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Old 11-04-2008, 11:31 AM
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Buffy Season Eight Discussion Thread #7

New S8 thread to discuss the new season

So far we have 18 issues, which equal six episodes:

The Long Way Home 1,2,3,4
The Chain
No Future for You 6,7,8,9
Anywhere But Here
A Beautiful Sunset
Wolves at the Gate 12, 13, 14, 15
Time of Your Life 16, 17, 18
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Old 11-05-2008, 08:53 AM
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Long Way Home, Part I" Issue 1 March 14, 2007
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Buffy Summers leads a squad of Slayers in Scotland with the help of her friend Xander Harris and her giant sister Dawn. Meanwhile, a government installation investigates the demolished town of Sunnydale.

Buffy is leading a squad of Slayers--including three named Leah, Rowena, and Satsu--in a raid on a large, dilapidated church protected by a forcefield. She reveals that there are at least 1800 Slayers now active, 500 of whom are working with the Scooby Gang spread over ten squads, and that there are two Slayers posing as decoys of herself lest she become an easy target; one literally underground and another in Rome publicly partying and dating the Immortal. Working with Xander, who is running things at Slayer headquarters in Scotland (Buffy refers to him as a Watcher despite his objections) with a team of computer workers, psychics and mystics, including a Slayer named Renee, Buffy and her squad find three monstrous demons surrounded by a trio of dead bodies.

After slaying the demons, one of whom Buffy impales through the head with a crucifix, the Slayers investigate the bodies. Each one has an odd symbol cut into their chest, and Buffy finds automatic weapons, which leads her to believe that the victims came looking for a fight. Buffy tells Xander to send a copy of the symbol to Giles, when another Slayer finds the machine that generated the force field, also presumably belonging to the victims. We get a glimpse of someone--just boots and cape revealed--floating above the church watching the Slayers.

In Sunnydale, General Voll of the United States Army surveys the crater left after the collapse of the Hellmouth, calling the Slayers a threat to the United States government and likening their squads to terrorist cells. A government expedition is being led sixty feet under the Hellmouth, but is cut short when one of the exploratory members encounters something.

Back in Scotland, Buffy and Xander try to puzzle out the meaning of the occult symbol; Xander calls it a "guy with a monocle frowning," while Buffy opts for "a beautiful sunset." Xander mentions to Buffy that she must talk to Dawn, so reluctantly she visits her sister, who is now giant-size and living in the basement of the headquarters. Buffy believes that her size was caused by Dawn losing her virginity to her ex-boyfriend Kenny, who was a Thricewise (the meaning of the terminology is unspecified). However, Dawn won't divulge anything to Buffy, instead preferring to talk to Willow when Willow returns.

After a brief, bitter feud, during which Buffy mentions that Dawn should be at Berkeley, Buffy goes outside to reflect. She reveals that she and Dawn haven't gotten along since the Hellmouth was closed and all of the potential Slayers were activated, and that she misses her mom, her home, the gang, churros, and sex.

At a government facility, General Voll is shown an unrevealed creature captured from the Hellmouth (the "boyfriend" of the explorer's attacker), whom he meets with disgust. General Voll is then informed of the attacker, whose first words to the explorer were reportedly, "I'm gonna help you kill her." In return for her help, she requests access to all of the government's magical hardware and a weapons lab for her "boyfriend." If they succeed in taking down Buffy, she wants release and full immunity for the both of them, as well as plentiful amounts of cheese. General Voll queries about the subject's identity, and she is revealed to be Amy Madison.

"The Long Way Home, Part II" Issue 2 April 4, 2007
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Georges Jeanty
The government recruits Amy Madison as their operative to dispatch Buffy. She travels to Scotland, unleashes an army of zombies on the castle, and binds Buffy in a sleep that can only be broken by a true love's kiss.

Giles is training a horde of Slayers in an unspecified location, and is disappointed in their performances; he tells them that they have a technique and a power that may even be capable of defeating Buffy, but that they're all fighting alone, failing to look out for the rest of the team. In Scotland, Buffy is having the same problem with her Slayers, who are practicing with swords. To demonstrate the problems with their abilities, she asks Leah, Satsu, and Rowena to "kick my ass," yet she easily defeats them. She then compliments Satsu on her hair.

In Southern Italy, Andrew is outside with a group of Slayers, where he is supposed to be teaching them about fighting strategies and techniques. However, he's gotten lost in a ramble about Lando Calrissian, and how he would sooner believe that the Ewoks were capable of defeating the Empire than that a leader would wear Calrissian's outfit. He only gets back to teaching when one Slayer asks him why they use "medieval junk" as weapons instead of guns. Andrew repeats the mandate that Buffy has used for years, that a Slayer never uses a gun. He then goes on to talk about the do's and don'ts of headbutting.

Back in Scotland, Dawn takes a bath in the loch while Xander talks to her about her problems with Buffy. Dawn admits that she feels like Buffy hates her, and expresses jealousy over the fact that Buffy now has 500 "new and improved Slayer sisters." Xander then tentatively asks Dawn if she perhaps made herself giant-sized on purpose. Dawn subsequently splashes him with a sizable wave of water, prompting Xander to complain that he only has two of his military outfits.

In the United States of America, General Voll and his assistant discuss Amy's plan to dispatch Buffy, referring to Amy as "their op." Voll complains that they can't just use a nuclear weapon to destroy Buffy's base of operations, to which his assistant replies that if they were to do so, they would get noticed and most likely indicted. Voll questions his assistant's commitment, saying that, "There is no problem so big or complicated that it can't be blown up." They then discuss that if Amy fails, they will send in her boyfriend to do the job. After this, Voll goes to take a nap, and once he's in his private quarters, it is revealed that he has the same symbol cut into his chest as the victims Buffy discovered in the church earlier.

Meanwhile, Xander talks to Buffy about his discussion with Dawn, including his suggestion that Dawn purposely made herself larger, which Buffy finds too literal an answer. Buffy then asks Xander to come to bed with her. He says that they both know that it's a bad idea, but she promises to be gentle. They move into Buffy's room, where Buffy passionately starts kissing Xander before his head pops off. After frantically saying she's afraid of the dark, she is sucked through the castle wall, falling to the ground. She wishes not to fall, and a gigantic demon impales her feet and hands with its claws, creating an image similar to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Buffy mentions that she knows the demon, before the demon burns her alive with its fire breath.

It is revealed that this is all a dream, and that Amy is standing in Buffy's room above the sleeping Buffy, preparing to drive a dagger into her chest. Xander and four Slayers soon burst in to find her there, and Amy immediately stabs Buffy before Xander shoots her in the shoulder with his crossbow. Xander picks up the dagger, which has been split apart by a mystical protection spell they had previously placed over Buffy. Amy points out that Buffy is still sleeping, and says that the curse she placed on her can only be lifted by the kiss of true love.

Renee and another Slayer, keeping watch on the rooftop of the castle, have a brief discussion about whether or not Renee loves Xander, the other saying that Renee's sudden interest in a number of Xander's hobbies, including comic books, James Bond movies, and drywalling, speaks of love. Before Renee can reply, they hear a clawing sound and see a legion of kilted zombies climbing up the castle walls.

Xander is still talking with Amy when one of the Slayers runs in to tell him of the zombies, who were summoned by Amy. Xander then commands three of the present Slayers to go into the battlefield, and when queried about Amy says that she's bound inside the castle due to their security. He then tells the Slayers to keep a guard on Amy and to get their witches working on the "true love" spell. Amy clarifies that the person who wakes Buffy from her slumber does not have to be someone whom Buffy loves, just someone that truly loves Buffy, then taunts Xander by asking if he'd like to try.

As the Slayers wage a war against the zombies (at least two are dead or severely wounded, including Renee, stabbed with their own swords), Buffy continues her dream, internally pleading for it to stop, saying that it hurts too much. That's when a figure in a duster and a red shirt, whose face remains unseen, appears to her, offering his hand and telling her that he has much that he needs to show her, calling her "my love."

