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Old 03-08-2010, 10:22 AM
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The Good Wife Quote Thread #1 - For those we loved hearing and those we want to hear!

Welcome to the First "The Good Wife" Quote Thread

What they actually said...

Grace: Why do you need wine to discuss this?
Alicia: Just taking another hit of the crack pipe

Grace: Why do you hate Jesus?
Alicia: I don't hate Jesus. I think Jesus is someone who lived two thousand years ago and who has very little to do with me.

Kurt: You're my hero
Silver Bullet

Owen: Will? Will Gardner? That name again. Like a guilty little computer churning out the same name- Will, Will, Will...

Owen: The sultry eyed Will.

Diane: Let's not fight dear.

Alicia: My phone gobbles things.

Owen: It's Alicia-time!
Net Worth

Peter: Because I am not just a dad, I am not just a man on your arm. And I am not just your roommate.

Glenn: We’re all adults here. We could have chosen to go into aluminum siding, but we didn’t. We went into politics.

Geneva: Uh oh. Whenever I see that bitch, I know we are in trouble

Kalinda: I have to keep you on your toes. So anything new on Blake?
Cary: You just got my only eye-witness kicked, and you want my help?
Kalinda: Yea!

Eli: I know we do not consult. I know we do not coordinate. But if we had a safe word, I would be screaming it right now!!

Eli: How is it that I can mange adlermen, and judges and yet I still seem to have this ridiculous little mean girl throne in my shoe.

Alicia: Did you ever feel we are on the wrong side?
Kalinda: All the time.
Silly Season

Diane:But at a certain point you need to get back in the game?
Cary: You do not think I am in the game?
Diane: I do not think you get paid as if you are in the game.

Eli: Unless thats Buddha and Jesus on speed dial, I don't think we have much to talk about.

Cary: Ok, where are you leaving?
Diane: Lockhart&Gardner.
Cary: Do you need references?

Will: I don't want you to leave. I want to make things different so you don't leave.
Diane: You'll stop seeing other women?

Diane: This is feeling a bit like Groundhog day.

Two Courts

Cary: We’ve both dealt with enough criminals to know the killers look exactly like the victims.

Will: I'm Will, her...boss.

Alicia: I thought Kevin was the keeper!
Owen: He was. He's not anymore.

Owen: I'm just going to live alone like an aging writer with dogs.

Alicia: Sometimes, the heart needs...steering.

Diane: Tell me my concerns weren't real.
Will: You made your concerns real.

Will: The whole Constitution's a technicality.


Diane: I wish I could tell you one hundred percent he's innocent or quilty, but whenever I've been a hundred percent certain about anything I've been proven wrong.

Cary: Come back to the State Attorney's Office. Start putting these wife killers on death row instead of getting them off... as good as you are at getting people off.
Kalinda: You didn't really say that, did you?

Judge: So my question is this. Well actually, you know what I'm going to ask you don't you?
Alicia: Yes, I do Your Honor. He's innocent. Carter is innocent.
Judge: Look I can order a new trial. I can deal with the heat but why should I trust this doctor if he so easily changed his mind?
Alicia: Because he didn't so easily change his mind. He changed his mind in the face of a man's innocence. So much of what we do is uncertain Your Honor. So much of my day is working between right and wrong. But this has to be right. To do this to a man, it has to be right.

There's Jackie! All you have to do is think her name and she appears!
Nine Hours

Bishop: Well I wish I could help you but I like to donate anonymously. You know, like Jesus said, do good deeds in private for only your heavenly father will reward you.

Will: No, in Chicago, you need your friends three times, at your wedding, your wake, and your first indictment.

Will: Oh my God, you are like a little kid gets his hand stuck in the cookie jar and starts yelling about racial bias.
Wade: No, I am like a little kid who had to wait in line for the white kids to get their hands out of the cookie jar.

Will: We have two war in this country, terrorism and drugs. You just went from on enemy camp to the other.
On Taps

Will: 'What is it? A spaceship?'

Cuesta: 'As promised, when you disrupt my court you lose a seat. Think of it as our own little game of musical chairs.'

Cuesta: 'Shut up. Everyone.'

Sloan: 'You're the man.' Will: 'I am the man.'

Will: 'Like a general waiting on an eight year old king.'

David Lee: 'Oh yes, peer reviews. How adorable.'

David Lee: 'Oh you're staring at me. I'm in trouble aren't I.'

Alicia: 'I think you need to stop reading Paris Hilton's tweets.'
Zach: 'Yeah maybe you should move her computer into the living room.'
Alicia: 'Okay. I have to get to work. I love you both. Don't knock over any liquor stores today okay?'
Bad Girls

Diane: Really? is there a weight limit on sympathy.

