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Old 05-10-2024, 07:48 AM
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Felicity 2.23 The Biggest Deal There Is

Ben & Felicity

- In the opening scene Felicity tells Sally that sex is a big deal and she learned this after two years in college. I love it. I also also love when Ben asks Felicity while they are kissing if she wants to and she smiles and says not yet and Ben smiles back totally cool with that answer. You are precious, Ben. These are little moments you can see it’s real love. He just wants to be close to her and will wait until she’s ready.

- Felicity, you love Ben but you have to do the Internship. Though sometimes I wonder if she’s throwing away becoming a doctor because her parents want her to go that route. Almost like she’s against it only because she thinks it’s what’s expected of her. But it’s possible even so she still wants that path. But for now, she wants art so this Internship is a great opportunity.

- Felicity said no to the Internship.

- Move away from Natalie, Ben.

- Ben is devastated Felicity might take the job. I get his disappointment but do not say you should slow things down a little bit. It’s only 12 freaken weeks! Felicity could technically fly to California once a month on weekends for those 3 months. Her parents have money and would love to see her too (well separately).

- Internship might be taken by someone else…

- The bantering and bickering during the toast was great. LOL.

- There we go, sex for the first time. LMAO. It actually makes sense. They have been kissing for hours and hours and hours so it does make sense their first time would be very unplanned.

- I love Felicity teasing Ben about how he says “Anything” and “Javier.” SO ADORABLE. Awe, Ben said he doesn’t know if he can wait to see her since 3 days seems so long. Benjamin, you are IN LOVE.

- Internship is back on.

- Ben and Felicity looking at each other during Javier and Samuel’s vows and wedding ceremony is LOVE.

- I love how Ben responded to Felicity telling him she was taking the internship (we better get dancing).

- Ben and Felicity are so romantically and spiritually as one while dancing, they are painted on each other. The chemistry is unbelievable.

- Felicity telling Ben she didn’t want him to go back to California was so sweet. I felt every ounce of emotion between them.

- Ben and Felicity goodbye with ILYs… I am MELTING! I literally have tears in my eyes. Felicity had a tear and Michelle produced much more.


- Felicity in bed thinking with Ben doing the same… they are so in love.

- Pavone introducing Joe, her husband… her words to Felicity were perfect.

- Felicity went to the rooftop, thinking, imagining kissing Ben. They are so perfect, precious and stunning. More tears from Michelle.


- Ephram/Amy = Ben/Felicity = Ephram/Amy = Ben/Felicity.

- The amount of emotions I felt for Ben and Felicity in this episode alone is indescribable. You are shown the two of them in love throughout every ounce of their hearts and souls. Like… it’s almost hauntingly beautiful in that it overcomes you, pulls out emotions to the largest degree.

Ben & Sean & Richard

- Ben is so worried about the Internship.

- Richard is annoying but he’s right… Ben could find something in NYC. Work more at D&D, like double shifts?

- OK, Sean confirms that they even tried to see if he could find a job in New York that would pay as much as he would get working the job in California and it’s a no.

- Richard saying to Ben now he knows what it’s like to be Noel was actually really funny. Although he’s been greatly annoying Ben all episode. LOL.

Felicity & Elena

- Awe, these two best friends remain such a big part of the series. Felicity talking to Elena about Ben/Internship is perfect.

- Yes, Elena to answer your question Felicity absolutely loves Ben.

Javier & Benjamin

- Adorable Javier is warning Ben about his cousin, Natalie. What is up with her? Javier made it sound like she is really bad news. That devil symbol Javier gave is hilarious.

Pavone & Felicity

- Pavone to the rescue helping Felicity see the logical reasoning why she needs to take the Internship. I love what Pavone said to Felicity including mentioning how much she loves Ben. Bathrooms do seem to be a location good advice happens frequently.

- Pavone calling her in for a quick talk was so perfect. She gave Felicity all the strength she needed paralleling her early relationship with her husband to present Ben and Felicity. I mean, the writers literally are spelling it out during this scene THERE IS NO TRIANGLE… Ben and Felicity will always be IT.