As Satsu informs an overwhelmed Xander that they're losing the battle against the zombies, Amy sits on the windowsill in Buffy's room surveying the carnage. She boasts aloud that not one person there can take her down. Willow appears, floating outside the window, and says, "As a friend of mine once said...I'd like to test that theory."

"The Long Way Home, Part III" Issue 3 May 2, 2007
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Still bound in a sleep, Buffy explores her dreamspace with Ethan Rayne. Willow Rosenberg comes to the Slayers' aid in a battle against Amy and her army of zombies.

The figure in the duster and red shirt is revealed to be Ethan Rayne, a former friend of Giles and chaos-worshipping sorcerer. He reveals that they are trapped within Buffy's dreamspace, the conglomeration of all of a person's possible dreams. Ethan urges Buffy to escape so she can help the battle raging outside.

Willow and Amy are locked in a magical duel, with Willow absorbing Amy's magics to "decode them". Willow then casts a spell that makes the undead army behave as if they were at a ball. Amy retaliates with another magic spell, which Willow counters - her eyes and hair turning black in the process. While Amy taunts her, the gigantic Dawn crushes Amy beneath her foot. Meanwhile, Ethan has led Buffy through her dreamspace to Amy's cage from her time as a rat. Buffy then sees three Xs (which she associates with either Vin Diesel or pornography), and Ethan begins speaking in riddles, saying that "Twilight is falling", and to remember the things she has seen in her dream.

With Amy out of the way, Willow addresses Buffy's condition. She reveals that someone in the room is in love with her, even though that person may not have realized it. Willow then commands all the people in the room to close their eyes and asks the person in love with Buffy to come forward and kiss her. Buffy, feeling something on her lips, suddenly awakens, yelling "Cinnamon Buns", but the source of the kiss is not revealed.

Giles contacts a demon of the same breed as those killed in Part 1, asking for information about the symbol found on the bodies, but the demon insists that the symbol is meaningless to his kind. Xander contacts Andrew in Italy to see if their station was attacked, and cautions him to be on alert. Xander then visits a wounded but recuperating Renee, reassuring her that she did her best in the battle.

Buffy and Willow examine Amy, now held in a binding spell. Buffy and Willow attempt to catch up: Willow asks about Dawn's giant condition (asking Buffy if the cause was having sex with a Thricewise) and Buffy asks about Kennedy. Willow reveals that Kennedy died, but it was only a short-lived mystical death, and that they are currently taking a break. Willow traces the source of Amy's power, finding that it came from something besides Amy herself. The tracing spell opens a portal, and forcibly transports Willow to the army base with Amy in tow; Buffy fumes that they've been tricked. At the base, Amy mentions that they had agreed to capture Buffy, but figures that Willow will serve as bait. The voice of Amy's 'boyfriend' claims to be looking forward to killing Buffy, but that he is most excited about revenging himself on Willow. The figure emerges from the shadows and is revealed to be a skinless man: Warren Mears.

"The Long Way Home, Part IV" Issue 4 June 6, 2007
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Amy kidnaps Willow and presents her to a skinless Warren Mears. Xander and some practicing witches attempt to create a portal to send Buffy and Satsu to Willow's rescue. A US government general warns Buffy of twilight: the end of magic.

Warren begins torturing Willow, (who is magically bound to an operating table), irritated by his death at the witch's hands. He reveals how his human life ended, and how Amy saved him with a "pretty hokey" disappearing trick and used magic to keep him from dying of shock. With Amy's powers serving as his new skin, Warren prepares to mutilate Willow with a scalpel.

Back in Scotland, Dawn is fuming over Willow's kidnapping. She begs Buffy to bring Willow back and tells her "Will is like a mom to me." This doesn't seem to sit well with Buffy but she opts not to discuss it, instead choosing to focus her attention on the mystics trying to track the portal's echo so it can be reopened. Xander explains that the portal will only be able to let two people through it. Buffy wants Xander to go, but he refuses as he does not consider himself a fighter; he says that Willow is too important and Buffy needs to do this right by picking the best person for the job. Buffy eventually picks Satsu, who is initially apprehensive, but Leah reassures her that it's Buffy's decision and warns her not to embarrass the rest of them. As they wait to go through the portal, Buffy asks Satsu if she could borrow some lip gloss; she notes the flavor is cinnamon, hinting that Satsu might be the one who kissed Buffy.

When the portal is opened, Voll has already set up a high powered energy cannon to blast anyone on the other side of the wormhole. Fortunately for Buffy, Xander had already taken the necessary precautions by rigging a large mirror to reflect the energy blast back through the portal, destroying the cannon and leaving Voll's squad badly damaged and uncoordinated. Buffy and Satsu then appear through the opening. Slayer Scythe in hand and Satsu at her side, Buffy takes on the entire squad, mortally wounding many. This gives her the perfect leverage for the location of her friend, as Willow will be able to heal them.

Meanwhile, Warren taunts Willow to use her powers by going "dark", as doing so would feed her bindings. As he begins to slice into her eye with a scalpel, a group of mysterious, elemental beings allow her passage into another plane of existence. There they show Willow a manifestation of the damage being dealt to her, explaining that Warren is lobotomizing her and remind her that if he succeeds in killing her, there will be no coming back. One being asks Willow if she has a plan to which Willow replies "Have I ever told you about my best friend...?"

Buffy confronts Amy, who is already using her magics to summon a minion to do her dirty work. Things look a little ugly until Buffy's eyes go black and energy starts to crackle around her. With Willow apparently channeling magic through her, Buffy makes quick work of the creature that Amy set loose. Amy declares that Buffy's borrowed powers are just a light show and that she could not have a fraction of Willow's power. However, Buffy then manages to score a break in Amy's defenses by taking the form of Catherine Madison, Amy's mother, distracting her long enough for Satsu to toss a grenade under the witch's feet. Warren and Amy eventually escape with Willow awakening, already having healed herself from the torture she had to endure.

As they begin their escape from what Xander has discovered to be an Initiative-type base two miles south of Sunnydale, Buffy passes a door that has the number thirty on it. Realizing that thirty is XXX in roman numerals, Buffy breaks open the door to the cell, occupied by Ethan Rayne... who has been shot in the head by General Voll. After a brief skirmish, Buffy discovers the mark that was on the bodies back at the church is also on Voll's chest. Voll explains that the mark means "Twilight"; specifically, twilight for Buffy and her Slayers. The General continues to explain that they have to wipe out the entire Slayer population because they fear that the demon aspect of the Slayer's power will eventually lead them to try and create a master race once they are done battling the forces of evil.

General Voll: We're not waiting for that to happen. We will wipe you out. Not just monsters anymore. It's you against the world. You're at war with the human race.
Buffy: Oh. (Then, after a pause.) 'Kay.

"The Chain" Issue 5 July 25, 2007
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Paul Lee
A young woman reveals how she went from being a high school student to being Buffy’s decoy.

The plot of "The Chain" focuses on one of the Slayers used by Buffy Summers as a decoy to fool her enemies.[1] The comic is a stand-alone issue, and features no appearances from Buffy herself, although season seven characters Andrew Wells, Rupert Giles, Vi, and Rona play small roles. The story is told through parallel narratives, showing the Slayer's calling, assignment as a Buffy decoy, and death.

The story itself is largely narrated by the Buffy decoy. An unnamed Potential Slayer, she is activated during the events of "Chosen". She is violently thrown on her back by the calling but then saves the lives of her schoolmates with her newfound powers. After seeing a commercial on local television starring Andrew and Vi, the girl finds the Slayer organization and "the chain" to which all Slayers are connected. While fighting vampires with a squad of Slayers, the narrator intervenes to save a fellow Slayer and is bitten by a vampire. Squad leader Rona identifies the Slayer as a candidate to serve as a Buffy decoy in an underground society of demons, monsters, and faeries. The girl is ultimately killed by the demon she was sent to deter, Yamanh, who is proud to have slain Buffy Summers. Following her demise, other Slayers drop in to dispose of Yamanh and his followers, who are engaged in battle with the underground clans of faeries, slugs, raven-like demons, and "leafblower" mystical creatures that the decoy had united against Yamanh. The narrator's final thoughts suggest she is happy to have saved the world and been part of "the chain", even if her own name will never be known.

