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Kelly2790 04-30-2012 01:30 AM

This is The Good Wife I have missed and This is the Goof Wife I fell in love with


ITS A SURPRISE PARTY FOR YOU!! This episode had everything from comedy to drama.

But I finally get it. Alicia misses her family but I pray she does not go back in. I'm actually excited for S4. My love for Kalinda grows and I just love that she stayed. Eli/Jackie wow! This is the Eli we need to see more of.

I actually thought it might be Alicia at Kalinda's door at one point!

Also a Will/Alicia moment :love:

The finale had everything and sets up the firms struggle for next year.

Also if there is one thing I have learnt from the show is that while I love Alicia/Will. It is Kalinda/Alicia that is the most real and most important relationship of the show.

I_Love_Siobhan_Magnus 04-30-2012 03:06 AM

Overall, a nice ending. Everything came back to the old times in season 2 --- both Eli and Alicia had been wondering without a clear direction for the whole season and finally came back to Peter. But Kalinda's storyline held so many questions and I didn't get enough on it. The creepy voice feels like A in Pretty Little Liars that keeps harassing the leading characters and hiding in the dark. :thud:

--- Just like somebody in this forum predicted before, this finale started with the last scene of ep 21, in a bar where Alicia turned the chair towards Kalinda to invite her have a drink with a radiant smile and utmost sincerity! They seemed a little nervous and anxious at the beginning when Alicia unconsciously rotating the glass of scotch on the bar counter and Kalinda clarified that She was NOT lesbian but, in her word, FLEXIBLE! :eek: Before she spoke out this lame answer, she paused for a while with her mahogany eyes rolled and blinked! :lol: But where did her obsession with Lana come from? What was that all about? Was that flexible? "Yeah … sort of." :lmao: Come on, there's no need to hide! Our investigator was blushed! Fortunately, a vibrating phone caught the timing to interrupt such awkward moment.

--- Diane immediately called Will to announce their glorious victory on court, beginning with this: "Will, are you standing or sitting?" Nuh-uh, neither. "Which one do you want me to be?" :lol: We found a droopy equity partner down on the couch like a log without a tie as always, but the call did invigorate him to get up --- from lying, to sitting, to standing. Wonderful.

--- The more wonderful thing is, Mr. Cannings and Ms. Nyholm jointed forces against L&G as Dream Team! They rejected the plea of setting and dropped a bombshell on L&G, making our good wife, suspended boss and all-time iron lady totally speechless and absentminded. Did you see that? They simultaneously raised their heads to peer at the ceiling, as if the Kings were there to silently yell at them: "Don't look at us! Head down!" :lmao:

--- Kalinda happened to be stalking dutiful mother Patti into a Park where her Leela-self unexpectedly met dutiful father Wiley! And this must be the first time for her to wear something else special more than jacket and boots --- yes, a pair of sunglasses! :cool: Badass Kalinda is back! :clap: The creepy voice from F&E construction was her DANGEROUS husband --- yes, not ex-husband, but current husband! :eek:

--- With Peter's testimony, Canning and Nyholm admitted defeat, but it turned out that the firm won the battle but lost the war! :thud: L&G's top client, dissatisfying with Will's suspension, shifted gear to join in Dream Team!!! That was overly melodramatic.

--- The encounter outside the elevator --- an expected encounter for Alicia on her husband OR her boss, also an unexpected encounter for Alicia on her husband AND her boss --- was as ironic and hilarious as Kalinda's finding Wiley and Patti at park. Then Eli and Cary joined this weird combination, giving Kalinda a surprise party! :lmao:

--- Actually, this was more like a farewell party. Kalinda had packed her bag and got ready to flee. At the eve of her escape, she had to end this thing between her and her husband, but --- seriously? It faded into black before this man showed up! At least let us see what he looks like! Perhaps CBS needs some time to find a new actor to play this part. Glad to see her have a drink with Will. "Is this a goodbye?" "Just a little bit." "You're gonna make me cry." Oh, my dear, you're gonna make all of the audience cry! :bawl: We know that the whole firm is gonna take leave for "just a little bit". That's fine. We'll miss you and we need you in season 4.