Meghan & Sean

- Okay the actors have an insane amount of chemistry. It is just amazing because I don’t know how anyone could have predicted they would get together. It just happened and it’s fireworks. Proof that while there’s a Ben and Felicity spiritual connection that showed signs from day one, sometimes you can also just randomly or with very little build up click with someone who turns out being the love of your life.

- I wonder if Meghan and Sean were always planned. What a score by the writers no matter when they realized these two would get together romantically.

- I love how flustered Meghan is when she wakes up asking where her bra is. Sean adorably said he had fun in a non-I scored kind of way (he just really likes her!) but you can tell based on Meghan’s panic he has a look of worried concern Meghan is going to treat it as just one night and done.

- Meghan … counselor at Wicca Camp. Sean said she got kicked out last summer. LOL.

- Potions, incantations, priority is to be the best Wiccan I can be. LOL.

- And there they are having sex again. LMAO.

- I. Love. Them.

- I could not love Sean and Meghan more. They are are incredibly adorable. Sean demanding kindness, Meghan agreeing, and then Sean giving her a cute skull lol necklace. These two are made for each other. The chemistry between the actors is excellent!

- Sean and Meghan are going away to Tuscany for a couple months! I cannot even e express how happy I am the writers created this phenomenal pairing.

Felicity & Meghan

- I love that Felicity is the first one to find out Meghan slept with Sean. Based on Meghan’s reaction (and the funny back comment by Meghan) you can tell Felicity immediately understands Meghan really likes Sean.

- I hope these two get to be even closer friends in the last two seasons. They could even double date.

Noel & Natalie

- These two are heading for disaster.

- What the hell is going on between Noel and Natalie? Noel looks really careless…

- Elena knows immediately something is super off with Noel around Natalie and intuitively despises Natalie.

- Noel, you are crazy right now, please get away from that weird wild woman.

- Oh man, Noel went missing with Natalie. See you in September… maybe?

- Elena didn’t trust Natalie from the start. Noel even looked at Elena when they were sitting down with this weird grin like Elena you are not going to stop the craziness I am conjuring up inside my head right now.


- I have sounded like a broken record for a very long time but I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that Noel is mentally unstable. I suspected Noel was a bit mentally unstable/off for a long time! Is this really the reality now?!

- It’s quite common for people with hidden mental disorders to be able to keep it fairly hidden and contained overall., but the minute they meet someone that will allow them to express abnormal behavior it’s like a light switch… it turns on very quickly. That’s what I feel with Noel and Natalie. She has allowed this to surface for Noel.

Julie & Birth Mother/Father Story

- Julie is from Maine. I don’t know if I should have known that already or not.

- What does her birth mother want…

- It was really sad Julie had to tell her biological mother she’s doing okay.

- Here it comes… Julie’s biological father who doesn’t even know she exists is sick.

- Ben approaching Julie to see what was up was really nice and he’s absolutely correct that while Julie’s biological mother has made mistakes Julie’s biological father is innocent and sick.

- Javier getting Julie to dance (who looked so upset) was really cute.

Javier & Felicity

- I love their words exchanged throughout the episode. They truly are family in every way.

- Javier telling Felicity she is his best friend is so cute.

Javier & Samuel

- It is so great seeing them together.

- Javier is so nervous, he loves Samuel so much. It was so great seeing them together in this one.

- Javier is going to college!

- I wonder where they are going on their honeymoon?

Elena & Tracy

- Elena and Tracy are CUTE. I am so happy for Elena. She had an idiot who cheated on her with her best childhood friend (who was there for her when her mother died) and then a creepy professor she temporarily shared a bed with. Tracy is perfect for her. He treats her with respect and they have great chemistry and such a sweet relationship.

That’s a S2 wrap. I loved it.

Last edited by jediwands; 05-11-2024 at 08:17 AM
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Old 05-10-2024, 08:07 AM
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I'm on 219. I will go back and respond to the other episodes once I get to the finale.

