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Telli 05-17-2004 03:03 PM

Overlooked Movies
I wanted to start this thread because of all the overlooked good movies that get selved or don't perform well at the box office. Ella enchanted is my first pick because I love all of Anna Hathaways movies this is one of my faves. I also think that Peter Pan was overlooked because it was a good movie and it was badly promotely and deserved a better chance. I also think that as of lately Ben Stillers movies have not been getting good promotion. For example duplex and envy,which I happened to think were funny movies.

ROCKSTAR 05-18-2004 10:21 AM

The Sum of All Fears - such a good political movie! But its fate would have it soon to be released close to 9/11 and there is NO WAY they could've released the movie with the subject and the visuals it deals with. Still, great movie.

Fight Club - it's a movie like no other. Performances like no other. A storyline like no other. Yet, the title throws people off... Which upsets me! People have watched bad movies like Spy Game and The Devil's Own (which of course includes me ;) ) just to see Brad Pitt. And here comes Fight Club and people skip over it... :mad:

Headhunter 05-18-2004 10:25 AM

Want to say The Crow, but it's pretty well regarded in some circles. That said, the death of Brandon Lee hit me hard; an Asian actor who was on the path to becoming a star without relying on work outside of North America for a rep who was tragically cut down.

Donnie Darko should have had more acclaim, as well, though it's now getting that with a Director's Cut coming out in limited release.

ROCKSTAR 05-18-2004 10:34 AM


Originally posted by Headhunter
Want to say The Crow, but it's pretty well regarded in some circles. That said, the death of Brandon Lee hit me hard; an Asian actor who was on the path to becoming a star without relying on work outside of North America for a rep who was tragically cut down.
The Crow def. Great movie. And you're right, as a cult favorite it was well received. To echo the tragic Brandon Lee death, I remember being down for a month. I couldn't get over it. Man, still makes me sad whenever I see the movie.

QueenBitch 05-18-2004 05:12 PM

I agree with Donnie Darko , I'll talk about it and everyone's like "What?"

*Ledi* 05-18-2004 08:47 PM

Moulin Rouge ~ sooo underrated. it sucks cause that movie is simply amazing.

The Daywalker 05-18-2004 09:40 PM


Originally posted by Headhunter
Want to say The Crow, but it's pretty well regarded in some circles. That said, the death of Brandon Lee hit me hard; an Asian actor who was on the path to becoming a star without relying on work outside of North America for a rep who was tragically cut down.

I aGRRE WITH you and Nikki. Movie still gets me weepyeyed at the end. My all time favorite movie.

I sorta disagree with the first two listed, Sum of All Fears and Figth Club, i mean it's hard to overlook mainstream Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt movies. I was watching previews for Sum of All Fears for over a month wanting to see it, and I thoguht it was excellent, Fight Club i didn't have any interest in, then when an Ex had me watch it, i was still wondering what all the hype was about.

I think What A Girl Wants is overlooked, at least here. It was sorta out for a couple weeks, then was done. But it's a really good feel good movie. With a major hottie in the lead.

I think some forgotten, but favorites for all of us would be like Mallrats and Breakfast Club, movies that you love to death, but they seem to drift from your thoughts for 11 months out of a year.

Von Trapp Glory 05-19-2004 06:36 AM

Definitely Riding in Cars With Boys. It was such a well made movie and didn't get nearly enough attention as it should have.

alli balli 05-21-2004 01:22 PM

I disagree with Fight Club and Moulin Rouge. I love both of 'em, but I don't think they're overlooked.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was totally overlooked by the general population. I mean, it got rave reviews, but didn't do too well at the box office. It should have. It's freaking amazing.

Violet Blues 05-22-2004 03:10 PM

Ella Enchanted was simple and sweet, and I think that that was really overlooked. It's a wonderful family movie and I think that everyone should check it out.

fetch 05-23-2004 12:27 AM

Girl. It was so cute and so..I dunno. A good movie.

Dancer, Texas Pop. 81. Again, another cute movie that no one seems to know about.

capesidefan 05-23-2004 01:18 PM

The Hurricane, thought that movie was really good, i think denzal should have gotten the oscar that year instead of the next day for Training Day, and Russell should have gotten it for a Beautiful Mind instead of the Gladiator

konstantine 05-23-2004 01:57 PM

I have to agree with those who have said Donnie Darko.

*Ledi* 05-24-2004 02:08 AM


Originally posted by konstantine
I have to agree with those who have said Donnie Darko.
yeah.. I agree too.

Twiggy 05-24-2004 05:17 AM

I agree with most of them - have to agree about fight club i watched this for the first time last week as my boyfriend said wathc it you'll like it.. si i gave it ago. fromt he trailers i had seen the movie wasnt what i expected i thought it was really clever and brad pitt and ed norton where great together.

Denzel was amazing in the hurricane - i think this was totally overlooked.

Another movie which i think was overlooked was Life Less Ordinary - again anotyher really clever amusin story which wasnt given enough credit i thought Ewan and Cameron where great together .