--- Alicia was definitely struggling in a dilemma. Above her head was a cloudless and starry sky; beneath her feet was a big Welcome; behind her back was a warm family; and what lied before her was the uncertain future. Her feelings on Will remained and kept torturing her inside, especially at this point that Peter may lose the governorship because of her. But what's done is done. The candidate himself had confessed of their separation and seen it recorded. Without a doubt, his opponents will dig it out and use it against this reunited couple.


It is Kalinda/Alicia that is the most real and most important relationship of the show.
It is the most Real relationship of the show. The most Important one is the love triangle of Alicia, Peter and Will.

RyeLyn 04-30-2012 03:32 AM

It's official that Kalinda can't live without her orange notebook! :lol:
Best episode ever!

· I can see Alicia's conflict, but she won't go back into the house.

· I love Peter being honest, it wasn't easy for him to be honest. Eli would kill him.

· Cary was likable in this episode, I like him on the dark side. The little whispering "Welcome back Cary." Encouragement kinda reminded me of the first day of work... :look:

· Alicia and Will elevator moment... I just thought so many things had changed since Season 2 finale. "It wasn't a mistake." To me, this was more like a overdue closure.:look: Sorry for saying that, A/W shippers.. :(

· The A/K bar scene, it was GREAT, and I liked how Kalinda's little confession out of nowhere. But I was hoping more, that was too quick! Why does their phone begin to buzz every time someone is trying to make a somewhat deep conversation!? Damn! But I liked Kalinda leaned in and asked "What." It was like their old time...

· OH KALINDA... my feelings are overwhelmed for her at the moment... Kalinda wearing her sunglasses is sigh that Kalinda is on Badass Mode? :lol: Seriously, how many things are there in your secret place?!

· Kalinda's apartment! The most mysterious place in TGW! My dream came true! Could her apartment be more like a hotel room?! Those so neat white sheets.. I could totally picture her place like this, minimalist, extremely tidy, it was like the place of someone in control, and never settled. The gun and money in the wall showed that it was her instinct to run. She must be familiar with this. How did she survive these years?

· When Kalinda went to Alicia's office to say goodbye to her, just before her entering, the shot of Alicia outside the glass wall, it was slow, faltered, it felt like Kalinda's look saying good bye through the glass. It was my favourite moment in the whole fantastic episode.

· So it was official, Kalinda would die for Alicia. I have no doubt that Kalinda is the one cares most for Alicia in the whole show, she would do anything, even risk her own life to protect Alicia. Remember how Glenn Childs and others kept saying she was the most self-protective one? So ironic..

· That's all my babbling! All in all, please stay safe, dear Kalinda!

hiddleskittlesღ 04-30-2012 03:50 AM

I thought there was going to be another ep, so I wasn't prepared that this was the finale.

Anyway, loved it - though not the ending.

Very well played by the "Dream Team" - though now I hate them both so much.

Eli and Jackie scene was HILARIOUS!

And the elevator scene with everyone was priceless!!!

Whoever came up with the idea of the stroller baby needs an award.

Kalinda being a BAMF yet again! Gawd, I love her!


Who is Patrick I-forgot-his-last-name-and-I-don't-really-care again? Is he the one who owns that Internet company or whatever?

I was hoping for more Lamont actually.

I wonder who they'd cast as Kalinda's husband... I was trying to see if I recognized the voice...

I missed the kids!!! They're so cute! Zack especially :D

Not really the finale I was expecting, but I still loved it :)

lentejoncita 04-30-2012 04:31 AM

The episode was so good, but to me there were other better as Ham Sandwich or last week episode. All this season I felt like they were building something, but we didn't really get so much about anything. After this I feel like next season has to be, more active to develop everything they planted on this season finale.

Why there are always the most funny cases when I am more interested on the rest of story lines? Like last week, there was so good with Judge Cuesta, but I didn't enjoy it enough because I was thrilling to know more about the rest. Maybe they should plant those interesting cases on the episodes were the characters stories are less important. I would enjoy it more the Dream Team if they were on any other episode..