The Long Way Home Trade Paperback(issues 1-5)
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Old 11-05-2008, 08:59 AM
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"No Future for You, Part I" Issue 6 September 5, 2007
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Penciller: Georges Jeanty
In the city of Cleveland, Robin Wood calls Faith to dust a family of vampire children. Then, Giles recruits Faith to assassinate Lady Genevieve Savidge: a rogue Slayer who threatens to destroy the world. In Scotland, Buffy admits to Xander her worry of the end of magic: "twilight."

Faith sits atop the Art Deco Hope Memorial Bridge in Cleveland, smoking. After somewhat cynically reminiscing that her mother used to read Oh, The Places You'll Go! to her as a child, she receives a telephone call from Robin Wood. Wood and his "squad" are taking care of a vampire nest, but he tells Faith that one of the vampires they staked used to be a single mother. After asking Faith to go check on the children, he attempts to make small talk, revealing the two are no longer together, which Faith cuts short. Faith arrives at the dead woman's house and finds six children, all vampires. After quickly dusting them, she heads back to her apartment.

She finds Rupert Giles waiting for her and drinking tea. Giles needs Faith for a dangerous mission with high stakes. If she succeeds, he will give her a passport to anywhere, with a new name and an early retirement. Faith agrees, and finds out Giles wants her to kill a rogue Slayer for whom there is no hope of rehabilitation.

Lady Genevieve, the Slayer, is seen training with her warlock, Roden; they have captured another Slayer, whom Genevieve hunts and kills savagely with no sign of guilt, later demanding that the training be completed.

Giles trains a reluctant Faith to pass as an English aristocrat, so that she can crash Lady Genevieve's 19th birthday party and assassinate her.

In Scotland, Buffy and Xander are training. After Buffy questions him, Xander states that he needs to train so he can be Renee's sparring partner. After Buffy makes fun of his love interest, she stares blankly at the symbol of twilight from the first arc. Buffy confides that she has a recurring nightmare in which a monster says, "The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen" and then devours her.

Now in England, Faith dresses for the party while Giles gives her a last-minute quiz in etiquette. Faith appears at the top of the stairs in an elegant gown, ready to leave for the party, and asks Giles if things are all right, to which Giles responds that things are "five by five."

"No Future for You, Part II" Issue 7 October 3, 2007
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Faith infiltrates Lady Genevieve Savidge's estate only to discover an amicable connection with her. Willow questions Dawn on her newly giant stature.

Faith has a flashback of her battle with Buffy ("Graduation Day"); we see Faith's version of events.

In the present, Faith has arrived at Genevieve's party, with a knife concealed in her hair. She hears Giles through an earbud, but throws it away, saying, "I've got enough voices in my head already." When Faith gets to the entrance, she is confronted by tight security, inspecting guests who come to the party. Faith acts like a snooty rich girl, which allows her to pass in without an invitation. When Faith is inside, she pulls the knife from her hair, ready to attack Genevieve. Faith wonders why she is so nervous about this, when she has killed people before. Meanwhile, Roden watches over the party, and speaks to some of his flying gargoyles, telling them to be wary of the fourth person in Genevieve's receiving line: Faith.

In Scotland, Dawn and Willow have a conversation, and it turns around to the subject of Kenny, with whom everyone thinks Dawn had sex. Despite Willow's attempts to cheer Dawn up, she cries a little, when suddenly, Renee brings the message that Buffy needs Willow's advice on computer security.

Later, Faith is outside Genevieve's house, smoking a cigarette. Faith is determined to go back in and kill Genevieve once she has finished smoking. Genevieve startles Faith, who introduces herself as Hope Lyonne, daughter of the Viscount Avalon. As they chat about life and family, Faith slowly draws out the knife from her hair. Suddenly, Faith is lifted off her feet by Roden's flying gargoyles. She climbs onto one and sends it crashing to the ground. After disposing of the other, she faints.

In Genevieve's room, she and Roden are arguing whether or not to kill the unconscious Faith. Genevieve doesn't want to and thinks Faith would be a great asset as a partner. Faith wakes up and talks to Genevieve. When Genevieve mentions that she wants to overtake the queen, Faith asks if Genevieve is going to kill the current queen of Britain. But instead, Genevieve opens her closet, which is filled with pictures of Buffy, the symbol of twilight marked on one of them, and says, "No, Hope. Not Elizabeth."

"No Future for You, Part III" Issue 8 November 7, 2007
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Faith finds herself torn when Lady Genevieve reveals her plan to kill Buffy. Matters get worse, when Genevieve's mentor Roden kidnaps Buffy and brings her face to face with Faith.

After discovering Genevieve is planning to kill Buffy, Faith realizes that Giles didn't send her to save the world from the rogue Slayer, but to actually save Buffy from Genevieve. Nevertheless, she continues her assignment, and convinces Genevieve that she has sided with her. They immediately start bonding, even taking a bath together.

Outside the Savidge Manor, Giles along with a freelancer is trying to break into the manor to rescue Faith. The freelancer then makes a good point, that maybe Faith has gone "native", and she's not working for Giles anymore.

Meanwhile in Scotland, Buffy and Willow are fixing up some of the force fields around the arena and discussing how they should respond to the danger posed by the army. Genevieve and Roden teleport Buffy from Slayer base in Scotland to their stately home. Buffy and Genevieve fight, while Faith watches from a balcony. While the rogue Slayer proves to be an accomplished fighter, she is defeated by the more experienced Buffy. As Buffy is about to deliver the killing blow, and Roden prepares to attack Buffy with magic, Faith leaps into the fight. Buffy accuses her of switching sides again, despite Faith's attempts to convince her otherwise. Buffy attacks Faith, and during the ensuing battle, Faith almost drowns Buffy in a swimming pool, but comes to her senses in time. At that moment, Willow teleports Buffy back to Scotland, leaving Faith alone and shaken. While Buffy orders Willow to contact Giles immediately, back at the Savidge residence, Faith sits crestfallen as Genevieve approaches and prepares to swing an axe at her head, realizing that her friend has betrayed her...

"No Future for You, Part IV" Issue 9 December 5, 2007
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Faith and Lady Genevieve engage in battle to the death. Buffy and Giles' relationship is further strained when she questions him about Faith's mission. Meanwhile, a mysterious character named Twilight meets with a US government agent to discuss of the events with Faith and Genevieve

The last issue of this arc starts off with a flashback to a scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer's third season, between the Mayor and Faith. It shows how Faith currently views the Mayor, and that she knows he was wrong and evil, yet how she can't help but feel loved when she thinks of him. Once the flashback ends, the scene that ended in part 3 continues. Genevieve and Faith start to fight. After a short time Faith kicks Gigi into her greenhouse and the two continue to fight. Faith tries to make Gigi understand that Roden is wrong, and is steering her in the wrong direction, but Gigi refuses to listen.

Outside of the Savidge Manor, Giles and the Freelancer are still trying to break in to the grounds. Giles is phoned by Willow, and he's startled to discover that Buffy is on the other line, and is not very happy. She demands an explanation for his involvement with Faith. When Giles refuses, she hands the phone to Willow and tells her to "do what you can for him".

Back in the greenhouse, Faith and Genevieve are still fighting. Genevieve sticks her axe into a tree and sprints toward Faith. Faith kicks Genevieve in stomach, knocking her back and impaling her on the axe. Faith rushes toward Gigi as she dies. Roden appears flying through the broken glass and Faith begs for him to heal Gigi. He refuses, saying that Faith should be his new Slayer, and that she would be better than Savidge. He says that together they can make Buffy disappear forever. He hands her the "twilight" book, and she looks at it blankly before refusing his offer. Roden and Faith start fighting. Roden summons a hand out of the earth which cements Faith to the floor. As Roden is about to deliver the killing blow, Giles appears from behind and stabs Roden in the back with some garden clippers. Faith throws Giles Roden's book and Giles opens it and yells out one of Roden's containment spells. He puts the field inside Roden and expands it, which leads to Roden's head blowing up.