219: Running Mates

-Student politics is getting intense with Felicity’s posters being defaced. Richard being annoying as hell. Is Ben her campaign manager? If not he sure as heck is acting like he is!

- Felicity seems like she is rapidly losing interest in Republican Greg.

-LOL at Felicity pretending Ben is a girl to Republican Greg.

-OMG BEN hates G-R more than I do.

-This election is getting nasty. I remember people just being bored with campus politics.

-Greg you ain’t so innocent as you claim.

No, no Ben don’t do this. You’re better than letting Republican Greg bait you.

This Ruby pregnancy storyline is just not it.

Felicity can you just end this thing with Greg bothers me.

Felicity loves breaking into places with Ben. Aww our little Bonnie and Clyde.

Tracy ain’t gonna give you any darling even though he really likes you.

Scott Foley and Amy Jo Johnson actually have good chemistry.

I can’t believe Sean’s lockpick set actually worked.

The UST in that scene under the bed. I love it!

This time Republican Greg is right. Still hate him. Ben can be an impetuous hot-head at times.

I forgot that Tracy was gonna wait till marriage. But, Elena needs to calm down If this is too much for her than she needs to move on.

Noel has a point. She has to stop cutting the father out of the process regardless of who the father is.

I might not like the dude but he shouldn’t have his past used to smear him. There are plenty of other reasons to dislike him outside of that.
Don’t go away with him, girl!

Felicity is so reactionary. Every bit of progress that Greg and Felicity make is due to her anger at Ben. Girl I see you!

Go get your woman Ben!
Happy 100K

Last edited by ds44; 05-10-2024 at 09:20 AM
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Old 05-10-2024, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)
I'm on 219. I will go back and respond to the other episodes once I get to the finale.
Sounds perfect.

219: Running Mates

-Student politics is getting intense with Felicity’s posters being defaced. Richard being annoying as hell. Is Ben her campaign manager? If not he sure as heck is acting like he is!
Ben acted just like her campaign manager.

- Felicity seems like she is rapidly losing interest in Republican Greg.
You really see it in this episode. Not that she had strong feelings to begin with. But you can tell she realizes they are not compatible... at all.

-LOL at Felicity pretending Ben is a girl to Republican Greg.

-OMG BEN hates G-R more than I do.

-This election is getting nasty. I remember people just being bored with campus politics.
Yes, indeed. I only like it for two reasons:

1. We get to see Lane.

2. It exposes Greg for the Republican that he is.

-Greg you ain’t so innocent as you claim.
He is so self absorbed and loves playing the victim. When he supposedly does something good, he wants commended for it. He is a fake prick.

No, no Ben don’t do this. You’re better than letting Republican Greg bait you.
Ben totally defeated him in the end.

This Ruby pregnancy storyline is just not it.
It drags on too much. It really was a depressing storyline and one that should have concluded well before it did. A pregnancy scare would have been better.

Felicity can you just end this thing with Greg bothers me.
She knows he's a tool she could never see herself with long-term.

Felicity loves breaking into places with Ben. Aww our little Bonnie and Clyde.
Ben/Felicty = Nancy/Ace in this way.

Tracy ain’t gonna give you any darling even though he really likes you.

Scott Foley and Amy Jo Johnson actually have good chemistry.
They really do! Damn, I wish Noel and Julie would have been IT.

I can’t believe Sean’s lockpick set actually worked.

The UST in that scene under the bed. I love it!
Yes and Yes. LOL.

This time Republican Greg is right. Still hate him. Ben can be an impetuous hot-head at times.
That is true. But Ben still rules.

I forgot that Tracy was gonna wait till marriage. But, Elena needs to calm down If this is too much for her than she needs to move on.
It is pretty black and white.

Noel has a point. She has to stop cutting the father out of the process regardless of who the father is.

I might not like the dude but he shouldn’t have his past used to smear him. There are plenty of other reasons to dislike him outside of that.
What's so stupid is this is politics... he should have been up front with it himself from the jump. If not Ben finding out, someone else would have found out.

Don’t go away with him, girl!
Please, no.

