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Old 04-28-2024, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)
Yes, but it's kinda obvious what that question is that Clark is going to ask him, even if it gets cut off at that point to make the proposal more of a surprise.
And, then in "Abandoned", they show that Clark has already gotten the ring, and he wants to propose or maybe was even going to that night?

Glad you are going to get the chance to properly complete your final reviews of Season Ten!

My favorite scene from "Patriot", which I also watched last week is Clark saying:

"I am man and steel."
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Old 04-29-2024, 12:55 AM
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he was planning it, but I'm not sure he was going to that night.

Yes, it's been a long time coming! As I said, I'm sure I did write the reviews for Luthor through to the Finale but they didn't get saved unfortunately.

That is a great line.
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Old 04-30-2024, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)
he was planning it, but I'm not sure he was going to that night.

Yes, it's been a long time coming! As I said, I'm sure I did write the reviews for Luthor through to the Finale but they didn't get saved unfortunately.

That is a great line.
At the time, fans were afraid that the proposal might be off-screen based on that ending scene, and the break between episodes that was quickly approaching, but luckily "Icarus" was filmed, despite the “Inclement weather" while filming!
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Old 04-30-2024, 11:15 AM
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Yeah, I remember that. Thankfully, they did film the proposal. I'll be watching that episode tonight.

I just re-watched episode 10 "Luthor". Boy oh boy this episode is truly above everything. Ever. Tom's performance as Clark Luthor gives me goosebumps every single time, but this time even more so somehow. It's interesting comparing his performance as Lionel in Clark's body and an alternate version of Clark raised by Lionel instead of the Kents', the differences is really interesting. The way he had Lionel's mannerisms down pat in Transference was impressive. And here as Clark Luthor, he was entirely different to any other dark version of Clark - Red K, Bizarro, etc.. here he was menacing, blunt yet subtle, truly shivers down my spine scarily evil, but yet I can't help but go crazy at how sexy he was. Like, it's on another level.

I always found though, in Clark Luthor's world, even though obviously not related by blood, it's still creepy how he and Tess have a thing. Kissing her and still calling her 'sis'. Oof. That kiss he gave the real Tess was wowzers.

Anyways, back to the start of the episode, when Clark finds the box that Tess was sent in her bag, like, he reads the Kryptonian symbols on it, surely he could've summarised what it does before opening it, not knowing what would happen when he does. He just opens it without thinking lol. I felt for Tess when he found out she had kept one of the Lex clones hidden, I mean, yeah, he and Oliver have put their trust in her now and it's been a long road to have her be trusted given her past, but she's trying now.

One thing I always wondered was how alternate universe Lionel would have come up with the name Clark, since when Martha named him it was after her maiden name. It might have made more sense to have had Lionel name him with a different name, especially a name beginning with L since that was his trend; Lex, Lucas, Lutessa. Though there was Julian.

Anyways, I love how slow Clark is at figuring he had entered into a parallel/alternate universe lol. But he finally catches on and my favourite scene will always be when he gets through to alternate Lois, to make her see that he is not the Clark from her universe, and that she can see right through to his heart, his soul. "I can't live in a world where you don't love me".

Lionel beating Clark with his belt after Oliver had trapped Clark at the alt Watchtower, damn, that was just brutal. I love how Clark had even managed to get through to alt Oliver to see that he is not Clark Luthor. And even more I love how he gets back to his world and Lois is able to see that Clark is Clark and not Luthor. Like he says, she is able to see through to his heart, his soul. "It's him. It's him".

The final scene with Clark and Tess was sweet, I love how Clark apologises to her and shares how he's learnt that it's not the Luthor blood that's poison, it's Lionel himself who is. I love how he holds her hand and tells her that when Lex does show up, they'll face him together.

And the last scene with alternate Lionel somehow having got to the normal universe, I'm guessing he was able to hitch a ride since he was right behind Clark when he opened the box, it was a great scene and I loved the way he says "I wouldn't want to miss how it all turns out".

And I just re-watched episode 11 "Icarus" S10 really truly knocks out it of the park for the final season I can't even. Such an amazing episode and action packed. The opening starts out so happy and sweet and ends on such a sad and sombre cliffhanger. Clark's proposal to Lois was everything all Clois fans asked for. It was so romantic and beautiful. I love how Lois doesn't make it easy for Clark to ask an easy question lol. He had this whole dinner booked at a restuarant and there was his name on the table reservation at the window. I love how he calls her on the payphone as a call back to calling her as the Blur in S9. And then the flower petals.

