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jediwands 05-21-2006 11:31 AM

Episode Discussion #419: Reckoning

Monday, May 22 9/8c



Monday, May 22 9/8c

Andy (Treat Williams), Ephram and Delia are all shocked by a visit from Andy's estranged father Gene (guest star Charles Durning ("Everybody Loves Raymond," "Tootsie,"), whom they haven't seen for 15 years. Ephram (Gregory Smith) and Amy (Emily VanCamp) take Bright (Chris Pratt) out to celebrate his 21st birthday, but Bright drinks too much, falls through a window and ends up in the hospital. Hannah (Sarah Drew) rushes from her date with Nick (guest star Chris Egan, "Empire"), to be at Bright's side. Nina (Stephanie Niznik) decides to move to Los Angeles with Jake (Scott Wolf), which is devastating news for Andy. Irv (John Beasley) and Edna (Debra Mooney) decide to buy an RV and spend their retirement traveling the country.
Tom Amandes and Merrilyn Gann also star.

David Hudgins wrote the episode directed by David Petrarca.

Augusta 05-21-2006 12:50 PM

I can't believe were already in episode 19 :( Tis so sad!
Can't wait to see this episode tomorrow. Can't wait to see if there wil be any Greenie scenes --There had better be!!!!!

jediwands 05-21-2006 03:18 PM

Yep, we are down to the last ones...

EA interaction better be happening as well. It's crunch time now. Lets do it.

Augusta 05-21-2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Wilpen
EA interaction better be happening as well. It's crunch time now. Lets do it.

HAHA! Damn right!!! They'd better be heading towards togetherness now...

jediwands 05-21-2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by AppleBehryGrl23
HAHA! Damn right!!! They'd better be heading towards togetherness now...

LOL Exactly! Bring it on!

Andy/Nina need to get going as well.. Wow, is this a romance that has been, what, put on pause for like the longest time, ever! I want to literally jump through my screen sometimes and scream at the both of them to get it together already! The time is now. Which means Jake needs to go to LA without her. Like yesterday.

Augusta 05-21-2006 08:36 PM

Oh yes, i want Nina/Andy as well to get on the cuples ship and sail off into the sunset, happily ever after as one big family. That is actually the perfect way to end the show, them getting together, joining families.

jediwands 05-21-2006 09:31 PM

Totally agree. The perfect way, for sure.

I also love that EA has forever linked the Browns and the Abbotts so it will be nice to see them get the happy ending (I hope) as it will only further cement the two families together as well.

buffyannAlex 05-22-2006 04:57 AM

Michelle> That's a very nice way to put it. Yeah, Definitely, the families will be linked forever.
Just imagine the look on Harold's face when Andy would mention they're like brothers now...that would be hilarious.... :lol:

jediwands 05-22-2006 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by buffyannAlex
Michelle> That's a very nice way to put it. Yeah, Definitely, the families will be linked forever.

Thanks. Do you know what scene I loved in season 1 that I feel was huge foreshadowing that the Browns and Abbotts would be forever linked? It was the scene at County with Ephram and Bright sitting in chairs, Amy standing nearby, all of them looking miserable while both Andy and Harold show up and Harold almost freaks out seeing Andy there and realizing that Bright and Amy were associated with the "liberal, annoying Dr. Brown's son" The best. :lol:


Just imagine the look on Harold's face when Andy would mention they're like brothers now...that would be hilarious.... :lol:
Oh man, it so would. :lol:

I thought if there was enough time and we ever went into the future, say, whenever EA were in their mid to late twenties and they tied the knot, it would have been priceless to see Harold and Andy interactinng at the wedding! Haha. God, the jokes Andy would crack about how they are "officially family" would have been simply the best.

Either way, a wedding isn't needed. The Browns and Abbotts have been forever linked and EA is the very reason for this. And lucky for us, they always will be. :)

buffyannAlex 05-22-2006 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Wilpen
Thanks. Do you know what scene I loved in season 1 that I feel was huge foreshadowing that the Browns and Abbotts would be forever linked? It was the scene at County with Ephram and Bright sitting in chairs, Amy standing nearby, all of them looking miserable while both Andy and Harold show up and Harold almost freaks out seeing Andy there and realizing that Bright and Amy were associated with the "liberal, annoying Dr. Brown's son" The best. :lol:

Yeah, I remember that (love season 1). :lol: They've come a long way when you think about it. I'd love to see the Ephram/harold or Ephram/Rose relationship explored a little more. That would be so interesting. I'd love to see that. Like Rose trying to reassure Ephram and saying he shouldn't give up on Amy or something like that. Rose is pro-Ephramy, I love that :)


Originally Posted by Wilpen
I thought if there was enough time and we ever went into the future, say, whenever EA were in their mid to late twenties and they tied the knot, it would have been priceless to see Harold and Andy interactinng at the wedding! Haha. God, the jokes Andy would crack about how they are "officially family" would have been simply the best.

