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Sock Monkey 07-29-2009 11:56 PM

Spike/Fred Appreciation #5: Because it’s a “meant to be” kinda thing


Sock Monkey
sister cuervo
Moscow Watcher
Permanent 99


Spike and Fred ~ A Different Path
music: "Shattered" by Trading Yesterday
vid by DarlaProduction (aka Mscotstar)
Sign In to BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself. - BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself.

To Find the Girl
vid by evangelin1202
Sign In to BAM Vid Vault - BAM Vid Vault

Love Saves a Champ
vid by evangelin1202
Sign In to BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself. - BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself.

Why You Have to Ship Spike and Fred!
vid by evangelin1202
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Done is Done
vid by evangelin1202
(mostly Spike/Dru, but some Spred bits toward the end)
Sign In to BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself. - BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself.

A New Love
vid by MeTeytos88
YouTube - Fred/Spike/Buffy -- A New Love AU (It´s too LATE to apologize) (PART1)

music: "Vulnerable" by Secondhand Serenade
vid by emily5ild
YouTube - Fred/Spike - Vulnerable

music: "Even In Death" by Evanescence
vid by monsteriinc
YouTube - .Even In Death.

“Likely Connections: On Writing Spike and Fred”
(by Jenny aka Jennifer-Oksana)
Likely Connections: On Writing Spike and Fred
(by Krys Yuy)
“Spike/Fred: Pi r Effulgent”
(by sockmonkeyhere aka Sock Monkey)
ship_manifesto: Spike/Fred: Pi r Effulgent

Saving Grace
Saving Grace

Sketch by whirligig
Carpe Noctem by ~spinthewhirligig on deviantART
Dolls by Sock Monkey
Memorable Fiddley Bits Theater btvs/ats dolls Entries
"Spred the <3" Banner by kats_meow
Avatars & "Pilgrim Soul" Banner by Sock Monkey

from Angel Season 5 episode “Hellbound”

from “Angel: After the Fall” comic books by IDW; Issue 16 cover

from “Spike: After the Fall” comic books by IDW


from “Just Rewards”

Fred: Spike's radiating heat.
Spike: Think I'm hot, do you?
Fred: Spike. What are you...can I help you?
Spike: Well, that's the heart of it, isn't it? The crux. The nub.
Fred: I'm sorry?
Spike: You're the smart one, aren't you? The go-to girl who knows all about this ghost mumbo-jumbo.
Fred: Um... (laughs nervously) Well, actually, Wesley's the occult expert. He—he was trained as a Watcher. He knows about the supernatur—
Spike: Yeah, but you're the science queen. The hows, the what-ifs—that's your cup of tea. You figure things out in that cute little noggin of yours.
Fred: (nervously) I guess. What... I-is there something...
Spike: I'm slippin'.
Fred: What?
Spike: Don't wanna go, but it's like... It's like the ground underneath me is... splitting open and my legs are... straddling both sides of this bloody big chasm. It's getting wider, pulling me in.
Fred: Is that... is that what's happening when you keep vanishing?
Spike: (faces away from Fred) I know what's down there—where it's trying to take me—and it's not the place heroes go. Not by a bloody long-shot. It's the other one. Full of fire and torment. And it's happening. And I'm terrified.
(faces Fred)
Help me?

from “Unleashed”

Fred: Wesley might be able—
Spike: No!
Fred: He knows more about the mystical than—
Spike: I can't. We got a history, him and me.
Fred: What?
Spike: It was a long time ago. He was a young watcher, fresh out of the academy, when we crossed paths. It was a, what-you-call, battle of wills...and blood was spilled. Vendettas were sworn. It was a whole—
Fred: My're so full of crap!

from “Hellbound”

Spike: How long did you know I was there?
Fred: Uh, just since the lobby. But that popping up behind me was really scary. Look, I dropped my papers!

