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Kiki17 05-04-2014 10:53 AM

The Good Wife 5.20 Episode Discussion Thread - The Deep Web (05/04/14)

:star: Episode 5.20 - The Deep Web

WRITTEN BY: Luke Schelhaas and Erica Shelton Kodish
DIRECTED BY: Brooke Kenedy
AIRDATE: 05/04/2014

:star: Summary :star:

When Alicia has a chance encounter with a charming entrepreneur during jury duty, she begins to consider options outside her marriage and seeks the advice of her mother. Meanwhile, Diane’s friends come to her for legal advice when their son is accused of selling drugs on the Internet

:star: Cast List and Stills :star:

Gelfling 05-04-2014 06:08 PM

thanks Kicks ;)

I like how tv writers are finally discovering about the Darknet :lol:
That's like the 4th time I've heard about it on a tv show in 3 months and I really don't watch that much tv. Welcome to the... 20th century television people :lol:

Substance 05-04-2014 10:32 PM

The episode was alright.

- I feel pleased everytime Finn is on camera. Anyone else? I really like this character.
- "He already made you a saint."
- Did the battery engineer wear eyeliner or something? It just looked wrong. Bad casting.
- Diane's case was a bit of a bore, but at least things are moving forward for the last two episodes of the season.

carissinha 05-04-2014 11:06 PM


"He already made you a saint."
I really like Finn and I'm enjoying his storyline but he and Alicia are so close that he is talking about the way she is clearly not a saint? I loked the "joke" but I don't know if makes sense since they practically met each other.

BBrunetti 05-05-2014 02:13 AM

When the Nestor guy said "I don't have friends, I work a lot and I'm private" it felt like a reference to Kalinda. I don't know whether it was supposed to or i'm just so keen on the idea of her and Alicia being friends again my mind jumps straight to those assumptions!

I liked this episode a lot actually in terms of it being a character episode for Alicia, an interesting case scenario at LG, Kalinda being awesome doing what she does best and lots of Eli.

Kelly2790 05-05-2014 02:45 AM

I loved this episode. I was constantly confused as to what to think!

He is dying and he is trying to screw you :lol:

I just loved it

Kiki17 05-05-2014 09:25 AM

I felt the episode was good, nothing out of this world. But anytime you put Alicia and Vero in a room together, I get really happy :love:

Alicia is a at crossroads in her life, this is her chance to really make a different choice or actively get back in the game. She is still spiraling out of control and is heartbreaking but I am intrigued to see what she does from here.

I actually liked Finn this episode, it might have something to do with the fact he had a scene with Kalinda, making him less boring :lol:

Two more episodes left, is almost hard to believe.

pgocam 05-05-2014 09:35 AM


I feel pleased everytime Finn is on camera. Anyone else? I really like this character.
Yes, Finn is definitely growing on me. I like his scenes with everyone, not just the ones with Alicia. His scenes with Diane, Kalinda and Eli were all very refreshing.


Did the battery engineer wear eyeliner or something? It just looked wrong. Bad casting.
That's Nestor Carbonell's natural eyelashes color. Apparently he has had to deal with it all his life. His lashes are so dark that casting directors and ad management people kept telling him not to wear so much eyeliner. :lol: The makeup people on other shows he's worked on had to put base on his lashes to lighten them sometimes.


When the Nestor guy said "I don't have friends, I work a lot and I'm private" it felt like a reference to Kalinda. I don't know whether it was supposed to or i'm just so keen on the idea of her and Alicia being friends again my mind jumps straight to those assumptions!
Nah. You're just too keen on the idea. :lol:


I actually liked Finn this episode, it might have something to do with the fact he had a scene with Kalinda, making him less boring
I never found Finn boring. But his scene with Kalinda at the crime scene was great. It was very subtle but I think they have good chemistry.

The pacing of this episode as a whole was a bit slow. It felt like they're still trying to figure out all the new dynamics.

Does it make me a bad person if I was glad Canning's dying? :P He said he had 12 months so he could still be back next season. But this dying thing makes his storyline a bit more interesting.

