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Brilliant Disguise 11-22-2009 01:35 PM

The Good Wife 1.09 Episode Discussion Thread - Threesome (Nov. 23th, 2009)
:star: Episode 1.09 - Threesome :star:

AIRDATE: 11/23/09

:star: Summary :star:
Stern Lockhart and Gardner's senior partner, Jonas Stern is back with a problem he wants Alicia to fix for him.

:star: Cast List and Stills :star:

Det.Logan 11-22-2009 01:45 PM

I know for sure I'll be super-sad at the end of this episode.
BTW, do we know if this is the last episode before Xmas?

Unsung Hero 11-22-2009 01:52 PM

Thanks for the new thread.

And yes that should be the last for now. :(

Brilliant Disguise 11-23-2009 12:35 AM

Maybe we could do a rewatch? Next week episode 1 etc..

But first this episode :wiggle:

heartღaflutter 11-23-2009 04:43 AM

Thanks for the new thread :D

Det.Logan 11-23-2009 02:17 PM

"Behind the Scenes" of Threesome (CBS video/Youtube)

YouTube - The Good Wife - Behind the Scenes with Julianna and Chris

Libra 11-24-2009 02:15 AM

Happy last before Christmas TGW day :yay:

Too bad we have to wait then...

Great banner, Mel! And thanks for the link!

Unsung Hero 11-24-2009 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Brilliant Disguise (Post 41544964)
Maybe we could do a rewatch? Next week episode 1 etc..

But first this episode :wiggle:

SOunds good. They also re-air a episode next saturday.

Happy tuesday. :yay:

heartღaflutter 11-24-2009 07:59 AM

Happy TGW tuesday! :)

silver girl 11-24-2009 08:28 AM

Whee! TGW Day!

That video is great! It's nice to see actors that really seem to like and respect each other and those scenes from tonight are intense. A lot more than I was expecting. I can't wait!

heartღaflutter 11-24-2009 11:52 AM

I found a global tv promo

Det.Logan 11-24-2009 10:26 PM

i think I'm going to need some valium... OMG

Gin777 11-25-2009 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Det.Logan (Post 41606117)
i think I'm going to need some valium... OMG

Oh no they didn't! OMG... I'm going to die between now and the show coming back!!! :eek:

Unsung Hero 11-25-2009 05:57 AM


The interview is the opening scene interesting. And amber is played by a different actress than they showed in the pilot.
Oh no, Zach AND Grace are watching that? Not good

'I started drinking earlier' :lol:

Nates mom still there. :D

Peter all fierce, nice.

Oh the assistant is back, I kinda missed her.

Cary, there he is. Uh I love mad!Cary. How he said 'Courtney' the second time. Wow

NOt fair how they make fun of Alicia.

And now everyone laughing at her at the firm. Poor her!

Stern caused a accident? He doesn't seem like a good guy and he is hurting the firm

OH Stern likes her now. Super, I'm very happy now [/sarcasm]

THat's Stern? They re-cast him from the pilot too.

Stern/Diane hug :lol:

Will and Stern are not getting along well, I wonder if that always was that way.

I miss Kalinda. Where is she?

Stern wants Alicia. Big surprise. Call me shocked. [/sarcasm]

Mother/Kids talking. None of this is true? I wonder if she is telling the truth now

Oh Zach is so on Team Peter :lol:

Family meeting is over. How long was it? 30 seconds? :D

Best arguments are spontaneous. Nice

Matan is back :woot: 3 time's a charm

He is going to undress himself in front of Alicia? He is a odd man

Well at least her case doesn'T go that well yet if she has to do it.

13 minutes and still no Kalinda`Only one scene with Cary? Fail!

'Let the plotting began'

Will/Cary? Did I just see right? Whoo

Aww Zach has a girl friend. And it's Hazel. Whoo. The Minion, and where is Blair Waldorf?

Ah the divorce poll. Zach is betting himself.

Zach the girl is flirting with you.

Aww she calls him Zachary how cute

Jackie is back!

lol at the song

Ah Kalinda finally!

Alicia has a script? lol

Aww Kalinda offers to talk with Amber. That was a nice gesture. :)

lol the tape, Stern attacking the cop. Is he crazy?

Alicia is so annoyed

'I have no time to hesitate, you're interrupting'

OMG what a scene, best JUlianna scene in the show

Ladies and Gentleman, nominated for an Emmy and Golden GLobe as lead actress in a tv show....Julianna Margulies

Jackie, ever heard of giving someone private?
Oh Zach is a good student!

Oh no she found the pics? Zach got a problem! Oh no is she throwing it out? No she can't do that. No!

And Alicia figured it out again. Oh yeah the joy

'I think you should take the kids to church more' Oh Jackie lol

lol Alicia putting the computer in the living room

lol the music again :rotfl: It is really driving parents crazy

They realyl should call the show 'THe Alicia Florrick Show- Superwoman out to do everything'

Cary and Will working together? Whoo! COuld we at least see something of that

Will and Diane so don't get along anymore

Wow Stern ruins his friendship with Diane right now. He hired her because it looked good to have a woman? Boah You are so getting out now Stern.