I love how Lois is disappointed at first with how no one is at excited for her when she tries to show off her engagement ring. But Cat takes notice of it, and is actually being friendly to her wow, that makes a change lol. And then she gets a note from Chloe, which was so nice to see. Chloe had obviously seen the future, having worn Dr. Fate's helmet. I love the flashback scene with Lois and Chloe which would have taken place shortly after Lois discovers Clark is the Blur and before she sets off for Africa. I love how Chloe answers Lois's question about Clark and Lana and they were not meant to be and that Lois and Clark are destined for each other. I love how Tess gets Lois to Watchtower and it turns out to be an engagement party, it was nice how Emile, Courtney/Stargirl and Carter were there. It was such a happy moment. Of course, happy moments never last when Oliver tries to save a girl from being attacked but then gets wrongly accused of being the attacker and everyone is after him. I love how Lois gets Clark's jacket when she sees what has happened on the TV.

Clark taking the leadership and deciding for everyone where they should disappear and shutting down Watchtower, I love seeing him lead like that. The interrogation scenes with Tess, Lois and Emil were great. I love how Lois finds Tess's secret escape shoot and rides down it despite hating slides lol. And I LOVE how Lois gets through to Cat and makes her see that the vigilantes are actually heroes and we see how Cat can do good by not telling the forces where she is. Slade becomes even more of a creep after having survived the explosion, now he's "Deathstroke". Omg the scene in which Hawkman comes and saves Lois, but then gets stabbed by Slade, the building explodes pushing Lois out of the window and then still manages to fly out, and catch her and save her life was epic. I always wondered, why Clark was able to trap Slade with with the symbol to the Phantom Zone, I didn't think it could do that to humans? Though admittedly, Slade was barely human at this point. Carter's death scene was heartbreaking, I love how he had Lois protected inside his wings "I have something for you Clark". and the funeral scene was so sad and ethereal. I remember when this episode first aired, the cliffhanger of everyone left unconscious at the end, that was just before the Christmas break so we had to wait a few weeks to find out what happens next, that was agonising lol. Oh and reading my original review, I didn't give it a score because my original viewing of it kept getting interrupted (plus, there was all the adverts) so now I'm able to give this episode a score and it's obviously a 10/10! I also read that I was finding this season crammed with too much going on, Darkseid/government, Lex, etc, but this time around I'm getting my head around it all more.
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019

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Old 05-02-2024, 03:47 AM
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I just re-watched episode 12 "Collateral". It was so great to see Chloe again. It broke my heart how Clark didn't trust her at first whilst trapped in cyber space. The flashes that Clark and the others had of Chloe standing over them at the lab did make it seem like Chloe was the one doing experiments on them, but we know and they know deep down she would never have done anything like that. I love the way she convinced Oliver first that he was in cyber space and everything he saw was not real. It's interesting how after she convinced him of that, Oliver trusted Chloe completely, and yet it took Clark longer to believe it. It was just so sad how she reaches out her hand and he doesn't take it. But I love how Chloe doesn't give up on him and ends up convincing Lois first so that Lois could show Clark that Chloe can be trusted and that everything she was telling him was true. I love the way Lois convinced him. And I LOVE how Lois saw how Chloe's avatar (when it wasn't controlled by Chloe herself) that it wasn't her. She knows her cousin and knows when it's not her. And then Lois telling Clark that she believes in him and he finally takes that leap with her off the roof of the Daily Planet. That flying scene, even though it was in the virtual world, was so beautiful.

The Chlark scene afterwards when everyone was pulled out was something we hadn't seen in a long time and it was so nice. And Lois asking her cousin to be her maid of honour was so sweet! I love the Chlollie scene afterwards, which had Chloe explain to Oliver why she had to leave and why she couldn't get back in contact. The fact that Chloe hacked Flag's missile assets and extorted him under her own control was just awesome. Putting on the helmet was the best thing Chloe did, as it showed her what was going to happen and how to save everyone at the right moment. If she didn't have that intel, the VRA would have had Clark and the others under their control.

And the Clois scene at the end was as always, beautiful.

This episode gets better and better every time I watch it. I love it.

And I just re-watched episode 13 "Beacon" Gosh I love this episode so freaking much. It's just SO good. You know, I think the writing here was really tight knit and so well done. The whole of S10. Seeing Martha again was just Martha's stance as Senator helps reach out to people and protest the VRA. The way she carries herself as Senator. Jonathan would be so proud of her. And her father would be too. If I remember, Her father always wanted big things for his daughter and resented when she met, fell in love and married Jonathan and became a farmer's wife. She wouldn't have had it any other way, especially when Clark came into their lives, and if Jonathan hadn't sadly passed away, she would have continued to be so, and on top of that, she wouldn't have probably been given the opportunity to be Senator if it wasn't for Jonathan having rallied to be State Senator in the first place. Taking his place and then going on to become the US senator was the perfect way for her to honour her husband and her bigger ambitions in life. I love how proud Clark looks at her too. The one thing about the later seasons is that I always miss those wholesome Kent family scenes and having Clark reunite with his mum is always so special. It's said that in order for one to grow up and stand on their own two feet, they need to "let go" of their parents, or the parent needs to step away from their son or daughter. But I think that's ridiculous. Just because you become an adult and live your own life, doesn't mean you don't still need your parents in your life, sometimes it comes to the parent needing the child. Clark wouldn't be the man he becomes without the strong love and support he had from Jonathan and Martha, and because Jonathan is no longer there in person, he at least still needs his mother. Look at how she's still there, to protect him, to help him with the whole VRA thing.

