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Old 11-08-2011, 11:16 AM
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Parenthood - Episode 3.08 - In Between - November 8

Amber gets a taste of what her mother had to deal with when she decides to let Seth stay with her. Adam tries to get physical with Kristina while Crosby struggles to come to terms with the idea of another man in Jabbar's life. Drew and Amy decide to take a step forward in their relationship.
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- Matthew Morrison -
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Old 11-08-2011, 06:29 PM
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It's up already... but wait isn't it only 8:30 in NYC?

Maybe this week it's from Canada, I'll see in about 5 minutes
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Old 11-08-2011, 07:46 PM
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So much going on, wow the kiss with Seth lasted way longer than I thought, I just hope Sarah tells Mark soon!

I'll be back later...

ETA - sorry for the double post, thought other would have posted by now.

Last edited by lancer1993; 11-08-2011 at 07:52 PM
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Old 11-08-2011, 07:50 PM
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I cant believe i have already watched this episode! Cried at the goodbye and Amber reading her cards, more later after i sleep, its almost 3am and i have to be up in like 3 hours! ahaha

Emma: "We could change our identities, and go to Tallahassee"
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Old 11-08-2011, 08:34 PM
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Wow, that kiss lasted way long than I expected. I hope she tells Mark but for some reason I don't think she will and the show will just forget it ever even happened.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:06 PM
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Well, I thought it was a really good episode.. I am glad that the Seth story is over. The kiss was quite long and she felt guilty, but I don't see her bringing it up. I loved how Crosby went to Dr. Joe and confronted him and how he ended up coming to him and giving him the tickets... other than that I don't really care for Dr. Joe. Drew and Amy were too cute. Anyway I really loved this episode.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:11 PM
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Zeek trying to be cool with the young ladies but going home to dance with Camille, that was nice.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:12 PM
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Last week I yelled "Run. Run." at the TV. This week I yelled "Stop it! Stop it!" Neither one worked.

Hooray for Amber, sticking up for her mother's happiness. And good for Seth realizing that he was standing in the way of Sarah's happiness.

Zeek: I'm impressed that you met Grace Slick, even if those girls weren't.

Drew and Amy are just too cute together. How sweet.

I'm on the fence with Dr. Joe.

Zeek and Camille and the grandkids dancing = adorable.
"Because Lorelai is obviously a killer and Rory is her accomplice."
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:14 PM
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Yeah, that kiss went on way longer than I expected. I also totally expected Sarah to pull away from it. I was disappointed that she didn't. As for telling Mark, I'm not sure why she would. I wouldn't, but that's just me.

I didn't like the GG parallel with Amber asking Seth to back off because Mom is finally happy.

Otherwise, the episode was alright. I mean, I hated how Zeek used Camille as an excuse to ask Adam to get a babysitter. And then he goes to the party and let's Camille stay home with the kids. Are you kidding me?! I used to love Zeek but he's getting on my last nerve right now.

Drew and Amy are cute. I'd like to see him finally get over the shyness thing with her though. I mean, how long have they been dating now?

I was totally with Crosby this whole episode. If I were in his shoes I'd be jealous of all the things Joe is doing with Jabbar too. Good for him for speaking up.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:23 PM
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Really good episode! First and foremost, Drew and Amy need more screen time. Now, moving on:
- As much as I love and know that Mark is obviously the better choice for Sarah, I feel like the minority when I say that seeing he with Seth makes me happy too. Something about him is just so charming and I totally see why Sarah has 'second thoughts', for lack of a better word.
- They didn't really fixate on the kiss so I feel like it won't be mentioned again
- Amber talking to Seth made me cry because you could see how much she loves him but more than anything wants he mom to be happy. I loved how he was the one to say "I'm getting in the way". (Did it remind anyone of how Rory told Chris he was getting in the way of L&L?; Amber saying she had PopTarts also made me think of GG)
- TV boyfriend finally meets real life boyfriend! All the men talking to Mark was so cute!
- Zeek dancing was totally awesome and I love how Sydney said he had the fever like Uncle Adam, lol
- The entire ending sequence was just amazing. Loved the Sarah/Seth moment and Amber reading her cards was just really heartwarming.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:35 PM
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After all the discussion about the PH fb comments, I'm afraid to go look there now. I think I'll stay away. LOL
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by RachelRambles (View Post)
Cried at the goodbye and Amber reading her cards
I was bawling like a baby! A very sweet moment. I just love that this is the first time in a year that I have been able to watch PH as it airs and it made me love it even more.
I hate to admit it, but I was beginning to picture Seth and Sarah too. Wonder what Sarah will have to say to Mark...
I also loved the Drew/Amy stuff, very cute. Anyone else think that Dr. Joe seems like a pretty good guy? But good for Crosby.
My only real complaint-not enough Cyrah! And there was ample But all-in-all I liked the episode a lot
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:24 PM
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Drew and Amy are cute. I'd like to see him finally get over the shyness thing with her though. I mean, how long have they been dating now?
I think he is for the most part, especially now they are officially a couple, he did close that door pretty damn quick

The cards for Amber and Drew were a nice touch, and I don't mind how she asked him to leave, it was less confrontational than Rory with Chris. Even if I don't like how Amber cries at the drop of a hat like that. It was also good how Seth left to not come between Sarah and Mark, I'm sure Chris wouldn't have done the same!

Zeek was annoying, wanting to hang with the bands and recapture his lost youth but in the end realizing he's not a kid anymore.

Adam was great with Kristina even though Crosby did bust him taking a look but hey we've all been there, Kristina stared at them longer I'm glade that wasn't over exposed, sorry for the bad pun. Pity Sarah wasn't there helping Kristina dressed like back in S1.

Oh and how can we forget Zeek and the guys giving Mark a hard time, looks like he held his own but I'm sure glade Sarah rescued him. Nice that Amber is fine with Mr Cyr or 'dad' as I'm sure he will be known Another Gilmore parallel, remember the pilot.
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Old 11-09-2011, 12:21 AM
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Another episode that made me cry at the end. So good.

Another great episode. Heartbreaking, but good.

ETA: I thought this was really cute

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Old 11-09-2011, 01:01 AM
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This episode left me a blubbering mess! I mean I was really crying, with crying sounds and everything. That happens to me only when I watch movies where animal and it was 6am in the morning! So call me

I know we speculated on the spoiler thread about not liking Amber to be the one to ask Seth to leave but I didnt mind it that much at the end. I was so curious how would they end the whole Seth storyline and I really loved what I saw. The parting scene was so emotional, Lauren really sold it. I could feel everything that Sarah was feeling, the connection and how she was disappointed but she knew it was for the best. And then Amber opening the envelope and finding the birthday cards, uh, tears, so many tears.
I didnt feel the connection that much in the previous episodes and had harder time to connect to the story but this episode had everything for me. Loved it.
Yeah, the kiss was longer than I expected it to be but there´s no way they will comment on it in the next episodes.

btw. I love Mark, I like that he is shy and cute but dont you think it´s time for them to man him up a bit? I don´t want him to be like a lost puppy all the time, that gets old.

"Watching the customer's eyes light up as you pass them that frothy beverage: it's like I'm giving a gift to myself. It's magical." this made me laugh so much.

And I liked the Harry Potter exposure


After all the discussion about the PH fb comments, I'm afraid to go look there now. I think I'll stay away. LOL
This week it´s mostly about people declaring they will stop watching the show after seeing the promo with Seriously, people should chill before they see how it´s played out.

Last edited by Danke; 11-09-2011 at 02:14 AM
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