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Mirani 02-01-2011 09:53 PM

I've always disliked Peter but I didn't know how much I liked/missed A/P ! I love when he said something like "I'm not just a dad or a man on your arm or your roommate, I'm your husband". And I don't care if he followed but I loved when she left the door open :)

Kiki17 02-01-2011 09:57 PM


the way she leaves the door open after he tells her he loves her and she says "I know" , it is clearly giving him a message. Of course, WE wanted her to say she loved him back, and maybe she does
YES YES YES!! :sigh::love:

OMG Mare, so glad you liked it! :hug: cause I LOVED IT TOO!! :love:


When they had the first convo at the dining room table, and he was peevish , although not that bad when you heard the whole spiel he made about his parents...she softly agreed... so finally she realizes she has to do something...and you could tell she said it with guilt in her voice
Yup yup! He did a fantastic job getting some sympathy! I thought it was great he shared that person stuff!


I had remembered about Zach /condoms... what a hoot.
IKR!! :pout: I loved how Peter said "you could have told me" :lmao: and she said "I know" :lmao:


another major reveal about alicia.. is that when she spoke to eli, she was referring to the campaign as "ours"...not sure she had been so clear about that before.
Oooo yea! :nod: she is invested, no doubt about it!

However, I bet next week we get NO sign about AP bedroom situation :pout: I bet we will have to suffer so more!!


I've always disliked Peter but I didn't know how much I liked/missed A/P ! I love when he said something like "I'm not just a dad or a man on your arm or your roommate, I'm your husband". And I don't care if he followed but I loved when she left the door open
Ooo yes! so good! soooooo good :love:

tvdramafan 02-01-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Kiki17 (Post 53546662)
Alicia acknowledge his feelings a lot with the "i know." I think sometimes Alicia uses "I know" in that soft tone when she knows the truth. I loved how she had to think about it :sigh:love: and then when Peter did what he did for his kids, amazing!! :love:

That was great..loved it... actually if they did sleep together it is a bit of an echo of our wonderful kiss in prison.Alicia finds out what Peter did ( by shutting down Amber) and she kind of quietly "thanks" him... if they slept together, is it another thank you for saving the family???, or guilt bec she has not put much effort in lately and has been pretty cool.
Recently she has not given him much hope no matter how it goes, it is good that he got it moving....and frankly I am glad he still loves her: I know she is the more injured party...but if he were really a bad guy, or didn't love her, he would be gone.
I thought her taking "ownership" of the campaign was very telling...lately you had the impression she could care less. Not that her ambivalence is unwarranted...


However, I bet next week we get NO sign about AP bedroom situation I bet we will have to suffer so more!!
ITA for sure... we will be left hanging...although if there is any interaction suspect it would be pleasant as at least this issue is out in the open.

Kiki17 02-01-2011 11:51 PM


.. actually if they did sleep together it is a bit of an echo of our wonderful kiss in prison.Alicia finds out what Peter did ( by shutting down Amber) and she kind of quietly "thanks" him... if they slept together, is it another thank you for saving the family??
Yup yup, thats exactly how I see it. It was more of a thank you for putting the family first. Now when you say "spelt" you mean sex or just sleeping :lol: Gosh what wouldn't I do to see if Peter when in (I think he did) and then what happened in that room once he when in!!!! Did they sleep? did they have sex???? goshhhhh why cannot we know!!!!!!! arggh! is killing me! :lol:

kabous 02-02-2011 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Kiki17 (Post 53548624)
Yup yup, thats exactly how I see it. It was more of a thank you for putting the family first. Now when you say "spelt" you mean sex or just sleeping :lol: Gosh what wouldn't I do to see if Peter when in (I think he did) and then what happened in that room once he when in!!!! Did they sleep? did they have sex???? goshhhhh why cannot we know!!!!!!! arggh! is killing me! :lol:

I think it"s so cute that you say "yup yup". It makes me laugh everytime

Sex vs sleeping? They had sex before, so I'm hoping they just slept together. All cute and cuddling. But then again, sex would do both of them a world of good. I am really hoping for some good scenes in the next few eps. They are just so pretty together

rjmlaw2008 02-02-2011 04:40 AM

Hi everyone!!! Just quickly chiming in on the wonderful episode of TGW last night ;) I have just a few points right now. Hopefully, I'll have more time to post something of substance later today!