Every scene Martha has, with Clark, with Chloe, Lois, even parallel Lionel was so good and so well written. I particularly loved the continuity of where Lionel, having read his counterpart's journal, mentions to Martha about the watch he had given her, which was all the way back from S2 episode Insurgence and how he had true feelings for her, and it seemed this Lionel could see why. Lionel always Lionel, in any universe lol. I love how this Lionel tries to convince Alexander that betraying his son for Clark in both worlds was a mistake. I mean, we were led to believe that in S7, Lionel was "good" and loved Clark like he was his own son and tried to protect him, ever since he became Jor-El's vessel and it was discovered that Lionel was a part of the Veritas group, who were sworn to protect the Traveler. Of course, his old deceptive nature kept creeping back into play like when he had Clark confined in a cage loaded with Kryptonite.

Clark saving Martha from the fire at the Luthor mansion was awesome. I love the look he gives her that says, despite the evil of this man, I still have to save Lionel even if he is from an alternate dimension because I'm not a killer. I love how he doesn't get him out gently though, like almost throwing him out of the building that tells him "I may have saved your life 'cause I'm no killer, but this isn't over".

I also appreciated the Chloe/Lois scenes we got too, 'cause I love their cousin relationship. Chloe walking in the Daily Planet archives wearing overcoat, hat and sunglasses to disguise herself was funny.

I totally almost forgot about that scene where Chloe and Lois show Clark all the people that still believe in the superheroes and all their video messages, to show Clark that there was still hope, despite all the darkness that Darkseid has created. And then I remembered that these videos were made by actual fans of the show, I think they won some sort of competition or something to get a chance to appear on the show which was just the COOLEST thing ever. I think the competition was only open to US viewers, though even if it was more worldwide I don't think I would have heard about it at the time. I think it would have worked even cooler if they had fans worldwide, but as is it was an awesome thing to do for the last season. it made it so special and my gosh, those fans that got to have their video shown are SO lucky. What a keepsake.

I love seeing Chloe, Oliver, Clark, Lois and Martha together at the Kent farm to celebrate the VRA repeal bill being passed. And I think my favourite mother son scene out of them all, is this one; it's so wholesome, so everything. Especially, this line: "Clark, you don't need a suit to be the world's hero" THIS. This line is EVERYTHING.

And the way Clark, Chloe, Lois and Oliver reopen Watchtower was pretty epic.

Poor Tess at the end. I'd forgotten how she tried to end it for him as he was dying but then it turns out needles couldn't penetrate his skin, meaning he had a bit of Clark's DNA as well as Lex's.
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Old 05-05-2024, 11:11 AM
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Glad to know you enjoy these episodes so much! I agree that Tom as Clark is phenomenal in "Collateral" in every single one of his scenes, and "Beacon" is what a stellar Smallville episode is all about!
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Old 05-06-2024, 02:00 AM
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I'm going to swap out watching Supernatural tonight for Smallville. I'm kinda racing to finish my Smallville re-watch before going away. Got 8 episodes. If I watch three today, three tomorrow and then only need to put in Prophecy and the Finale on Thursday I should just about make it. It's a stretch, but I'm determined! 'Cause after next week, I'll be working Tuesday evenings! (I've been moved from temporary to permanent contract and given more hours).
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Old 05-06-2024, 03:38 AM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)

I'm going to swap out watching Supernatural tonight for Smallville. I'm kinda racing to finish my Smallville re-watch before going away. Got 8 episodes. If I watch three today, three tomorrow and then only need to put in Prophecy and the Finale on Thursday I should just about make it. It's a stretch, but I'm determined! 'Cause after next week, I'll be working Tuesday evenings! (I've been moved from temporary to permanent contract and given more hours).
That sounds like a great plan since Monday, May 13th, marks the 13th Anniversary of the Finale airing!
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Old 05-06-2024, 06:20 AM
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If I wasn't away on the 13th, I could've made that day I watch the Finale on the 13 anniversary. Would've been perfect, but as is, it's close enough.

So I just re-watched episode 14 "Masquerade." Another brilliant episode. I love how Clark was on top of Big Ben in London at the beginning. Lois was right in being concerned about Clark getting too close at being shown his face as the Blur around the world. But to be fair, no one in England or is gonna know that he's Clark Kent lol. No one knows who Clark is except in Kansas I think? 'Cause elsewhere he's just the Blur. My favourite scene is definitely what she does to his jacket, giving it a hood and him some shades. I love how Clark just rips the hood off. And Lois's "woosh" was funny.