The following morning, Faith and Giles are back at the apartment. Giles hands Faith her passport out of the country, Which Faith accepts, but renounces her plans for retirement. She says there are more Gigis out there she believes she can help walk over from the bad side, liking herself to be a "Slayer Social worker." Giles agrees with the idea and decides to be Faith's partner in this, given that he and Buffy aren't on speaking terms anymore.

Somewhere on top of a plateau (presumably Devils Tower), a helicopter lands and a woman named Lieutenant Molter steps out. She talks to a floating figure who calls himself Twilight. He is inferred to be the "big bad" of this season. He tells her that he was glad Faith and Giles killed his two "targets". He says that she was meant to start an ugly war once they were dead. And that his game had taken two rooks out of the game and that the queen would fall soon enough.

"Anywhere but Here" Issue 10 January 2, 2008
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Cliff Richards
A Minder named Robin welcomes Buffy and Willow to Tichajt who presents to them the past, present and future, revealing kept secrets between the best friends. Dawn embarrassingly reveals to Xander that she did not sleep with her boyfriend like most suspect: she slept with his college roommate.

Threatened by Twilight's uprise, Willow and Buffy fly to Sephrilian's lair to question a demon named Tichajt about the matter. During their flight, they detail their personal fantasies. Buffy reveals actor Daniel Craig approaching her at the beach, whilst Willow sets herself in a cabin with Tina Fey during a snowstorm. Buffy questions Willow about Kennedy's whereabouts, but Willow avoids the question just as they finally arrive at the lair that resembles an old cottage. There, they are greeted by Robin, a Minder who stabilizes the reality field inside the lair. She warns Willow not to use magic inside and informs Buffy to rescue the prince, much to their confusion. The two enter the lair and find themselves set on a never ending staircase. They decide to play a game.

At the castle, Xander surprises Dawn with a gift: her trunk full of clothes and articles enlarged. Amongst her possessions, Xander comes across a picture of regular-sized Dawn with her ex-boyfriend Kenny. Dawn finally reveals to Xander that she never slept with Kenny like she had informed everyone. She had in fact slept with his college roommate. Xander comforts her saying that she's only guilty of being human. He asks if she feels better getting it off her chest. She doesn't respond.

Back inside the reality field in the lair, Buffy and Willow finally meet Tichajt. Since he can walk through all realities, Buffy demands what the mysterious Twilight signifies to which he replies: "The death of magic." Tichajt grows impatient with them and decides to send them through a series of past and future events. First, Buffy and Willow find themselves looking at Buffy and other Slayers rob a Swiss Bank Account for their personal funds that occurred months ago. Willow explains to Buffy that this is what the government feared.

Robin joins them as they are situated in a new setting: Buffy on the floor, beaten and crying. Robin explains that she will be betrayed by the closest and most unexpected. She then senses a disruption and leaves. Buffy asks Willow if she is the betrayer. She claims no, not any more than she already has. The two suddenly find themselves watching Willow and Kennedy in a living room following the events of "The Long Way Home". Willow and Kennedy argue about why Willow has kept her from Buffy for the past year. Willow breaks down in tears blaming herself for Tara's death. She believes that because she resurrected Buffy, she expensed her lover in exchange and wishes to avoid the same fate for Kennedy. Buffy witnesses the revelation in disbelief.

Suddenly, Tichajt returns and informs them that he welcomes the upcoming war. Willow then lends Buffy some of her powers to slay Tichajt. Because she performed magic, the lair explodes. However, Robin magically rebuilds it within seconds and asks what happened in there. Buffy explains "It was demons. Playing games." And she and Willow walk away in their solitudes.

No Future For You Trade Paperback(issues 6-10)

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Old 11-05-2008, 09:15 AM
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"A Beautiful Sunset" Issue 11 February 6, 2008
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Buffy invites Satsu to dust a group of vampires at a graveyard. There, Buffy declares to her that she knows Satsu planted the true love's kiss on her when she was bound in sleep. Suddenly, Twilight attacks both of the girls and introduces to Buffy his malicious plan to destroy all of the Slayers.

Buffy reflects on her long history of being a Slayer and awakening the thousands of other girls around the world. In flashbacks of her narrative it is clear that each battle the Scoobies and the others have fought came with sacrifice, but in a way, came with connection as well. Buffy admits that while it can be a bother sacrificing her life as well as others, it has always been done for the better. She has grown, she has moved on to the better and potential she always knew that she could live up to. Next, Xander and Buffy discuss a major problem: Simone Doffler, the punk, pink-haired Slayer seen in "The Long Way Home Issue 2". Xander tells Buffy that they tried to remove Simone from her rough, urban environment, but see her on a security tape stealing ammunition and other things in a robbery, the unconscious bodies of two guards are also found in the tapes. Buffy feels worried that she is not making a big change in the Slayer community and feels that what the government and everyone else thinks is true, she is not making the difference she says she is making. Xander comforts her and reassures her that things are going to be alright. The two then reflect on the revelation that Buffy stole from a lucrative bank in "Anywhere but Here" to support her and the Slayer army and how she and Willow are having complex issues. Xander suggests that she ease her worries by going on a vampire hunt; Buffy decides to bring a "date" namely Satsu.

While the other Slayers and giant Dawn are celebrating at a huge party to ease their recent stresses, Buffy gears up to go on her vampire hunt. Satsu follows and Buffy forces her into the vampire lair. While the two are slaying, Buffy discusses how she knows that it was Satsu who gave her the kiss of true love in, "The Long way Home Part 3" and while Buffy appreciates the gesture as kind and sweet, she isn't interested in Satsu in a romantic way. Buffy tells Satsu of her romantic history and how all of her relationships, be it romantic, family, or friends, end up badly. Buffy states that there is something wrong with her, that everyone notices that something around her is wrong, that she can never really love, and like all Slayers, will be alone. She breaks down in tears but the moment is interrupted with a crash from the malevolent Twilight. Satsu is knocked out, while Buffy and Twilight have a brawl in the air. Twilight bests Buffy in battle with moves she has never witnessed and takes her fear of flight to a whole new level by flying her all around Scotland. When he is about to throw a roof at her, Buffy tells him that killing her will only bring more Slayers to the call, that there will only be more to deal with. It is revealed that Twilight doesn't want to kill Buffy, yet. He wants to talk to her. He reveals that one Slayer in the world was enough to deal with, thousands is not tolerated. He replies that the world cannot contain them and it will eventually suffer. Twilight further feeds Buffy's insecurities by stating the obvious, that they haven't changed the world, they haven't helped it. He flies off before the rising of the Sun, while Buffy rushes back to the graveyard that Satsu and her were in to help Satsu. While Satsu feels she has failed Buffy, Buffy comforts her.

In an unknown base, Twilight tells his comrades that to truly defeat the Slayer, one must strip her of her greatest armor, her moral certainty. They must twist her view of right and wrong, or twists the view of the ones she helps. Back in Scotland, in an infirmary, a bedridden and bandaged Satsu expresses her disappointment to a bandaged Buffy. Satsu understands Buffy's view on love and ask if she is hurt, Buffy states that she will eventually heal, that together they will heal. Buffy talks to Xander of her confrontation with Twilight and how he was stronger than anything she has encountered so far. She expresses the fears that Twilight released in her, that she wasn't making a difference. Buffy feels that she isn't making a difference, that the girls she awakened weren't and that she didn't have any connection with them. Xander assures her that Buffy awakened confidence and purpose that the girls never had before. Buffy jokes that Xander should just ask Renee out already, while Xander jokes that she shouldn't state the obvious and that she shouldn't change the subject. He assures to Buffy that what she created is more than a monster-fighting army, it is a connected state. Buffy still feels she has no connection amongst the girls, Xander replies that it is not she that is supposed to, the person who brought all of it together gave up her connection so that the others would feel it, so that the other chosen girls could feel like they had a place to fit in, a place where they belonged. Buffy agrees, and sees that what she truly did...was all for the better.

"Wolves at the Gate, Part I" Issue 12 March 5, 2008
Writer: Drew Goddard Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Xander, Renee, Andrew, Willow and Dawn all walk in on Buffy and Satsu naked in bed, just when a group of Japanese vampires breach the castle walls and successfully steal the Scythe. Xander seeks an old friend for aid: Dracula.