First, I was really hoping that Peter would do something drastic per "Threesome" to protect his family and ... he did!!! It was awesome! I loved Alicia's little smile when Eli informed her that Peter dropped the PAC and that his campaign was now bankrupt.

Second, was it just me or did Peter/CN look extra hot in that scene with Alicia in the dining room? A&P were so just so sparkly :D

And finally, she left the door open! Eeeeeee!!! Great movement on the AP front. Let's hope that things continue to move forward.

I'm a little disappointed that it looks like Peter might now lose the election given that he dropped is biggest financial contributor. I was really looking forward to him going up against LG and Will especially. Who knows maybe the writers will surprise us.

Det.Logan 02-02-2011 07:13 AM

Last thread is still in the limbo and I'm not sure we'll get it back. I'm sad because we may have lost the survivor but at least we had a winner. I'll made the art during the week-end.

Back to the episode, as I mentioned before, I don't think sharing the bed means having wild sex but just start to re-open communication and the open door is a good metaphor. It's not a cliff-hanger, she have accepted his request, of course they now need to have a new plan for a new phase (and considering the voicemail issue, she has the right to take the offer back but for now this is it).

I was thinking about the end of Heart, with Alicia and Peter sharing a glass of wine and then Alicia going to her room and close the door. I like this little references to what has happened in the past as a mirror of things evolving.

So now, we have learned about the condoms, Peter's parents and a new element from their past.

I agree that it's hard to imagine they'll mention the bedroom issue again soon but the domestic set-up has changed and it surely be evident in case of another home scene. With owen for example.

kabous 02-02-2011 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Det.Logan (Post 53551749)
Last thread is still in the limbo and I'm not sure we'll get it back. I'm sad because we may have lost the survivor but at least we had a winner. I'll made the art during the week-end.

Back to the episode, as I mentioned before, I don't think sharing the bed means having wild sex but just start to re-open communication and the open door is a good metaphor. It's not a cliff-hanger, she have accepted his request, of course they now need to have a new plan for a new phase (and considering the voicemail issue, she has the right to take the offer back but for now this is it).

I disagree. She doesn't have the right to tell him to go back to the maid's room. Peter and the kids are now under the impression that mom and dad patched things up and life is good again

If she decides to pursue a relationship with Will, then she can tell Peter she wants a divorce and he has to find his own place

But as long as they live under the same roof she can't yo-yo Peter back and forth. Accept him or forget him

Det.Logan 02-02-2011 07:37 AM

I was referring to divorcing him and have separate houses, as you correctly said ;)

kabous 02-02-2011 07:57 AM

Oh. Okay. Sorry. Then I agree with what you said

GoodWifeObsessed 02-02-2011 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by kabous (Post 53552345)
Oh. Okay. Sorry. Then I agree with what you said

:( :look: - I ended up having to do a last minute task for work last night -
( horrible spread sheet yech ) - So I had to tape the show. Will watch after work tonight :)

But at least I had a chance to check the tape and make sure it recorded :eek: - Which thank the gods it did :D

And watched the very last scene - Yaye is all I can say.

Slow slow movement but at least some movement - Not a reciprocal I LOVE YOU but at least our ambivelant Alicia left the bedroom door open - We can't ask for more than that at this point in their evolving relationship.

Sweet scene , really good end scene as well - Will post more thoughts once I watch the episode tonight :)

Hope all my A/P gals are as happy as I was with what seems like some warm and positive Alicia and Peter moments.

tvdramafan 02-02-2011 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Det.Logan (Post 53551749)
I don't think sharing the bed means having wild sex but just start to re-open communication and the open door is a good metaphor. It's not a cliff-hanger, she have accepted his request, of course they now need to have a new plan for a new phase (and considering the voicemail issue, she has the right to take the offer back but for now this is it).

I was thinking about the end of Heart, with Alicia and Peter sharing a glass of wine and then Alicia going to her room and close the door. I like this little references to what has happened in the past as a mirror of things evolving.


