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Old 01-20-2007, 12:51 PM
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Re. the whole love Peyton all along thing.

I don't get it. Why do the writers have to make everything like NH? What is wrong with allowing BL and LP to be high school teens having fun and discovering love? Luke loved Brooke fair enough. Luke now loves Peyton, again fair enough. But to make it seem like either Brooke or Peyton was the one, and was meant to be - I mean like I said, I know completely where Luke is coming from with his idealized vision, but for all that I relate to the writer's vision of Luke - even I can see that like Rachel says - considering they're in High School, perhaps he hasn't met the one!!

Why do the writers put Luke in this postion by making his love mutually exclusive? He can have been in love with Brooke, but now he's not. How simple is that? Given, that they're in high school - that seems entirely believable and a hell of a lot more sympathetic portrayal of a character than him having found the one, and then finding another one!
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Old 01-20-2007, 12:55 PM
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I do see where you are coming from also JusW. I dont think Lucas is a bad person per se. But the fact that he is looking on some idealized vision of love as you put it is what kinda turns me off of him. To me it was seem that you are completely correct there, but doesnt that kinda mean that if he is basing his idea of love on what he reads, and he has some idealisation, perhaps neither Brooke nor Peyton will actually ever be enough for him.

To me, the fact of the matter is that if you can chop and change your feelings that quickly, neither can actually be called real love. Real love is about loving one person, and not even considering anyone else. That is certainly not what he felt for Brooke and if it is what he feels for Peyton, then he has a funny way of showing it. One sudden realisation of love and making his life all about Peyton doesnt speak about love to me, love is small gestures, long-term gestures, making a person feel wanted and dating and proclaiming love for her best friend is not making Peyton feel wanted. The fact he can go back and forth between them so readily makes me think hes doesnt properly love either, and that doesnt make him a bad person. I just think he needs to grow up and learn to distance himself so he can actually work these things out, rather than acting immediately and fli flopping. Because matter of fact, if he loved either of them completely and wholly, the whole damned triangle wouldnt exist. Lucas is indecisive, not a bad person but in my eyes after everything he has put the two girls through, he deserves neither. I do agree with much of your post though, just my take on it.
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:00 PM
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Didnt see your second post. I also agree. I think its incredibly unrealistic to portray either NH or BL or LP as soulmates. Both Nathan and Lucas have had about two proper relationships and OK NH have settled down but chances are Lucas may find someone he really does love and can completely devote himself to say, after high school! Im all for high school romances but its unrealistic to think Lucas wont go away to a bigger place, meet tons of new people and find "the one". The triangle is nothing but high school drama.
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:01 PM
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Peyton: He stalks you, tells you he wants EVERYTHING with you but then one rebuff and he's with your best friend, he kisses you, carries on with you behind her back and when she finds out is too much of a coward to move either way, and runs away. He comes back, spends all season lusting after your best friend, practically ignoring you. Comes back a season later, suddenly wants to be your best pal again but tells you hes in love with your bff. But she dumps him, and now its been you all along? Im sorry but personally, if i was Peyton, it wouldnt matter how much I loved him, he's screwed with her, and I'd tell him where to go!
Personally, I can't see Peyton accepting Lucas' words as easily as Brooke did. At the end of season one, Peyton said to Lucas that "it's not about what you say; it's about you do." She already went through a bad relationship with Nathan in which he treated her like crap and then said, 'I'm sorry and she took him back." Lucas has stood by Peyton's side through a lot and she has seen him prove his love in actions. Right now, L/P are in the honeymoon phase and of course, she is going to glow with happiness when he says, "I love you," but if Lucas ever stated that he never loved Brooke or that he wasn't in love with her, I can't see Peyton believing those words. Peyton's called Luke on some of his crap in the past, so I have a feeling that she will do this again.

Brooke: You go out, he cheats on you, runs away from the problem, comes back and wants to be with you again after making clear he didnt want that before, judges your taste in other men, gets with you, makes a big deal over loving you, tells you you're the one etc etc but the second you dump him, he's off with your best friend, the same one he cheated on you with and the one he KNOWS you're insecure about.
She probably could have said something more harsh since what you said is true. Lucas tried very hard with Brooke the second time. He was more comitted and he treated her pretty well. I loved Sophia's comment in the finale commentary during the argument. She pegged their relationship perfectly. I have to wonder what would have happened if Brooke hadn't broken up with Lucas first.

Lucas deserves NEITHER of these girls. While I believe they are BOTH at fault for their failing friendship, Lucas has been the catalyst for absolutely everything that appears to have gone wrong in their friendship and besides a passing comment, doesnt seem to care?
It seems like the show made Lucas switch roles with Nathan (which Peyton called him on), and Lucas suffered for his mistakes. After that, he really did try to be a good person and I think he is for the most part. But the show seemed to want to concentrate on the B/P break-up and the catfighting with that. Lucas still doesn't know why B/P stopped being friends.