Fred: I've told you before you're not a ghost.
Spike: (holds out his arms) Chipper. Give us a hug.
Fred: If I can defy most of the laws of nature, there's a good chance I'll be able to anchor you to this plane and make you corporeal.
Spike: (smiles sweetly) Well... might be a hug in your future after all.
Fred: We accepted the offer to take over the L.A. Branch of an evil, multi-dimensional law firm because we thought we could make a difference. Use the resources of Wolfram & Hart to do something decent.
Angel: And how does that have anything to do with Spike?
Fred: He just saved the world. Vampire with a soul fighting for the good of humanity. Ring anything? He's just like you, a champion.
Angel: (rolls his eyes) You're right. He does care about Buffy. So, where do you think he's gonna run off to as soon as his fresh, new feet hit the ground?
Fred: Is that what this is about? You're afraid he's gonna come back and try to get with your ex again?
Angel: I just want you to be careful, Fred, because I know how charming Spike can be.
Eve: He is quite the dish, with those eyes...
Fred: [b]And the hair and the cheeks and what do you think I am, stupid? I know he's been playing me with the looks and the smiles. I'm not some idiot schoolgirl with a crush.
Angel: Then what is it?
Fred: It's about doing what's right. Remember?
Spike: (searching for Fred) Never a fetching mad scientist about when you need one.
Spike: I wanted to thank you, Pet. How you tried to help. Wanted to tell you what that meant to me before I-
Fred: Damn, I'm good!
Spike: You are?
Fred: Frickin' genius! Just cancel out the radical...
Spike: (looks up, gives the finger to Hell, and crows triumphantly) Thought you had me, didn't ya?
Spike: (touches Fred’s shoulder, causing a spark) Don't throw in now, Fred. Please!
Fred: (gasps, looks around) Spike?
Spike: That's right, Love. You felt it, too, didn't you? I'm here! I'm still here. No, she can feel me! You're not taking me yet! You're not taking me!
Pavayne: (spotting Fred while he’s torturing Spike): Oh, the pretty. Still trying to save you. Such passion, so...wet and sweet. Perhaps I'll have a taste one day.
(Furious, Spike tries to punch Pavayne)
Pavayne: (laughs) Still thinking like meat and bone. None here, boy.
Fred: I'm sorry.
Spike: Don't be, Love. Made my choice. Wouldn't change it for the world.
Fred: There are other things we could try. They're a little riskier, but…
Spike: No. I'm not gonna end up like Pavayne, cheating Hell any way he could, no matter who it hurt.
Fred: Just proves what I've been telling everybody.
Spike: That I'm a handsome devil who brightens the place up?
Fred: (smiles, looks at Spike) That you're worth saving.

from “The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco”

Fred: Not easy being a champion. You know that.
Spike: Really don't.
Fred: Come on. You saved the world, sacrificed yourself, closed a hellmouth.
Spike: Didn't do much, really. I just stood there... let the fire come. Nothin' real heroic about that.
Fred: Well, you did save my life.
Spike: Well, when you say it like that...
(Fred smiles)
Spike: Oh, I could kill it…Well, come on, lads. Everything has an Achilles heel.
Angel: And you just so happen to know this creature's Achilles heel?
Spike: Well, I wager it's the heart.
Fred: (looks at her computer screen) You see that in the science?
Spike: No, Love, in the poetry.

from “Harm’s Way”

Fred: Spike! Where have you been? It's been days.
Spike: (smiles) Out enjoying freedom from my ghostly confines, Love.
Fred: There haven't been any side effects since you recorporealized, have there?
Spike: Bit of a hangover, but that's to be expected after all the drinking.
(Fred giggles)
Spike: Just thought I'd swing by and say my final farewells. Fred... I want you to know... uh, I mean, all that work you put in trying to, you know, cure me of the ghosties...
Fred: (smiles shyly, looks down) I didn't do anything.
Spike: Oh, you did. You…you believed in m... I mean, you tried. I won't forget that.

from “Shells”

Angel: (sits up, surprised) You're not leaving?
Spike: This is what she would have wanted. (looks at Angel) It's what I want. I don't really like you. Suppose I never will. But this is important, what's happening here. Fred gave her life for it. The least I can do is give what's left of mine.

from “Time Bomb”

Illyria: This shell... you had affection for it, for Fred.
Spike: Tons. Loved the bird.

from “Power Play”

