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Old 02-28-2011, 07:37 PM
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Good episode. Loved the progression of the Vivian storyline its sad that in the end she went to the dark side but its not because she is a bad person its because she was manipulated by the baddies. Beckman (or GB as Morgan calls her ) not going through with Chucks request was the clincher once Vivian heard him say they couldn't let her see her dad it was over you could see it in Vivians eyes.

The Ellie/Sarah wedding planning storyline was greatness! The whole revelation scene where Sarah was trying on the dresses was so adorable. Yvonne really did a great job of playing Sarah there it was both hilarious and sweet at the same time....then when she found the one and she started crying just guhhhh bb girl had tears of JOY people TEARS OF JOY! She wasn't crying in pain or sadness or betrayel she was truly HAPPY....when has that ever happened for Sarah.
....Then in the end Ellie "Created a Monster" LMAO Whoever thought Sarah would turn into bridezilla.

Casey's whole thing is still up in the air I really want to know what is going on there but I guess we will soon enough.

Favorite line of the episode:
"Get on the ground before I will blow your frekin head off"--Sarah
Only CS could be having an adorable chat about wedding planning and Sarah spouts out this greatness. Classic CS!

Zac on Oscars
Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)

Yes! What has the feedback been about his appearance? I can't imagine it was anything but most excellent!
It was really good apparently he was in the top ten most Tweeted names last night for the Oscars(Ahhhh The new tech age) so he it was kinda a coming out party for him. I think most people knew he was a talented actor but not many people knew he could sing much less sing like that.

FNL 1.11

Originally Posted by Mitch
Yes, he really has which is why I don't think he's loving Lyla too much. LOL. I believe he realizes she's almost a snag for Jason but he also allows Jason to truly see the light on this reality.
Exactly he is kinda like a parent in this way he is looking out for Jason because right now Jason has blinders on.

Originally Posted by Mitch
That's the thing with Tim I've already noticed. He doesn't care if people kick his a$$ when it's necessary... Landry did it here. Tyra does it A LOT, Lyla, Jason, others. He knows when he's wrong. He actually appreciates blunt talk because he is forced to act the proper way instead of being lazy and too passive. I think he likes and appreciates dominant behavior thrown his way if it comes from genuine love and caring. I like this about him.
For sure. Tim has never really had a real parental figure around. In fact Coach Taylor in football is the closest thing to structure he has so he needs people in his life that arn't afraid to keep him in check.

FNL 1.13

Originally Posted by Mitch
I just love her.

Honestly, I can't think of a show that has better secondary characters in it that you can love as much as the primary characters. Sure, there's Everwood, but I think with FNL there's even more I truly adore.
Very VERY true. FNL has an abundance of characters but they all serve a purpose you rarely if ever have scenes where you are like "MAN why are you wasting scenes on them!"

Originally Posted by Mitch
She is. <3 You can see how she already sees Julie as part of the family. It's not anything she says, it's more of a feeling where she gets the role Julie plays in Matt's life. Like a mother's intuition, this is even bigger... Grandmother's intuition.
For sure...anyone who loves Matty is someone Grandma will love as well.

FNL 1.14

Originally Posted by Mitch
Me too! I see my high school coach about once a year and it's always, "Coach Bowe." Nothing else works. I could not call him, "Doug" or "Mr. Bowe." No way, it's "Coach Bowe."
Haha exactly its even stranger for me with my basketball coach from my senior year. I only had her that one year as a coach but I see her very often now because she is D's(My best friends) aunt. But when I see her I always avoid saying her name it just feels so me she and all my coaches will always be "Coach."

FNL 1.15

Originally Posted by Mitch
LMAO, I would have loved to have seen them film this episode. How priceless would that have been? They probably had a record number of takes every scene from all the laughing. LOL. Then again, who knows... maybe it was easier to film because they were having so much fun. This is a classic episode. One that I feel like re-watching now before I finish up season 1.
Taylor is a bit of a prankster anyway so I am sure that scene was full of giggles. Given the way the whole show is shot with the hand held cameras and there not being any scene rehersals before hand its just the actors doing their thing. SO in scenes like this you really get to see the actors personalities shine.