Originally Posted by RyeLyn (Post 62890430)
· So it was official, Kalinda would die for Alicia. I have no doubt that Kalinda is the one cares most for Alicia in the whole show, she would do anything, even risk her own life to protect Alicia. Remember how Glenn Childs and others kept saying she was the most self-protective one? So ironic..

This was the most important point! She stay because she was worry for Alicia! I don't know what kind of love it is, but really Kalinda loves sooooo much Alicia that she is ever leaving all her instincts of preservation because of her. She was ready to leave, to disappear the only thing that make her doubt was Alicia. (Btw, it is ironic that Will said "I thought you were lucky here" Really Will? Lemond Bishop is behind her, she can't have any kind of relationship, and now that things are getting better with Alicia it happens this... so, yeah... lucky) I am looking forward to see what happens whit the husband, but even more to see how the two of them share thinkings about this.
I Also love it the beginning, but I am getting a bit frustrated with the short conversation things. Even when the Kalinda told Alicia about the husband. I know they want to as to have expectation about what's going on next season, but just a bit longer surprise on Alicia, something.

About the not gay "revelation", I was laughing to. I imagine that after Alicia find out that Kalinda slept with Peter, she wouldn't think that she's gay any more. Also it was important on the way back to their friendship, of course. But it was just funny thinking of it. XD

About the rest,

- I was laughing at the scene of all of them. And before Kalinda comes I was thinking, now just have Kalinda's left to be more awkward. There she was. Think about it: Alicia is married to Peter, who cheated on her with Kalinda who is her best friend and works with her, bot of them work for Will who slept with Alicia after she found out about Peter and Kalinda, who also worked together as Cary who is a bit in love with Kalinda and now is back to work for Will after work for Peter. And then Eli, just him! hahahaha it was just great.

-A/P, I know that she's lost now about how to manage everything and that she really doesn't know how to do things, but came on, if your son ask you to stay for pizza, you stay. I am not saying that they have to love each other - even if I thought that they still love each other- jut a slide of pizza! And as I read here, I was also thinking that it was Alicia who knocks on Kalinda's door. My worry here is... is the S4 again going to be about Alicia deciding divorcing Peter or not? The moment with Will on the elevator was nice, but again... I am bit tired of her struggling between those two. She made a decision about both of them, but now it not a decision any more. I like that she is doubting, because it show us things about the character. But really, lately it is nothing new.

I can't really believe that was the season finale and now we have to wait until... September? :(

Aga_darkside 04-30-2012 07:26 AM

What a great episode!! Not a single unnecessary scene :D

- The bar scene, soo good! A/K rocks my world again
- Canning teamed up with Patti - a dream team indeed
- Kalinda's husband on the phone was super creepy :eek::eek:
-Patti's kid going around the firm :lmao: "Our new associate" :rotfl:
- The writers definitely have a thing for elevators, the first one was awkward, but hilarious when everyone gathered there :lmao: and the second was so sad, but at the same time kinda gives me hope for the future, Thanks for filling the nothingness that was A/W for the last couple of eps :flowers:
- Peter's deposition - I was surprised he told them about the separation, I like he was being honest, but it doesn't bode well for the election.
- I loved the new judge on the wheelchair, how he didn't want to play Canning's game :thumbs_up:
- What a cliffhanger with Kalinda :eek: Also, could her apartment get more impersonal? :lol:
- Alicia a the end: I know she misses the way things were but at the same time I feel she isn't going to go back.

The hiatus is going to be a torture, the scheduling was so messed up this season :bawl:

tvdramafan 04-30-2012 07:51 AM

It is funny how we all saw the same epi, but have different interpretations. I don,t think A/P are reunited at all, nor will they be in a real sense.

I agree that going in for the pizza was no big deal, but it was meant to be symbolic...about how much is she prepared to do to keep the family together,and get Peter elected.

I saw the A/P scenes as closure for their rlshp as a couple...seems Peter has moved on. To me the elevator scene with Will was nice but I too do not want to see yet another season of obstacles between them.... A seemed more regretful than Will!

For Alicia, it always was and will be about the family, which drove me nuts in S2 when it must not have been great for the kids watching their parents under the same roof but Not together.