Illyria: My recent reversion to the Burkle persona disturbed him. And he will not tell me why.
Spike: You don't know? You may not think you're as powerful as you were, Highness, but looking like Fred, for some of us... it's the most devastating power you have.

from “Spike: After the Fall”

Spike: (moments after L.A. is thrown into a Hell dimension) Can’t be her, though. Can’t be that lucky…Fred?
Fred: Is it over?
Spike: I think so, Love…maybe Wolfram & Hart only had a beef with Angel…and Wesley, sure…and probably Gunn. Point is, not us. (Picks Fred up) I get it. It’s a “meant to be” kinda thing. Fine. I can handle it. Just me and Fred.
Jeremy: I see how you look at her…your heart breaks every time she loses the dominatrix gear and goes Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island…I may not look like much, but I know about affairs of the heart.

Sock Monkey 07-30-2009 12:55 AM

*sweats* I hope I did that right. Let me know if I need to add anything! I can make a member list if we want, but I don't know which names to put in it. :spineyes:


ETA on Oct. 25, 2009:

Well, shoot, they've closed the fanfic forum! I guess that means we'll have to move the Spredfic list over here in order to keep it current. *sigh* Okay, get ready for a huge info-dump:



The Ghost and Ms. Burkle by Kat Leon (aka kats_meow)
The Ghost and Ms Burkle Chapter 1: Part One The World According to Fred, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
4 long parts: complete

Work in Progress by Kat Leon (aka kats_meow)
Work in Progress Chapter 1: Default Chapter, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5 (sequel to TG&MB)
rated R
13 chapters: WIP (last updated July 2006)

Good Friday by Kat Leon (aka kats_meow)
Good Friday Chapter One, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
9 long chapters: complete

Binding Ties by Kat Leon (aka kats_meow)
Memorable Binding Ties Entries
alternate AtS season 3
rated R
8 chapters: WIP (last updated July 2006)

Her Saving Grace by authoressnebula
Nebula's Fanfiction
Her Saving Grace by authoressnebula
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
27 parts: complete

Cold as it Gets by enigmaticblue
Memorable Cold As It Gets Entries
alternate post-AtS season 3
rated PG-13
12 chapters: complete

Electrical Impulses by sexymermaid
Note: this story is currently friends-locked.
Memorable Electrical Impulses Entries
alternate AtS season 5
rated NC-17
7 long chapters: complete

Making Memories by thomasina75
Memorable My BtVS/AtS fic Entries
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13
8 long chapters: complete

Beyond Good and Evil by Kantayra
Forbidden Love
alternate AtS season 4
rated NC-17
12 chapters: semi-complete (final chapter is a synopsis)

Rapunzel by jodyorjen
All About Spike - Rapunzel by jodyorjen
alternate AtS season 3
rated NC-17
8 chapters: WIP (last updated circa 2003)

Reentry by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
Memorable Entries
Reentry Chapter 1: Default Chapter, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Reentry by sockmonkeyhere
AtS post-NFA
rated R
20 chapters: complete

Canis Familiar by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
Memorable Entries
Canis Familiar Chapter 1: Default Chapter, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
AtS post-NFA (sequel to Reentry)
rated R
20 chapters: complete

In Dreams by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
Memorable Entries
In Dreams Chapter 1: Part 1, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
AtS/BtVS post-NFA (sequel to Canis Familiar)
rated R
14 chapters: WIP

Paper Pusher by fenderlove
Once upon a time...
AtS post-"After the Fall"
rated R
6 chapters: WIP

Automated Utopia by fenderlove
Once upon a time...
AtS alternate universe Steampunk genre
rated R
10 chapters: complete

Ashes and Sparks by sister cuervo
Memorable Ashes and Sparks Entries
AtS post-After The Fall
rated R
5 chapters: WIP

Retrieval and Return by AlisonSwift
colddeadseed :: View topic - Retrieval and Return.
spred: Chapter 6 of alison_swift's Spike/Fred f
Memorable FanFiction Entries
AtS post-After the Fall
rated R
8 chapters: WIP



Dancing Around a Romance by Evenstar
spred: Spike/Fred Classic Fic #2 by Evenstar
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
19 short chapters: complete

Solid State by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
Solid State Chapter 1: Oh, Bugger All, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13
4 chapters: complete

