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Robsessed_MeesterManic 04-26-2004 05:08 AM


Originally posted by Roswellgirl1001:
<STRONG>Ooh, sorry about what happened in Singapore. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Its really cool that you're from there...mostly because we're learning about it in Geography, and it just seems so perfect! About the littering fines, and the 100% urbanization. Its so surreal when you read about it, is Singapore really like that?</STRONG>
Welcome here! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] It's really not as perfect as it seems though yeah, there is more sense of security here with all these laws imposed. Sometimes though I think the rules and regulations imposed even for acts like eating and drinking on public transport are too harsh. And it's really small here and the places where you can go are limited but well I guess you won't get lost too easily as compared to other countries lol.

[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Hi everyone else - holding up well?

hardlove 04-26-2004 07:18 AM


Originally posted by Colin James:

Welcome here! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] It's really not as perfect as it seems though yeah, there is more sense of security here with all these laws imposed. Sometimes though I think the rules and regulations imposed even for acts like eating and drinking on public transport are too harsh. And it's really small here and the places where you can go are limited but well I guess you won't get lost too easily as compared to other countries lol.

[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Hi everyone else - holding up well?</STRONG>
[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] hi! my week's gonna be pretty busy so i'm happy. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] there's a concert on thursday and i'm in it so i'm pretty excited. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

lol i agree with you about not getting lost in Singapore! that's like the best thing about it! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] i just have to know all the buses that take me to Orchard (the main street where everyone goes shopping). [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Cite Des Anges 04-26-2004 01:09 PM

Glad for you Nicole [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] who are you gonna see ?

Btw, i'd love to go to Singapore someday, one of my friend told me it was great [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] ...But does it look like Hong Kong ? [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]

hardlove 04-27-2004 12:27 AM

i wouldn't say that Singapore is like HK. for one thing, it's much cleaner. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] there're lots more people in HK, so it's much more crowded and they're more buildings and stuff. both are great places to visit though! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] (i'm promoting them cos they're my two homes [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img])

Cite Des Anges 04-27-2004 02:08 PM

I love clean city [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] cuz in france it's sooo dirty sometimes as people let their pet's 'call of nature' on the pavement .... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Btw, what's the official language in Singapore ?

L i N d $ @ y 04-28-2004 01:01 AM


Originally posted by Cite Des Anges:
<STRONG>Btw, what's the official language in Singapore ?</STRONG>
english & mandarin? [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]

i'd [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] to visit singapore too! i have't been there. we're supposed to go this year (me & my co-workers) but due to budget constraints we've cancelled it. we're thinking of maybe HK or malaysia so its cheaper from manila.

hardlove: who's coming to town? i mean, what concert are you watching?

hardlove 04-28-2004 04:48 AM


Originally posted by Cite Des Anges:
<STRONG>I love clean city [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] cuz in france it's sooo dirty sometimes as people let their pet's 'call of nature' on the pavement .... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Btw, what's the official language in Singapore ?</STRONG>
i think there are always inconsiderate people who let their pets crap all over the place. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] it's just that if you do it in Singapore, the government is so going to get you! maybe that's why it's cleaner lol.

Singapore's official language is Malay! it's weird cos no one speaks it except well, the Malays.


Originally posted by L i N d $ @ y:
hardlove: who's coming to town? i mean, what concert are you watching?</STRONG>
no, i meant that i was going to be in a concert - my school's spring concert. (i'm in choir.) wish i were gonna see a real concert though! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

L i N d $ @ y 04-28-2004 05:10 AM

oh, i see. [img]smilies/blush.gif[/img] then you have a nice voice! [img]smilies/thumbs_up.gif[/img] how i wish i can sing too! [img]smilies/sigh.gif[/img] have fun & good luck!

hardlove 04-28-2004 07:06 AM

thanks Lindsay! [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] but no, i don't have a nice voice! i just like being in choir. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Cite Des Anges 04-28-2004 01:44 PM

hey Nicole, it's cool you know how to sing [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
I second Lindsay, i wish i could sing too but i'm such a bad singer [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Btw Lindsay i forgot to say this on the Hp newbie thread, but you can call me Julie, it's way shorter than Cites Des Anges [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Robsessed_MeesterManic 04-29-2004 04:30 AM

hardlove - It's cool you join the choir, I've always been told to join one but I can't seem to sing either. [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]

Umm maybe those of us who can't sing still have hope though with the quite successful*cough*William Hung*cough* around to remind us that we can maybe be another household name if we decide to go audition for our respective Idol shows. [img]smilies/goof.gif[/img] There's one here coming in Singapore soon, hmm should be interesting.

Roswellgirl1001 04-29-2004 04:02 PM

Yays! I'm on the list! Under my own little section! *Does happy dance*


Originally posted by Colin James:
Umm maybe those of us who can't sing still have hope though with the quite successful*cough*William Hung*cough* around to remind us that we can maybe be another household name if we decide to go audition for our respective Idol shows. [img]smilies/goof.gif[/img] There's one here coming in Singapore soon, hmm should be interesting.</STRONG>
[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] William Hung is my role model! Maybe someday I'll be so bad its good.