At night, Xander and Renee observe a pack of wolves lingering by the moor. Willow arrives at the castle with Andrew, who sends himself off to bed right away, just as Willow is attacked by a mysterious woman shrouded in fog. Meanwhile, Buffy and Satsu talk together in bed, following a surprising one-night stand. Buffy insists that Satsu shouldn't tell anybody about their experience, but the secret does not last long, as Xander suddenly walks in to report to Buffy that wolves have breached the castle. Soon, Renee, Andrew, and Dawn each make their entrance in the room and are just as flabbergasted about who they find in Buffy's bed. Willow then crashes into the room as well, and proclaims that they are under attack, before also asking why Buffy is in bed with Satsu.

Whilst the Slayers are busy battling wolves, panthers, and swarms of bees, a lone wolf transmogrifies into fog and breaches the armory. Transforming back into a man, he heads straight for the Scythe. Another man joins him, but before they can escape, Buffy sends the thief flying with a punch. He is revealed to be a vampire, and distracts Buffy long enough to allow the other man to transform into a panther and escape with the Scythe. The Scoobies are left dumbfounded as the attack ends with all the enemies retreating into fog and animal form, and Buffy realizes they face a great new threat, especially considering that their enemies now have the Scythe. However, all is not completely lost, as Xander recognizes these powers and flies in his helicopter with Renee. They arrive at a castle and are greeted by an old friend: Dracula.

"Wolves at the Gate, Part II" Issue 13 April 2, 2008
Writer: Drew Goddard Penciller: Georges Jeanty
When confronted by Xander about the Japanese vampires, Dracula realizes the group has stolen his unique powers, and commits to help out of pride. Meanwhile, Buffy is preparing an all-out assault against the vampires, who have been spotted in Tokyo by the slayer Aiko. The vampires spot Aiko's surveillance and set an ambush: the female vampire Kumiko uses the Scythe to magically revert Aiko into a regular, helpless girl, and the vampire leader Toru then kills her.

Fifteen minutes prior to Xander and Renee's visit, Dracula reflects on his solitude. Unlike his previous appearances as young and handsome, he now appears to be a bearded old man in a soiled bathrobe. His demonic butler named Butterfield walks in and encourages him to get out of his depressive state. Their conversation reveals that Dracula has been drinking heavily and rarely leaves his room, not having killed 'so much as a peasant' in months. He worries that people are beginning to wonder what has become of the mighty Dracula. Dracula suddenly musters energy when he notices Xander landing his helicopter outside of his castle. He orders Butterfield to get him a razor. Clean shaven and young seeming again, Dracula greets Xander at the door by calling him "manservant," to which Xander reciprocates by calling him "master." Dracula offends Renee and appalls Xander by referring to Renee as a moor. Nevertheless, he welcomes the pair inside, despite initially trying to convince them to leave.

In Scotland, Andrew informs young Slayers of Dracula's known powers that include transmogrification, a piercing hypnotic stare, and imperviousness to stakes (though staking him reduces him to dust, as it does any vampire, the dust can transform into fog and allow him to reform). During this lecture, a Slayer questions Andrew as to why he is sporting a replica of George Hamilton's outfit from Love at First Bite. He ensures her that it not a replica, it is the actual outfit he bought at an auction. He concludes his lecture by speculating the Dracula and Xander have become friends, stating they occasionally wrote letters following Dracula's appearance in Sunnydale and that following Anya Jenkins's death, Xander took a leave of absence and went to live with Dracula in Transylvania for a few months. The slayers react with shock and surprise, but Andrew brushes it off as 'like a semester at sea, but with harpies instead of co-eds.' Inside the castle, a Slayer reports to Buffy that another fellow Slayer, Aiko, discovered the Japanese vampire gang's leader's name: Toru. Buffy speaks to Aiko through a video transmission and orders her to keep surveillance on the vampires until she and other Slayers join her. Buffy orders Satsu to prep the others, sending all the slayers from headquarters to Tokyo. When Satsu suggests leaving a few as rearguard Buffy snaps at her and demands to have her orders followed.

At Dracula's castle, he, Xander, and Renee sit and discuss how the vampires possess the exact same powers as his. Dracula at first claims this is impossible as his powers are ancient magics under his guardianship, then bursts in fury when he realizes that the "filthy yellow swine" stole his secrets (prompting Xander to remark "I really don't remember you being this racist."). Apparently they got him drunk and convinced him to gamble his secrets for a motorcycle. He also realizes he had probably been cheated, recalling "They had a witch with them. I should never have let her deal". He enters his armory and grabs hold of a sword, agreeing to help fight these vampires despite his hatred of Buffy, claiming: "Nobody steals from Dracula."

On their flight to Tokyo, Willow approaches Satsu and comforts her about the tension between she and Buffy following their one-night stand. She discusses Buffy's difficult position as general, and reminds Satsu that Buffy is not a lesbian and that she shouldn't get her hopes up. Satsu says she knows, and serious part of the conversation over Willow then jokingly interrogates Satsu as to how Buffy was in bed.

In downtown Tokyo, Aiko keeps a close eye on Toru and Raidon in the streets. Tracking them, she finds herself alone in an alley where Toru has strategically left a mysterious, glowing red ring on the ground for her to pick up. Aiko reaches for it, when suddenly Kumiko flies overhead behind her with the Scythe. For a few seconds, the Scythe, the device, and Aiko conduct a red energy, before Toru appears in front of Aiko and breaks her jaw with a single punch, asking her how it feels to be a regular girl again. Before she can answer, Toru takes a horrific bite in her neck and kills her. Toru looks over at Raidon and claims the beta-test was successful. It is now time to this technology global. The last panel is of Kumiko flying triumphantly into the sky, revealing a far larger ring device on the roof of a building.

"Wolves at the Gate, Part III" Issue 14 May 7, 2008
Writer: Drew Goddard Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Buffy and her team arrive in Japan to find Aiko's corpse strung up with a welcome message written in her blood. They meet up with Xander, Renée, and Dracula, who teaches Willow a spell to contain the desolidifying vampires. With Giant Dawn as a distraction, the team assaults the vampires' lair, only to discover that it's a trap as Toru appears behind them and impales Renée on the scythe

Buffy and the Slayers finally arrive in Tokyo to find Aiko's body strung up against a skyscraper. Beneath the corpse reads a message printed in blood: "Tokyo He Youkoso" ("Welcome to Tokyo)". Buffy cuts the body down and carries it to the Tokyo Slayer headquarters. She lays the body in a Buddhist temple and sits in the corner of the room for the remainder of the day in despair. At night, Willow approaches her and proposes conjuring a blanket for her. Just then, Dracula and Xander arrive. Dracula mocks Buffy for not considering performing the 'rudimentary' containment spell called Carolina's Grasp to defeat Toru, despite her and Willow's unawareness of it. He then examines Aiko's body and asks: "Is somebody going to finish eating this?"

Toru waits in his luxurious flat with the lens established on the roof. He discusses Buffy's arrival with his minion and orders him to gather all of his vampires. Elsewhere, a man smokes a cigarette outside when Renee suddenly approaches him in tears. She claims that she wandered off from her schoolmates accidentally and is now lost. The man suggests walking her to her hotel by going through the park. There, he reveals his vampire visage. Before he can attack, Buffy, Willow, and Xander appear. Willow performs Carolina's Grasp. The vampire finds himself boxed in a magical prison where he can not turn into fog. Willow then pours gasoline on the vampire. Buffy says that he's going to tell her everything he knows or they will light him on fire, pressing the vampire into divulging the scythe's whereabouts. The vampire confesses everything, including the plan to use the lens to magnify Kumiko's spell and take away the Slayers' powers. Satisfied with the information, Buffy lights him on fire, pointing out that she made no promise to spare him if he talked.