Worth Saving by Sophie6
Worth Saving Chapter 1: First Name Basis, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Birthdate Verification Page
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG
8 chapters: complete

Fred's Ramblin' Blues by Kat Leon (aka kats_meow)
Fred's Rambling Blues Chapter 1, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
kats_meow: Fred Ficathon Entry: "Fred's Rambling Blues" (first half);
kats_meow: Fred's Rambling Blues, Part Two - End (last half)
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
6 chapters: complete

Wasteland by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
All About Spike - wasteland by BuffyX
alternate AtS season 4
rated NC-17
6 chapters: complete

Desolation by ShadowAkiyah (aka Esme)
Desolation : Book One Of The Lost & Found Series Chapter 1: Disclaimer, a Buffy: The Vampire Slayer fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Note: has some punctuation errors; Fred's country hick speech pattern and Angel's use of "Childe" both seem a little out of character; nice fic nonetheless.
alternate AtS season 3
rated R
6 chapters: WIP (last updated June 2003)

Memories Lost by shareece
Memorable spred Entries
Note: has some punctuation errors.
AtS post-NFA
rated R
2 chapters: WIP (last updated July 2005)

Truth Be Told by shareece
Addicted - Truth Be Told *New Fic*
Note: has some verb tense errors.
AtS/BtVS alternate universe (the Initiative in 23rd century)
rated NC-17
1 chapter: WIP (last updated February 2006)

Lunatics and Ladybugs by Echo
Sugar & Spice
alternate AtS season 3
rated R
5 chapters: WIP (last updated October 2003)



Breathing for Two by Sabre (aka OneTwoMany)
All About Spike - Breathing for Two by OneTwoMany (Sabre)
Breathing for Two
alternate AtS season 5
rated NC-17

Phantom Liaison by Kantayra
Phantom Liaison
alternate AtS season 5
rated NC-17

Frail Formula For Flesh by Kantayra
summer_of_spike: FIC: "Spike Does The Alphabet" F-J (Every Pairing Imaginable, NC-17)
alternate AtS season 5
rated NC-17

untitled by Kantayra
spred: Drabbles and a new community...
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13
10-drabble series

Flip, Click by saturngirl1974 and kats_meow (aka Kat Leon)
spred: I'm loving the fact that there's new Spr
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13
long vignette

A Place for Everything by kats_meow (aka Kat Leon)
kats_meow: "A Place for Everything" for buffyx
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
long vignette

The Way He Never Touches You by kats_meow (aka Kat Leon)
spred: Challenge Response
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG
long vignette

Healing Hands by Evenstar
spred: Spike/Fred Classic Fic #1 by Evenstar
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
long vignette

The Little Things by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
All About Spike - the little things by BuffyX
A Little Happiness
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
long vignette

Tango for Two by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
spred: I wrote some more Spike/Fred fic. This s
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG
long vignette

Closer to You by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
All About Spike - closer to you by BuffyX
AtS season 5
rated R
long vignette

Love Like Knives by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
Love Like Knives
alternate AtS season 5
rated R

untitled by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
AtS season 5
rated G

Such Great Heights by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
alternate AtS season 5
rated R
tiny vignette

untitled by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
AU all-human
rated NC-17

Thanksgiving Fun by buffyx - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
AtS season 5
rated G

untitled by hermionesviolin
btvs_santa: fic for sinister_beauty
alternate AtS season 5
rated NC-17

untitled by bubonicplague
I'm the pheasant plucker's son - Meow meow bored meow
alternate AtS season 5
rated R

Still Here by limerickgirl
Adult Content Notice
AtS season 5
rated G

untitled by Paratti
Adult Content Notice
AtS season 5
rated G

House of Quark by Paratti
Adult Content Notice
AtS season 5
rated PG

Loons Like Us by glossing
glossing: fic: Loons Like Us (Fred & Spike gen, PG)
AtS season 5
rated PG

Cigarette Break by inlovewithnight
Cigarette Break
AtS season 5
rated PG
long vignette

Trigger Happy Jack by SoulVamp
All About Spike - Trigger Happy Jack by SoulVamp
AtS season 5
rated G

