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Old 03-23-2013, 08:08 PM
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The Good Wife 4.18 Episode Discussion Thread - Death Of A Client (03/24/13)

Episode 4.18 - Death Of A Client

WRITTEN BY: Robert and Michelle King
DIRECTED BY: Robert King
AIRDATE: 03/24/2013

Happy TGW Sunday!

When an erratic and litigious client is murdered, Alicia is convinced to waive attorney/client privilege to help the police when she learns that the killer may also be targeting someone close to her. Also, Peter and Mike Kresteva vie for an influential endorsement and Diane receives a stunning offer

Cast List and Stills

"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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Old 03-23-2013, 08:22 PM
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and death of a fan over the picture she is so georgeous
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Old 03-23-2013, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Ladyjosie2412 (View Post)
and death of a fan over the picture she is so georgeous
I know right! I am really considering the idea that this episode should be called "Death of a Fan"
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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Old 03-23-2013, 11:21 PM
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I am so excited!

I know how the safety works

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Old 03-24-2013, 01:04 PM
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Cant wait till tonight.
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Old 03-24-2013, 09:12 PM
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what a great episode! Probably the best all season!

Firstly, who doesn't love a sassy Alicia? She should just be drinking in every scene...

Kresteva finally got a taste of his own medicine! (except he didn't, because, Peter punching him doesn't make any sense, so it must not have happened... )

Love seeing Alicia and Laura's friendship developing. I hope Laura sticks around for a while!

All the flashbacks worked really well through this episode, it was smart how they kept it relevant to the case, but also used it as a way to express some of Alicia's feelings and memories. I ship A/P, but even I didn't mind the A/W flashbacks. The one on the bed was really cute. I enjoy seeing Alicia happy and enjoying herself.

And speaking of seeing Alicia happy... Well, the dance pretty much killed me. It was very sweet. Loved Eli trying to interrupt and Peter not having any of it
"oh, okay, I'll go worry about the campaign, you... dance"

Any episode with Veronica in it is also an instant classic. the woman has no filter. I love it.

Oh, and DIANE?!?!? She never made up her mind!!! Or if she did, we didn't see it. Gosh, part of me is so happy for her, the other part doesn't want her to leave L&G! I'm guessing she was leaning towards taking Peter's offer because she was discussing with Will about him taking on new name partners or just leaving it as "Gardner & Associates" but she never actually said she was taking the offer. *sigh*

Anyway, I can see myself easily re-watching this one several times. 10/10*
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Old 03-24-2013, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by TeamWilson (View Post)
what a great episode! Probably the best all season!

Firstly, who doesn't love a sassy Alicia? She should just be drinking in every scene...

Kresteva finally got a taste of his own medicine! (except he didn't, because, Peter punching him doesn't make any sense, so it must not have happened... )

Love seeing Alicia and Laura's friendship developing. I hope Laura sticks around for a while!

All the flashbacks worked really well through this episode, it was smart how they kept it relevant to the case, but also used it as a way to express some of Alicia's feelings and memories. I ship A/P, but even I didn't mind the A/W flashbacks. The one on the bed was really cute. I enjoy seeing Alicia happy and enjoying herself.

And speaking of seeing Alicia happy... Well, the dance pretty much killed me. It was very sweet. Loved Eli trying to interrupt and Peter not having any of it
"oh, okay, I'll go worry about the campaign, you... dance"

Any episode with Veronica in it is also an instant classic. the woman has no filter. I love it.

Oh, and DIANE?!?!? She never made up her mind!!! Or if she did, we didn't see it. Gosh, part of me is so happy for her, the other part doesn't want her to leave L&G! I'm guessing she was leaning towards taking Peter's offer because she was discussing with Will about him taking on new name partners or just leaving it as "Gardner & Associates" but she never actually said she was taking the offer. *sigh*

Anyway, I can see myself easily re-watching this one several times. 10/10*

Agree with you ..on everything above!

I do like A,s friendship with Laura... Hope it continues.and hope they show more scenes with K... Doesn't always have to be romance.

They did leave us hanging with Diane: this was a seminal epi for sure! What WILL happen f she leaves.. How do they include her in storyline? She doesn't get job if P loses, right?
Or maybe Kurt will come and sweep her off her feet?

A lot of nuance in the epi as well...

Like eliwhen he is funny.. Didn't Peter kind of brush his suit ..very funny!
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Old 03-24-2013, 10:13 PM
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Anyone who has been in this forum long enough knows how I feel right now, I cannot really put words together, but tomorrow I will surely try
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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Old 03-24-2013, 11:58 PM
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This was a blockbuster episode.
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Old 03-25-2013, 04:47 AM
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Wow... what an episode... I still can't wrap my head around how magnificient it was... Everything about it was perfect, it had all my favourite things: a/w, a/p, Stockard Channing, family stuff etc.

