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Old 10-15-2018, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
Why wouldn't it be legal? You can represent yourself, so why couldn't a family member? It seems like that would be the perfect person to defend him because there is no one else on earth who would work harder.
You just don't see it often. I can't think of one time in real life that a mother represented her son, especially on murder charges, lol. But then again, I should have realized it was legal since My Cousin Vinny had the lawyer uncle helping his nephew out.

It was very sweet.

That is not something I'd ever notice.
I notice weird things, lol.

That entrance was amazing, but you know my thoughts on that. It was nice to hear that at least one of the couples in Riverdale had a nice, fun, relatively carefree summer. And really, Cheryl kinda deserves it.
I do know your thoughts. LOL.

She does, indeed. Hope she never speaks to her mother again.

I can already tell that I'm going to tire of this one quickly. In fact, I am pretty sure I'm already tired of it.
I know it. It's so annoying.

Betty working on the car was one of my favorite parts of the episode. It's nice to see them call back to something that was shown in the first season, and it's cool that Archie is not the kind of guy that has a problem with a female working on his stuff.
Right and right. Totally agree.

My niece would disagree.
Haha so cute.

More sterile than a prison tat would be.

Polly has always given me creepy vibes. They are just multiplied now.
I know, right?! I want her off the screen for good. She's not even on the screen much to begin with. Still, I can't stand her.

I agree. They are my favorite couple since I'm not a giant fan of the other couples.
We need more scenes!

I like that she wants to help, but jury tampering probably wasn't the way to go.

Yeah, no matter what his reasoning for getting involved with Hiram, he knew who Hiram was, and it's all come back to bite him on the ass.
Precisely. He's 100% responsible.

I liked her so much more when she was being a boss and jumping on Archie's dad. This wishy washy character is annoying.
It's really difficult to connect with her since she's all over the place.

I love that Cheryl is randomly Riverdale's Katniss Everdeen.
She is.

Yeah, it's unrealistic for sure, but I also get that it would be hard to justify why the Ghoulies didn't just slaughter everyone if they had guns, and the show has already had their 'shock value' storyline of Archie and his gun.
Oh that's so true.

I've thought this since the first season.
It's actually in character.

True. Less chance of her ending up killed in a fiery government standoff that way.

What kind was it? It was awesome.

It looks way better on her. My niece agreed. She said "Betty looks good in Jughead's stupid hat."
Awe, she's so cute.

I don't need to see them, but this is the CW, so they come with the territory.
Very true.

Much to my niece's enjoyment.

As soon as Jughead left without letting Dilton talk to him, I knew he was a dead man.
Good catch.

Well, no one ever accused Archie of being smart, especially when he thinks he's hurting his loved ones. Also, TV has never really been that interested in showing the judicial system with any sort of accuracy.
Very true.

What makes Archie so stupid regarding taking the deal... the prosecutor offered two years, no prison, but in a detention center... that was the first offer. If he would have shut up, his mom could have gone back to the prosecutor and came back with maybe six months in the detention center or in house arrest for a year, something better than the first offer. Very likely the prosecutor would have allowed a little better deal. Nope, Archie had to be stupid instead.

He's definitely decided to go the mustache twirling evil route instead of being subtle.
I guess you have to respect the fact that he doesn't hide who he is. He's just all kinds of dumb if he thinks his actions will bring his daughter closer to him. She doesn't fear him.

And just like that another mystery is afoot.

Anything involving holding babies over the fire is bad in my book. Categorically.

It was entertaining, and it certainly set up an interesting year.
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Old 10-15-2018, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)
Lol I don’t know if Polly being annoying is deliberate or what. But I’ve never liked her, lol.
Me neither lol
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Old 10-16-2018, 03:18 AM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
Me neither lol
Yes, she’s really a terrible character.
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Old 10-16-2018, 06:04 AM
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I enjoyed the first episode quite a bit. It was interesting to see Prison Oliver's struggle between wanting to get out of jail as soon as humanly possible and wanting to do the right thing and protect those who need it. It took a while, but he stepped up and spanked that a$$ in the end.

It's a bit of a turnaround to see all these people who hated Oliver for most of last season all the sudden talking about him reverently. I always thought they gave him more crap than he deserved for putting them under surveillance, especially considering that one of them actually did turn on him and testify.

Felicity's new look does it for me. I'm sure she'll go back to normal now that she's not in witness protection, but I wouldn't hate it if she kept the pink accents in her hair. I'm fine with the nose ring going though.

Interesting how Dinah went from suspected vigilante to chief. Also interesting how Black Siren is now apparently DA. Curtis is a part of Argus too now. Wonder if that'll figure into any future storylines. Renee's daughter seems to have aged up quickly.