Amber/Peter that's going to be interesting

I think you should never get on Peters bad side

'I need more help' 'That's what I am here for' Sure you are Kalinda!

SO Jonah is sick, and that's why everything happened?

Perfect way to kick him out of the firm

Haha Will, didn't think Alicia would keep quiet

Jackie throws away stuff every morning when she doesn't like it? oh lol

Stern is giving up. No surprise here

Aww Stern didn't meant what he said

He is talking his clients with him?

He wants Alicia to go with him? Oh please say yes. :lol:

Just kidding!

Stern saying Will will stack her in the back

Peter was set-up. What did Stern mean?

Amber finding Alicia. wife meets the other woman

Amber really sound scared...well and mad :lol:

OMG they kiss! OMG And now she goes? Oh boy, what away to end the episode.

And now a two weeks break. Geez

heartღaflutter 11-25-2009 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gin777 (Post 41609252)
Oh no they didn't! OMG... I'm going to die between now and the show coming back!!! :eek:

well that's only 2 weeks :P not the almost 2 month hiatus we had in mind first!
Welcome to the forum btw


The interview is the opening scene interesting. And amber is played by a different actress than they showed in the pilot.
I noticed that too!!


Peter all fierce, nice.
Loving it too :love:


Oh the assistant is back, I kinda missed her.
I like Courtney


Cary, there he is. Uh I love mad!Cary. How he said 'Courtney' the second time. Wow
:lol: Still loving his assistants apparently :P

NOt fair how they make fun of Alicia.
no I felt sorry for her :(


OH Stern likes her now. Super, I'm very happy now [/sarcasm]


THat's Stern? They re-cast him from the pilot too.
Seriously, when was he in teh pilot, I don't remember a stern guy (even Josh Charles said it was the first time he'd be introduced to the show.


Stern/Diane hug
thought it was cute!


Will and Stern are not getting along well, I wonder if that always was that way.
I wonder that too... though the last comment at the end of the ep makes me think they never got along that well, which makes me wonder even more how the trio became the head of teh firm? How did Diane become one and how did WIll become one??


Oh Zach is so on Team Peter
a given already in the last ep..


Matan is back 3 time's a charm
Was good to see him back!!


He is going to undress himself in front of Alicia? He is a odd man
I second that


Will/Cary? Did I just see right? Whoo
yeah they talked, I wonder what about


Aww Zach has a girl friend. And it's Hazel. Whoo. The Minion, and where is Blair Waldorf?
I knew I saw her somewhere else before :P


Zach the girl is flirting with you.

Aww she calls him Zachary how cute
haha cute how Zach was a bit astounded by it all and ran off when Jackie entered the apartment


Jackie is back!


lol at the song
Too funny!!


Alicia has a script? lol
though that was funny too


Aww Kalinda offers to talk with Amber. That was a nice gesture.
I liked that too.. Kalinda offering to deal with it for Alicia so she wouldn't have to do it. Pretty weird though that the call girl called ALicia :shrug:


OMG what a scene, best JUlianna scene in the show
I loved the scene with Peter and Alicia.. Make her stop.. Truly good!! Also Peter's response to that in the room he shared with that call girl.. when he said that she had no idea what he was capable of, in order to protect his family!


Jackie, ever heard of giving someone private?
Oh Zach is a good student!
Didn't like that she invaded his privacy, am worried what's happening now that the pics are gone (though Zach has a few on his computer too right - if he saved them at least :P guessing by his reaction to the missing file, I think he didn't)


'I think you should take the kids to church more' Oh Jackie lol
Great line by Jackie!!


They realyl should call the show 'THe Alicia Florrick Show- Superwoman out to do everything'
You're quite bitter Jess :P


Will and Diane so don't get along anymore
no they seem to get less along each ep :(


'I need more help' 'That's what I am here for' Sure you are Kalinda!


SO Jonah is sick, and that's why everything happened?
I thought that was kinda sad, that he was trying to hide that up.


Haha Will, didn't think Alicia would keep quiet
I knew that given it was a preview scene for this ep :P


Jackie throws away stuff every morning when she doesn't like it? oh lol
THE REASON why Grace doesn't like her :P


He is talking his clients with him?

He wants Alicia to go with him? Oh please say yes.
I wonder if we'll see some of this competition in the show. Would prove to be interesting.


Stern saying Will will stack her in the back
lately not a lot of people are talking that positive about Will.. Are these the hints for what's to come??


Peter was set-up. What did Stern mean?
I wanna know more too, but I think this helps Alicia believe in peter's innonence about the abuse of office charges..


Amber finding Alicia. wife meets the other woman

Amber really sound scared...well and mad
a bit of both yes, it surprised me (well I knew it before the ep, but I was surprised that the writers chose for Alicia to be silent), great choice though, Julianna's face speaks volumes..


OMG they kiss! OMG And now she goes? Oh boy, what away to end the episode.
Color me truly surprised when I saw that, when she first came into the room I thought she was going to kick him or something, not kiss him :lol: Better ending though :D I wonder what that will mean to Peter and Alicia... :D
Alicia really appreciated though what Peter did for her, Peter scored some points!!