On another note Im very excited for Brooke/Chase purely because of the smile in those new promos when she is with him! Finally she looks happy, and if Peyton is truly happy with Lucas, so be it I suppose though I am certainly not an LP fan
I am excited about Brooke/Chase just because it seems like a different relationship for her. Plus they look sweet and hot together. I don't know if they are soulmates or anything, but I am willing to give them a try. If they're boring, oh, well. He's got to be better than the other guys in her life.

I do like L/P together a lot, but it took me a while actually. I used to post in the anti-Lucas thread and I screamed that he didn't deserve either girl. But he changed a lot for me, especially after watching how he took care of Haley at times and protected her. The L/P friendship scenes intrigued me too. At least they had actual dialogue. I loved how he helped her with Ellie in season 3. So, at this point, I love L/P and I squealed a little when they finally kissed in 4.09. I'm also excited for the reason of the season because we haven't really ever seen L/P as a couple before. If they get boring or if Lucas just feeds her the same old lines, then I might not like them. We'll see.

shinobified, I think there are a lot of people who feel the same way that you do actually. It hasn't been brought up as much lately, but the anti- Lucas sentiment has been harsh at times, just not lately.

Last edited by curlyhead; 01-20-2007 at 01:07 PM
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:02 PM
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I would really like to know which couple talks about prom next episode!
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by JusW (View Post)
Re. the BLP triangle. I can see where Laura is coming from, but at the same time, probably because I am a guy, I can see completely where Luke is coming from.

Luke is probably the character I relate to most on the show. Like me he's a dreamer. He's affected a huge deal by what he reads, and the high ideals of authors and songwriters, when the speak of love, life and purpose. Like me, he forms strong emotional attachments easily - I'd probably form a deep bond with a piece of plank if I could! LOL. He takes a long time to make up his mind, and he's never REALLY sure of everything. In love, because of his love for literature, he can call on some idealized vision of love, looking for a person to fill in whatever blanks exist in life. These can all be good or bad attributes depending on whichever way you're looking at things, but I don't think the character of Luke is written such that it is fundamentally selfish. In fact, I think it's the exact opposite. Precisely because he's so unselfish and precisely because he wants to be a good friend and a good boyfriend that at times he ends up being neither. It's because of that which make the character so likeable to me. His mistakes and faults come, not from any awkward intention Luke may have, but because of good intentions, and I think this is what tends to happen in real life as well. Some may call it rationalization, and perhaps I am rationalizing Luke's actions precisely because I see so much of myself in him, but I genuinely don't think he is a bad person.
I agree Lucas isn't a bad guy and isn't doing these things out of bad intentions, but until he works out his feelings, he shouldn't be dating either girl.
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:06 PM
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Laura - I think you hit the nail on the head. Luke doesn't know what true love is at the moment. Perhaps because he has spent all his time with Brooke, or maybe he will find it with Peyton. I don't know. But if any writers are reading this - for goodness sake, stop making everything be about true love or destiny for Luke. He's in high school! Yes let him proclaim that he loves them. I get it. In high school, the word love is thrown around all the time - but to say that he's loved one person all along? That's ridiculous. I believe the LP relationship, but I also believe the BL one! Is that so hard for the writers to comprehend? Luke was in "love" with Brooke, and now he "loves" Peyton. Luke looking at things retrospectively may realise that he at a certain level may have always wanted to be with Peyton or may have had certain feelings for Peyton that he never allowed himself to explore, but why oh why can't the characters on the show just say it like that and have conversations where they use qualifiers and speak with a certain degree of erudition?

Luke is supposed to be a kick-ass writer for goodness sake. And we hear his thoughts via the voiceovers expressed so eloquently. Why then in actual conversation Luke (and every other character in Tree Hill) resorts to platitudes and cliches?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of the writers and they still manage to keep me enchanted and enthralled, but is it too much to ask that these kids have normal conversations that reflect their intelligence?

Last edited by JusW; 01-20-2007 at 01:13 PM
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:19 PM
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I would love if Lucas ended up with neither. I mean god theese kids are what? 18? They still have college, where they will meet new pepole! This is still just high school. And even tough I might be a BL shipper, and have never been a Peyton fan. I do think both girls can do better..sorry I do think so..
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:26 PM
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I hate how Lucas is always calling the shots.
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:29 PM
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I mean how on earth could the girls be happy without the guys. That's just craaazy talk
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:30 PM
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Re. the whole question of who deserves who is I think a difficult one. Sure one can say Luke doesn't deserve Brooke or Peyton. But at the same time, one could convincingly argue that Brooke, because of her own insecurities and self-esteem issues, having intentionally made him jump through hoops for her, could never be the girl for Luke, or that Peyton having indirectly caused the break-up of BL doesn't deserve Luke either.