Touchfeel by tigs
AtS season 5
rated PG
long vignette

Pillow Talk by MoJo (aka mojober)
spred: "Pillow Talk" Spike/Fred Fanfic by MoJo (PG-13)
AtS season 5
rated PG-13

Solidarity by Luthien Silimaure
Birthdate Verification Page
alternate AtS season 5
rated NC-17

Frost in Eternal Summer by Luthien Silimaure
Birthdate Verification Page
AtS season 5
rated PG-13
long vignette

Stupid by TheNibblet
Stupid, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated R

Remembering by janeway216
spred: Ficlet!
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

Reminiscence by anythingbutgrey
spred: Fic
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG
5-vignette series

I Started Out a Crazy Kid by pixiewildfire
spred: Fic!
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13

Comfort Food by cafedemonde (aka FemailoftheSpecies)
cafedemonde: Comfort Food
alternate AtS season 3
rated PG

Home is Where the Heart Is by ShadowAkiyah (aka Esme)
Home Is Where The Heart Is, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 3
rated PG-13

Breathtaking by ShadowAkiyah (aka Esme)
Breathtaking, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 3 (sequel to HiWtHI)
rated PG-13

Warmth by enigmaticblue
AtS season 5
rated G

Giving Thanks by enigmaticblue
Giving Thanks by Enigmaticblue
AtS season 5
rated G

A Little Happiness by FayJay
All About Spike - A Little Happiness by FayJay
alternate AtS season 5
rated R

untitled by cy_girl
cy_girl: A Frillie Drabble
AtS season 5
rated G

It's Wonderful, I Love It, What Is It? by Flurblewig
Flurblewaffle - Fic Card #2 - Spike/Fred
It's Wonderful, I Love It, What Is It?
AtS season 5
rated G

Strawberry Shampoo by Swoot
Strawberry Shampoo, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Note: misspells Gunn with one "n."
AtS season 5
rated R

Stolen by Swoot
Stolen, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
AtS season 5 (sequel to Strawberry Shampoo)
rated R

Good Company by scarletangel68 (aka whirligigged) - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
AtS season 5
rated G

He Never Told Her by scarletangel68 (aka whirligigged)
spred: My First Real Post Here, a Fanfic, and Shooting Myself in the Foot
AtS season 5
rated PG

Rules Made to be Broken by scarletangel68 (aka whirligigged) - Start a Free Blog / Journal Today
AtS season 5
rated G

The Quickest Way to a Physicist's Heart by scarletangel68 (aka whirligigged)
whirligigged: my muse apparently REALLY LIKES VALENTINE'S.
alternate AtS season 5

Blood and Tacos by scarletangel68 (aka whirligigged)
spred: A Spred fic! Not nearly enough of those,
AtS season 5
rated G

This Kind of Magic by wisdomeagle
wisdomeagle: ficpost: "This Kind of Magic" Spike/Fred, Firefly crossover
AtS-Firefly crossover: post-NFA; pre-Serenity
rated PG-13

untitled by thomasina75
spred: Some Drabbles
AtS season 5; post-NFA
rated G
3-drabble series

Unexpected Last Resort by thomasina75
thomasina75: Fic: Unexpected Last Resort--for kats_meow
alternate AtS season 4 & BtVS season 7
rated PG-13

Imaginary by thomasina75
thomasina75: Ficlet--Imaginary
alternate AtS season 4 & BtVS season 7 (sequel to ULR)
rated PG-13

Pointless by thomasina75
thomasina75: Challenge Drabble #11-Pointless
alternate AtS season 4 & BtVS season 7 (sequel to Imaginary)
rated PG-13

Facing the Past by thomasina75
spred: Title: Facing the PastSummary: Spike and
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

Something New by thomasina75
spred: Fic--Something New
alternate AtS season 5
rated R

Lessons by thomasina75
spred: Drabble
AtS season 5
rated G

His Hands and Touching Her by thomasina75
spred: Two Drabbles
alternate AtS season 5

Flamethrower by thomasina75
spred: Just a drabble--Flamethrower
AtS season 5
rated G

Welcome Back by thomasina75
thomasina75: Fic: Welcome Back - Angel the Series - Spike/Fred
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