-The scenes I found the most moving were the ones with Alicia and Matthew, they were so touching! Especially the last one... just wow... they really had chemistry together, just too bad he's dead so he won't be coming back...

-Diane supreme court justice! Love the idea! She deserves it so much (because she's so awesome vHope she takes it but at the same time I wonder how it would fit into the show...

-Willicia flashback...OMG!!! So cute, passionate and sexy! They looked so happy together in their little bubble, too bad everything has to interfere between them (firm, husband, kids etc.) because they really make a cute couple!! Their talk was so beautiful and intense, you could see the pain and sadness in both their face. Love them together but at the same time I'm kind of glad of the developments taking place (Alicia giving Peter a real second chance and loving her family) and I actually really like Laura, I think she and Will would make an awesome couple. I didn't like Tammy but I adore Laura.

-Stockard Channing is just amazing, Alicia has such a crazy mom lol

-The talk between Alicia and Grace almost made me cry, and I actually believe what Alicia said about loving Peter and everything. The a/p dance at the end was great! Although my only complaint : where is my florrick family scene??? The 4 of them were at the same event and they could easily have fit in a scene with AP and the kids... I hope we have that in upcoming episodes!

-Mike Kresteva is just so evil, Peter was awesome!!

To sum up, easily my favourite episode of all 4 seasons!!
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Old 03-25-2013, 04:59 AM
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I'm gonna have to watch it again, was a good one! I really liked the edition. The party going on, then the scenes at the Police station, all mashed with the flashbacks.
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Old 03-25-2013, 05:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Substance (View Post)
This was a blockbuster episode.
And it deserves a long review.

I can now understand why we've had a bit of Alicia/Will in these previous episodes. Kings were just prepairing us for a proper ending to their little love story since the S3 one we got in Parenting Made Easy, frankfully sucked. What I didn't quite believe though was when Alicia said she loves Peter. It may just have been unsuccessful delivery from Julianna, but something was a bit odd there... Of course I want Alicia and Peter to be together.

I feel like this episode didn't have enough room to properly include Alicia's mum in it. There was so much arch here, that it easily could have been spread to even three episodes. Instead they decided to do it all in one episode. Uncovering of Alicia's past, the "end" of A/W and Kresteva's S4 debut. It was a packed, but a well delivered episode.

Besides these archs we had a case. To be honest I didn't find it too interesting although the client was marvelous. Those flashbacks were some of the funniest material we've seen in TGW. Speaking of funny material, the smack made me gasp. To the last moment I was thinking that "oh no Peter, don't mess it up" and instead he totally turns the table around. But... I predict Peter is going to lose. The thing with Diane made me think this way, because Diane isn't going to leace L&G for the bench or if she is, it happens in the very last episode of The Good Wife. Or maybe I am simply thinking about it too much in term of any television show. TGW is still able to surprise and break things apart in unexpected ways.

Anyways, this episode is in my top 3 of the season, with the French episode and the premiere. And Going for the Gold... and A Defense of Marriage... Cosh there have been great episodes this season.
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Old 03-25-2013, 07:55 AM
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I am still pretty much dead

This episode no doubt makes my Top five (maybe top 3 ) of the series! (so far!)

-Alicia finally coming to terms with her feelings. Finally making some kind of decision, telling Will she was holding them both back, actually admitting that it was kind of selfish to do this. Especially when she has been cozying up with hubby since the beginning of the season. I think it was beautiful done, the flashbacks where great, it was a good time in Alicia life one which she doesn't regret and it was nice they showed that. But like Alicia said that was "the past" and she needed to stop acting like it wasn't. To that beautiful scene with Grace. It’s obvious the theme of the episode was "truth" Alicia said it at the beginning to Kresteva, she was being honest. So that Grace scene was even more wonderful as she says how much she loves them, and admits to her (and even to herself) that she still loves Peter (*I am typing this from beyond the grave* ) For me personally I believe Alicia's words and what she said to Grace "This isn't about responsibility, but about Love" maybe S1 or S2 you can argue it might have been about responsibility, but Alicia shifted back to Peter all on her on during S4, so that’s why she says now is about Love
That dance at the end, Alicia looks so at peace with herself! So happy The smiling and casual talking between her and Peter mmh I been waiting for 4 years for this
(So I usually resseve my A/P gushing to A/P thread but couldn't help it today, if you want to see more just come by the thread )