When it boils down to it, when you're talking about a true, real and lasting love, neither one deserve the other. It's not about whether a person is worthy of your love. IMO, love is given unconditionally. You accept the other, and accept that person fully, warts and all. And you hope that the other person accepts you too. To have to prove yourself before you can be loved is not love.
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:53 PM
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If episode 13 shows Brooke and the others honestly exploring themselves, their fears, insecurities, etc., then I will like this episode. It seems like character development and growth and that is something that intrigues me. I hope I'm not disappointed.
I have a feeling it'll be somewhat like 3.12, though that episode only really showed and explored Brooke's fears of being alone and high school ending (which were never brought up again, of course), and not everyone else. Hopefully, that'll be different this time.
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Old 01-20-2007, 01:57 PM
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I don't really feel that Lucas doesn't deserve either of the girls. I think the feelings he has are questionable because they change so often, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve them. The second time around, he really fought to be in that relationship with Brooke and he took a lot crap from her to make them happen. And just because he wasn't able to open up to her all the way, doesn't mean he's underserving of the relationship. Some people just have a hard time opening up, it doesn't make them wrong. It bothers me when people say that Lucas wasn't good to her the second time around because I feel there's no basis for it.

Where did you see him tucking her in? He brought her over to Peyton's. More than likely, Peyton tucked her in.
I know I'm way late on commenting on this issue, but yes. He saw her on the ground, sighed in what most would take as an annoyed, I can't believe I have to deal with this right now sort of way, and the next we saw of her, she was at Peyton's. Also, he couldn't have just kicked Brooke out of the party. It was at his house, but it was his parents' party, and they combined with Brooke's parents would have had a problem with that. And lastly, when Brooke came to talk to Nathan about fixing things with him and Haley, he seemed annoyed with her at best, giving her a "Whatever." The fact that he went on the date has more to do with the fact that Brooke told him Haley would be waiting, and after she gave him the brush off that night, he was probably pretty surprised, than trust that Brooke was looking out for him.

And I believe it was Mal that said it, but this happened like two years ago for N//B and according to sources, we get a flashback of them deciding to hide it from Peyton. That's them dealing with it. That's their closure. Of all the relationships this effects, they are the one that it doesn't change things for. They decided it meant nothing back then, and sex tape popping up doesn't suddenly make it mean something. They both should be much more focused on fixing things with Peyton and Haley, and to a lesser extent, Lucas.

This entire thing is really only going to be focused on for about two episodes. When you factor in that prom is taking place and psycho!Derek is showing back up, and that it directly effects BP, NP, BH, and NH, and indirectly effects all of Lucas' relationships with those people, I think a heart to heart for closure that N//B already has is the least important conversation that needs to be had.

Susan, for your order of relationships getting fixed, I don't see BP being the first because this is a betrayal. Even if it was so long ago, and there is the technicality that N//P were split at the time, it is a very small technicality, and Peyton easily has the right to be pissed and hurt that Brooke has put her through the ringer for so long over something that she basically did herself.
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Old 01-20-2007, 02:04 PM
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Sorry to bring up an ancient topic - but when I said I wanted an N/B scene, I was speaking out of my frustration to their non-existant relationship. When I say that, I don't mean I want them BFF. I want them to clearly establish something. Whether it be they hate each other, or are good friends I honestly don't care. But they're written inconsistantly. It's like they have scenes for filler at times and go seasons without any moments. Almost as inconsistant as the BLP triangle and Brooke's character.

One thing I would really like to see out of this sex tape storyline, is real communication and depth into the relationships that might be fractured. I do not want it to be brushed under the rug when the explanations are made in 4.15. I want angst, and heart. Especially with B/H and N/H. I can't express how much I've been waiting for a meaningful exchange between these two relationships.
I think it would be a touching gesture if Brooke handed over her crown (assuming she is named Prom Queen) to Haley, to show that their friendship is more important than something that happened in the past and to show that she really truly still believes that Nathan and Haley are the epitome of true love for her. It could be an incredibly poignant moment for all fanbases...choosing to put the past behind them once and for all and forging forward to a new future as family.
That would be perfect, Susan.
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Old 01-20-2007, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by ~annie~ (View Post)
Susan, for your order of relationships getting fixed, I don't see BP being the first because this is a betrayal. Even if it was so long ago, and there is the technicality that N//P were split at the time, it is a very small technicality, and Peyton easily has the right to be pissed and hurt that Brooke has put her through the ringer for so long over something that she basically did herself.
Well, I do agree that Peyton will feel betrayed by the revelation, I honestly think her first thoughts will be that Brooke slept with Nathan when he was with Haley, not with her. When she gets the details, I think she'll be upset...but I think she'll also try to help Nathan patch things up with Haley.

If anything this storyline will make Brooke look really disloyal, especially combined with the test reveal as well.
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