Originally Posted by Mitch
Yes, and the resolution is always so realistic too. It's not wrapped up in a tiny bow and picture perfect. Just like real life, there are happy and sad endings and this show isn't afraid to show either. get the good and the bad. It might not be PC all the time and it may make some viewers angry but its REAL and the producers of FNL never shyed away from producing the most realistic show they could....especially in S1.

Originally Posted by Mitch
LOL, you're right. I like her much better now. I feel sorry for her because I know there's going to be a terrible ending with Jason, at least initially since I have no clue if they work it out or not. I do know they are headed for a break up. The writing is already on the wall. Her dad's an idiot right now. She's had to endure a lot of stuff, some she certainly caused herself. But I feel she certainly attempted to right a wrong with the cheating, and I do find myself pulling for her which means I am starting to like her A LOT more
I feel ya. I had the same reaction towards her. At first I couldn't believe she would go there but then I started to see it from her perspective and slowly found myself feeling for her. What she did was wrong no doubt but she isn't a bad person she just made a bad choice at a VERY hard time in her life.
He is always there to save her.
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Old 03-01-2011, 08:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Gaby

I can't believe the show went there. WOW.

We need to discuss ASAP, people!
Dude, this scares me but I think I know what you might be referring to and I'm not spoiled... something bad with Caleb OR Ezra/Aria sleep together but you like Ezra/Aria so I'm not sure you'd react like that which is why I'm leaning for Caleb being not who he appears to be... I am watching the episode shortly when I get home within the hour so I will report my thoughts immediately.

I'm also watching Chuck this afternoon... and more FNL. LOL. 1.20 is ready to go. I'll post more comments on the episodes as well.

Zac on Oscars

Originally Posted by Shelby
It was really good apparently he was in the top ten most Tweeted names last night for the Oscars(Ahhhh The new tech age) so he it was kinda a coming out party for him. I think most people knew he was a talented actor but not many people knew he could sing much less sing like that.
That's so awesome! This stage was perfect for his coming out party. Not only did the audience at home get to see him but his fellow actors and producers, all the big wigs saw him too which only can enhance his career. Of course it helps Chuck in general since many newbies want to check out this funny, adorable guy they saw at the Oscars who happens to be on TV weekly.


FNL 1.11

Originally Posted by Shelby
Exactly he is kinda like a parent in this way he is looking out for Jason because right now Jason has blinders on.

Originally Posted by Shelby
For sure. Tim has never really had a real parental figure around. In fact Coach Taylor in football is the closest thing to structure he has so he needs people in his life that arn't afraid to keep him in check.
Totally. Where is his mom again? I don't recall if it has been stated or not?

FNL 1.13

Originally Posted by Shelby
Very VERY true. FNL has an abundance of characters but they all serve a purpose you rarely if ever have scenes where you are like "MAN why are you wasting scenes on them!"
I know! Everything just flows so perfectly. This show doesn't waste your time on nonsense. Every character, scene, moment, has a distinct purpose. It's outstanding.

Originally Posted by Shelby
For sure...anyone who loves Matty is someone Grandma will love as well.

FNL 1.14

Originally Posted by Shelby
Haha exactly its even stranger for me with my basketball coach from my senior year. I only had her that one year as a coach but I see her very often now because she is D's(My best friends) aunt. But when I see her I always avoid saying her name it just feels so me she and all my coaches will always be "Coach."
I had no idea she was your best friend's aunt. That's so great.

FNL 1.15

Originally Posted by Shelby
Taylor is a bit of a prankster anyway so I am sure that scene was full of giggles. Given the way the whole show is shot with the hand held cameras and there not being any scene rehersals before hand its just the actors doing their thing. SO in scenes like this you really get to see the actors personalities shine.
Wow, there are not any scene rehearsals?