At the Japanese Slayer headquarters, Buffy orders Satsu to stay there with other Slayers while she and others attack Toru and his vampires. Satsu defies her orders, saying that Buffy is either trying to avoid her or protect her and she won't put up with it. She storms off, claiming that she'll "see you on the battlefield. Ma'am." Alone, Buffy questions herself as to why she finds it sexy when Satsu calls her "ma'am." In a training room, Xander teaches the unfortunate patterns that proceed during a first date and says they should count this as their first date to avoid all the mess. Renee doesn't agree that their night together could be considered a date, given they used her as bait, dressed her as a schoolgirl, and spent time with Dracula. But Renee does agree to get the confusion surrounding first dates out of the way. She reaches over to Xander and kisses him. They keep kissing despite Dracula's presence, much to his discomfort.

Outside of Toru's flat, Buffy, Renee, Xander, Dracula, Satsu, Andrew and Leah are ready to attack the army of about a thousand vampires. But first, Willow floats above them and summons Dawn. The vampires look up at the giantess in fear as Dawn begins to attack them. Buffy and the group storm Toru's flat to find him staring out the window with the Scythe. Buffy reaches over to grab the Scythe from his grasp but goes right through it. She realizes that "Guys, it's a--" Suddenly, Renee is skewered in the heart with the Scythe. The real Toru stands behind her wielding the weapon, claiming "I believe the word you're looking for is "trap.""

"Wolves at the Gate, Part IV" Issue 15 June 4, 2008
Writer: Drew Goddard Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Dracula sends Willow to perform the spell to destroy the vampires' special powers. No longer invincible, the Slayers charge and attack all of the vampires. Dawn is confronted by a mecha version of herself.

The issue opens with Renee's thoughts and regrets as she dies. As Xander is overcome by grief and holds her as her life slips away, Dracula sends Buffy for Willow. Buffy replies that she cannot leave Xander alone, and Dracula vamps out and fights to his side, replying that he is not. Willow, in turn, is locked in midair combat with Kumiko. Kumiko deflects Willow's attacks easily, revealing that they are both students of the unknown power Saga Vasuki and thus knows the counters to her spells: they 'speak the same language'. This prompts Willow to say "Good. Talk to me" and cast a spell that causes both their eyes to flare blue and connect. Whether the spell had it's intended effect is not clear, but Willow is plunged into a vision of a burning city, the Scythe, and the snake woman Willow was shown intimately involved with in Sephrilian's vision in 'Anywhere But Here'. The snake woman calls her 'Darling Willow' and asks if Willow thought she couldn't find her. She also asks if she thought she could hide from who she is and what is to come. Willow emerges from the vision and passes out, but the spell leaves Kumiko seemingly unaffected. As Willow begins to lose consciousness, Buffy steels herself, then jumps from the penthouse to stab Kumiko midair, and then she and an unconscious Willow continue falling. Dawn, leading the fight out on the streets, is confronted by a mecha version of herself, albeit with a tail, who taunts Dawn. Toru notices Kumiko's absence, and begins the incantation to de-Slayer Buffy and her army. Dracula, Satsu, and the slayers then burst onto the roof and enter melee with the vampires there. Dracula tackles Toru, sending the scythe flying, and Satsu jumps off the building to catch the falling scythe. Willow and Buffy emerge from the pool of water Willow had created at the last minute to cushion their fall. Upon noticing Satsu falling, they engage in a bit of relationship banter, before heading to catch Satsu. Willow then flies the three of them back to the roof, where Buffy is unable to kill Toru using the scythe since he can still dematerialize into fog. Dracula gives Willow his sword and tells her how to use it to remove the vampires' special powers: it, like the Scythe, is a weapon bound with the spirit of a demon. Before she does the incantation, Willow asks why Dracula cannot perform it himself, and he indicates that he will also be affected by it. The incantation succeeds, and Buffy notes that the "scales are balanced again": the slayers can fight the vampires again. Andrew coaches Dawn how to beat the mecha, by twisting its head off, which she does. Asked how he knows how to defeat it, he replies 'My giant-sized teammate is fighting a mecha version of herself in downtown Tokyo? I've been preparing for this moment my whole life!' Willow throws Dracula his sword as he requests, but Toru catches it and taunts Dracula for being an old man, saying he doesn't know what to do now he's just a regular vampire again. But Dracula, enraged, disarms Toru and cuts off his hands and feet. He mocks Toru in turn, reminding him how he was renowned and feared long before he became a vampire: 'The fields of Europe ran red with the blood of my enemies, and that was BEFORE I started eating people for fun. It's not the vampire you should be worried about, it's the old man.' Toru demands that Dracula kill him, but Dracula scoffs at him, saying he has no honor, and hands his sword to Xander for the killing blow. Xander executes him, and Buffy comforts Xander as she orders the rest of the slayers to hunt down the fleeing vampires. The night following the battle Dracula, who has lost his powers of domination, comes to Xander. He is sitting vigil with Renee's ashes, and Dracula asks if Xander wishes company. When Xander refuses he says farewell, referring to Xander as a "manservant". Xander says that if Dracula ever calls him 'manservant' again he will kill him in his sleep. Dracula suggests a number of other titles, ranging from 'Minion' to 'Houseboy', and is met with similar threats. By the end of the exchange it is possible Dracula is joking. Satsu and Buffy have a heart-to-heart, where Satsu confesses both her love for Buffy, and her acknowledgment that she needs to not be in love with her. Satsu asks to be left in Japan as the field office leader, to give them some distance. Buffy agrees, and then they share an intimate night as goodbye. At the same time, Willow is magically communicating with the snake woman (presumably Saga Vasuki), Xander is scattering Renee's ashes, and Dracula is leaving by ship

Wolves at the Gate Trade Paperback(issues 11-15)

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Old 11-05-2008, 09:22 AM
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So Jeanty thinks the comics are just as valid as the show? Think again, dude. The comics are just a poor spinoff that fails to live up to the standard of the show and can never hope to be the real thing. As for that nonsense about draw Buffy looking like Buffy but she doesn't have to look like SMG... how bloody insulting to SMG. Buffy looks like SMG. Because SMG put in 7 seasons of work into her. Far better work than what Jeanty's doing. So if you want to draw Buffy yeah you have to bother to make her look like SMG or else you've screwed up.
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:34 AM
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"Time of Your Life, Part I" Issue 16 July 2, 2008
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Karl Moline
Fray crossover. On a hot tip, Buffy and Willow head to Manhattan and reunite with Kennedy and Vi, hoping to unlock the secrets of The Scythe. But something goes terribly awry when Buffy suddenly finds herself transported to an unknown world, and into the path of future Slayer Melaka Fray.

The initial splash page features Buffy fighting future slayer Melaka Fray, in midair in the future New York City. Flashing back to the past, Xander, Willow, and Buffy eat Chinese food and discuss what Willow saw during her encounter with Kumiko. Willow believes that she received the message for a reason, and that they must act before they lose another slayer. Her reference to the death of Renee forces Xander to tell the girls that he is dealing with it, and they needn't tip-toe around the issue for his sake. While Xander is speaking, Leah bursts into the room to inform them that something is going on with Dawn in the orchard. Buffy and Xander run for it, with Willow flying ahead of them. When the three of them arrive, they find that Dawn has finally shrunk . . . into a centaur.

Meanwhile, somewhere in a lab, Twilight and Warren are arguing about what Warren says they busted their asses to complete. Twilight says it'll do, but is only a small part in a big scheme. The next panel reveals the object in question: a giant rune-covered missile.

Back in Scotland, Xander has prepared a helicopter to fly Buffy and Willow to an airport, where they catch a private plane. They soon arrive in New York City where Willow's advance team -- including her girlfriend Kennedy -- are waiting to begin the operation. Buffy -- who, according to Willow, has never been to New York or ridden in a limo -- is excited. They quickly meet up with the Manhattan Squad, which is led by Vi. Vi explains that the problem with Willow's vision is that it's hard to pin down anything mystical since so many mystical things are happening in New York.

Willow clarifies things as much as possible by drawing a diagram on the board and explaining that something is causing a disruption of the time frame. The event she's tracking, she explains, happens in only one place, but in multiple times. There's a ripple effect. Willow's lecture inspires Kennedy to say she's "hot for teacher" (Willow), and Buffy affectionately recalls the time that "my Will" took over their computer class (Season Two of the TV series). Kennedy does not seem amused by Buffy's recollection, calls her a "lez-faux" (alluding to her recent involvement with Satsu), and tells Buffy that if she hits on Willow, Kennedy will "kill [her] like a chicken."

