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hannahfan 06-18-2014 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by BeautifulContradiction (Post 76594989)
Yeah, I ship Olicity and have never liked Oliver/Laurel it just got even more impossible after he slept with her sister AGAIN. But either way I was Team Olicity:

But Westallen. I will ship it in the AFTERLIFE. I'm serious about this ship. I think they have learned and although we'll see Barry battle with his feelings, we'll get to know the characters, we'll watch their relationship though already built on a foundation they'll allow it unfold. It will be built on friendship and deep care.

I think it's better Iris be oblivious so we can get to know her as a character.

I really don't want a Iris/Caitlin rivalry with fans. There's no need. I'm sure, I'll love them both.

This right here. Especially the bolded :lol:
From what I've seen in the trailers, they've got really nice chem already so I'm very optimistic. I think the writers have learned a thing or two from Arrow. As for the two ladies on this show, I like them both already. I'm also a big fan of the Panbaker sisters. I loved DP in Sky Hih and I'm sure she will be excellent here. I'm not making any calls beyond that because the show hasn't even aired yet. I'll give Barry/Iris a chance just like I did Oliver/Laurel. But again, I'm already very optimistic. I do agree that all the characters need depth so I hope they do give Iris more to do than be the love interest. I think they wll.

ring of fire 06-18-2014 12:11 PM

I'm not shipping any couple until the show starts airing. In Arrow I don't ship anyone and I can see myself not shipping anyone in this show either.

I already like both females :) But Caitlin is my favorite because I have always been a fan of Danielle Panabaker.

london grammar 06-18-2014 12:38 PM

I hope this show/fandom doesn't become predictable and start getting him with Cailtin so they can be like Oliver/Felicity.

It always seems to happen. They erase the main girl/love interest in favor of the nerdy/quirky/secretive female.

Zorkel567 06-18-2014 01:22 PM

Being that in the comics anyways, Caitlin Snow turns into super villainess Killer Frost, I could see them pulling a Harry Osborn with her and have her turn on Barry and become a major bad guy, rather than love interest.

ring of fire 06-18-2014 05:13 PM

I wouldn't mind Caitlin becoming a villain. From what I have read she isn't pure evil but it would be fun and interesting to see that transition. Still I hope she is a good guy during the first season.

backstreetboysfan 06-18-2014 06:03 PM

Thanks for the clip :).

ky02121 06-18-2014 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by flickers (Post 76599788)
I hope this show/fandom doesn't become predictable and start getting him with Cailtin so they can be like Oliver/Felicity.

It always seems to happen. They erase the main girl/love interest in favor of the nerdy/quirky/secretive female.

I was thinking the same thing. Been there, done that.

find something real 06-18-2014 06:08 PM

Barry/Iris look precious, I'm a sucker for the growing up together/BFF trope haha.

scorpio_chick 06-18-2014 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by semmanclana (Post 76596289)
When there are only two female characters on the show sadly there will be a rivalry. That's how it tends to work with female characters and some fans. Its always a competition

Knowing who Caitlin becomes and since I already got a glimpse of her I'm already digging her and feel for her sad backstory especially since she's still wearing her wedding ring. I'm not saying I won't like Iris, but I just want more depth from her than what I've been seeing. She needs to be more than the good girl love interest cause that's boring.

Are we really expecting depth from a few short clips? I'd think we'd at least wait until after the first episode. lol


Originally Posted by flickers (Post 76599788)
I hope this show/fandom doesn't become predictable and start getting him with Cailtin so they can be like Oliver/Felicity.

It always seems to happen. They erase the main girl/love interest in favor of the nerdy/quirky/secretive female.

Well, we all like what we like and can ship whatever we like so I don't have a problem with some shipping Caitlin/Barry. (I have absolutely no interest in them but whatever, lol). I will, however, have a problem with the writers marginalizing Iris. Not here for it. Nope.

*OldHollywoodStarlet* 06-19-2014 12:20 PM

Completely agree.

InterwebzKid 06-19-2014 05:07 PM

Love the clips, can Oct. get here already? And like others have said I ship it in regards to Barry/Iris.

semmanclana 06-19-2014 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by scorpio_chick (Post 76605921)
Are we really expecting depth from a few short clips? I'd think we'd at least wait until after the first episode. lol

Well, we all like what we like and can ship whatever we like so I don't have a problem with some shipping Caitlin/Barry. (I have absolutely no interest in them but whatever, lol). I will, however, have a problem with the writers marginalizing Iris. Not here for it. Nope.

Im going by what ive simply seen and from what ive seen she isnt that interesting. From what I've seen and from what I was told from someone whose read the script she's basically just the love interest whose part of a triangle. If Iris/Barry fail then what will be her role? Im just hoping they build her as a seperate character outside of being the gf.

hannahfan 06-19-2014 07:14 PM

Though I understand the concern, I don't think we've seen enough to know whether or not there's depth there. Someone seeing a script as her only being a love interest isn't surprising or reason for me to worry right now. It's one script and the show hasn't even aired yet. I'm assuming they'll follow the comic somewhat so I'm not too worried about depth or her being given something else to do right now.

scorpio_chick 06-19-2014 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by semmanclana (Post 76618551)
Im going by what ive simply seen and from what ive seen she isnt that interesting. From what I've seen and from what I was told from someone whose read the script she's basically just the love interest whose part of a triangle. If Iris/Barry fail then what will be her role? Im just hoping they build her as a seperate character outside of being the gf.

Again, I'm not sure how anyone can say a character isn't interesting when we have yet to even see one episode. A script provides even less evidence, considering that it's only of the pilot episode and can easily be altered.

Iris as Barry's love interest does not preclude her from having depth and being an interesting character in her own right. The fact that she is the most important woman in Barry's life and the central female character in the "Flash family" leads me to believe that the showrunners actually put a lot of thought into her character, both with Barry and as a standalone character. Now having said that, I will wait until after the first episode airs (at least) before making any strong conclusions one way or another.

BeautifulContradiction 06-20-2014 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by flickers (Post 76599788)
I hope this show/fandom doesn't become predictable and start getting him with Cailtin so they can be like Oliver/Felicity.

It always seems to happen. They erase the main girl/love interest in favor of the nerdy/quirky/secretive female.

I completely disagree. Oliver and Felicity worked because they had chemistry, people like what their characters did for one another. Sadly a lot of the fandom didn't feel that way about laurel. He cheated with her with her sister, she was so rude to him when he got back after 5 years of being lost on an island. They had no chemistry, it's like they repelled eachother or something, they were just AWFUL. To me. At least.

What does nerdy, quirk, secretive female have to do with it? Felicity Smoak was/is BOM FRICKING AWESOME, that's why I love her character.

And btw a nerdy quirky girl can totally be lead. Felicity is my leading lady!

Better that than how I felt about Laurel self righteous, entitled and catty.

You can't help what the fans click with.

I already love Iris, I like the backstory. I really enjoy what I've seen so far. It's completely different characters and ball game. Oliver and Barry are completely different people. I like that Barry and Iris have a connection, they care deeply about each other and they have this weird kinda adopted siblings weird thing to work out.

Olicity for Arrow and Westallen for The Flash!

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