Originally Posted by Shelby get the good and the bad. It might not be PC all the time and it may make some viewers angry but its REAL and the producers of FNL never shyed away from producing the most realistic show they could....especially in S1.
I love it so much. <3

Originally Posted by Shelby
I feel ya. I had the same reaction towards her. At first I couldn't believe she would go there but then I started to see it from her perspective and slowly found myself feeling for her. What she did was wrong no doubt but she isn't a bad person she just made a bad choice at a VERY hard time in her life.
Yes, I think for me it was when I saw how she acted with Jason after the truth came out. She was truly sorry but it was more than that... she has issues with insecurity and her way of trying to cover up for that is by being with men. Not just physically but emotionally too. She feels like this covers up her insecurity issues. Instead of facing things head on she feels like this is the right approach. She needs to realize she can be a confident person without a man to make her feel worthy. I hope she gets there.

Last edited by jediwands; 03-01-2011 at 09:24 AM
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Old 03-01-2011, 10:17 AM
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Good news for all the fans of "Episodes" and "Shameless" (US-remake): Showtime gave both these shows a second season. I'm happy for the Matt LeBlanc series, it was fun to watch the first season, and the end screamed for an extention.
This is great news, Matt. Thanks.

When did you first start watching the series? I know you said you started after hearing the buzz from people on the board but when precisely did you first start tuning in?
I started watching the middle of Season one. I believe the first episode I watched was when Matt and Julie tried to have sex for the first time. I remember thinking that these two were a lot like Amy and Ephram. I was hooked immediately.


I can't believe the show went there. WOW.

We need to discuss ASAP, people!
Now I can't wait to go home and watch.

Michelle, I like your new signature. Maybe we should send Charlie Sheen over to Jung.
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Old 03-01-2011, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by BepperGirl (View Post)


I can't believe the show went there. WOW.

We need to discuss ASAP, people!
Hmm. To what could you be referring? I didn't find anything in the episode that shocking. Discuss.

Originally Posted by Michelle
OR Ezra/Aria sleep together but you like Ezra/Aria so I'm not sure you'd react like that which is why I'm leaning for Caleb being not who he appears to be... I am watching the episode shortly when I get home within the hour so I will report my thoughts immediately.
The writers/creators have stated that they are very aware of the Ezra/Aria situation and plan to take things very slow, so I don't think you have to worry about them doing the horizontal mambo anytime soon.

As for the episode itself, I really liked it. It was good to see Spencer finally letting out all the stuff she had built up about Ian, but unfortunately all it did was make things more difficult for her.

I liked the Paige/Emily stuff, and I'm interested to see where it leads.

The Aria/Ezra developments were unexpected, and I don't know how I feel about that and about how he reacted to the news.

The Caleb/Hannah stuff was once again pretty predictable, and things heating up between them has been inevitable since they met. The little twist was mildly surprising in that I was beginning to think I was wrong since it took so long to be revealed.

Loved the Spencer/Toby stuff. That was great.

I'll be back with more in depth comments later, after everyone (this means you Michelle) finally watches the show/posts their thoughts.


It was okay, but I found the Volkoff scenes to be kinda boring. It was soooooo obvious that she was going to find pictures of her in that safety deposit box, and it was sooooooo obvious, especially after Ray Wise visited her in the bank, that the CIA was going to screw her and send her down a dark path. Of course, just meeting with Ray Wise doesn't mean she's turning evil, but it sets a bad precedent.

The Sarah storyline was predictable too. As soon as Ellie told her that she'd had an epiphany while picking up the wedding bands, I said "Sarah's will be the dress." Shocker. I was right. It was still a nice scene, and it had just the right balance of genuine heart and emotion as well as lightness as Casey observed the dress had been on a mission before.

The less said about the Morgan/Jeffster/Renaissance Fair subplot the better. The only interesting thing to come out of it was Morgan and Casey becoming roommates, and I'm still on the fence about that one.

Also, loved the Lost stuff, from Volkoff's account number being "the numbers" from Lost to Dr. Pierre Chang being the bank manager.

Oh, and the part of the episode by far was the bank robbery scene. The Matrix homage was nicely done, and it was nice to have some of the mid-mission banter be about something nice instead of to resolve a fight. Plus, Sarah looked all sorts of yummy in that catsuit.