And now a two weeks break. Geez
well still shorter then we first believed

My final thoughts
- Too little Cary
- Too little Kalinda
- Nice to see Stern finally, at first I thought what an idiot, but I found his dementia background fairly interesting. especially since Stern wanted to cover that up..I'm curious to see if this new company of his will be afuture storyline, I hope so.
- Not much of Will either, apart from scenes with Alicia or Diane, and he's no big friends with Diane right now.. I think a big power struggle will arise between these two
- Loved seeing Diane, loved that last scene with Stern
- The case was interesting, good case for Alicia to work on and Kalinda pretty much figured out the mystery to the clue, but still, when is she going to lose a case?? She hasn't lost 1 since the pilot :( I thought the writers wouldn't let her win every one..
- poor kids, I really wonder what will happen next in that creepy guy storyline..
- plus I want a promo!!!

Unsung Hero 11-25-2009 07:19 AM


Seriously, when was he in teh pilot, I don't remember a stern guy (even Josh Charles said it was the first time he'd be introduced to the show.
He was in a scene with Alicia and Will and never officially introduced so maybe that's why Josh said we would finally get to know Stern


yeah they talked, I wonder what about
About Stern that's for sure. :D

I knew I saw her somewhere else before
This show really likes Gossip Girl people. 3 Now. And one was in two eps already. :lol:


Didn't like that she invaded his privacy, am worried what's happening now that the pics are gone (though Zach has a few on his computer too right - if he saved them at least guessing by his reaction to the missing file, I think he didn't)
I also thought it was sad that she always did that to Grace and it was only the first time for Zach cause he has been everyones good boy.


You're quite bitter Jess
Just annoyed.


Are these the hints for what's to come??
Guess so :nod:

but I was surprised that the writers chose for Alicia to be silent), great choice though, Julianna's face speaks volumes..

:nod: I think it made the scene so much stronger with Alicia keeping quiet.


I thought she was going to kick him or something, not kiss him

And It's a three weeks break ;)

Oh Karen don'T ya know, Alicia is Miss perfect. SHe will always win cases, even with her eyes closed. :P ;)

heartღaflutter 11-25-2009 07:42 AM


He was in a scene with Alicia and Will and never officially introduced so maybe that's why Josh said we would finally get to know Stern
early scene in pilot or not 'cause i need to see that again

three weeks break?? Oh well, two weeks from today we have a new promo :P

Unsung Hero 11-25-2009 08:06 AM

No episode on Dec 1st and December 8th

here you go

heartღaflutter 11-25-2009 08:12 AM

is that really him?? how do you know? Did they say it was him? :shrug:
I really don't recall it, i'll try watching that scene

Unsung Hero 11-25-2009 08:17 AM

Cause he was mentioned in the script. But not in the episode so in more ways than one last nights was his first ep

Det.Logan 11-25-2009 08:23 AM

This is the schedule:

12/15/09 (Tu.) 10:00 PM CBS (#110) Lifeguard
12/8/09 (Tu.) 10:00 PM CBS (#103) You Can't Go Home Again (R)
11/28/09 (Sa.) 8:00 PM CBS (#104) Fixed (R)

and Chris Noth is not on the guest star list so maybe she will talk about him as it was in Orthodox. No Peter and Alicia until mid january...

BridgeChick 11-25-2009 09:06 AM

I've got a question. People keep saying that Peter was set up, meaning he was set up to get caught w/ the prostitute? I can't remember why Peter is in jail. Can someone remind me

This show has yet to disappointment. I couldn't believe the nerve of the prostitute last night. She had no problem going after Peter & Alicia but when the tables turned on her she ws begging for mercy.

fox24 11-25-2009 09:13 AM

He's in jail I think because allegedly he used money to fund gifts and prostitutes from the office. Its funny to see all the Gossip people

heartღaflutter 11-25-2009 09:14 AM


I've got a question. People keep saying that Peter was set up, meaning he was set up to get caught w/ the prostitute? I can't remember why Peter is in jail. Can someone remind me
The pilot tells us that he's charged for abuse of the office.. 'cause in the pilot he tells Alicia that he's innocent on the abuse of office charges.. I hope that helps, that's the reason why he's in jail. THe hooker bit was probably a bit to set peter in a dark spot among people


This show has yet to disappointment. I couldn't believe the nerve of the prostitute last night. She had no problem going after Peter & Alicia but when the tables turned on her she ws begging for mercy.
Yeah she went pretty far!

Det.Logan 11-25-2009 09:54 AM

So far we know he is guilty of using public fund to pay call girl(s).
According to Stern story, they probably found this "vice" - he never declined - and use against him for other motives (of course these motives will stay hidden until probaly the season end).

"Forget the sex. Sex was just the barker's tease. There are a lot of people who made a bad bet, and now they're covering their ass."
"I'm not your deep throat on this. Your husband was set up, and they're not going to let him out of prison ever."

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