When Physics Meets Poetry by Hieiko (aka hieispike)
When Physics Meets Poetry Chapter 1: In Texas, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
AtS season 5 (mostly alternate reality)
rated G to PG-13
12-drabble series

Just Love by Hieiko (aka hieispike)
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

Never Felt Like by waywardchilde
spred: First post in a community.
Note: has some punctuation errors.
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

Blood Rite by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
spred: Look! Fic! :-)
Blood Rite, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13

Shadows by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
spred: A little pre-Destiny drabble...
AtS season 5
rated G

Alternate Destiny by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
Alternate Destiny, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13

Kitten Poker With a Physicist by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
Kitten Poker with a Physicist, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG-13

The Vampire and the Scientist by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
The Vampire and the Scientist Chapter 1: Caves, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
alternate AtS season 5
rated G to PG-13
30-drabble series

A Complicated Relationship by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
A Complicated Relationship, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
rated PG-13

Separation Anxiety by agilebrit (aka babies_stole_my_dingo)
Separation Anxiety, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
rated PG-13

A Christmas Invitation by lilithangel (aka lilithbint)
colddeadseed :: View topic - A Christmas Invitation - Spike/Fred
AtS season 5
rated G

Language of Roses by lilithangel (aka lilithbint)
colddeadseed :: View topic - Language of Roses
AtS alternate season 5
rated G

Second Chance by lilithbint (aka lilithangel)
spred: A Spredfic by lilithbint
AtS post-Not Fade Away
rated PG

The Lost by lilithbint (aka lilithangel)
spred: Another Fic by Litithbint
alternate reality BtVS Season 7 / AtS Season 4
Rated PG

two test excerpts for Binding Ties by kats_meow (aka Kat Leon)
kats_meow: Fail so strong you can taste it...
alternate AtS season 3
rated G

What He'd Rather Do by snogged
Adult Content Notice
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

To Touch by angelskuuipo (aka Danielle)
To Touch by Danielle
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

To Hold by angelskuuipo (aka Danielle)
To Hold by Danielle
Adult Content Notice
alternate AtS season 5 (sequel to To Touch)
rated R

Comfort Food by cafedemonde
cafedemonde: Comfort Food
alternate AtS season 3
rated PG

Winifred Rising by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: Winifred Rising (A Fred & Illyria Ficlet)
Winifred Rising, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Spike: After the Fall #1 (AtS season 6 comic book series)
rated PG

Deja-Bleu by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: Deja-Bleu (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
DejaBleu, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
post-AtS season 5
rated PG-13

Songs in the Key of Insanity by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: Songs in the Key of Insanity (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
Songs in the Key of Insanity, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
post-AtS season 5 (sequel to Deja-Bleu)
rated PG-13

A Time to Gather Stones Together by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: A Time to Gather Stones Together (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
A Time to Gather Stones Together, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
post-AtS season 5 (sequel to Songs in the Key of Insanity)
rated PG-13

She's Come Undone by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: She's Come Undone (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
She's Come Undone, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
post-AtS season 5 (sequel to A Time to Gather Stones Together)
rated PG-13

Making Medicine by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: Making Medicine (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
Making Medicine, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
post-AtS season 5 (sequel to She's Come Undone)
Rated PG-13

Armistice Day by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: Armistice Day (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
Armistice Day, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
AtS post-AtS season 5 (sequel to Making Medicine)
rated PG-13

Mate by sockmonkeyhere (aka Sock Monkey)
sockmonkeyhere: Mate (A Spike/Fred Ficlet)
Mate, an Angel fanfic - FanFiction.Net
AtS post-AtS season 5 (sequel to Armistice Day)
rated PG-13

untitled by AlisonSwift
How the elephant got in my pajamas... - Getting into Character...
AtS season 5 episode "Damage"
rated PG

Fine Lines by AlisonSwift
How the elephant got in my pajamas... -
alternate AtS season 5
rated PG

Shove With Your Hips by AlisonSwift
How the elephant got in my pajamas... - Fic: Shove With Your Hips.
post-AtS season 5 (in which Fred has been resurrected)
rated PG-13

