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SamiJoe 12-13-2003 10:32 PM

Oh, ok, I don't mean to rush you. I thought it'd already been done and that I'd missed it. Take as long as you need, no hurry I am incrediably blessed to have you do this for all of us and hope I come off as such and not as pushy. I don't know if I can suck up anymore than I already have, and I'm getting a brain freeze-like feeling from all the vaccum suction I'm using here, so I'm just going to leave and say thanks. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

~Kitty 12-14-2003 06:53 AM

I like doing transcripts. The Conan interview is a little hard 'cause they keep talking at the same time! [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

The "Don't whip me" part goes like this:

You always look good. You look very sexy tonight.

Thanks. Is it the ties that have no purpose? Is that what…

They do have a purpose. Look, I’m reeling my way in!


No purpose?
(Lauren whips the ties at Conan)
Don’t whip me with those. Wait, whip me with those!
Ha ha, I’ve been naughty Lauren.
You look fantastic.

Thanks. You look great too.

SamiJoe 12-14-2003 01:04 PM


Cherié £u£u 12-14-2003 04:20 PM

I just can't fathom Conan being dirty with Lauren like that, he's a little red-headed Irish man....but hey, he makes Lauren laugh!

~Kitty 12-14-2003 04:35 PM

When I first watched it, I didn't see anything that 'dirty'.. it was flirtatious, but it didn't seem too flirty. Then, I start transcribing it and I'm going, "Whoa!" and "Aren't you married?" [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

SamiJoe 12-15-2003 08:44 PM

Hee. They all flirt with her. I'm sure it's easy.

~Kitty 12-16-2003 07:39 AM

I can imagine it being easy. She's so fun and flirty herself. Those talk show hosts can't help but flirt with her. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I wonder if her flirting ever gets her hot water with her boyfriend?

[ 12-16-2003: Message edited catkok ]

Cherié £u£u 12-16-2003 04:07 PM

Well, he might be used it by now since it is part of her personality?

*whispers*Since I feel left out of the loop, who is her boyfriend (hopes for a PM)*whipsers*

~Kitty 12-16-2003 04:50 PM

I'm just saying that if she does have a boyfriend.. then maybe he gets jealous sometimes. But you're right, it's part of her personality so he should be used to it.

Cherié £u£u 12-16-2003 04:56 PM

If she does have a boyfriend, I'm sure he trusts her 100% seeing her family history and everything that she can trust him...but what do we know about Lauren's love life?

~Kitty 12-16-2003 05:20 PM

I'm curious about her love life. But I'm glad it's private and not plastered all over the media like almost every other celebrity's private life is. And I'm glad she doesn't feel she needs 'attention' by bragging about who she is dating.

SamiJoe 12-17-2003 03:31 PM

I heard somewhere that she does have a boyfriend(can't remember where), but I don't know if I'd trust it. It must be hard keeping a relationship a secret, espescially when you're famous. I like that she doesn't brag about it. In a lot of ways, she's not like what you'd expect to see in a actress. She seems nice and a lot like Lorelai, which in my book is great!

~Kitty 12-17-2003 03:49 PM

I think it's great that she keeps things private. I'm curious, but it's cool. I don't see how anyone as beautiful and great as she is being single.. but that's just me!

Old Kilborn interview. I'm still doing the recent Conan interview. Yep, taking my time!

Late, Late Show with Craig Kilborn April 27, 2001

They tell me, I just got warned, that Lauren Graham is mad at me, is upset with me. I'm listening.

Umm, Craig, umm, I feel that I am developing a complex, and I feel it's because of you.

What happened?

Well, I did the show, umm, you know a while ago, remember?


No you don't!


And umm.

What happened?

And well I thought it was great.

You did, it was great.

um humm, and umm, then I saw you not too long after at the Golden Globes, remember we were nominated ?

Who was nominated ?

We weren't nominated.


I wasn't either. But we were there and guess what you said to me?

What did I say?


Ooh.... What was I doing?

You were with two.

Was I drinky, drink?

I don't know, you seemed OK.

I was drinky, drinky, maybe.

You were.He's already saying he was drunk.