Telli 05-24-2004 05:59 AM

I agree on the Fight club most people were not willingly to give it a try because of its name at that is a shame.
Dirty Dancing: Havanna Nights was also overlooked .Despite what most people thought it was not a remake.It was wonderfully refreshing and I loved it.

Tery 05-24-2004 06:00 AM


Originally posted by Von Trapp Glory
Definitely Riding in Cars With Boys. It was such a well made movie and didn't get nearly enough attention as it should have.
I agree! I rented out this movie a couple of months ago even though I had never heard of it and I was suprised by how brilliant it was! Drew Barrymore did a great job!

QueenBitch 05-24-2004 07:19 AM

Natural Born Killers . The direction and everything is amazing. The idea's warped. It's a messed up movie. But it's good. And no one I know has heard of it.

girl with no name 05-24-2004 08:02 AM

I agree with the Breakfast Club! I love that film but I'm the only one who has heard of it out of my friends which I find shocking as I think it's such a great movie and it proves people can change other people's live for the better.

I also think that Swordfish was totally overlooked. It had some big names in and it didnt end up doing very well at the box office, but now it has become a big cult hit. I mean it is a good story with a good twist in it! And Hugh Jackman is gorgeous in the film:)

mandine 05-24-2004 09:41 AM

i think Donnie Darko was overlooked i mean its a really gd film, and well really confusin bt still

i think etenal sunshine was underated 2, watched it and thought it was great! i told my friends, i'd watched it and they jst looked at me as if i was mad!

Maliejandra 05-24-2004 05:20 PM

The Princess Bride (1987)~ Cary Elwes is a brilliant actor. He is one of the few male actors who can play the heroic male with a sense of wit and comedy. He is wonderful in any role he assumes and this movie is no exception. The film appeals to all audiences and yet has a mature theme. The cast is great as a whole. The famous names really add to the spectacle.

My Best Girl (1927)~ Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers have an amazing chemistry together. The story is a classic love story with just enough comedy to keep people interested. I melt at all of the sweet little scenes.

Grand Hotel (1932)~ Although it was loved in its time, the movie is pretty much forgotten today other than the film buffs that take an interest. The all star cast acts out an interesting German novel about five ordinary people who happen to be staying in the same hotel. A poor dying man goes to spend his savings on a fine end at the same hotel where his boss works. He hires a prostitute/stenographer who finds herself in love with a penniless Baron who falls in love with the aging dancer Grusinskaya. Wonderfully played and filmed.

Blonde Venus (1932)~ Many think this movie is only notable for the scene where Marlene Dietrich emerges from a gorilla suit to turn into the gorgeous Venus at a nightclub. The story runs deeper; she works at the nightclub to pay for her husband's operation. She falls in love with young Cary Grant. When he husband finds out, she takes their son played by the adorable Dickie Moore to hide because nothing can take her son from her. It is subtle and yet much deeper even thought the storyline is much like many other movies of the time.

The Cat's Meow (2001)~ This movie set in the 1920s features Kirsten Dunst, Eddie Izzard, and Cary Elwes in a movie about a real incident that got blown out of proportion by the rumor mill. One board William Randolph Hearst's yaght the Oneida, Thomas Ince suffers from an ailment and dies. According to rumors of the time, Hearst shot him, taking him for Charlie Chaplin who he suspected was sleeping with Marion Davies, the mistress of Hearst. The story might not be true, but the movie is lots of fun, especially the Charleston scenes. Eddie Izzard is PERFECTION as Chaplin; he may look nothing like him, but he plays him as if he were Chaplin in a past life.

Dream Girl 05-25-2004 10:04 AM


Originally posted by Maliejandra
[B]The Princess Bride (1987)~ Cary Elwes is a brilliant actor. He is one of the few male actors who can play the heroic male with a sense of wit and comedy. He is wonderful in any role he assumes and this movie is no exception. The film appeals to all audiences and yet has a mature theme. The cast is great as a whole. The famous names really add to the spectacle.
I loved this film. I thought it was great.

capesidefan 05-25-2004 10:06 AM

yeah I agree with everyone who said Donnie Darko, good good movie....

sumiregusa 05-25-2004 10:22 AM

I think Remember the Titans was somewhat overlooked -- it could've done for more recognition than it got, especially from the Academy and all those bastards who love nothing more than a good kissing-their-own-ass session. I loved it -- Denzel was great, the cast was great -- it was just a good, wholesome movie. :)

The Daywalker 05-25-2004 02:00 PM


Originally posted by capesidefan
The Hurricane, thought that movie was really good, i think denzal should have gotten the oscar that year instead of the next day for Training Day, and Russell should have gotten it for a Beautiful Mind instead of the Gladiator
Indeed, Denzel always does a greeat job. Loved The Hurricane.

Also, Super Troopers. Funny ass ****.

I agree with the Princess Bride, that is a movie that if you've seen it, you've loved it.

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