Taking It Back by altyronsmaker
The Lost City - Some drabbles from February I'm catching up on!
AtS post-Season 5
rated PG

After Easter by brunettepet
brunettepet: Nekid Numbers Easter Challenge
alternate AtS Season 5
rated G

Blessing by powerofthebook
powerofthebook - "Blessing" - Spike/Fred
AtS season 5 (post-"Damage")
rated PG

Acid-Base Reactions by powerofthebook
powerofthebook - Venturing into Spike/Fred Territory
AtS season 5 (post-"Lineage")
rated PG

The Physics of Flying High by powerofthebook
powerofthebook - The Physics of Flying High - Spike/Fred - R
AtS season 5 (post-"Damage")
rated R

Bit of Bubbly by claudia6913
Adult Content Notice
AtS alternate reality season 5
rated R

untitled by lodessa
lodessa: Drabble/Ficlet Offer
AtS season 5
rated G

The Mad Ones by eyebrowofdoom
remixredux08: Fic: The Mad Ones (Interdimensional Plasma Dynamics Remix) [Angel T.S.; Fred/Spike; NC-17]
Note: Has Spike behaving similarly to the way he did in the Destiny episode -- overcome with lust -- but in this Spred version, he's fond of the object of his lust and he treats her with more respect and affection than in the Sparmony version. (Also, in this version he remembers to unzip his pants.)
AtS season 5 alternate reality for “Destiny”
rated NC-17

Advent by fenderlove
fenderlove: Advent, a Christmas Ficlet.
AtS post-After the Fall
rated PG

fenderlove 07-30-2009 06:04 AM

Hello. This is my first post on the new Fanforums (I used to belong to the site before it crashed many years ago), so I thought I'd stop in to feel the Spred-love. :D

Berengaria 07-30-2009 06:18 AM

Usually you just start the member list with the person who started the thread and add to it as people request it. In other words, if someone just pops in once or twice and doesn't ask to be added, they are not. But if someone says "Please add me" then they are.

Please add me, Socky.
I think Fred and Spike would have been a lovely pairing and I would have been glad to have more of their scenes together.

sister cuervo 07-30-2009 06:31 AM

:love: You can add me in to the fan club :love:
Start Spred-in' the word.

eternalfate 07-30-2009 06:38 AM

Thanks for the new thread:yay:

Berengaria 07-30-2009 08:43 AM

Forgot to say...Wow! Awesome Opening Post. Love all the pictures...and the quotes are excellent. :cool:

fenderlove 07-30-2009 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by sister cuervo (Post 37822326)
:love: You can add me in to the fan club :love:

Me too! :D

I thought I'd share some of my own Spred artwork:
(Click for full-sized.)
This is the banner from my recently-finished, novel-length fiction Automated Utopia that I believe Socky has linked to before.
(Click for full-sized.)
And this little number was whipped up around Easter for a "bunny" challenge on Livejournal. Sadly the background never got fully fleshed out, so I blurred it out of focus. Spike and Fred are aboard "Big Bunny," the Playboy private jet. Ah, 1970's steward/stewardess outfits for the win! :D

Sock Monkey 07-30-2009 07:12 PM

Thanks for the instructions, Bere! I've added the names of everyone who's requested it. Brathan, if you'd like your name added, too, just holler! :)

Hurrah, more art! *tackles sister and fender*

*shakes the trees to see if tubbyk falls out*

eternalfate 07-30-2009 08:58 PM

fenderlove Welcome to the thread:wave: and you have awesome artwork.

Berengaria 07-30-2009 11:29 PM

You sure do, fender. they are both great drawings but the one that looks "old-fashioned" are just fantastic likenesses. Wow, I am amazed. Beautiful. :cool:

Moscow Watcher 07-31-2009 08:54 AM

Count me in!

Berengaria 07-31-2009 10:30 AM

Captioning the above picture...

Fred: Look Spike they are talking about us on Fan Forum!

Spike: People who collect fans are talking about us?? Why??!!

eternalfate 07-31-2009 12:51 PM


fenderlove 07-31-2009 01:50 PM

Hilarious caption, Moscow! Spike's face is priceless. :D

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