Oh, and isn't stretching plausibility at least a little bit for no one to notice that the two bank robbers taking Ms Volkoff hostage were the same people from her earlier venture into the store? Sarah I can forgive since she only came in for a second, but they caught Chuck in a secure area and had to 'convince' Volkoff not to kill him. The sunglasses made him look cooler, but they aren't magical.


I should've suspected Spidey as the saboteur, but I didn't. It does make perfect sense though.

Is it just me, or was Rusty pretty douchey to Evan? I mean, he deserves it, but was I supposed to support Rusty when he first went over to Evan's? Because I didn't. I kinda wanted Evan to punch him in the mouth. This being Greek and all, it obviously turned out that Rusty was right and Evan ended up benefiting from that.

The ZBZ drama was fun, when Beiber cancelled, I instantly thought of Spidey because of his Beiber do.

So far, this hasn't really felt like the final season. It's hard to believe that the next episode is the series finale. I can't wait to see what happens.


Nice episode, but this two parter wasn't nearly as good as Tick,Tick,Tick... and Boom! were. Nice scene with Beckett and Castle huddled together in the refrigerated container. I was wondering how they'd have that sort of intimate, almost confessional scene without them 'getting together' and lo and behold there' s Josh. The look on Castle's face when Beckett said "We have a chance," was priceless. Nathan really showed the severe disappointment and hurt that Castle was feeling in that moment. And the scene at the end of the episode, where Castle is initially asking Beckett to go do something but smoothly amends it to saying he needs to go home when he sees Josh coming was well played by both actors. You can see Castle's eagerness and Beckett's too, and the subtle look of disappointment before she realized that her boyfriend behind her was well-done too. I'm interested to see how this will go now that Josh has apparently committed himself to making the relationship work. Dumping Josh and taking up with Castle would be infinitely easier for Beckett if Josh kept being an absentee boyfriend. This development will force her to choose once again, and last time she chose Castle over another guy, it didn't go so well for her.

Gossip Girl

I think my signature and avatar show that I enjoyed the episode. The other storylines were just kinda there for me, except the Dair one. I never really expected them to go there, and now that they have I'm just living day to day wondering how they'll screw it up, but at least I have a month and a half before I have to find out.

And, to do some random shipping: how interesting is it that it took another personal tragedy for Chuck to seek out Blair? It's like he only wants Blair when something bad happens to him. Dan hangs out with Blair and does stuff with her because he wants to, not because he feels bad. Hmm. Which one is better for Blair?
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 03-01-2011, 11:29 AM
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And, to do some random shipping: how interesting is it that it took another personal tragedy for Chuck to seek out Blair? It's like he only wants Blair when something bad happens to him. Dan hangs out with Blair and does stuff with her because he wants to, not because he feels bad. Hmm. Which one is better for Blair?
Hmm...well...Blair deserves better than Chuck and Dan deserves better than

Looking forward to watching this episode as well.
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Old 03-01-2011, 11:34 AM
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I'm thinking you will definitely enjoy it.
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Old 03-01-2011, 11:44 AM
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Malcolm In The Middle: Season 4, Episode 22

Nice season finale, though I'd've rather seen the 21st episode as the finale. But it was a good episode, so, why not. Today, the family tried to find a day care for annoying Jamie, they decided to join the church. That was fun, were some nice fun scenes. Also liked the sideplot with Francis making up a fake UFO-landing on the ranch.

Home Improvement: Season 4, Episode 2

The episode, where Tim drops a steel-beam (or however that thing is called) on Jill's car. It was nice, really liked it, hope the rest of season is on that level.
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Old 03-01-2011, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Betty
I started watching the middle of Season one. I believe the first episode I watched was when Matt and Julie tried to have sex for the first time. I remember thinking that these two were a lot like Amy and Ephram. I was hooked immediately.
Yes! I just watched that episode for the first time yesterday. I haven't written up organized comments yet but we are on the same page thinking they are similar to Ephram/Amy, especially during their lakehouse scenes. Granted, Ephram/Amy did it (and were ready) while Matt/Julie were not but the way both stories were constructed was so similar. Both Matt and Ephram are major sweethearts who had an embarrassing situation that was rather hilarious too.