I wish they would make the sitn clear...but based on some of Kings "directions"..". we don't have to be definitive on marriage on TV", and JM saying alicia will be in the middle...we know that they won't. Agree with Laila a door has been opened and a few cracks may show how much in the next few epis( I say little).. some of the scenes in this show ( bathroom, prison kiss and others ) get no follow up.This one has to somewhat, but at least we are prepared to not get very much.:sigh::sigh: We A/P fans have been beaten into submission. LOL!!! A
lso, we know that probably Peter is going to get into some other muck or another...that is inevitable. Interesting that the Daily Beast did have accurate directions. Even though I like bad boy Peter sometimes, I love this side of Peter with his family...and clearly, as Kiki would say, you can see what drew her to him in the first place.
I realized that depending on the VM issue, we know that alicia's reactions to Peter coming up will not be based totally on that..a good thing.
And I do love the mirroring to the past(even the condom stuff).. as a fan if you remember this stuff ayou appreciate the effort of the is literary I guess.
I know I digress... but a really interesting comment from A to K... "do you ever feel we are on the wrong side"... that was a telling Will has clay feet as well. I can see where at some point the writers will introduce a male figure who is completely different than both W/P...

Kiki17 02-02-2011 11:41 AM


I was thinking about the end of Heart, with Alicia and Peter sharing a glass of wine and then Alicia going to her room and close the door. I like this little references to what has happened in the past as a mirror of things evolving
Oo yes indeed, that was my first though.It is clear that the end of this episode is a complete opposite for the end of Heart. This is a clear indication that things have evolve with them. And I agree,its not a cliffhanger, she did let him back in. I knew thats how it was gonna end, either her opening the door or closing the door.


it surely be evident in case of another home scene. With owen for example.
hehe, maybe Alicia lets Owen stay in the maids room ;)


re-open communication and the open door is a good metaphor
yes yes, thats exactly what it means. Its about reconnection.


I'm a little disappointed that it looks like Peter might now lose the election given that he dropped is biggest financial contributor.
Yea I am worried about this, but if he gets him a step forward on his marriage, then good. However I am worried about the election too, seems to be that Peter could loose :look:

I am so happy about the truth about the condoms coming back up :lol: and the "mini" flashback Peter/Alicia had :lol: :love:

witgit 02-02-2011 12:22 PM

Hee Hee. I knew this thread would explode.


However, I bet next week we get NO sign about AP bedroom situation I bet we will have to suffer so more!!
I think it would be easy to slip in a nod to it. Like in Cleaning House it is clear that Peter is getting dressed in another room, in the next they can just show them running about in the same room now.


I was thinking about the end of Heart, with Alicia and Peter sharing a glass of wine and then Alicia going to her room and close the door. I like this little references to what has happened in the past as a mirror of things evolving.
And the writers for both the episodes is the same. So definitely not a coincidence.


re-open communication and the open door is a good metaphor
I'm undecided about whether I thought it was too on the nose or graceful. :P
But is there anyway anyone can think Peter didn't take that as an invite and didn't go? I can't. Maybe with someone else, but Peter would have grabbed at it with both hands. I still don't think sex enters the picture anytime soon though.

Kiki17 02-02-2011 12:34 PM


I think it would be easy to slip in a nod to it. Like in Cleaning House it is clear that Peter is getting dressed in another room, in the next they can just show them running about in the same room now.
:sigh: that would be lovely! I am not asking to be address directly, indirectly will work fine as well :D I like that idea, hope it happens ;) My guess is that if we do not get a sing next week, I am sure we will during the Owen episode, right? :D


And the writers for both the episodes is the same. So definitely not a coincidence.
Yup yup :nod:


But is there anyway anyone can think Peter didn't take that as an invite and didn't go? I can't. Maybe with someone else, but Peter would have grabbed at it with both hands.
Ooo yea, nod doubt that Peter went for it :lol:


I'm undecided about whether I thought it was too on the nose or graceful.
what do you mean?


I still don't think sex enters the picture anytime soon though.
yea and thats ok, I wil totally be OK with some cuddling in bed :lmao::sigh: *a girl can dream :P*

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