a big bonus.

He is a great guy who has been so strong to overcome the hard times in his life with determination and wisdom.
What I like the most in him is that he goes on and lives his life and he doesn’t care what people can say or think.
Even though I’m sure some he is hurt by some harsh things people say, he doesn’t care and he ignores them because
he is smart and classy. I don’t know him personally but he looks like a guy with a golden heart. He looks generous and sociable.
Fame didn’t go to his head and he still appreciate the simple things in life and all of this makes him a special guy.

I like Chad cause he seems like a caring individual, he seems to be the type of person who is up
for a laugh and loads of fun. I also think that he is a good actor and has improved a lot. i have seen him in OTH, Freaky Friday,
Cinderella story and HOW and in all of them he has done different roles and been very good at them. he is also very nice looking

Chad is a talented, generous, amazing guy. He has gone though some major hard times in his life,
very difficult things have happened to him. But he hasn’t let those things change him for the worst. He hasn’t become a bitter, negative,
bad guy. He is sweet, he is caring, he is generous. He’s always the first when it comes to help people, especially children. He believes
in love, friendship and family and the people he loves are at the first place in his life. He makes mistakes, as any other human being, but
he always takes his responsibility for his missteps and he tries to learn from them. He is famous, he is loved, but he hasn’t let the fame
go to his head. He still acts like a normal guy, who just wants to live his life and is searching for happiness as all of us. I appreciate so much
he never does things he doesn’t feel just because they could earn him praises or good press. What he does is what he feels. He always follows
his heart and the first thing in his life is just being happy and making happy the people he loves.He doesn’t care about getting publicity and becoming
more and more famous. That’s not what he needs to be happy so that’s not what he searches for. He is very talented, a raising star. He can bring me to
tears or make me laugh to death. He has so much inside himself and when he uses all of that in his art, the result is amazing. I feel like there’s much
to learn from him. No matter how much life and people tried
(and sometimes still try) to bring him down, he survived, he overcame everything and he still wants to believe he can get the happiness he has been
searching for, and he is fighting for that, not letting anything and anyone get into his way.

The first thing that hit you is that he is really good looking...but he is also really taled. So it's his acting that make me like him.
I really enjoy his rolls and what he brings to his character.

by anettbianka

by Linda4

by hotchad

by Salana

by mylu

by mylu


full projects here

"i'm not weird, i'm limited edition "

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Old 04-30-2007, 04:01 AM
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Sara we shud pm a close this thread
I miss our love
icon turkish_girl
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Old 04-30-2007, 04:04 AM
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DOwe have to PM for that?
Don't they do that anyway
PMif you knwon me and mods lately.

*sorry...mine compuiter messs with me...can you ??

"i'm not weird, i'm limited edition "

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Old 04-30-2007, 04:08 AM
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ok...i will
I miss our love
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