In general I see a parallel between Ephram/Amy & Matt/Julie. Absolutely.

Originally Posted by Betty
Michelle, I like your new signature. Maybe we should send Charlie Sheen over to Jung.

And thanks, I really like this Jung quote. By far, Jung is my favorite psychologist of all time for endless reasons.

Alan, you're right about the creator saying that about Ezra/Aria. I hope it sticks so I will be able to breathe. LOL.

I still haven't watched PLL yet. I think I'm hitting FNL 1.20 now (and hopefully finishing up season 1 today) and then possibly Chuck with Alex so PLL will be later on today/tonight!
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Old 03-01-2011, 12:03 PM
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I still haven't watched PLL yet. I think I'm hitting FNL 1.20 now (and hopefully finishing up season 1 today) and then possibly Chuck with Alex so PLL will be later on today/tonight!
Poor Michelle. Talk about pressure.
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Michelle
I still haven't watched PLL yet. I think I'm hitting FNL 1.20 now (and hopefully finishing up season 1 today) and then possibly Chuck with Alex so PLL will be later on today/tonight!
Yay! You're gonna be watching Mud Bowl, my second favorite episode of FNL ever! (Behind season 4's The Son).
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
Yay! You're gonna be watching Mud Bowl, my second favorite episode of FNL ever! (Behind season 4's The Son).
Ha I guess its not shocking because these two episodes are sooo amazing but I have the exact two episodes as my top ones ever!
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Old 03-01-2011, 03:24 PM
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Great minds do think alike.

Oh and, Michelle, if you are on Netflix, you can stream all the episodes of Friday Night Lights up until Season 4. Season 5 isn't on there yet for obvious reasons.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 03-01-2011, 04:32 PM
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Mr. Sunshine: Season 1, Episode 4

„That’s it. End of meeting.“ Quote from the 4th episode. That was that and that was it for me, I don't like that show. It's not bad, but almost not funny at all, and the plots are really boring and plain - even for a sitcom. I don't expect experiments or crazy innovative things, but the writers could easily come up with something better than me writing something within half an hour. But it's no loss, I've got enough comedy to watch at the moment, and all are better.

Friday Night Lights: Season 1, Epiode 2

It was a really nice 2nd episode, a bit better than the pilot. Not great, but the arrow points up. Jason Street is crippled, no real chance for him to play Football ever again. That's sad, but the team has to prepare for their next games, and Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler does a really good job - and I think he'll do a great job until end of season) has to prepare Matt to fill in for Street. Liked especially two scenes: The one where Taylor visited Jason in the hospital and gave him the autographed football and then when he visited Matt at home, and took him out to tell him what he has to do on the football field at night. That was really nice. Then of course there was the almost fight between Tim and bigmouth Smash, they didn't like each other in the pilot, but now with Tim beeing so depressed about Street's accident (we don't know why yet) they will hurt each other badly I fear. Not really more to say, it was a nice episode, liked the style, and the town Dillon I think was the name and the camera work and of course I really loved the theme and the theme song, great atmosphere and impressions, really nice, a huge contrast to other Teen-Shows like "One Tree Hill". In the end, we just saw the kick off for the 2nd game of the season, that was also nice, because I don't want and need to see a game every episode. So „Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t lose." Next episode in 3 days or so, I'm looking foward to it.

Does anybody know why season 1 is the olny season with 22 eps? If I remember correctly, every other season has only max. 13 episodes or 10. Were the ratings that low? I just remember that I read about bad ratings some time ago.
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Old 03-01-2011, 06:14 PM
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Does anybody know why season 1 is the olny season with 22 eps? If I remember correctly, every other season has only max. 13 episodes or 10. Were the ratings that low? I just remember that I read about bad ratings some time ago.
Shelby, Alan, or any of you have an answer to this question? Was it because of low ratings?
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Old 03-01-2011, 06:36 PM
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Season 2 has 15 episodes because of the writers' strike. The rest of the show, it was treated as a cable show with a smaller budget hence 13 episodes per season.
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