Eli: Of course she has perfect pitch.

Eli: There are no saints. The smaller the sin the larger you got to make the magnifying glass.

Eli: This is not the south.

Kalinda: Are you coming out?

Blake: Its Better not to keep secrets, so then people do not go looking

Canning: Any luck finding my bus pass? Cause my driver might need if the limo wont start.

Donna: Oh yea, humanitarian of the year?

Donna: Are you masturbation right?....Do not do that!

Donna: I wont tell him how heartless you can be, how insensitive, how self preservation is your No.1 concern.

Alicia: Why do not you give me a subject line

Alicia: No, this is family, its not different

Will: We need to give the truth the drama of a lie.

Canning: You were new math, I was advance trigonometry
Poisoned Pill

Diane: Take it as the first of a long line of hard questions

Diane: Any ties to the Republican Party

Peter: People fall out of love all the time. And then they fall in love with somebody else

Peter: You know the one thing I hate more than a back room deal, Eli. Is a failed back room deal

Will: Ok, I will say black for you can say white

Alicia: Because they think they know him, and they do not know you

Diane: The goal is not to have heroes

Lara: People really do not want to believe this about him, I do not want to believe this about him. So I just wont

Mrs Kent: This is just not a wife pleading for her husband Diane, Joe can survive the embarrassment. This suit will destroy our efforts in Africa.
VIP treatment

Nancy Crozier: Put me in Coach.

So is my skirt short enough?
Judge: Next time, ask that in front of the court reporter, and we will discuss an appropriate fine.

Will: What can they do? Hold their breath?

Diane: Just make sure she's over 25 this time?
Will: Sure, if she doesn't have homework.

Alicia: Do NOT pick a battle with me lady, not in the mood I'm in.

Eli: We've got to bury that bitch!

Kalinda: Any problems?
Alicia: Yes, he wants me to carry a parasol now.

Derrick: The jury won't love it, but they'll believe it.

Will: I guarantee you this, Cary, that when you go back to your boss, and report what we just discussed, he’ll be relieved we didn’t use words.

Kalinda: I found him.
Alicia: I know that’s supposed to mean something to me?

Will: Talk to me

Will: Chicago!

Eli: Who is Wendy Scott-Carr?
Cleaning House

Eli: Talk to Peter find out he loves gays AND Israel!

Derrick: How are you an blake getting alone?
Kalinda: Could not be better

Owen:You are like that person in the Titanic who wont leave their room because they are afraid of being rude.

Owen: If you hurt her again, I'll kill you.
Peter: You know what, go to hell.
Owen: Oh thats very adult.
Peter: So where were you?
Owen: What?
Peter: The last time you saw your sister was 8 months ago, last time you phoned was August.
Owen: because you are here still here.
Peter: No no, when I was in jail you visited once. She needed your support, she needed her family.
Owen: So now I am being lectured to by a whore-monger.
Peter: Yea thats right, and you are going to listen to me. My wife deserves better from her family, now you can hate me, I really do not care. But you do not hurt her, you take the time to pick up the phone and call her. You visit, if you do not have the money I will send it to you.....Owen, do not ever abandon her like that again

Alicia: I've been told that it isn't proper to say happy Yom Kippur because it is a day of atonement, so everybody atone.

How you liking the prosecutor's office? seems to agree with you, you look taller.
Cary: I like the moral clarity....Do you miss me?
Kalinda: What if I said yes?
Cary: I'll say that sounds about right
Kalinda: Then, yea.

Diane: Yup, predictable money.

Owen: So you are Hillary, you are woking your agenda through him.
Alicia: We believe in the same thing, thats all.

Owen: You do not need to be so strong
Alicia: I am not

Alicia to Owen: I want everyone to stop worrying about me, stop reviewing my life. I am going to do what I want, and it wont be what you want, or what mom wants. So back off.

Jackie: If you get marriage, you're still going to just run around like little boys with your pants down
Breaking Fast

Kurt : I bought a Hilary bio ...... for 50 cents on ebay.

Alicia : Will, it's romantic because it didn't happen. If it had had happened, it would've just been ...... life.

Juror 1: Do you have reasonable doubt.
Juror 2 : I don't know. I just have reasonable ignorance.