~Rista~ 05-05-2014 10:11 AM

This ep didn't make an impression. I was bored. I think Finn was at his most likeable and well integrated; I just resent that he has been chosen as the "male lead" over someone like Cary who after 5 seasons, I still don't feel like I know. Kalinda had lines! None of which had anything to do with herself :no: so I guess, I shouldn't hold my breath for her to get a storyline. Unless I count jumping in and out of bed with random plot devices. :rolleyes: Diane was her typical awesome self. Emphasis on typical. I don't get this whole Will influence thing? I mean, they're rewriting Diane's history like she was a soft, wilting flower before Will died that he needed to protect. That. is. bunk. She was always a badass. Sadly, with her case, I saw that the cerebral palsy kid was the creator of the website from 5 miles away which contributed to my boredom.

Also, did anyone register that the editing was bad? The dubbing was obvious during the end of that perches/purchase scene. The cut to Kalinda entering Diane's office after Diane told her client that she must remove herself from the case was very jerky. Overall :yawn:

DR76 05-05-2014 11:40 AM


I don't get this whole Will influence thing? I mean, they're rewriting Diane's history like she was a soft, wilting flower before Will died that he needed to protect. That. is. bunk. She was always a badass.

Diane has always been both. I see nothing wrong with being both a soft, wilting flower and a badass. And I thought she was both in this episode.

Did Stockard Channing have surgery?

pgocam 05-05-2014 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by DR76 (Post 75864965)
Did Stockard Channing have surgery?

I don't think so. Though I think she had a lot less makeup on this episode, that was noticeable to me. I actually like it better with less makeup, but maybe people are not used to it.

~Rista~ 05-05-2014 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by DR76 (Post 75864965)
Diane has always been both. I see nothing wrong with being both a soft, wilting flower and a badass. And I thought she was both in this episode.

I think Diane has always possessed a strong moral center and empathathy which I adore. But I don't think it's possible to dually be a wilting flower and a badass. And she certainly is a badass as well. Anyway, I appreciate the Will mention, I just don't like the denigration of Diane's character in order to do it.

TeamWilson 05-05-2014 12:42 PM

I thought the episode was decent. The case was a little boring, but at least Kalinda had something to do and Finn got interaction with other characters.

I LOVED seeing Eli back in campaign manager mode again. It's definitely where he thrives. Hope to continue to see him work with Finn because Finn is a lot like Alicia was with Eli I think, not really giving a damn about what he "should" or "shouldn't" do, he's just going to do what he has to do. And if that means bailing on an interview or meeting for a client or whatever, then so be it. Then Eli goes nuts and hilarity ensues.

Did anyone else feel like Cary might be up to something? Not letting Alicia enter the office? Or is he just genuinely being nice because... can anyone recall him ever doing something nice for someone else? :lol: And speaking of Cary, he needs more screen time. *sigh*

ylana 05-05-2014 04:43 PM

Just finished watching the episode and it was nice. Better than the previous one, IMHO.

Yes, I thought Cary was up to something. Maybe he is... Alicia had taken sick days already and now he gives her a day off? Too good to be true? Or are we too paranoid? :eek:

I really enjoyed when she said, "who am I being faithful to?". I mean no disrespect, but Alicia does't seem to be able to make up her mind.
We endured two seasons where she was supposedly trying to forgive her unfaithful spouse. Then she gets mad and finally does what she wants...for a while. And then another season and a half with the unresolved triangle situation. So...after about 5 years you'd think the lady would have her **** figured out, but no. Granted, by no means this easy, but come on! ... Does the "education of Alicia Florrick" has to always be about a man? I really like the character and I don't have a strong ship preference so it's kind of annoying to see how she's this great lawyer who kicks ass but can't do certain things.
...Well...perhaps that's what makes her real...what do I know!?:confused:

Sorry for the rant.

Kalinda's arc seems to be to stand by Diane. Well, Diane certainly needs Kalinda now. But come on...Diane channeling Will? #barf Can we get over that already? Thank you!

That's it for now. I sound grumpy, I know... sorry. I did enjoy the last 4 episodes though (which I kind of binge watched). :blush::P

Gelfling 05-05-2014 06:47 PM


Did the battery engineer wear eyeliner or something? It just looked wrong. Bad casting.
:lol: poor Nestor Carbonell, I wonder if he gets tired of reading that. I'd love to have his eyelashes :lol: but he's a pretty good actor. The show has had bad casting before but it was never because of actors looks.