The way Clark saved Brett from falling into that pit was too obvious, and Clark's explanations at how he grabbed him so quick and by one hand kinda reminded me of his old excuses to Lex, lol, adrenaline I guess Not exactly convincing, he never has.

I liked how this episode was mainly just Clark and Lois and Oliver and Chloe being major couple goals. My favourite Chlollie moment had to be when they were fighting off their kidnappers and when they took down all of them they kissed.

Desaad was creepy as heck and probably even worse than Godfrey. I hated how he tried to lure Chloe in with the seven deadly sins, but I love how Chloe was strong enough to not fall for any of them.

Clark finally deciding he needs a disguise but making Clark Kent being a disguise was great But I always found two glaring holes here. One, him saying that Clark Kent is just two words meaning nothing, I didn't exactly like that because Clark Kent is who he is because of his parents and how they raised him, he's been Clark Kent for 10 years. (This is why I actually liked how Dean Cain's Clark put it that "Clark Kent is who I am, Superman is what I can do." Not that it was very convincing with making his two identities different enough for people not to recognise that he's Superman, but still). Yes, he's always been the Blur in a way, 'cause as Clark he was always saving people but trying to do it without anyone knowing he had powers. But saying that his name didn't mean anything never truly sat right with me. As much as I love when he starts to put on the bumbling nerd glasses wearing Clark Kent resembling Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent. I do appreciate that homage, I do, but it's still a hole for this show. And two, the fact that he had been his usual non glasses wearing Clark Kent around the Daily Planet and elsewhere for years and everyone is supposed to believe he's been the bumbling nerd this whole time with this sudden behaviour change? I always try to see past these holes as the show tries to make this transition work, but ultimately that's one thing I wasn't so sure about, as much as I say I love S10 and how practically perfect a final season it was.

Lastly, Oliver is shown to have the dark mark on him. Oh no. I forget how they get rid of the mark from him.

And I just re-watched episode 15 "Fortune." The. Funnest. and. funniest. episode. Ever. I LOOOOVVEE it so much. Always loved it. Best bachelor and bachelorette party ever on TV. With Clark, Lois, Oliver, Chloe, Tess and Emil. Trust Zatana to cause chaos for them sending them enchanted champage as an engagement gift for Lois and Clark. Clark waking up with a Lemur on him, eating. Finding Chloe in the wardrobe wearing a wedding dress. Worried they might have gotten married. Clark speed running into the wall. Lois and Oliver waking up finding themselves on an abandoned train track and Lois horrified at having realised she's lost her engagement ring. Tess and Emil singing, Emil acting like Elvis was great Oliver and Lois as showgirls at the casino, Chloe's reaction at seeing them, especially Oliver Lois crawling on the floor trying to get her engagement ring back was golden. Poor Emil, though the way he was being tortured by those crooks. I hated when they tried to clamp his head, that was nasty. Thank goodness Clark got there in time.

Then the Clark and Chloe scene in the barn was PERFECTION. Chloe announcing she's leaving for Star City. Their hug. It was the perfect way to round up their crazy ride over the last 10 years.

Clark telling Lois that he'd want to marry in 5 days or 5 years. Lois is finding it hard to live up to his perfection, when she tells him that is the most perfect thing to say.

And of course, them all watching the video of the drunken night that Emil had filmed. That was just amazing. Clark pointing "monkey" Chloe "A monkeeeeeyy" There's just too much to love. And then I love how it turns out that the other half of Chloe's marriage certificate was Oliver, not Clark. Though Chloe said to Clark that she asked at the chapel that the marriage was not real. So Chloe and Oliver aren't actually really married lol. But it's the meaning behind it that counts. It's perfect how Chloe leaves for Star City, and Oliver goes with her as this is his home city. I forget that is his home on this show since he's resided in Metropolis for so long lol.

And I just re-watched episode 16 "Scion". I'd honestly forgotten a lot of what happened in this episode. I think it's because I wasn't a huge fan of the whole Alexander turning into Connor storyline, with him turning out to be half Lex and half Clark with Clark's powers. In an continuity perspective, it makes sense and could believe that Lex would have kept a sample of Clark's DNA from Helen Bryce's office and later used it to produce a clone of himself, thus him having powers like Clark. And I did like how it gave Clark a new found respect for his parents in the responsibility they had in raising him. The son becomes the father, somewhat, though Clark at this point prefers being called brother rather than being dad. I liked the parallel of Clark smashing the red kryptonite ring off Connor like how Jonathan did for Clark. I didn't like Connor going after Lois, she was right, even on red k Clark was never quite that aggressive, that was more of his Lex side. It's interesting how Earth 2 Lionel is 100 times more ruthless than original Lionel was, considering how he was ruthless too. I mean, original Lionel took way too long to realise how wrong he did by Lex and by then it was too late, but at least he realised it. Earth 2 Lionel still thinks that that was the way to raise a Luthor. Why did Darkseid come for him at the end? Lionel is already darkness personified. I haven't really got too much else to say about this episode really. I did like how Tess managed to play at Lionel's level and tricked him so that she could track his every move, and how she and Lois worked together to bring a piece of evidence that he is a fake. But yeah, asides from that, I don't think I really liked this episode all that much. It was good in theory, just felt a bit off....