Eli: Peter cannot win without you, you know that. Peter only wins with your good housekeeping seal of approval. Voters need to see you together, up on that stage holding hands.
Alicia: Goodbye Mr.Gold

Mrs. Florrick: You said you are a man of God, then stop making him feel this way.
Pastor Isaiah: What way is that, mam?
Mrs. Florrick: Likes his a bad man
Pastor Isaiah: He is a bad man. I am bad man, even you Mrs. Florrick.
Mrs. Florrick: Who do you think you are? You think you know people. You just use the same words with everyone, you just say God and you think you can make people feel bad about themselves.
Pastor Isaiah: Mrs. Florrick, your son approached me. He asked advise from me. I will continue to offer that advice.
Mrs. Florrick: And I will do everything in my power to stop you. You do not know my son, this is a phase, you are a phase.
Pastor Isaiah: Then, we'll see.
Mrs. Florrick: No, you will see. He is running this year. He is my blood and I do not know what your God does, but it does not match that. (damn )

Peter: Look, I was just an okay state's attorney, nothing special. But I want to be a great one. And I can't do it without you.

Eli: If I could be so bold.
Alicia: You can't.
Eli: Right. Got it

Jackie: Who are you?
Eli: The plumber. Who are you?
Jackie: I'm Jackie.
Eli: That means nothing to me.

Alicia: It's just not me, Kalinda
Kalinda: Everything is you. Everything you want to be you is you.

Alicia: Wil, No. Show me the Plan.
Will: The what?
Alicia: The Plan. I get the romance, I need a plan.
Will: Not everything needs a plan
Alicia: Everything that matters does. () I have two kids that mean the world to me. I have the press, they are just waiting for a swiff of a new scandal. And I have a husband. So if you want to cut through all that noise, then show me a plan. Poetry is easy, is the parent teacher conferences that are hard.

Alicia: I want to be here
Will: I want you to be here
Alicia: Then... then I'm here

Alicia: And I want to work
Peter: I want you to work

Diane: I... don't know. Should I be looking for something else?
Kalinda: Well, that's like asking the dentist whether you should brush.

Peter: Do you love me?
Alicia: I do.
Peter: You're sounding like a lawyer.
Alicia: I am a lawyer.

Kalinda: When you pick up a gun, you shoot to kill. Or you don't pick up a gun at all.

Eli: Religion is like a drug, in small doses it's curative, in large, it's addictive

Will: This isn't really your baby is it, what's her name?
Patti Nyholm: Bite me.
Will: Is that dutch?

Judge Parks: Miss Nyholm, I get it. You're a mom. We're all impressed. Can we move this along now.

Will: Wherever we end up, I respect you, Diane.
Diane: Didn't they say that to Secretariat before they put him?
Will: I don't think they said 'Diane.'

Will: I don't understand marriage.
Diane: It's a mysterious institution.

Will: Your stripper was hooking.
Diane: Why is she my stripper when she does something bad.

Stern: The both of you treat the practice of law like it's used cars.

Kalinda: You know what I like about you? You're three months into a ten year sentence and you're plotting a political comeback.
Peter: Politics is just a game of chutes and ladders. Right now, I'm at square one.

Peter: “What do you want from me? I said I’d never touch another woman.”
Alicia: “Do you want a prize? That seems to me the minimum pre-requisite.”
Peter:“For both of us”
Alicia: "Then trust me"

Eli Gold: Can I say "son of a bitch?" Or is that too salty?

Kalinda: When you pick up a gun, you shoot to kill. Or you don't pick up a gun at all.

Alicia: You're worried about my husband, Mr. Childs. You've obviously never made a woman angry

Diane: I think I've just been visited by the Marlboro Man.

Will: Wherever we end up, I respect you, Diane.
Diane: Didn't they say that to Secretariat before they put him?
Will: I don't think they said 'Diane.'

Diane: Didn't we agree to not take this?
Will: No, we agreed to cut the flowers and the paper cups. The least I can do is take the cases I want.
Diane: You sure this isn't pride?
Will: Of course, it's pride. What's wrong with pride? Pride built the pyramids.
Diane: And Watergate.

Ryan: Lot of glass...
Alicia: Yes. Every time we sell a piece of our soul, we buy glass

What we wish they would say...

1. Alicia to make her feelings clear to either Will or Peter. Woman time to make a choice or at least commit to something

2. Kalinda to talk to her cops friends and send Blake packing maybe she can say "I told you this was not going to end well for you"

3. Peter to confront Alicia about the bedroom situation. Maybe Peter can ask her again "Do you love me? Do you want to be together?"

"Hopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agony. I am endlessly falling, lost in this wonderful misery..."

Last edited by Det.Logan; 02-24-2011 at 10:43 AM
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:11 PM
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Good idea for a thread!! I liked Dianes one from last week to Cary: "Take out Santa" Or something to that nature, don't remember exact quote,
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Old 03-09-2010, 11:25 AM
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Thanks for the thread!