I don't know, if I didn't say hi to you then something was. Was I in conversation with someone else?



Two people. Babe number one and babe number two and I don't know if they were strippers. I'm not sure. But ummm.

Wait, excuse me, I went to the Golden Globes with my sisters.

No you didn't!

Excuse me! And, and my sisters haven't stripped for five knock it off.

You were with the hottest girls, and ummm, so I thought I looked OK, whatever. And you didn't even talk to me at all at all !

This was the Golden Globes? That's what it was?

Golden Globes.

Craig: OK.

OK. Then, worst yet, the TV Guide Awards, that you were the host of, everyone saw it!

Right, yeah

Umm, and I was a presenter, and I came off stage and we had the following exchange
"How you doing"
"You're doing a great job"
OK tell me, there were no strippers


OK, that's good.

I don't think you were so drunk that.

I was probably focused, I was hosting. I was a little drunk that night. I was hosting, I apologize.

No, it’s ok, because what I thought was going to happen... I had a love connection at the TV Guide Awards, and you would have been so redeemed, ummm and then I could have come on and said Hey you were sort of cool, but then I met this guy and let me just tell you, don't get involved with a famous guy, because they don't call They don't write. I had the most, I had the most crazy, magnetic.

By the way, you're unloading a lot tonight. You are really unloading right now.

I'm upset, I'm upset and you stopped going to therapy with me, so I just feel like we should work it out, here.

You don't want to say who you met? You met some guy.

No. Why would I?

I know who was there.


Dennis Franz was there that night, and he's married, I don't know who else was there. Rod Stewart. Rod Stewart was there that night, huh?

It was not Rod Stewart. I don't think I should say who it was...

OK, OK whisper it in my ear.

If I'm going to tell you, then I'm going to tell the nice people.

Ok tell the nice people.

ummm... I just feel a little vulnerable about it because..

Did you guys go out?

No! He didn't call me! He was like " I...I....I... all I'm going to talk about is that I met you and do..."

So he got your number, and he didn't call you?

Yes! Yes! So thanks for nothing Martin Mull.

That's a joke. He's my buddy

I know, I know.

He's happily married. It's a joke.

Aah, whatever I'm here to start rumors and scandal.

Why did you color you hair? Is it for a part? Is it for a role?

It's for a film project, Craig, umm, that I feel, I feel, good about.

All right, and good sentence, good sentence right there.

Thank you.

OK, so you have a new role?

Yes. I'm doing a movie with, umm, Justin Timberlake, of N Sync.

You. Is this something, something you want to admit publicly?

And it's a, a spy caper and he plays a guy in a band. Umm, and the thing is he is my., he is the person I am dating him so I.

In the movie or in real life?

In real life! Really.

In the movie you are dating him, right?

And in real life, that's why I'm doing the movie.

OK how much of this is true?

Craig. Craig. I dyed my hair for no reason.

OK, you made that up. She made it up everybody.

They're still shocked. They’re not sure. They're like but what about the .... oh but this is what the move is called, do you want to hear what the move is called?

The fake movie? Yeah, I want to know the fake movie.

‘Cause we're spies. Nothing makes me laugh harder than this move, by the way. Don’t you think it's funny?

OK, go ahead, this is good.

It's called. NSecret. Because we're spiesz. You get it ?

Give her a courtesy laugh, people.

I got a courtesy laugh. Wouldn't it be great if I was doing that though. But it would be like a spy caper, but I'm like trying to get in the band, but they won’t let me in the band. So I'm like managing the band.

You know what, Lauren.


I'm actually proud I didn't say hi to you at those places.
I'm kidding. Hey, we’re out of time girlfriend. Great to see you again.

Good to see you too.

And I will say hi to you in public when I see you next time

Yes you will.

Big hand for Lauren Graham everybody.

~Kitty 12-17-2003 03:50 PM

damn computer! Double post.. move along.. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ 12-17-2003: Message edited catkok ]

~Kitty 12-20-2003 09:10 AM

Lauren on Late Night with Conan O'Brien on November 8,2000

CONAN: My next guest is the star of the critically acclaimed new television series called Gilmore Girls on the WB. Please welcome the lovely Lauren Graham.