Loved the humour in the epi ..elevator scene.
Thought case with Patty turned out a little flat...although Peters confession will have big percussions.
It was hilarious that so many thought Alicia may get shot....that guy was SCARY!!!

nlpnlp 04-30-2012 08:27 AM

I loved the episode. One of the strongest episodes this season imo. :)

So many wonderful thing happened but I just wanted to say how much I loved the elavator scene with P/A/W/E/C and K. I hoped for Diane to show up because that would be hands down the best moment in TV history. But even without Diane the scene was pure perfection. :thud: :thud:

ylana 04-30-2012 09:56 AM

And the Oscar goes to Patti's baby. I absolutely LOVED that baby and the stroller! LOL :D

Amazing ep. Great way to end the season. Some answers which only provoked more question...which lead us to believe/hope we'll have more answers next season.

I so can't wait for Kalinda to meet that husband! And I think it's so beautiful how much she cares about Alicia. I don't think it's sexual at all, just a genuine feeling of friendship. I've experienced something of the sort so...maybe I'm biased but I think that's the thing with those two. :)

Elevator scene. Priceless!!!! Made my freakin day (night, actually)!

karma7 04-30-2012 10:52 AM

Anybody know the name of the last song and artist on the soundtrack? I don't know where to look for it. Thanks.

Boots Electric 04-30-2012 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by karma7 (Post 62896761)
Anybody know the name of the last song and artist on the soundtrack? I don't know where to look for it. Thanks.

Beach House- Real Love

crazy_diamond 04-30-2012 11:39 AM

Good episode :D, full of good characters scenes

I didn't even know it was the finale :look:

karma7 04-30-2012 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Boots Electric (Post 62897620)
Beach House- Real Love

Thank you muchly. :)

LGC 04-30-2012 01:40 PM

The season finale was different, there were so many stories condensed in less than an hour giving some developments for next season!

-The case was interesting, but the strategy was a bit confusing to me: of the three judges involved in the bribery, one was Winter and another was Wynter? I do not recall this from the meeting of WSC and Elsbeth at her office…Maybe if I re watch the episode I can clear this up.

-Regarding Alicia, I do not see the harm in sharing a dinner, maybe she feared it could lead to something else or giving the kids hope :shrug: The progress of this doubt, Alicia going back to the old house or not, living in a commune like Grace said :lol: It will be interesting to see.

-Could it be possible that Kalinda’s uncashed checks come from the time when she was Leela? Shouldn’t it have set an alarm in her when Alicia mentioned she found some of them on the folder? Just asking :look:

- I wouldn’t expect a different reaction from Kalinda than to stay when she found out that Alicia was part of the game. She knows that her husband is dangerous and Alicia is a target now. This will make their bond stronger, if this is even possible. Nice arc for S4 :yay:

-The relevance and consequences of L&G having money problems, I’m excited to know more about this too! They are always teasing with the possibility of Alicia leaving the firm but it is highly doubtful.

The elevator and W/P :lol: The tension caused its malfunction! :lmao:

Eli was funny, his reaction to Peter and Alicia at her office and her eyes rolling in response :rotfl:

It was nice to hear the determination in Alicia's NO when Will asked her if their time together was a mistake :love: It can give us hope or not for S4, but it was a change :nod: and look, they are talking to each other!

K/W interaction at the bar was beyond trusting or not trusting him. Imo, she was trying to not get him involved just like she did with Alicia when she didn’t answer what was going on. The difference is that Alicia IS part of the story now.


it is ironic that Will said "I thought you were lucky here" Really Will? Lemond Bishop is behind her, she can't have any kind of relationship, and now that things are getting better with Alicia it happens this... so, yeah... lucky
I believe he didn’t say lucky, he said something like “I thought you were liking it here” in relation to her working in L&G. He said this because he was concerned about her wanting to leave and did not understand her decision, imo. Besides, Will still do not know about Lemond Bishop threatening Kalinda or how things are going between her and Alicia.

Boots Electric 04-30-2012 01:47 PM

I'm sorry I'm feeling slow today and I feel comfortable enough to ask this here. Why would someone save an uncashed check?

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