And I just re-watched episode 17 "Kent". I was aiming for three episodes but managed four today! So that's good. Back to what I loooovvvee. The return of Clark Luthor is always a plus in my book, because of how incredible Tom was with this role, like the shivers down my spine again. Clark getting trapped back to Earth 2 by his doppelganger once again, he sees Lois and convinces her again that he is not the Clark from her world. I love how Lois in any world is able to see who he is. Clark Luthor trying to be Kent was not fooling anyone, it may have taken Lois a few moments to realise this time, but as soon as he disregards the telescope she knew that he was not her Clark. And Tess noticed the way he rubbed his finger without the Luthor ring on. I know that not even in his world is Tess his blood sister, and that this Tess has no relation to her at all, but again, the way he refers to her as "sis" and acts VERY erotically around her was still creepy as hell. It was interesting though how whilst low key terrified, there was a part of Tess that wanted it. Since when has there been any indication, as Clark Luthor put it, that she has feelings for Clark Kent though? That scene at the Ace of Clubs always sends me into a frenzy lol especially with the way he eats that steak and then the way he wraps his hands around her neck as if he's about to choke her. Back in Earth 2, Clark finds Jonathan having lived through a very different life to his father. I love how Clark manages to get through to him and show him that in another world he was found by Jonathan and Martha and not Lionel. It shows how even with being given a totally opposite life after the meteor shower, Jonathan still was a good man and did the right thing by letting Clark go. Lois and Emil working on fixing the box to bring back, at first I thought it was the one that Clark Luthor had crushed but then Lois said that Emil and Tess had it salvaged after Clark thought he destroyed it. It's a shame Clark couldn't get to hug Earth 2 Jonathan before they bought him back. I wish there was a bit more of a Clark on Clark fight after he saves Tess, but I liked how he led him to the fortress and sent him back to the Earth 2 fortress and start afresh with Jor-El's guidance. It does make me wonder, though. If there's another Earth in which Clark came to land, would that have to mean he was from an alternate version of Krypton? Trying to work that out in my head lol.

At the start, we learn that Connor was in Washington State with Martha, I guess he starts Smallville High later then. So, Martha sends Clark and Lois the deed to the Kent Farm, at first thinking that she wishes them to live there ever after, but then of course she knows how difficult it has been for them commuting all the time and with them gone so many days away from the farm, they barely live there anymore. But, it's not a problem really for Clark as much 'cause he can super speed there in nano seconds from Metropolis. And depending on Lois's workload at the Planet he can super speed her there too lol. But I get why they decide that it would be easier to reside in Metropolis permanently. It's the at the heart of everything that's happening and I love how Clark realises that it's the people that make the home and that it's ready to move on and let go of the past and what made him feel safe in the past, his parents and the farm. That Clois scene is just gorgeous. I loved the realtor at the beginning, she was really funny and how Lois tries to put her off at first. And I love the end showing Earth 2 Jonathan finding Martha and hopefully making it up to her. I hope that went well for him.
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Old 05-07-2024, 06:58 AM
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Just re-watched episode 18 "Booster". This episode starts off kinda cheesy with the egocentric Booster Gold, but I love the lesson behind this episode and the fact that he learns from Clark that a real hero is made in the moment, in the choices he makes and in the end shows him to be human and not a egotistical jerk only being a 'hero' for the fame. I love Lois trying to teach Clark how to be more "nerd with glasses" and I guess the longer they make him act like so, the more likely people are to believe he's been like that all the time and they just didn't know it. So it does try to fix the issue I had with Clark deciding to have himself be the disguise, in a way.

Clark trying to become more accident prone and stumbling his words is adorable. "is there a restroom here that I can use, I had a milkshake on the way over here and it..." is my favourite line And let's not forget that awesome and iconic use of the phone booth change!

That poor kid being bullied. I love how Lois tries to get him to stand up for himself. Bless him, he couldn't do it, but after he becomes the beetle and Booster Gold tells him that he can do it and can control it and be the hero and that gives him the strength to do so.

I really liked the progression of Cat in this episode. After Lois had convinced her of giving superheroes a chance, she does, but typically she goes for Booster because of the fact that he shows his face. It's crazy how she's after Lois's promotion considering she hadn't been working there as long as Lois has. But I love how, when Clark saves her from being blasted by the beetle, she realises that the Blur had saved her and in the end genuinely congrats Lois on her promotion, apologises and admits the fact that the Blur is a real superhero to look up to after all. She becomes a million times more likeable in an instant. I love how Lois took that apology and gave her some good advice about being a great reporter.