Back in Scotland, Xander and Dawn are talking about her transformation into a Centaur. Xander is sure that the curse comes in threes: the first stage was a giant Dawn, the second stage is a Centaur Dawn, with the third and (hopefully) final stage yet to happen. Dawn is upset, feels like a freak, and doesn't want to be a centaur, so Xander tries to make her feel better about herself by admitting that he's actually jealous. But he puts his foot in his mouth when he suggests that there must be a "non-whiney" way to solve her problem. Dawn takes offense and storms off into the orchard. While walking back to the castle, Xander notices something headed right for it: the missile that Warren built. He can only watch helplessly helplessly as it hits the castle, and the bright green blast blows him off his feet.

Back in New York, Kennedy, Willow and a few slayers are at the scene of the temporal shift: a high-rise building at the corner of 53rd and Lexington. Moments later, Buffy joins the girls wearing a short dress and boots, similar to an outfit she wore in "Welcome to the Hellmouth". Buffy says that they weren't "expecting something fighty", and says that she "can change." A sudden flash of light zaps Buffy away and replaces her with a demon. A baffled Kennedy says "the other look was fine", but manages to quickly rally her fellow slayers for battle.

Finding herself in the demon's place in the future, Buffy is twice punched in the face. Her assailant is revealed to be Fray, who was fighting the demon that took Buffy's place, and thinks it has shape-shifted itself to look like the long-dead Slayer. Fray uses a lot of futuristic slang as she rains the blows on Buffy and finally succeeds in knocking her down. "You're lower than a lurk," Fray says, as she looks down upon Buffy with disgust. A beyond confused Buffy replies, "Uh . . . English?"

"Time of Your Life, Part II" Issue 17 August 6, 2008
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Karl Moline
After a shaky introduction, Buffy and Fray must join forces in order to discover the purpose of their meeting, and its impact on the world at large. Meanwhile, Fray's twin brother vampire Harth has teamed up with a former enemy to affect the present.

Fray and her sister Erin follow a flying vehicle harboring numerous vampires. Fray captures one in mid-air amongst the skyscrappers. She demands from him the whereabouts of her vampire twin brother Harth. The vampire claims that Harth has allied himself with a mysterious, powerful woman with dark powers. Satisfied with his confession, Fray stakes him. She and Erin shelter themselves at Fray's flat. The floor reveals a spread of the Scythe. Fray informs her sister that she read in the Watcher's diaries of the woman in question, however she is unable to put her finger on who exactly. She also mentions the death of the last true Watcher who sacrificed himself at the Battle of Starbucks.

At a docking site, Harth and the mysterious figure, who clouds herself in the shadow, supervise a number of vampires transporting helpless victims in and out of trucks. The woman explains to Harth that her menacing plans will ripple to the present: "what happens in your time will cause your time to come, do you see?"

Meanwhile back in the present, Willow comforts a wounded Kennedy. When asked as to why Willow has tamed the beast and not killed it, she explains that she believes that it and Buffy switched places in time. For that matter, Willow blames herself. At the castle, Xander bursts into the command central where it wreaths in green flames. Rowena reports to him that most of the Slayers have escaped through the tunnels, however the West Tower has collapsed. Suddenly, medieval Cobra-faced foot soldiers appear and shoot an arrow in Xander's shoulder. Dawn arrives on the scene and attacks the soldiers with her hooves. She then picks up the wounded Xander and carries him out of the castle.

Back to the future, Fray arrives on a rooftop and battles a beast. The beast exchanges places with Buffy, igniting a fight between both Slayers. Buffy finally manages to calm Fray down. She wonders how many Slayers there are in Fray's time, to which Melaka replies: "One. Half." She explains that she is the only Slayer in a long time, and that her brother Harth carries the prophecies and the collective Slayer memories that should've been imbued in Fray. The future Slayer takes Buffy to her employer, Gunther, a fish-like mutant who resides in a aquarium. They question him about who the mysterious woman is.

At the dock, the woman asks Harth why he wants to kill Fray. He justifies that Fray is the only thing he ever loved; her pain is his joy. He claims: "What in this world is stronger than love?" The mysterious woman pulls herself from the shadows. "Time," claims Dark Willow. "Only time."

"Time of Your Life, Part III" Issue 18 September 3, 2008
Writer: Joss Whedon Penciller: Karl Moline
A powerful enemy from Buffy's past confronts the Slayer and Fray in the future, having allied with Fray's greatest foe. Meanwhile, Dawn's gone through another
bizarre change."

Buffy searches through the Watchers' diaries and is completely befuddled and upset because there are a few ambiguous references to her and absolutely nothing recorded about the Slayer army she created. Fray walks in while Buffy is crying and reports that there's been some lurk activity in the "Uppers", a normally secure area of Haddyn where vampires cannot usually get access to.

In the present, Willow is in her bedroom flipping through a series of books herself. She hopes to find a means to retrieve Buffy from the future. Kennedy asks if Willow can contact her source, to which Willow replies by saying that maybe she can. Willow then asks if Kennedy truly trusts her and if she believes that whatever they do is for the greater good. Kennedy says yes and asks what they have to do, but Willow simply replies "frak."

In the woods after the main Castle exploded, we see Xander still riding on Dawn's back (because she is still a centaur) as they flee from the creatures that invaded the castle. Xander falls off Dawn's back and the two stop and rest. A short time later, a hoard of tree-demons threaten them and order them to leave their woods. The tree demons become nonplussed when Dawn tells them the tree demons aren't as scary as what has been chasing them.

We switch to the future and see Gunther swimming through his pool, searching for the source of loud tapping noise. He turns on the lights to see that the sound had been caused by Harth and other vampires, covered in blood, on the topside above his tank. Harth tells Gunther that he is upset because he knows Gunther has been telling Fray about his activities. After the two argue, Harth and his vampire gang leave the room, leaving a squad of vampires swimming inside Gunther's tank ready to attack him. Meanwhile, Buffy and Fray have stolen a flying car, one that has coded-access to the "Uppers", and as they travel they see a group of vampires attacking defenseless humans. Fray is ready to go and slay the vampires but Buffy tells her not to. Fray gets mad and Buffy tells her that Gunther told the two of them that Harth sends out hunting parties of vampires and they need to find where the parties are coming from, and that they cannot afford the time to rescue everyone who needs rescuing. Fray refuses to listen and slays the vampires leaving Buffy alone to drive the flying car. Fray finishes off all the vamps and then Dark Willow approaches behind her and says "if you hate Buffy, she'll be harder to kill."

We flip back to the present and find Willow in the throes of pleasure with Kennedy. When she reaches her peak, she contacts Saga Vasuki and asks her how to get Buffy back to the present. Saga tells Willow that the time rift will reopen that night and she only wants Willow to reach inside and take Buffy out without looking inside. Willow obeys and bids farewell for now to Saga.

Re-enter the future and we see Dark Willow telling Fray that she hasn't been human for "quite some time now." She tells Fray that her concerns are more personal than just getting rid of the lurks. Willow creates a little green slit out of magic and says that that's all the magic she can create and that she wants to show Fray something. We switch to Buffy who has returned to Fray's apartment. When Buffy gets there she is confronted by Fray's sister, Erin, who tells Buffy to "stand down." Buffy tells Erin that she looking for Fray and that she thought that the building they are in was Fray's home. Erin apologizes and the two talk about the recent events, about how Fray ran off to fight lurks after disagreeing with Buffy, about how they each have sisters who don't listen to them, and about how Buffy is a slayer from the past. In the middle of the conversation Buffy is zapped with a ray gun and falls to the floor in pain. Erin is kneeling over Buffy's unconscious body and asks, "Mel...are you sure about this?" to which Fray responds, "I'm sure. We're saving the world."