CONAN: You're quite tall.

LAUREN: Hey, I am very tall.

CONAN: You're -- How tall are you?

LAUREN: Well I'm 5'9", Conan.

CONAN: Mm. Perfect.

LAUREN: How tall are you -- ooh!

CONAN: Yeah, it's Creepy Conan.

LAUREN: I'm also Irish-Catholic just like you are.

CONAN: Are you seriously?


CONAN: You know that's funny because everybody knows because of my name and also because of the red hair and the freckles -- people just know -- that I'm Irish. They just know. I would think -- you don't have that traditional Irish look.

LAUREN: I'm what's known as Black Irish which I think had something to do with the Spanish Armada. Something. You're the authentic Irish. You're like so Irish you're like the forgotten people. The red-headed, freckled --


LAUREN: Do you know what I mean?

CONAN: I'm like the cliched Irish. There aren't that many of us.

LAUREN: Well think of the famous redheads throughout history.

CONAN: Opie. (laughter)

LAUREN: Exactly. Um...Lucy, Lucy.

CONAN: The only two I can think of were on "Happy Days."


CONAN: Lucy. A fake redhead.

LAUREN: Exactly. But then there's you and you really have to -- I just feel for you and your people. You have to carry the weight of your -- (laughter)

CONAN: You know, yeah. Why do you feel for me?

LAUREN: Because don't you feel the pressure? Don't you feel the pressure of being, like, the most famous redhead?

CONAN: I don't think I'm "the most famous redhead."

LAUREN: I think you are!

CONAN: Remember we've learned tonight that I'm on at 12:30 at night. That's what Regis taught us.

LAUREN: I'm on at 8:00 opposite "Friends" so together we'll make sweet, sweet music. (laughter)

CONAN: Oh yeah! Your show! You have this new show and today they gave me this whole dossier and I'm reading. The critics really like this show, they say it's smart, it's funny, and then they put it opposite "Friends." How does that feel?

LAUREN: Um -- that piece of crap? It's going down! (laughter and applause) Right! Right!

CONAN: Wow! That was so convincing. I bet they're all trembling over there.

LAUREN: Yeah. It's, you know, it's bad. But some day things'll be better.

CONAN: All you do is control what you control, right?

LAUREN: That is so true.

CONAN: I believe that. I believe in that kind of zen. Worry about your own golf swing. Don't worry about that guy's ice skates. You know what I'm saying? (laughter)

LAUREN: Yeah. (laughter)

CONAN: So! Uh -- Regis rattled me, man. He just rattled me.

LAUREN: Did he? 'Cause he's so loud. And he's Irish too. (laughter) It's Irish night.


LAUREN: You didn't know but it is.

CONAN: That's how I book the show now. I pretty much pull up in a van at an Irish pub. "Come on in here! Aaaargh! Aaaargh!" (laughter)

CONAN: Now, you used to -- of course we do this show in New York City -- you're here visiting. You used to live here.

LAUREN: Yes, yes.

CONAN: Is that where you started out -- in Manhattan?

LAUREN: I started acting here. I had my first paying job. I went to college here and everything. I graduated and I got an agent and I had -- and they called me. They said we have a paying job for you. It's so exciting. And they were like -- because -- it's exciting because you fit the costume!

CONAN: The old Johnny Bravo syndrome on "The Brady Bunch." You fit the costume.

LAUREN: You're like the second person who's said that to me. And so what it was, Conan, was that I was hired to be the World Cup soccer mascot. Striker, that was his name.

CONAN: The World Cup has a soccer mascot?

LAUREN: Whatever. They did then. (laughter)

CONAN: Let me guess. You're the reason they don't anymore. (laughter)

LAUREN: Probably.

CONAN: What -- who is Striker? What kind of animal is Striker?

LAUREN: Well, Conan, Striker is a friendly, lovable dog.

CONAN: Soccer and dogs? I don't get the connection?

LAUREN: I don't either. Because dogs love balls? (laughter and applause)

(Conan reaches under his desk and pulls out a book.)