Felicity is so reactionary. Every bit of progress that Greg and Felicity make is due to her anger at Ben. Girl I see you!
Exactly. I hate Greg but he figured it out fairly quickly he was being used because he wasn't Ben.

Go get your woman Ben!
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Old 05-10-2024, 07:20 PM
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I just noticed the music changed in S3. Damn, there’s nothing like the first two seasons.

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Old 05-10-2024, 07:50 PM
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yeah i don't like the new theme music. Before I start Ben is here I have to say that I almost have Ben's speech to Felicity memorized. I am not a huge fan of s4. S3 is decent but 2B is my baby.
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Old 05-10-2024, 08:45 PM
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i honestly dont remember michelle what happens with noel and ben or if they argue again later or what. i dont remember anything about noels storylines in season 3/4 tbh lol. i actually dont really remember any storylines at all except for the one i hate lol.

Would you say S4 is your least favorite season?
Yes, for sure. From what i remember season 1 and 3 were my favs back the but then but I liked 2 a lot as well. And I disliked season 4.

wait, why did the theme song change?

Ill respond to the other posts later.

When do want to start season 3? The week after next? Give Shu this coming week to finish? Or do you think you need 2 weeks Shu?
Haven't you heard?
I'm the crazy bitch around here.

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Old 05-10-2024, 08:46 PM
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because jj abrams wrote the song.

I can finish this week.
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Old 05-10-2024, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)
yeah i don't like the new theme music. Before I start Ben is here I have to say that I almost have Ben's speech to Felicity memorized. I am not a huge fan of s4. S3 is decent but 2B is my baby.
It’s so different. The original is so perfect it precisely captures the energetic essence of the show. The new stuff is not terrible but when you nail it why deviate?

I bet you can recite it.

2B is… 2B is so mint it makes me want to exist in that bubble of love and never leave.

Will S4 make me want to punch walls at times?
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Old 05-10-2024, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
i honestly dont remember michelle what happens with noel and ben or if they argue again later or what. i dont remember anything about noels storylines in season 3/4 tbh lol. i actually dont really remember any storylines at all except for the one i hate lol.
Got it. LOL. That’s cool you’re mostly watching like it’s your first time too.

Yes, for sure. From what i remember season 1 and 3 were my favs back the but then but I liked 2 a lot as well. And I disliked season 4.
So right now you’d go:

2, 1, 3, 4?

wait, why did the theme song change?
It sucks.

I’ll respond to the other posts later.

When do want to start season 3? The week after next? Give Shu this coming week to finish? Or do you think you need 2 weeks Shu?
Sounds good!

Shu answered so maybe S3 next weekend?
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Old 05-10-2024, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)
because jj abrams wrote the song.

I can finish this week.
Oh he did. Interesting.

Sounds good!

So we can start S3 next weekend or like that Monday/Tuesday depending on when you finish up.
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Old 05-10-2024, 11:04 PM
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Yeah I can start it maybe next friday? I have other things to watch,my hulu sub is going to end, im not going to pay for it again cuz i have nothing else on there i am watching now except for Felicity and that I have on dvd lol.

I do need to start saving money for disney anyway.

I also also love when Ben asks Felicity while they are kissing if she wants to and she smiles and says not yet and Ben smiles back totally cool with that answer. You are precious, Ben. These are little moments you can see it’s real love. He just wants to be close to her and will wait until she’s ready.
And how effortless it was and it didnt feel like he was frustrated or anything. He cares about her so much that sex isn't a big deal to him here, he just wants to be with her.

Though sometimes I wonder if she’s throwing away becoming a doctor because her parents want her to go that route. Almost like she’s against it only because she thinks it’s what’s expected of her. But it’s possible even so she still wants that path. But for now, she wants art so this Internship is a great opportunity.
I don't remember what happens genuinely, but I am not getting that impression. To me it just feels like she prefers art. They haven't really extended on her feelings further than that.