Maybe we should add the episode # as well and add the good ones to the OP, for later?

Thanks again!
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:37 PM
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Ryan: Lot of glass...
Alicia: Yes. Every time we sell a piece of our soul, we buy glass
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Old 03-09-2010, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Brilliant Disguise (View Post)
Thanks for the thread!

Maybe we should add the episode # as well and add the good ones to the OP, for later?

Thanks again!
You're welcome!

You mean add the episode number and name to our posts to be able to identify which quote comes from which episode?

Sure, I'll add them to the OP, but what is the OP?
"Hopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agony. I am endlessly falling, lost in this wonderful misery..."
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Old 03-09-2010, 03:32 PM
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Some of my favorites!

Eli Gold: Can I say "son of a bitch?" Or is that too salty? (Episode 15-Bang)

Kalinda: When you pick up a gun, you shoot to kill. Or you don't pick up a gun at all. (Episode 13- Bad)

Alicia: You're worried about my husband, Mr. Childs. You've obviously never made a woman angry. (Episode 1- Pilot)
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:30 PM
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Alicia: You're worried about my husband, Mr. Childs. You've obviously never made a woman angry. (Episode 1- Pilot)
I LOVE this one as well
Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. About that kiss.
Feelings like dreaming of you when I'm asleep
And, in fact, preferring sleep, because that's where I might find you
A feeling that is like torture
But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up
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Old 03-09-2010, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by film_snob007 (View Post)
You're welcome!

You mean add the episode number and name to our posts to be able to identify which quote comes from which episode?
Originally Posted by film_snob007 (View Post)
Sure, I'll add them to the OP, but what is the OP?
OP = Opening Post. That is your post, because you started the thread.
Just erase what you put in it and add something like:
Welcome to the 1st The Good Wife Quote Thread. Like the other threads on this board.

Then we can add our favorite quotes to the OP to keep track
Got a screamin' feelin'
Need a little lovin' healin'
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Old 03-10-2010, 03:14 AM
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thanks for the thread cool Idea.
"Matt is a scene-stealer of the best kind.
He's an emotional powerhouse,
delivering something memorable with every scene."
{9/27 08 & 5/11 15}
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Old 03-11-2010, 08:38 AM
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Peter: “What do you want from me? I said I’d never touch another woman.”
Alicia: “Do you want a prize? That seems to me the minimum pre-requisite.”
Peter:“For both of us”
Alicia: "Then trust me"

"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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Old 03-11-2010, 10:18 AM
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Will : Your stripper was hooking.
Diane : Why is she my stripper when she does something bad.

Stern - The both of you treat the practice of law like it's used cars.

Kalinda : You know what I like about you? You're three months into a ten year sentence and you're plotting a political comeback.
Peter : Politics is just a game of chutes and ladders. Right now, I'm at square one.

Just some of the many lines I enjoy. But I think the cast is so strong on this show that sometimes the moments where no words are exchanged surpass the ones where they are.

Last edited by witgit; 03-11-2010 at 10:19 AM Reason: Because you're is not equal to your. And I should know better.
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Old 03-25-2010, 12:49 AM
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Thanks for the quotes!

From Heart 1.17:
Will: This isn't really your baby is it, what's her name?
Patti Nyholm: Bite me.
Will: Is that dutch?

Judge Parks: Miss Nyholm, I get it. You're a mom. We're all impressed. Can we move this along now.

From Bang 1.15:
Will: Wherever we end up, I respect you, Diane.
Diane: Didn't they say that to Secretariat before they put him?
Will: I don't think they said 'Diane.'

From Hi 1.14:
Will: I don't understand marriage.
Diane: It's a mysterious institution.
Got a screamin' feelin'
Need a little lovin' healin'
Es: Livejournal | Art Journal | visit: The Good Wife | ♥ Castle/Beckett | Campaign Thread: Castle
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Old 03-25-2010, 11:57 AM
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Eli- Religion is like a drug, in small doses it's curative, in large, it's addictive
Heart 1.17
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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Old 03-25-2010, 12:04 PM
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Judge Parks: Miss Nyholm, I get it. You're a mom. We're all impressed. Can we move this along now.
Loved this SO much, I wish he could say the same thing to some other tv characters who constantly use their mother status to get empathy and trust from people
Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. About that kiss.
Feelings like dreaming of you when I'm asleep
And, in fact, preferring sleep, because that's where I might find you
A feeling that is like torture
But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up
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Old 04-02-2010, 11:19 AM
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Kalinda: When you pick up a gun, you shoot to kill. Or you don't pick up a gun at all.
You're here for a good time, not a long time. ~ Colin McRae

- Mel
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