CONAN: If you're going to talk that way I'm going to read my Regis Philbin book. (laughter)

LAUREN: No, no, wait. 'Cause there's more.

CONAN: Oh yeah? Okay. There's more. Alright so --

LAUREN: Yeah. So the theing is I'm trying to be a good actor but I'm thinking I wear a costume but I still am playing a character so I wear the costume and people are really mean.

CONAN: How big is the costume?

LAUREN: It's a head. It's like a big papier-mache head and very sweaty.

CONAN: Like the one we just had out here?

LAUREN: Yes, yes, like that. Yes, it's like that. But you didn't wear that did you?

CONAN: What, the Conan one?

LAUREN: Your own Conan head?

CONAN: I do at night, yeah. (laughter)

LAUREN: Well. So it was very, very uncomfortable -- people hate characters and unless you're at Disneyland people look down on you and they would come up and knock on my head and, like, talk through my nose.

CONAN: Oh, that's so rude. They would really bang on the head?

LAUREN: Yes. They would be like "are you a girl dog or a boy dog?" They wre awful. And then -- but then to add insult to injury they would want to talke their picture with me and I realized like seven hours into the twenty hour day that everytime somebody went to take their picture of me, I would smile. (laughter)

CONAN: You would smile inside the head?

LAUREN: I would smile inside the head.

CONAN: Oh that's so sad. And no one could see.

LAUREN: And no one could see and so by the end of the day I was so angry I would just frown.

CONAN: Yeah that'll show them! (laughter)

LAUREN: That'll show them, yeah.

CONAN: That picture where my giant head is smiling -- I'm frowning inside.

LAUREN: I was mad! Yeah. That was my first job.

CONAN: That is so sad.

LAUREN: I know. It is sad.

CONAN: Well now things are going great.


CONAN: You start low, you work your way up.

LAUREN: That's right.

CONAN: The opposite of how I'm doing it. Gilmore Girls is on Thursday nights --


CONAN: At 8:00 on the WB and people really like the show.

LAUREN: Yes they do.

CONAN: So check it out.

LAUREN: Alright. I do already. But you should.

CONAN: During a commercial of "Friends."


CONAN: Lauren, thanks for being here.

LAUREN: Thank you.

CONAN: Lauren Graham, everybody.

SamiJoe 12-20-2003 04:31 PM

Thank you! I love that you're here to do these transcripts, especially the ones I haven't seen.

~Kitty 12-21-2003 06:45 AM

you're welcome! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I'm now getting my own computer! Yes, after years of Kevin telling me he'll build me one.. it's actually happening! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] We bought the case and all the parts.. we're still looking for the tv card.. Kevin is a perfectionist when it comes to computers. I keep saying I want one that isn't expensive and he keeps saying he doesn't want to put anything cheap in my system. So, in the next few weeks it should be done..then I can do more with transcripts and stuff. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

SamiJoe 12-21-2003 04:07 PM

Oh, congrats on getting your own computer, Kitty! (It reminded me of Dean's car for Rory. Sorry. I don't know if you're a Narc.)

One Cold Canadian 12-21-2003 05:53 PM

I know someone has probably already mentioned this, but for anyone that missed Lauren's recent Kilborn appearance, it is set to reair on the 31st.

(We 12/31: Lauren Graham, Richie Sambora, Puddle of Mudd)

SamiJoe 12-21-2003 09:20 PM

Which one was that? I can never remember and so I need some kind of quote from it. Thanks for the info.

A. B. Normal 12-21-2003 09:55 PM

Pretty sure it's this one SamiJoe.

SamiJoe 12-22-2003 11:28 AM

Oh, I think I remember that one. Thanks.

~Kitty 12-22-2003 12:58 PM

That has to be my favorite interview. I can't wait until she goes on Kilborn again.. hopefully we don't have to wait almost a year again!

Cherié £u£u 12-25-2003 10:29 PM

One True Thing will be on CBS Next Sunday @ 8:30 EST.

Check your local listings.

crazymike4 12-28-2003 01:19 PM

Thanks for the heads up Cheryl! I'm watching tonight! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

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