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Drunk On You 11-08-2011 10:17 PM

Lost Girl #2: "I'm fricking freezing, dude. Could you like, wolf out and lay at my feet?"
I think I may work on an OP later.

Avatar 11-08-2011 10:59 PM

TFTNT April - looking forward to seeing an opening post! :D

In the continuing saga of Dan-watches-Lost-Girl, I have now watched episode 107 and come to the realization that I don't ship Bo with anyone. :lol: Mostly because I think this love-triangle is unnecessary and a result of lazy writing. You have the chance to create this new and unexplored world - are you really gonna waste time with cheap drama? There are few if any shows that becomes better when adding a love triangle. If that's all this show is gonna turn into, then it is, sadly, just another show with wasted potential.

Zee... 11-08-2011 11:07 PM

But this is a love triangle you don't see in every show. One guy and 2 girls :D

Avatar 11-08-2011 11:16 PM

True, that's a wrinkle, but not enough to make it particularly interesting. :lol: I'd rather see them use that time to explore the Fae world and Bo's back-story, not being lazy and trying to create cheap drama. The show is better than that.

Zee... 11-08-2011 11:43 PM

You are right my friend, you are right. We'll get more of her story later in S1. And then we get backstory on Dyson and Lauren in S2

Avatar 11-09-2011 01:10 AM

Sounds good, though I hope they don't explore Lauren and Dyson just through the prism of who would be best for Bo.

The only couple I can ship is Kenzi/Hale. :lol:

Zee... 11-09-2011 01:21 AM

It's their indevidual background story

Hehe, yeah, Kenzi/Hale are fun.

danvers 11-09-2011 02:27 AM

love the title :D

zazie87 11-09-2011 04:03 AM

Well the triangle is the thing that brings in the most viewers. I don't ship Kenzi and Hale romantically. I think it would ruin their dynamic.

Nad 11-09-2011 04:06 AM

Thanks for the new thread, April :flowers:

Stay to the Lights 11-09-2011 04:09 AM

Thanks for the new thread.

I need to catch up on the last few eps :lol:

danvers 11-09-2011 04:10 AM

not sure how I feel about kenzi/hale, but I usually hate it when a group of friends start dating each other - which is something that happens in most shows. I mean, we already have dyson-bo-lauren. what's next, trick/kenzi? I think there should be someone else for kenzi. someone new. but that's just me. and when it does happen, I don't want too much focus on it. we already get that with the triangle.

the only pairing we don't have to worry about happening is lauren/dyson because it seems pretty clear now that lauren really is gay :lol: (and thank god for that)

zazie87 11-09-2011 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Doccubus (Post 59525078)
not sure how I feel about kenzi/hale, but I usually hate it when a group of friends start dating each other - which is something that happens in most shows.

It bothers me too when shows start pairing every available character. I don't think is neccesary for Kenzi to have a romantic SL yet. I'd much prefer finding out about her past.

Avatar 11-09-2011 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Doccubus (Post 59525078)
not sure how I feel about kenzi/hale, but I usually hate it when a group of friends start dating each other - which is something that happens in most shows. I mean, we already have dyson-bo-lauren. what's next, trick/kenzi? I think there should be someone else for kenzi. someone new. but that's just me. and when it does happen, I don't want too much focus on it. we already get that with the triangle.

the only pairing we don't have to worry about happening is lauren/dyson because it seems pretty clear now that lauren really is gay :lol: (and thank god for that)

Oh, I agree with this. Kenzi/Hale could have worked without the stupid stupid stupid (did I mention stupid?) love triangle - now, I don't want to see more relationship stuff.

And :lmao: at Trick/Kenzi. :D That's a shipper group waiting to happen, there...

zazie87 11-09-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Avatar (Post 59526300)
And :lmao: at Trick/Kenzi. :D That's a shipper group waiting to happen, there...

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if some people shipped them. :goof:

Avatar 11-09-2011 06:35 AM

Neither would I. :lol: Probably call themselves the Gleipnirs or something... :goof:

zazie87 11-09-2011 06:51 AM

Some people ship Claudia/Artie on Warehouse 13 and their relationship is pretty much the same as Kenzi/Trick. Anyway...eeeewwww :puke:

Have you seen 1.08 yet? :)

Avatar 11-09-2011 06:54 AM

No, I hope to do it tonight.

zazie87 11-09-2011 06:57 AM

Cool. It's probably the best episode of season 1. :)

Avatar 11-09-2011 07:01 AM

Yeah, so I've heard - looking forward to it. :nod:

Drunk On You 11-09-2011 10:31 AM


And :lmao: at Trick/Kenzi. :D That's a shipper group waiting to happen, there...
Oh please no! I love these two but not romantically. Just the thought of them together like that makes me sick.

Is it just me or it seems like in the first episode of s2 they started a storyline and then kind of dropped it?

danvers 11-09-2011 11:01 AM

the little girl? I think it's somehow linked to trick's talk with lauren last episode - as well as the cure for nadia.

or maybe I'm just giving the writers too much credit :rolleyes:

zazie87 11-09-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by K'Vruck (Post 59529476)
Is it just me or it seems like in the first episode of s2 they started a storyline and then kind of dropped it?

:nod: Either Manu is right and it has something to do with Nadia SL or it's stupid of them to forget it for 6 episodes.

danvers 11-09-2011 01:30 PM

and doesn't it tie with the theme of S2, anyway? "something evil is awakening"

zazie87 11-09-2011 02:06 PM

I think it would be really cool if Nadia was the big bad this year. But Ciara came out of nowhere too. And didn't Trick say those fights between the dark and light fae started getting worse a week ago?

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