-Kresteva is one crazy pyscho I kind of didn't see that coming, Peter totally turning that around on him. Just making up lies just like Kresteva did awesome!
-Mmmh can we talk about our girl Danielle? AKA The massage girl mmh her and Kalinda looking pretty hot together! and EXTRA kudos cause Danielle is an awesome girl, so I am so pleased she finally got her time to shine, hope so badly she makes it
-Eli dude can you stop interrupting ever A/P scene
-Mmh so not one A/K scene But Alicia called her, that counts a little tiny bit. Sigh. And of course Kalinda out smarting the cops cause she is one bad bitch So this GPS business, she just like knows this from the back of her head? Like who knows car years and if they have GPS or not? A genius perhaps
(I am not sure what that Cary touching Kalinda's hand was all about )
-John Noble was great, he was so interesting to me. His behavior and odd admiration for Alicia was so weird but he made me want to keep watching. The flashbacks with him, where just so great
-And last BUT not LEAST....STOCKARD CHANNING!! She completes me I couldn't have asked for a casting that made me feel HAPPIER! And she just keeps bringing us more and more of Alicia's backstory, I love that more than I can express. However I do have a few bones to pick with her, she said Alicia was "adventurous" that just not something I can see or even get behind. Since when? I mean even Owen said what a "goodie" girl she was, and in a way even Alicia says it her say when she said she was "embarrassed" about her being pregnant so she changed the date of the wedding. I don't, Alicia as "adventurous" doesn’t fit my image of her. The other things Vero said made more sense.
-Also what a nice Vero/Alicia scene, Vero is so desperate for Alicia to let her back in. And in a way she is realizing all she has missed out. And in a way Vero seem to not be judging Alicia anymore, it was a lovely look they shared.

So I am currently is a state of happiness and satisfaction (I am just hoping RK doesn't rip it away from me just now, I need a few episodes dude, thanks )
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Old 03-25-2013, 12:54 PM
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What I didn't quite believe though was when Alicia said she loves Peter. It may just have been unsuccessful delivery from Julianna, but something was a bit odd there... Of course I want Alicia and Peter to be together.
I agree. The way JM played it - with the hesitation etc. (and Alicia apparently lied to Grace) - it felt more like Alicia wanted to love Peter, decided to love Peter. Because she loves her kids and she loves her family and she wants it all back. Like she once said to her brother Owen: "Sometimes the heart needs steering." And that's what Alicia did last night. But I think it was good for Alicia to make a decision. Finally. It brought peace to her soul which was clearly visible in the dance.

This episode was extraordinary. Really fantastic and well done. It had so clearly the Kings' handwriting and the way it was done it reminded me a lot of Season 1. The chemistry between JM and JN was amazing. A really special moment on TV. The scene between Alicia and Will were really touching, and it was good to see an Alicia who finally takes responsibility for her life and her family. I hope she will stick to her decision and won't throw it away in the next episodes. Actually I think Alicia shouldn't be with Peter or with Will, but maybe that's just me (and no, this has nothing to do with the fact that I secretly wish she would choose Kalinda) and I'm fine with any of them as long as Alicia MAKES A DECISION.

I think the GPS car/dog thing was the low point of the episode but I can overlook that, because everything else was fantastic. And JM's performance made this episode 10times better than it already was. This woman amazes me again and again.

Alicia's Mom was hilarious and I also loved the kids and their reaction to their grandma . And Kresteva was the salt in the supper. Really great. And I liked how Eli was used in the episode. Oh, and I loved the little Cary/Kalinda interaction and Cary's and her hand talking to each other. Cary's hand: "Hey, didn't you like it? There is something between us, isn't it?" - Kalinda's hand: "I told you that I can't give you what you want. We had a deal, now stick to it."

Alicia and Kalinda talked to each other. Wow! Wow! Wow! Okay, it was only on the phone and it was only about work but it was a clear sign that they still seem to know each other. Well, and "I need you, Kalinda" and ""Be right there" was of course a nice dialogue.
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Last edited by Kimlegaspi; 03-25-2013 at 01:57 PM
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Old 03-26-2013, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Substance (View Post)
What I didn't quite believe though was when Alicia said she loves Peter. It may just have been unsuccessful delivery from Julianna, but something was a bit odd there... Of course I want Alicia and Peter to be together.
I think the delivery was meant to be that way, because not only was she admitting it to Grace that she loves him but she was admitting to herself, which is a pretty big step, given their history so she should take her time when answering and sound a little almost surprised with herself. Personally I think it would've been less believable if she said it without hesitation, because to me that would've sounded just like habit or she's saying it because its what Grace wants to hear or what Alicia wants to believe is true, etc. not necessarily what she actually feels. Like when he asked her in s1 if she still loved him she said "I do" without missing a beat. it was a calculated almost "auto-pilot" response and to me that felt more like she believed she 'should' still love him or she still felt obligated to love him whereas this "I love him" felt so much more real and emotional.
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