I figured Singapore was a little small. I had trouble mapping it, since the dot for the capital covered the country! Maybe I'll come visit some day...

L i N d $ @ y 04-29-2004 08:09 PM


Originally posted by Cite Des Anges:
<STRONG>Btw Lindsay i forgot to say this on the Hp newbie thread, but you can call me Julie, it's way shorter than Cites Des Anges [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]</STRONG>
okay, thanks. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

hardlove: at least you're in the choir, at least that means you can sing. [img]smilies/sigh.gif[/img]

joanne: did you see william hung's video yet? ohgod.

Robsessed_MeesterManic 04-30-2004 04:03 AM


Originally posted by L i N d $ @ y:
joanne: did you see william hung's video yet? ohgod.</STRONG>
My local TV staion did show it here this week but then I didn't bother to tune in to find out how it's like, cus I don't think I will miss much. He was trying to rip off Ricky Martin right as I saw in the previews, I can just imagine how ridiculous his video would look like. *shudders*

hardlove 04-30-2004 08:45 AM

i really wonder what the deal with William Hung is. i mean, i respect him and all, but does he know how truly awful he sounds? so why's he still doing this? does anyone know his reason?

btw Joanne, i shudder to think of Singapore Idol (or whatever it's called). [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

L i N d $ @ y 04-30-2004 09:07 PM

i dunno who his manager is. i'm in the minority who thinks he's cool. [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]

Mei Zhuo 05-01-2004 12:33 AM


linds: thanks [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] the william hung vid did seem kinda a rip-off from ricky's video, but it was hilarious watching it coz it was kinda weird! [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

joanne: i like your av! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

hardlove 05-01-2004 02:31 AM

speaking of William Hung, someone told me that he used to go to my school! but i'm not sure about that. i suppose i should support him cos he's from HK like me. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ 05-01-2004: Message edited hardlove ]

goodnightboy 05-01-2004 04:23 AM

Hi everyone [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Erm nope Singapore's been all peachy on the political front (or maybe that's because I never read the politics section of the papers [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] ) yup heard of the Chen Shui-bian assination attempt though. My class was discussing it for GP. The guy who brought it up thinks that it was on purpose, and somehow I seem to agree. IMO only though. I know of the unrest in Thailand (and if I'm hopelessly wrong, please don't hit me. Haha...)

Singapore is nice in the fact that it's clean and you don't really have to worry about unrest in the country and it's safe. Stuff like that. It's alright to me since I was brought up in this country. It seems perfect? Hmm. I wouldn't really consider it perfect (the 'totalitarism' - which it isn't, actually - comes in here) but I'd say it's pretty cool [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Haven't seen William Hung, and I don't intend to. I don't see what the big deal he can't sing at all. Yeah he was gracious and all but seriously I think people just miss those values [of humility and grace in failure, etc] so much that they overhype it (because he really doesn't deserve a place in American Idol at all. Why do people want him back on?! Why?) I shall never understand [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Jo Nicoll Highway was [img]smilies/jaw_drop.gif[/img] when did you hear of it? I heard of it when I was entering the audi for my chem lecture at 5.30pm and my lecturer was like "oh Nicoll Highway collapsed" and at first none of us believed him, but I guess it was true after all. Oh, and the AYE thing too...I don't know what's happening at all. It's scary.

Take care, everyone, and nope I never thought of whether India was part of Asia or not. It should be, though [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Ai Ninjai 05-01-2004 06:28 AM

[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] cool new thread.
been busy.. how is everyone?

did I hear William Hung? OMG no..not here too.

hardlove 05-01-2004 06:58 AM


Originally posted by Ai Ninjai:
<STRONG> [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] cool new thread.
been busy.. how is everyone?

did I hear William Hung? OMG no..not here too.
[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] hey welcome back!

i've been posting lots lately, trying to make 501 before next thursday! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

i agree with mapraleif on William Hung. we just haven't seen such humble and modest ppl in a while, and sure, he's a role model, i don't know about the singing/dancing... [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]

L i N d $ @ y 05-01-2004 08:58 AM


Originally posted by hardlove:
<STRONG>i agree with mapraleif on William Hung. we just haven't seen such humble and modest ppl in a while, and sure, he's a role model, i don't know about the singing/dancing... [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]</STRONG>
that's the part i'm talking about. if people are pimping him to sing/dance, well, he can't! maybe he can act...we dunno.

Ai Ninjai 05-01-2004 05:01 PM

[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] humble and modest? hmm i define those 2 words differently i suppose. anyway no offense.

who wants to play post a pic of what you think yor fellow asians look like?


(the one on the far right)


the one on the far right

how wrong am i?
(still looking for more pics.. for the others)

hardlove 05-02-2004 12:33 AM


Originally posted by Ai Ninjai:

the one on the far right

how wrong am i?
[img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] you're way off my friend! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

goodnightboy 05-02-2004 02:59 AM

Hmm. I don't think William Hung can act either, seriously [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Cool idea of the posting pictures thing...what made you think that they look like that?

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