And the Clois scene at the end. I love how Clark is concerned about what people will think about Lois marrying the bumbling nerd Clark Kent. Lois has never cared about what anyone thinks about her. And she once told Martha "give me a nerd with glasses any day of the week." The way he ripped his shirt off though. The buttons went flying. I always wished Lois didn't stop him.

And I just re-watched episode 19 "Dominion." This episode is pretty insane. Clark and Oliver's plan to trick Zod was crazy. The fight between Clark and Oliver was really cool and I enjoyed the Gladiator style fighting. For a moment I had thought Zod had got Oliver to embrace the dark mark that was within him but thankfully it was all part of their plan. There was a lot of blood. Maybe the most blood ever on the show I think? I love Lois making Tess see that Clark's plan to self destruct the crystal after the time frame is up to prevent any phantoms from escaping if they don't make it out in time was dumb. "being a hero's wife is never accepting defeat". I loved that. She was never going to give up on Clark. I get that Clark wanted to make sure there was no repeat of escaped phantoms like in S6, that was very important and learning the lesson from then. When Clark goes back home and Lois is so relieved to see him again, it's revealed that he and Oliver had been gone three weeks, not the few hours that they were in the zone. "I'd rather be in some purgatory with you than in the hell of not knowing if I'd ever see you again" If I was Lois, I'd feel exactly the same. It's cute how she never postponed the wedding because she had to believe that he would come back to her and it was the one thing that kept her going. Justin Hartley did a fantastic job with directing this episode. The fight sequences were awesome. And at the end, Oliver is on a quest to try and destroy Darkseid himself. Foolhardy. I wish he told Clark that he has the dark mark.

The BEST part of this episode for me now, though, was the Zod and Clark scene where Zod tells Clark about the story of two brothers on his adopted planet, Cain and Abel, and asks Clark which brother is he. I said, "Cain, OBVIOUSLY." Oh my gosh, I can't get over the irony of that and this might be the first time I've re-watched this episode since Tom was Cain on Lucifer. The irony of this remark to Clark now was incredible. I loved it. And then it comes full circle with the homage to Smallville and Tom being Clark Kent with Lucifer remarking to Pierce "everyone has a Kryptonite Lieutenant"
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019

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Old 05-10-2024, 12:53 AM
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I re-watched episode 20 "Prophecy" on Tuesday also

Aww this episode always ends up breaking my heart.. Lois’s life just got so much more chaotic since her promotion, the upcoming wedding and her investigation of why so many large companies being sold out, I love the organised chaos in her new office. It’s cute how Clark takes Lois to the fortress to tell Jor-El that he intends to marry Lois, though he should have known Jor-El would end up doing something like transferring his powers to Lois as some kind of test. I love how Lois handles his powers at the beginning and has fun with them, but even when she begins to find them overwhelming a bit, she doesn’t go off the rails like Lana did and uses them well. I love how she had gone to Wisconsin and bought him back some cheese lol. Well, she does go off, but only when she gets duped by Toyman to put that diode on her so that he could control her from his jail cell. As soon as he played the card that his minions were closing in on the Blur and the others, Lois fell for it. That moment when she was about to kill him and there were just moments left before sunset and Clark gets through to her and tells her he loves her I loved that so much. It didn’t quite work fully, but it was enough to stall her until the sun had set and the powers were transferred back to him. I LOVED his talk to Jor-El afterwards and took out the crystal that controls Jor-El’s voice construct. He no longer needs Jor-El’s guidance, and is ready to take on any trials ahead on his own. I love the shot of the suit as he left. Lois telling Clark at the end that she can’t marry him for fear of taking time from him in saving 5 people for herself always gets me Erica’s performance here was just amazing and so emotional. And the look on Clark’s face Fortunately, I know how it turns out now but at the time this episode first aired I was like nooooo lol.

On the b side of this episode, Oliver finds Kara on his quest to find the bow of Orion, and I liked how they worked together to find it, both finding they can trust each other because they know Clark trusts both of them. It was nice to see Kara again. It was harsh for Kara to have to hear from Jor-El that she has to leave Clark so that he can fulfil his destiny on his own, though she did have a choice to stay with him but face the consequences. It was sad to see that she decides to leave, but she made the right decision. It was a shame she couldn’t at least have one more scene with him before she leaves though. And Oliver getting caught by Granny Goodness at the end poor Ollie. Kinda a sombre penultimate episode leading up to the finale. It was fun seeing Toyman back once more. Kinda marvelled at how he’s able to do so much in an solitary confinement jail cell lol. I loved how Clark tells him that he’ll always be there to stop him. Great episode. I can’t believe I’m finally here at the Finale again! It’s taken 2 years and 7 months to re-watch the whole show on Blu Ray - the first time on that box set since it released in October 2021, the 20th anniversary of the launch of the show. I think in total, this will have been my third full re-watch. My second time was when I got my mum to watch it with me, though I think it overlapped my first watch when S10 was about to air. I’ve re-watched certain episodes many times since, but it has been a long time since I’ve done a full one and the Blu Ray release was the perfect way to do it.