Yeah, it would. :)
I think it could happen at the Bat Mitzvah.


Originally Posted by Wilpen
Either way, a wedding isn't needed. The Browns and Abbotts have been forever linked and EA is the very reason for this. And lucky for us, they always will be. :)

Totally. As long as we get the happy ending :) I don't care about a wedding, it will be so out of character. i'd prefer a forshadowing of their future with the "forever necklace" or something like that. :) I'm putting my own thoughts here because that's what I did in my Fanfic... :blush:

pixierock88 05-22-2006 08:19 AM

I want E/A flirting this ep!!! :D

Amyluvseverwood 05-22-2006 02:39 PM

you guys are so lucky that you get to watch it tonight. I have to wait to watch everwood tommorow at 6. I'm really excited though, but sad. Only 4 more!! What am i gonna do without it?!?!? Somebody better be smart and pick it up. Anyway, enjoy.

jediwands 05-22-2006 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by buffyannAlex
Yeah, I remember that (love season 1). :lol: They've come a long way when you think about it. I'd love to see the Ephram/harold or Ephram/Rose relationship explored a little more. That would be so interesting. I'd love to see that. Like Rose trying to reassure Ephram and saying he shouldn't give up on Amy or something like that. Rose is pro-Ephramy, I love that :)

She is, indeed. She always has been, in fact. :) I would love Ephram/Rose interaction! I love the Andy/Amy interaction we got at the beginning of 3 but I was disappointed that it didn't continue on. I also like how they flirted with Harold/Ephram interaction in season 3 but again, that was never followed up on. Disppointing. I crave any scenes where Amy is interacting with the Browns and Ephram is interacting with the Abbotts. It feels so right and true. :)


Yeah, it would. :)
I think it could happen at the Bat Mitzvah.
Hey, good point. Great spec! ;)


Totally. As long as we get the happy ending :) I don't care about a wedding, it will be so out of character. i'd prefer a forshadowing of their future with the "forever necklace" or something like that. :) I'm putting my own thoughts here because that's what I did in my Fanfic... :blush:
Me too. Foreshadowing and confirmation of a happily ever after is all that's needed. Yes, I would love for that infinity necklace to come back into the picture. LOL regarding your Fanfic. I'm so there. ;)

foxybabygirl 05-22-2006 07:24 PM

I definitely think since were in the last 2 episodes, more scenes will follow Amy and Ephram as well as Andy and NIna. I hope we get the happy ending we hoped for.

Augusta 05-22-2006 07:35 PM

So I just finished watching tonight's episode. Here are my thoughts:

Stephanie: Go away. You have no chance with Ephram, don't even waste your time. Go find yourself a roomate elsewhere. Oh, and don't even think about stealing Amy's

Ephram: Wake up man. Don't go trying to persue other avenues this late in the game. You got Amy jealous, okay good, now go be with her!! Don't ditch her, the one girl you've wanted for the past 4 years, for some chick you don't even know!

Amy: Hurry up girl and get your man back before it's too late! You need to either call your 'Europe' short and get Ephram back or say goodbye to a guy most girls would die to have.

Andy: Way to go, forgiving your father. That was a very smart move to practice what you been teachin the past four years :)

Rose: Thank GOD she doesn't have cancer again! I am so glad! I cheered when Harold told her the results. So awesome!

Bright: I get your pain man, really, I do. I just hope he is able to move on finally from this. We love you! Don't leave us!

Overall thoughts on storylines:

Amy/Ephram: Move your butts already! Time is not on your side. You need to both stop playing games and get back together. I thought they were doing good progression wise till Stephanie came into the episode this evening. So was not impressed...

Bright/Hannah: I simply don't know what to think about these two anymore. I really don't. They need to either be together or not. I lived their end scene in tonight's episode, and even cried!

Andy/Nina: GRRR! I hate that Nina is just lying there, letting Jake move her there! She obviously loves ANDY. She needs to decide once and for all and stick to her decision. She can't have both. I felt so bad for Andy tonight, you could tell he was deepy hurt by the news that she's leaving.

Mr.Brown/Andy: It was eerie how Andy's relationship with his father closely mirrored his past relationship with Ephram. I'm glad though that they were able to come to some sort of agreement, some sort of forgivness at the end of this episode though. Wonder if he'll be there next episode...