Did Stockard Channing have surgery?
Something wrong with her eyelashes? :lol:


I mean no disrespect, but Alicia does't seem to be able to make up her mind.
Heh the woman has not made one decision and stuck with it for more than a couple of episodes in 5 seasons :lol:


really like the character and I don't have a strong ship preference so it's kind of annoying to see how she's this great lawyer who kicks ass but can't do certain things.
That could be realistic if it was well written. Sometimes people just have the best instincts when it comes to their work but they're emotionally confused. Of course that's real life. On the show, it's just for twist value and because they don't know what they want her to do in 3 episodes so she keeps changing her mind depending on what they need. But the kickass professional with the messy life is not unrealistic. Nor is it anything new really.

DR76 05-05-2014 10:12 PM


I mean no disrespect, but Alicia does't seem to be able to make up her mind.

Alicia has been in a state of emotional turmoil for quite some time. And we all know why. Why does she have to get back on track so soon? So she can return to being Saint Alicia or the successful attorney?


I really enjoyed when she said, "who am I being faithful to?". I mean no disrespect, but Alicia does't seem to be able to make up her mind.
We endured two seasons where she was supposedly trying to forgive her unfaithful spouse. Then she gets mad and finally does what she wants...for a while. And then another season and a half with the unresolved triangle situation. So...after about 5 years you'd think the lady would have her **** figured out, but no. Granted, by no means this easy, but come on! ... Does the "education of Alicia Florrick" has to always be about a man? I really like the character and I don't have a strong ship preference so it's kind of annoying to see how she's this great lawyer who kicks ass but can't do certain things.
...Well...perhaps that's what makes her real...what do I know!?

Is this some kind of backlash against Alicia that has been building up ever since she left Lockhart and Gardner with Cary to form a new agency? Or is she supposed to be perfect? Alicia is not perfect. She has never been. And the last thing I want her and other fictional characters to be are perfect. I find that boring.


Did the battery engineer wear eyeliner or something? It just looked wrong. Bad casting.
Nestor Carbonell is a case of bad casting, because of his thick eyelashes?

Ladyjosie2412 05-06-2014 02:24 AM

I liked the episode.. i didn't love it but i liked it. It was entertaining. I was glad to see the Diane, scenes, The Kalinda scenes, Kalinda doing what i prefer over the sex scenes with whoever is needed that week, and investingating sort of instead. That was great. i loved that. I loved the Alicia and Veronica scenes, and Alicia trying to watch TV and figure out how to deal with all the electronics. The PR was misleading but this time I preferred by far what the episode dilivered over the PR and promo hints. The last Alicia/Vero scene broke my heart!

regarding Nestor I personally like his eyes and since it seems to be an ongoing discussion if the poor guy uses make-up or not here is an article i found on him!

Once more, for the record: Nestor Carbonell does NOT wear eye make-up!


I wonder if he gets tired of reading that.
From the sounds of it he found it funny first.. but no idea if he still finds it funny? However I read somewhere else he was bullied for his eyes a lot as a kid so i doubt it is always that fun...

Alwayshappy 05-06-2014 02:41 AM

The episode was okay'ish. Still better than most other TV shows, but the episode felt a bit boring...but maybe that's a good thing after a season full of twists, a death, etc.

- Liked to see Kalinda investigating again. Her scenes with Diane and even Finn were very nice!

- Curious what Louis and Lee are planning together and how it will unfold the coming weeks.

- Liked to see Alicia breaking down when her mum was at her home. It was about time she opened up to someone. It was sad to se though. I keep being surprised by JM's acting skills...she's kind of awesome. Also loved the ''who am I being faithful to'' line at the end. She's really confused, and I for one, think it's written in a very good way.

- Liking Finn as a character more and more, though I still kind of miss Will. But not the Will/Alicia dynamic really. I miss the Diane/Will connection even more, or the Will/Kalinda one.