And finally, I rewatched the series Finale last night, this is a relatively long one as expected of course, so strap in.

Wooeee woweee. Lol. Um. I kinda want to write this review as if this was my first time seeing the Finale, like trying to go back in time to when it was, but given this is my third time it’s hard to pretend otherwise. Mind you, it’s been at least 10 years since my last full re-watch, so having it refreshed in my memory now is ideal. Where do I even start. This finale packs all the punches and delivers in practically everything a fan of the show could want and muster. I do have one or two problems but I think we’ll leave those negatives till the end of the review, as 98% of everything I do want to say is overwhelmingly positive.

Let’s start with how the previously on Smallville gives you a quick summary of all important plot points that happened since season 1 till now, that was so epic. I like how the episode opens, with it taking place 7 years in the future with Chloe reading the story of a boy in Smallville to her son. It’s nice to see a little of Chloe’s future and that she has a family with Oliver and she’s the perfect character to open and close the book.

I love how Clark tries to get Lois to see that she is not in his way, that she’s by his side. “If you really want to continue with cancelling the wedding you’ll have to leave me standing at the alter.” That was just so sweet. Meanwhile, Martha comes to the Kent Farm to find it empty with boxes. Turns out she didn’t intend for Clark to sell the farm when she sent the deed to him after all. I loved the speech Martha gave to Clark about how he doesn’t have to let go of his past in order to move on to the future. She’s afraid everything that he learnt in Smallville, all his experiences, how she and Jonathan raised him, would be lost and she’s right. Those experiences shaped him to the man he’s become. I love how Martha sees Jonathan in her mind, she’ll never let the love she had for him go, even though she herself has moved on with Perry.

I love Chloe giving Lois Clark’s vows to show her that Clark doesn’t feel that she’s holding him back. And gosh, those vows were just so beautiful and I adore Sara Barrilles song Breathe Again as she reads them and then realises that she’s been such an idiot.

Clark visiting Jonathan’s grave was heartfelt and I love how Jonathan’s spirit was there but Clark couldn’t see him. It’s interesting how Clark then begins to think that Lois was right and that maybe he needs to move on from everything, both parts of him, including Lois. I also find it interesting how a dark marked and controlled Oliver still tries to give Clark sage advice, but I guess it was Darkseid’s minions plan to ensure Clark and Lois get married so that Oliver would give the gold kryptonite ring to Lois for her to then put on Clark’s finger.

The next Clois scene between the doors was so sweet and how Lois gives him her vows to read. And her vows make him see that he doesn’t have to let anything go to move on. The wedding sequence was GORGEOUS. I felt for Lois as she felt insecure at walking herself down the aisle and then Clark walks up beside her and takes her hand and they walk down the aisle together with the Breathe Again song playing again in the background and then Clark sees Jonathan standing with Martha is so perfect. It’s such a shame TV weddings always have to get ruined when they start off SO perfect but I love how Chloe noticed the ring was gold kryptonite and knocked it out of Lois’s hand in time. It was amazing how just a few words of encouragement from Clark managed to get the dark mark out of Oliver just like that, but I think there was also a part of Oliver in there deep down that was trying to fight it and he won by crushing the gold k ring.

I freaking adore the scene at the barn when Clark finds Jonathan, and Jonathan tells Clark that whilst he and Martha did everything they could to prepare him he needs his other father Jor-El it’s so well done and with Martha there too and them all looking out at the large planet engulfing Earth. It’s the perfect last Kent family scene.

Meanwhile, poor Tess is apprehended by Earth 2 Lionel who intends to have her heart taken out to put into another Lex clone, who has been rebuilt practically identical to original Lex. I love how she manages to escape out of his clutches. She’s trying so hard to escape being a Luthor. And I think deep down she would have done, because she actually WANTED redemption. Lex had wanted to be good but ultimately caved. The way Tess shot Earth 2 Lionel though, you could tell it shocked her, but I would just call it self defence. Poor love was terrified but she was also always fearless and I guess that’s always been the Luthor part of her. I had completely forgotten though how Darkseid then made another deal with Lionel by which he takes Lionel’s heart to give to Lex and possess him. Makes much more sense to give Lex a version of his father’s heart than Tess, who’s heart at the time wasn’t exactly dark and had good in it. The image of Darkseid taking Lionel’s heart though was gross lol.

