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Jen226 12-05-2011 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by ChrissyDiva (Post 60037119)
He should be having those conversations with Alicia. I guess when he finally wanted to get around to it, she breaks it off. Ouch!

Yea, bad timing seems to be the the recurring theme that the writers love the most.

zuzoka 12-05-2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jen226 (Post 60037256)
Yea, bad timing seems to be the the recurring theme that the writers love the most.

Yep, and I hate that. :mad:

karma7 12-05-2011 12:03 PM

Oy, the angst, the Victorian turmoil!. What century are we living in anyway? Oh, wait.... the show is called The Good Wife. That means we have to pretend this is the 1950s. But last I checked divorce laws were liberalized, sex between adults was consensual and not criminal, children of separated and divorced parents do well if the relationship between parents is not conflictual, and women don't bear the sole burden of raising children, especially working women.

And.... before I get off my soap-box.... since at least the 1970s, women have won equality of choice, responsibility and opportunity with men... that means entitlement to have individual pursuits, and relationships. I don't understand why the enlightened creators of this show have saddled Alicia Florrick with such a burdensome, guilt-ridden supper-ego.

I fail to see how an open relationship with Will would cause anybody any lasting, irreparable trouble. Yeah, Peter would be in a snit, the investigation would take it's course and find nothing. The firm would survive because they "do good work" and Diane would calm down. There would need to be proper work-place boundaries between W and A, and conflict-of-interest precautions, but that's about it.

Okay, I feel better for having ranted. Thanks, guys for your indulgence.

wonderwendy 12-05-2011 01:20 PM

Not sure how I feel about the episode. The Creepy Duo has to go *shudder*. Intellectually I knew that the case could have been interesting, but I really don't care about a showdown between Martha the Vengeful and Dr. Homophobe. We had the right amount of Eli but as always, not enough Diane (can there ever be enough Diane?).


I don't understand why the enlightened creators of this show have saddled Alicia Florrick with such a burdensome, guilt-ridden supper-ego.
I feel you karma7. They used Alicia's guilt to get rid of a storyline they didn't want to deal with at the present time. Lazy writing (but I have faith that something good will come of it, given how well-written and plotted the show has been in the past). Relationships are messy, and having Alicia have moments of doubt seems reasonable given that she's been married to the charismatic father of her children for however many years.

Still waiting for the A/K friendship to reappear. Hopefully next episode. :)

Meriah_91 12-05-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by lisarita (Post 60034145)
They need to stop giving so much air-time to characters like Cary, Dana, Wendy. Those people take important precious time away from our main characters. I got just the right amount of Eli in this episode.
<<shakes head and walks away from computer>> :(

I agree completely. I've had enough of them for the rest of the season! I want more Alicia, Will, Kilinda and Diane!!!

amygardner 12-06-2011 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Couch Tomato (Post 60034422)
I didn't get the ending scene with Will and Diane, what did she mean he did the right thing? :confused: Does she think he broke up with Alicia, like that, in his office, for her to see what he was doing, or is it something else that I'm missing? :confused:

that's exactly why i found that the scene sound "fake", why do they break up in the office when they have been trying so hard to hide their relationship to anybody so far ? , also wiill doesn't seem so sad he should be.

and what will happen now ? Will Diane phone Peter to say : hey look, the relationship is over , you can drop the sue now !

i'm sorry but i really find this story line stupid!

tvdramafan 12-06-2011 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by karma7 (Post 60038836)
Oy, the angst, the Victorian turmoil!. What century are we living in anyway?
. I don't understand why the enlightened creators of this show have saddled Alicia Florrick with such a burdensome, guilt-ridden supper-ego.

I fail to see how an open relationship with Will would cause anybody any lasting, irreparable trouble. Yeah, Peter would be in a snit, the investigation would take it's course and find nothing. The firm would survive because they "do good work" and Diane would calm down. There would need to be proper work-place boundaries between W and A, and conflict-of-interest precautions, but that's about it.

Okay, I feel better for having ranted. Thanks, guys for your indulgence.