I love Felicity teasing Ben about how he says “Anything” and “Javier.” SO ADORABLE. Awe, Ben said he doesn’t know if he can wait to see her since 3 days seems so long. Benjamin, you are IN LOVE.
I love this too because it feels so personal and almost like improv even if it isn't. This is the sort of thing real couples tease each other about so it's just adorable.

I could not love Sean and Meghan more. They are are incredibly adorable. Sean demanding kindness, Meghan agreeing, and then Sean giving her a cute skull lol necklace. These two are made for each other. The chemistry between the actors is excellent!
Sean is so great for her because he is weird himself so like, he wouldn't judge her at all. I can see her enjoying some of his weird inventions lol.

As for Noel I think he is just feeling really lost after the whole thing with Ruby (and also probably Felicity) and that's why he is trying to convince himself he really likes Natalie and that its a great idea to go off with her. He clearly doesnt have a direction hes heading right now and sees all his friends happy and in relationships... I just felt so bad for Julie cuz she actually liked Noel and they kissed and then poof, Noel was off with a new girl already. He probably does have some sort of issue, but back in the 90s I'm not sure they bring attention to it.

Haven't you heard?
I'm the crazy bitch around here.

Last edited by jediwands; 05-11-2024 at 03:00 PM
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Old 05-11-2024, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Yeah I can start it maybe next friday? I have other things to watch,my hulu sub is going to end, im not going to pay for it again cuz i have nothing else on there i am watching now except for Felicity and that I have on dvd lol.
Next Friday sounds great.

Should we do 1 episode starting every Friday?

I do need to start saving money for disney anyway.
100%. That is not cheap.

And how effortless it was and it didnt feel like he was frustrated or anything. He cares about her so much that sex isn't a big deal to him here, he just wants to be with her.
Exactly and it was so beautiful to see.

I don't remember what happens genuinely, but I am not getting that impression. To me it just feels like she prefers art. They haven't really extended on her feelings further than that.
I just find it kind of interesting that she worked at a health/medical clinic for community service was really good at it. She’s great with people. She’s also super intelligent. I could see her doing both medicine and art.

I love this too because it feels so personal and almost like improv even if it isn't. This is the sort of thing real couples tease each other about so it's just adorable.

Sean is so great for her because he is weird himself so like, he wouldn't judge her at all. I can see her enjoying some of his weird inventions lol.
Totally. LOL.

As for Noel I think he is just feeling really lost after the whole thing with Ruby (and also probably Felicity) and that's why he is trying to convince himself he really likes Natalie and that its a great idea to go off with her. He clearly doesnt have a direction hes heading right now and sees all his friends happy and in relationships... I just felt so bad for Julie cuz she actually liked Noel and they kissed and then poof, Noel was off with a new girl already. He probably does have some sort of issue, but back in the 90s I'm not sure they bring attention to it.
That’s very true. Yes, he’s definitely hurting over the Ruby situation and that was what fueled this fire he and Natalie are playing with. 100%.

It is so weird Noel and Julie aren’t together at least as friends right now… they are both hurting tremendously. They could help each other.

So much same. LOL.
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Old 05-13-2024, 08:43 AM
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New Music: 3.1

Watched the first ten minutes but stopped since got busy and want to wait until the weekend. But the music is growing on me. It’s nothing like the original but it’s okay. I like the assortment of Ben/Felicity in the introduction especially that last bit with them laughing so giddy in love finally romantically together again.

So I do like the arrangement of clips/scenes in the introduction as it’s clear Ben and Felicity = the Ephram and Amy of the series. The original music with it just would have been better. LOL.
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Old 05-13-2024, 11:38 AM
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I’m not the only one going on about the theme song, LOL:

Geez, welcome to season three where everything is completely out of place; some of it for the good, some for the bad. Let’s start with the theme song? Why did they change the theme song? Sure it was a bit strange, but I actually very much liked it. This new theme song is so cheesy, and cringe-worthy, ugh.

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Old 05-13-2024, 12:36 PM
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i am not a fan of the theme song, but I do like S3 for the most part.
Weirdly enough Felicity is on disney plus here.
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