The Clark and Lex scene at the burned down mansion was GREAT and very well written, it’s just such a shame that what happens afterwards completely erases the context and importance of this scene and renders it pointless. But we’ll get to that. When Clark found Tess’s car abandoned and saw her video on her report of the apokolips amongst them, I wish he could’ve found her and took her to safety, though he wasn’t to know she ultimately would end up finding Lex at Luthorcorp. Not that we ever expected Lex to end up killing her, and Clark was too busy with Darkseid and apokolips for that. Lex’s reason for killing Tess was to save her from becoming him, which was a very Lex thing to do, but then came a line from Tess that never made sense to me. “It’s too late, Clark already did that” huh?! Can someone give me some idea of what she meant by that because I’m still scratching my head over it? And I completely forgot that it was Tess who made Lex forget ALL his memories, including of Clark and his secret. In some weird way I guess Tess did this as one last thing to somewhat save Clark and his identity which I get but Lex forgetting EVERYTHING that made him who he is and why he became the way he is was the most stupid thing EVER. Like, so why the **** would he end up still becoming the no1 enemy of Superman and how would he become president in 7 years if he forgot all that?!!! He could have just started afresh like Connor if that was the case. Sorry, but as almost perfect as this finale is, I just will never be able to see past that and I hope (if they get to S10) that Michael will find it the same way. He may have agreed to appearing in the finale but I’m sure he had issues with that script, and I have no doubt he’ll hate the complete memory wipe now looking back on it. Ok, rant aside, I will take a step back and trying to think about this topic more logically. But I will need some time to do so. And yes, I know this is 13 years late and I’ve always said whatever complaints now won’t change anything, get over it lol. I may be writing this as if it is my first time viewing the Finale after all lol. But yeah, that will be for more discussion for me having come out of my third re-watch of the show.

Anyways, back to the rest of the review.

Darkseid Lionel and Clark at the barn was awesome, I love how in mid air after being thrown by Darkseid, suddenly Jor El takes him in his mind and shows him all of his experiences and how he’s always been a hero, all saves and memories of the past was AMAZING and perfect. I loved that so much. And then from that, Clark takes his first PROPER flight and pushes Darkseid out! That was always so exciting And the scene at the fortress with Jor-El saying how proud he is of his son was so nice and Jonathan there to give Clark the suit was again perfection “Always Hold on to Smallville” and then Clark taking to the skies and transforming into the suit was great! It’s interesting how they used the Superman Returns suit, as Superman saving Lois and everyone on Air Force One was awesome and finally pushing away the giant planet and saving Earth. The effects were pretty great, a bit hokey here and there but great considering it’s a TV budget and not film they did the best they could.

I love the last scenes in the future at the Daily Planet, with Clark and Lois still not married (I still find it hard to believe it took them 7 years to finally find the time to tie the knot after Clark became Superman lol) and Perry White finally the boss there. Jimmy there too, the younger brother that Chloe gave original Jimmy’s camera to. I’m sorry, but that will always irk me considering the fact that they bought Aaron Ashmore back as “younger brother” Jimmy and not the Jimmy Olsen he played. That retcon will never not annoy me. It’s like erasing Lex’s experiences of his 7 years on Smallville, the character development he had and the unique way to have Lex and Clark start off as friends only to slowly turn them to enemies. It was unique to Smallville. So what’s wrong with having Jimmy be the same age as Clark and Lois if so many things that Smallville changed with the Superman mythos. Sorry, I’m doing it again. The ending is perfect as Clark walks out onto the rooftop of the Daily Planet as the John Williams Superman score plays and the shirt rip into Superman. That will always be epic and I'm so glad they were able to do that.

In many ways the series finale is perfect, just like the whole show has been, but again, just like the whole show, there are moments which are not so perfect and it has it’s problems. Some minor, some major. Not everyone sees these problems in the same context and some will actually see them in a different, more positive view and I get that. I try to view the negatives I have, especially with the Finale, into a different perspective, but sometimes I can’t help how I feel with regards to them. I have been able to change my views in the past with some episodes, but it has helped that I have had my original reviews to look back on and see how my views have changed over the years and ones that haven’t. Which is why it’s a shame my original review of the Finale especially got lost. It would have been helpful context.
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019

Last edited by livstevi21; 05-10-2024 at 01:09 AM
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Old 05-10-2024, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)
If I wasn't away on the 13th, I could've made that day I watch the Finale on the 13 anniversary. Would've been perfect, but as is, it's close enough.
I completely understand what you mean! Congratulations on completing the SMALLVILLE Series on Blu-Ray!

I hope you fully enjoy your vacation, and I will read your reviews sometime next week!
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Old 05-16-2024, 08:14 AM
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Thanks! When I've freed up Saturdays after watching Angel, I might go through all the special features and audio commentaries.

Hope you enjoy my re-reviews!
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Old 05-19-2024, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)
Thanks! When I've freed up Saturdays after watching Angel, I might go through all the special features and audio commentaries.

Hope you enjoy my re-reviews!
That sounds like a good plan. I do enjoy them, and I love all the details!
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Old 05-20-2024, 01:45 AM
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Glad you like them!
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