Upcoming Issues

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #19: Time of Your Life
Writer: Joss Whedon
Penciller: Karl Moline
Inker Andy Owens
Colorist Michelle Madsen

Buffy and Fray take on a powerful foe, who's lasted hundreds of years just so she can bring down the last two Slayers.

Joss Whedon and Karl Moline, cocreators of the hit comics series Fray: Future Slayer, reunite in Buffy Season Eight with the highly anticipated story arc "Time of Your Life." Jo Chen and Georges Jeanty provide covers.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #20: After These Messages . . . We’ll be right back!
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Penciller: Georges Jeanty, Eric Wight
Inker Andy Owens
Colorist Michelle Madsen

Acclaimed comic-book writer Jeph Loeb (Batman: The Long Halloween) was set to executive produce, alongside Joss Whedon and animator Eric Wight, the proposed Buffy animated TV series. While Buffy fans won't be viewing that show anytime soon, Loeb, Wight, and Whedon offer the next best thing--a comic inspired by the animated series!

Jeph Loeb and Eric Wight take the reins on Buffy Season Eight with this very special one-shot joining series artist Georges Jeanty, in a twisted tale picking up from the time-traveling Buffy/Fray crossover.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #21: Harmonic Divergence
Writer: Jane Espenson
Artist: Georges Jeanty
Inker Andy Owens
Colorist Michelle Madsen

Television writer Jane Espenson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica) returns to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in Season Eight. Espenson is the first of five acclaimed writers that tackle this groundbreaking story arc--where Buffy fans are introduced to a new world where vampires are in and Slayers are out.
Cue Harmony, the bubblegum cheerleader from Sunnydale High whose ambitions include blood sucking and stardom.

Espenson teams with series artist Georges Jeanty and Executive Producer Joss Whedon, in "Harmonic Divergence."

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #22:Swell
Writer: Steven S. DeKnight
Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Inker Andy Owens
Colorist Michelle Madsen

Vampires are the hottest thing around -- forget hipsters; being a bloodsucking fiend is where’s it’s at! Slayers must take the good fight underground if they’re to avoid any bad press from the general public.

When Kennedy is sent to Japan to evaluate Satsu’s efforts as team leader, they are taken by surprise by some fierce furry creatures who want to do nothing more than destroy Buffy (surprise!), while Twilight remains the captain of the anti-Slayer ship.

Steven S. DeKnight (Angel, Smallville, Dollhouse) teams with series artist Georges Jeanty in “Swell.”

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Old 11-06-2008, 07:59 AM
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The long awaited conclusion of "Time of Your Life" finally has some preview pages for us.

8.19 Preview

Lots of talking, but scary and exciting talking. And we finally get a slight sense of what's going on -- Willow's on Willow's side, Harth and Mel and probably even Buffy are just pawns.
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:57 AM
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Yeah,here are the pages.It looks good.Really wonder if the Fray future is about to be undone.

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Old 11-06-2008, 02:10 PM
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John Bryne who is currently writing and drawing Angel:Blood And Trenches announced on his forum that he is doing an Angelus period story out next October.

Byrne Robotics: Angel mini-series.

The Timeline was most helpful, Tania. It showed me that I could, indeed, do
an Angelus story IDW will be presenting next Hallowe'en (barring unforeseen

This is awesome news!!! I've been dying for this since the Angel line was launched at IDW and John Bryne doing it is icing on the cake.Especially if it has the whole gang of Angelus,Darla,Spike and Dru all together.
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Old 11-12-2008, 08:08 AM
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Covers And Solicitation For Buffy Season 8 #23

Comic Book Resources > CBR News: Dark Horse Solicitations, February 2009


Drew Z. Greenberg (W), Georges Jeanty (P/Cover), Andy Owens (I), Michelle Madsen (C), and Jo Chen (Cover)

On sale Mar 4
FC, 40 pages

It's Buffy--and Andrew--on a mission in Italy . . . together! Awkward? Yes!

Since Harmony's television stunt, the ensuing of general vampire-love from the masses, and the destruction of the Scotland base, operations at Slayer headquarters have been somewhat strained. Rogue Slayers--Simone and her gang--have not been helping Slayer-civilian relations with their attacks against the military, bank robbing, and occasional snitching at Hot Topic. Now, Andrew has a lead on how to gain intel on Simone's plans . . . but he has to go to Italy--now! With Xander and Willow busy holding together their Slayer legions Buffy seems to be the only one with an open schedule to act as Andrew's backup. Hours of travel . . . just Buffy and Andrew . . . Really?

Drew Z. Greenberg, veteran of the Buffy TV show as well as Dexter and Smallville, and current writer on The Clone Wars, teams with series artist Georges Jeanty and executive producer Joss Whedon.

Guess this confirms present day Willow is still alive.You know if Angel and Spike are going to get brought up at some point in season 8 and the events of Damage,TGIQ and maybe Shells,this might be the issue to do it.

Scott Allie update

Buffy Zone :: Dark Horse Comics

From the Editor
Scott Allie, Editor
Updated: 11/07/2008

Good news, gang -- Andy Owens has just turned in the final inks for long-overdue Buffy #19. So while Michelle wraps up the colors on Buffy #19, I want to thank you for your patience, apologize for the delay, and promise to do my best to keep it from happening again.

Buffy #20 is pretty much all done, and Buffy#21 and Buffy#22 are totally done, so we're back on track. After Buffy#19 hits stores on November 26, what we're gonna do is ship every three weeks for a couple months, until we're back to having the new issue out the first week of the month. Buffy#21 will be the first to return to this schedule, with an on-sale date of January 7.

You've probably read the news that Jane Espenson has joined the staff of Dollhouse, which means she'll be seeing Joss daily while writing her much-anticipated arc, which will feature Oz. Jane makes her Season Eight debut in the issue #21 one-shot, kick-starting the next arc. We're doing some unusual promotions for that issue, and you'll want to keep your eye on MySpace Dark Horse Presents ( and other places come the first of the year.

We'll give you a full update here about what to look for when we're closer.


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Old 11-13-2008, 02:09 AM
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Who is the lady fighting Buffy with the sword.
"Champions. We live as though the world was as it should be, to show it what it can be." Angel Deep Down

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Old 11-13-2008, 06:32 AM
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Originally Posted by amy2345 (View Post)
Who is the lady fighting Buffy with the sword.
That's Simone,she's a rogue slayer.
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:57 AM
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just got volume 3 in the mail yesterday. i still feel so behind waiting for the volumes lol. i was so sad about (spoiler issue 14)

Originally Posted by sum1 (View Post)
So Jeanty thinks the comics are just as valid as the show? Think again, dude. The comics are just a poor spinoff that fails to live up to the standard of the show and can never hope to be the real thing. As for that nonsense about draw Buffy looking like Buffy but she doesn't have to look like SMG... how bloody insulting to SMG. Buffy looks like SMG. Because SMG put in 7 seasons of work into her. Far better work than what Jeanty's doing. So if you want to draw Buffy yeah you have to bother to make her look like SMG or else you've screwed up.
i have to disagree on that. i think in shows like BtVS, the characters transcend the actors, no matter how good the actors are. As for the drawings, i think this comment i read describes them well: "He brings these people to life not as drawings of actors and actresses, but as fully-realized comic book characters in their own right.".and the reactions about the comics from the cast have been great..even Elizabeth Anne Allen said she loved Season 8 Amy more than Season 6/7 Amy lol. i don't even know why i'm commenting on your remark though, you just always come across as one of those people that go out of their way to ALWAYS be different than anyone else lol
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Old 11-15-2008, 07:20 AM
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Angel:After The Fall #14 is out this coming Wed.

As Brian Lynch said at IDW.

I'm curious to see what people thought about this issue. If you could, link me via PM to what they're saying.

Big stuff happens, and I want to know if people are leaning towards "oh no he didn't" or "Oh man that's epic".
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Old 11-15-2008, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by WildAtHeart (View Post)
just got volume 3 in the mail yesterday. i still feel so behind waiting for the volumes lol. i was so sad about (spoiler issue 14)
Yeah, poor Xander can't catch a break

Simone appears in #2, #5 and #11. She's obviously a slayer gone bad, and she'd love to use a gun if she could.
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