Felicity seems to have slid into the single mother role pretty well, but I'm not going to lie, I'm glad that William is apparently going to be gone for a little while.

They got me with the flash forward. The past few seasons have taught me not to expect much originality from the Arrow writers, so color me shocked when the Island stuff wasn't a flashback to how the current Green Arrow learned his craft from Oliver but in fact was William seeking out Roy 20 years in the future. I'm interested to see how this will play out.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 10-16-2018, 06:06 AM
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Comic Book Cover of the Day: Deathstroke #32 by Francesco Mattina

Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 10-16-2018, 07:52 AM
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^^^ I love this Cover. So much going on. I am going to have to research this Cover/Comic. So sweet.
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Old 10-16-2018, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)

I enjoyed the first episode quite a bit. It was interesting to see Prison Oliver's struggle between wanting to get out of jail as soon as humanly possible and wanting to do the right thing and protect those who need it. It took a while, but he stepped up and spanked that a$$ in the end.

It's a bit of a turnaround to see all these people who hated Oliver for most of last season all the sudden talking about him reverently. I always thought they gave him more crap than he deserved for putting them under surveillance, especially considering that one of them actually did turn on him and testify.

Felicity's new look does it for me. I'm sure she'll go back to normal now that she's not in witness protection, but I wouldn't hate it if she kept the pink accents in her hair. I'm fine with the nose ring going though.

Interesting how Dinah went from suspected vigilante to chief. Also interesting how Black Siren is now apparently DA. Curtis is a part of Argus too now. Wonder if that'll figure into any future storylines. Renee's daughter seems to have aged up quickly.

Felicity seems to have slid into the single mother role pretty well, but I'm not going to lie, I'm glad that William is apparently going to be gone for a little while.

They got me with the flash forward. The past few seasons have taught me not to expect much originality from the Arrow writers, so color me shocked when the Island stuff wasn't a flashback to how the current Green Arrow learned his craft from Oliver but in fact was William seeking out Roy 20 years in the future. I'm interested to see how this will play out.
Glad you enjoyed it!

The flash forward sounds super interesting. Do you think Time Travel will eventually be involved?

I wonder how long Oliver will remain in prison. Any idea?

Does Felicity have a new look due to being in hiding/undercover or she's sort of rebelling because her husband's in prison?
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Old 10-16-2018, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)
Glad you enjoyed it!

The flash forward sounds super interesting. Do you think Time Travel will eventually be involved?
God I hope not. I hate the time travel stuff on The Flash, so I don't want it to spread to Arrow. It's bad enough that they brought the metas in.

I wonder how long Oliver will remain in prison. Any idea?
I don't know, but Stephen Amell said he would be in there longer than the fans expect.

Does Felicity have a new look due to being in hiding/undercover or she's sort of rebelling because her husband's in prison?
She and William are in witness protection because of Diaz.

Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 10-16-2018, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
God I hope not. I hate the time travel stuff on The Flash, so I don't want it to spread to Arrow. It's bad enough that they brought the metas in.
I wonder if you’ll see Oliver and Felicity in the future eventually too?

I don't know, but Stephen Amell said he would be in there longer than the fans expect.
Maybe until the Crossover?


She and William are in witness protection because of Diaz.

Haha, awesome.

What is Diaz all about?
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Old 10-16-2018, 12:01 PM
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LOL, she's my hero (and fellow INFJ):

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Old 10-16-2018, 12:10 PM
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Diaz is pretty much the worst villain Arrow has had, and for some reason he's the one that gets a second season of villainy.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 10-16-2018, 12:23 PM
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That sucks.
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Old 10-16-2018, 12:35 PM
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Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 10-16-2018, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)

I liked how Lena played her mom, but I didn't like her keeping James in the dark and lying to him. That's going to come back to haunt her.
I'm with you here. It's like the roles were reverced. I believe Lena's mom was genuinely trying to mend relations with her and trying to turn over a new leaf. Lena was the bad one here...not sincere..calculating.
Yes...James is not going to be pleased when he learns of this.

Didn't like Kara stubbornly ignoring J'onn when he was trying to warn her about the anti-alien climate. There's optimism, and there's willful ignorance, and she is on the wrong side of that. Plus, he was head of the DEO for decades, so for that reason alone she should've given his words more thought than to just dismiss them outright.
Totally agree. I honestly wanted to shake her, and I'm sure James did as well.

Liked the stuff with Brainy and Alex. I liked the resolution as well. I didn't love him as much as others on the board at first, but I find him growing on me.
I like him. He's good comic relief.
"Can I breathe now?"
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Old 10-16-2018, 12:42 PM
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Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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