Agree with you on this... you do get why alicia feels overwhelmed, but they have also made the point that the kids are not destroyed by the separation... they don't love it, but Grace notes alicia is happier... and I agree the issues are resolveable... have alicia report to someone else... it would not look good, but it is resolveable....but then , most of the issues on the series ( rlshp) are resolveable. I keep saying it is unrealistic that a couple would be in a fake separation for so long, or that a man like Peter would not seek a concrete answer to what he wife wants ( and if you ask me, she made it clear- or so we have been led to think)...but it is a drama , I have to keep reminding myself... I guess this show is different , because unlike Revenge, say , which I like ( no tomatoes) but is totally unrealistic, this show has grey characters and does skirt on the edge of reality, which i guess frustrates us at times...
the acting and characterizations are so good that we all get sucked in...

Kiki17 12-06-2011 12:31 PM


mm i wouldn't be so sure about that. Did you pay attention to both his convos with Kalinda? (funniest thing about the A/W relationship being discussed more with W/K than A/W) The one in the office when he said he didn't want the question about "whether or not him ending things with Alicia" to be asked as a way to stop the investigation. Then the one at the bar wanting to know what Alicia exactly wanted
Mmm I been thinking a lot about this, and maybe you are right. Maybe he was going to talk to her about being more seriously. So you believe that the reason he was pacing back and forward was because he was nervous about how Alicia was going to take the "I want to be more serious" proposal? I can believe this. Though if he was gonna fight for her...he didn't seem that shock when she ended it :look: It was as if he knew it was know.

witgit 12-06-2011 12:32 PM


Oy, the angst, the Victorian turmoil!. What century are we living in anyway?
. I don't understand why the enlightened creators of this show have saddled Alicia Florrick with such a burdensome, guilt-ridden supper-ego
But that's who she is. This is not a new side of her. She's not the symbol of resurgence of independent womanhood or of the women who can have it all, or any of that. She's a person and she feels that she needs to be the best she can for the people around her. She raised herself to be the responsible one because everyone around her was not. I don't think she's a symbol of the times, she's just a woman trying her best.


So you believe that the reason he was pacing back and forward was because he was nervous about how Alicia was going to take the "I want to be more serious" proposal?
Oh I just posted something about this in the A/W thread, but I agree with this. He wants Alicia and despite whatever Diane is telling him, whatever the 'smart' part of his brain is telling him he's doing everything it takes to get a different angle on the investigation.

He spells it out to Kalinda in no uncertain terms that he wants to make a commitment to Alicia. Him asking her if she doesn't think he can do it is him reacting to her reaction. Her reaction being that of "Will Gardner, is Alicia Florrick really making an honest man out of you?!!"

In the same breath he worries, with good reason, that this is not what Alicia wants out of the relationship at this stage. The whole season, whatever little we have seen of A/W, have made Will believe that. And then the crisis with Grace happens and he sees that he's not a part of that part of Alicia's life. His line when she walks into her office "I feel like I have not seen you for a while" is very telling. He knows he's been cut off when there was a family crisis. He knows how to read it.

He's pacing because while he's prepping himself up to ask what Alicia wants from the relationship and lay down what it is he wants, he knows well that the answer from Alicia's side may very well be a no. But he's still going to take that chance.

So he doesn't even need to hear her say the words at that point. He knows it's a break up the minute she says "I'm sorry"

Also, the last scene with Diane, dripping with irony. She will get over it, Will says. Implied in the silence is that he probably won't.

Sorry, DP. Far too emotional to be posting right now. The show gives me feelings with a capital F. I may have used other F words too while watching.

ChrissyDiva 12-06-2011 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Kiki17 (Post 60058314)
Mmm I been thinking a lot about this, and maybe you are right. Maybe he was going to talk to her about being more seriously. So you believe that the reason he was pacing back and forward was because he was nervous about how Alicia was going to take the "I want to be more serious" proposal? I can believe this. Though if he was gonna fight for her...he didn't seem that shock when she ended it :look: It was as if he knew it was know.

We all knew it was coming. I never thought that a breakup would come from Will. We discussed before that we saw they were in a different level of their relationship. Will clearly wanted more but Alicia was just not ready to be committed to anyone. This is not even a Will issue. It's something that has to do with her and who she is. Will knows her enough so he knew from the signs she was sending that she was having doubts so when she started crying, it doesn't take a scientist to know that she was ending things. I don't think that people should jump on the "well he didn't even fight for her" bandwagon. I'll elaborate on that later once I am out of school.

witgit 12-06-2011 01:00 PM

I also call this the critic serive episode. It's where they have to doff their hat to the people who know the difference between arbiter and arbitrator, the fact that LG wins far too many cases ( so in a way CBS is now responsible for Will getting investigated...??:D), that Diane was "mothering" Will, that that Grace needs to mention Shannon and her Bible reading again or we will think she moved on to dancing, and that Eli has perfect pitch and was training to be a classical pianist and can detect appliance sounds like no other.