- Cannot wait to see how this season will end. When Alicia said that she didn't know if she wanted to be a lawyer felt kind of forshadowing. Could it be possible she stops being a lawyer at the end of the season? Don't know what else she should do, but still..would be another great twist :P

Kiki17 05-06-2014 06:31 AM


However I read somewhere else he was bullied for his eyes a lot as a kid so i doubt it is always that fun...
Awwww that is so mean :( now I feel slightly guilty for calling him eye liner dude :lol: I didn't think it was bad casting though, I enjoyed him on Lost a lot.


So...after about 5 years you'd think the lady would have her **** figured out, but no
Sigh. I think I am ready to give up already. Lets just sign this divorce papers. Maybe we can focus on something else for now.


Could it be possible she stops being a lawyer at the end of the season?
;) :nod:


Did anyone else feel like Cary might be up to something? Not letting Alicia enter the office?
:lol: I read this speculation, I genuinely thought he was being nice :lol: but with RK you never know.

Ladyjosie2412 05-06-2014 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kiki17 (Post 75877975)
Awwww that is so mean :( now I feel slightly guilty for calling him eye liner dude :lol: I didn't think it was bad casting though, I enjoyed him on Lost a lot.

Yeah i didnt think he was a bad casting either... and enjoyed him on Lost too... but all the debate on his eyes made me look it up and jupp... it is really sad he had a hard time with it as a kid.. this is one of the places i found about it... sigh


:lol: I read this speculation, I genuinely thought he was being nice :lol: but with RK you never know.
I thought he was just nice the first time i watched the second i thought something was up with it too... becuase of how then she had last had a personal day well technically it was sick days but she did have a lot of those in what would appear to be a month before in the show universe... so i did wonder if something was up second time around...


- Cannot wait to see how this season will end. When Alicia said that she didn't know if she wanted to be a lawyer felt kind of forshadowing. Could it be possible she stops being a lawyer at the end of the season? Don't know what else she should do, but still..would be another great twist
I have suspected this since not long after 515... and comments from Jules there... so i wouldn't be surprised... if it takes her on a start on something else...

Substance 05-06-2014 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Alwayshappy (Post 75876061)
Could it be possible she stops being a lawyer at the end of the season?

I don't wish to see that because we'd miss too many great court scenes where JM kicks ass.

Gelfling 05-06-2014 05:14 PM


Alicia has been in a state of emotional turmoil for quite some time. And we all know why.
We do? Oh you mean Will's death? But then what explains it for the other 3 seasons? :lol:


Once more, for the record: Nestor Carbonell does NOT wear eye make-up!
:lmao: he should donate his eyelashes to women who have to resort to makeup for theirs to look half as good as his


However I read somewhere else he was bullied for his eyes a lot as a kid so i doubt it is always that fun...
No doubt about it. "Oh look, someone who looks different, let's make his life a living hell!" :rolleyes:


Awwww that is so mean now I feel slightly guilty for calling him eye liner dude I didn't think it was bad casting though, I enjoyed him on Lost a lot.
He has been consistently great in everything I ever saw him in! He was in a couple of episodes a few years back of a Taye Diggs show, playing a junkie ex-cop and he really killed it!*


I don't wish to see that because we'd miss too many great court scenes where JM kicks ass.
Maybe they could rename the show "The ex-Good ex-Wife ex-Lawyer" :lol: RK has been dying to get rid of that title!

Forwood4Bamon 05-06-2014 07:38 PM

I love the alicia/cary. I don't like the new guy alicia's with.

Truly Madly Deeply 05-07-2014 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Gelfling (Post 75889096)

Maybe they could rename the show "The ex-Good ex-Wife ex-Lawyer" :lol: RK has been dying to get rid of that title!

I think you just faund the name that covers everything: ex good, ex wife, ex friend, ex lover, ex lawyer... And opens the door for her to be whatever the writers want..

"The Ex"


Anyone saw last ep of MProject... Danny faking beeing " intimate with himself" while watching Julianna on TGW?


Gelfling 05-07-2014 06:23 PM


"The Ex"
At the rate she's getting love interests right now, it can become "The Exes" pretty fast.


Anyone saw last ep of MProject... Danny faking beeing " intimate with himself" while watching Julianna on TGW?
And they say only old people watch the show :lol:

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