Edna/Irv: Oh no. I can't take this! Irv is the one who dies? From the looks of the end of this episode, I'd say it's safe to assume that. I have not read any spoilers about this storyline, so I really am clueless abuot this.. This is so sad! I wonder what that.

Any other parts I have forgotten, I'm sure others will comment on them, and remind me. :)

jediwands 05-22-2006 08:27 PM

I will comment on the episode tomorrow for sure but for now I wanted to say that I enjoyed this episode overall. The promo with E/A dancing absolutely devastated me. The chemistry coming from Greg/Emily in that tiny scene with EA dancing just overwhelmed me. Amazing.

Anyone notice how they called the last episode a season finale? Weird.

OK, I'll back back tomorrow with my overall thoughts. Mod duty tonight instead.

pixierock88 05-22-2006 10:02 PM

They.showed.Ephram.and.Amy.dancing. OMG. *squeeeeal*
Amy finally admits she still loves him. The Greenie scenes are going to be so *sigh* worthy next week.

I noticed that too Michelle... I wonder...

Tonight's episode was really good! I'll try to add my two cents tomorrow as well.

Night all!! Have happy E/A dreams!! :wave:

Gambit221 05-22-2006 10:56 PM

This is my first episode since the whole Ephram and Amy having sex for the first time thing. I hated that season for the most part, Ephram was such a brat.

I am not an Amy fan, I hate Edna…in fact after the whole pregnant Madison thing, I was only a fan of Bright that season – I do not even remember what season that was.

All that said, I tuned in when I heard this was the final season, and I absolutely LOVED this episode. It was everything that made me fall in love with the show in the first place. All the while I was watching I kept thinking they picked 7th Heaven over this?!?

I hope a crazy number of people show up for the finale. The end made me very sad. Irv, if you die…I’ll miss you. It was something else thinking back - Edna comforting Rose, not even thinking it was going to be the reverse.

Anyway, I had to post, because after missing I’m not sure how many seasons, this show still sucked me in like nothing else.

MAKRO 05-22-2006 11:53 PM

Although well-acted as always, and containing the usual number of heart-tugging moments, that had to be one of the most poorly-written episodes ever. There were just too many things which seemed either OOC or plain didn't make sense. And when the main highlight of the evening is the promo for next week (I've been waiting YEARS for an E/A dance scene), something is wrong.

tidbit2008 05-23-2006 12:35 AM

The new girl should go away. That's all I'm going to criticise about this episode. I'm too sad about it ending to critque the final episodes too much, just trying to enjoy what we have left.

E/A dancing looked sweet, glad to see Amy's going to 'fess up.

Bright and Hannah were tugging at my heart strings in the hospital.

Nina should have told Andy but I understand why she was stalling, I know she doesn't want to go and she doesn't want to hurt him but she shouldn't have put it off. Then of course Jake was completely insensitive. He just needs to go to LA like so last season! I'm sick of him.

Glad that Andy made up with his dad and that Rose is offically in remisson :)

Irv doesn't need to die, that's so not cool :(

I am so proud of Andy!! That scene in the previews has me grinning :D

Andy(to Jake): I love her more than you ever could.(or something to that effect) :yay:

Overall, pretty good episode. We have what, 3 left? 22 episodes in all?

jediwands 05-23-2006 04:40 AM

Still not back with my thoughts on the episode yet but I wanted to mention the TV GUIDE description of the show at the beginning of the episode. TV GUIDE called Everwood the best acted, best written, best family drama on TV..

I was left thinking.. "Hmm, if it's the best of everything, WHY IS IT ENDING?"
And why are other waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay lower quality shows still existing?

Talk about injustice. THE CW is nothing short of a complete joke and everyone that knows anything understands this completely.

soul_rebel 05-23-2006 04:57 AM

The CW sucks. Anyways I didnt get to see the ep I totally forgot to set my tivo so I missed it and am actively kicking myself in the head right now.

smoothaise 05-23-2006 06:40 AM

Wow...the voice of Everwood dies. Talk about closure. :cry:

pixierock88 05-23-2006 08:49 AM

I don't understand the CW's thinking at all... :(
Why's EW getting canned while a cheesy show like 7H is coming back after it was ended? Does make any sense to me. :no:

baylea17 05-23-2006 09:15 AM

I loved last night's episode. Especially the previews for next week. I have a feeling it will be a good one. Bright and Hannah finally moving forward, Andy and Nina, and *hopefully* no more Jake!! Although, everytime I think he's going to leave, he just keeps coming back. They need to get rid of him once and for all!


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