PetiteFleur 12-06-2011 01:06 PM


I also call this the critic serive episode. It's where they have to doff their hat to the people who know the difference between arbiter and arbitrator, the fact that LG wins far too many cases ( so in a way CBS is now responsible for Will getting investigated...??), that Diane was "mothering" Will, that that Grace needs to mention Shannon and her Bible reading again or we will think she moved on to dancing....
yes, and that Eli's storyline looks like a spin-off within a show as he doesn't interact with most people in LG :D

ChrissyDiva 12-06-2011 01:11 PM

WTF? My post just disappeared.


Mmm I been thinking a lot about this, and maybe you are right. Maybe he was going to talk to her about being more seriously. So you believe that the reason he was pacing back and forward was because he was nervous about how Alicia was going to take the "I want to be more serious" proposal? I can believe this. Though if he was gonna fight for her...he didn't seem that shock when she ended it It was as if he knew it was know.
Ok redoing this again. As i was saying, we all knew a breakup was coming. We saw that her bubble was showing cracks and at some point it would be too much for her. So i think Will knew it too hence why he wasn't really shocked when she ended things. That doesn't mean that he feels better ,it's just what it is. I mean he's not even the issue in this. This is something that has to do with who Alicia is. Her family will always come first so the guilt that she feels when she is trying to think of herself even though i don't think she was neglecting her kids over it. But for Alicia, that's how she sees it. That she was "distracted" and that reality needs to be faced now. She is just not ready to be in any kind of relationship. It is just too much like she said. And honestly, i get it. I totally felt bad for the both of them.


He's pacing because while he's prepping himself up to ask what Alicia wants from the relationship and lay down what it is he wants, he knows well that the answer from Alicia's side may very well be a no. But he's still going to take that chance.
That's exactly how i took that scene too. He was mostly preparing himself for rejection.

Kiki17 12-06-2011 01:50 PM


She raised herself to be the responsible one because everyone around her was not
mmh Shama that is one wonderful analysis and so very true :nod: I mean thats why I love Breaking Fast so much, that scene with Owen we learn so much from Alicia. She has always done the right thing, she feels its her duty.


He knows he's been cut off when there was a family crisis.
mmh yea, I was talking about, is very telling that she ignores his phone call during the crisis and even when he wants to go talk to her, again she is busy. It most have been hard on him.


Will knows her enough so he knew from the signs she was sending that she was having doubts so when she started crying, it doesn't take a scientist to know that she was ending things
Yea I agree, it wasn't that she wanted to end or was ending because of him, but she was ending because it became to much for her, it really had nothing to do with him. You can tell he knew that. They are just in two different places in their lives.


WTF? My post just disappeared.
Sorry bb, you had a DP so I erased one, but didn't realize you had erased the other post, cause I was in the middle of responding. I put your post back and deleted the other one.

witgit 12-06-2011 02:10 PM

From the TWoP recap of the ep and pretty much summed up my feelings for it.


This episode is really good, like, "addendum" good. I might need a little break here in a minute, just to chill out.
"addendum good" should be a phrase.


I love Breaking Fast so much, that scene with Owen
Yup. Just who Owen is and what we know of their parents tells us a lot about Alicia. Come on TGW, bring on Alicia's mother already.


I was talking about, is very telling that she ignores his phone call during the crisis and even when he wants to go talk to her, again she is busy.
Yup, whatever he is to her, he's not family. This was a family crisis. And she's also ignoring his calls because she's actively blaming herself for her relationship with him. Not the best time to talk to him.
But the fact that he came to the house, knowing that the whole family would be there was pretty ballsy.

Also, Dana is the worst. Stop talking about what Cary talks during sex. How much creepier can this get? I'm honestly watching the next episodes with a blanket that I can dive under every time Dana's sex life comes up.

And I liked MJF this episode. Even the OTP opening scene he got. And Martha is the next Cary. How many people are going to resent Alicia for putting them out of a job? Cary, Martha, the proto-Martha that Alicai beat out, Wendy, Childs...any others?

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