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Old 07-15-2015, 02:57 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
Ugh. That scene was hard to watch. Charlotte was such a tragic character, and she was really indicative of the sort of screwed up children that such a harsh society could produce.

Also, what other show on television would have a child commit suicide to save the life of her friend that was trying to protect her?
I've never, ever seen it before this one!

To this I will just say that Clarke doesn't often act like a teenager, but she can hold a grudge like a typical teenager.
Which does make sense because the child/parent relationship is a complicated one.
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Old 07-15-2015, 02:59 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
That's not all. They also offer incentives for people to donate to designated charities. I did it last month and I'm supposed to have a Lindsey Morgan autographed card coming in the mail. Right now they have a shirt designed by the actor who plays Jasper up for auction.

Last month Emily Bett Rickards (aka Felicity Smoak) and Candice Patton (aka Iris West) donated pics that they auctioned off too.

I'm pretty sure that The 100 Charity Project was started by Lindsey Morgan (Raven), Devon Bostwick (Jasper), and Layne Morgan, which is cool. It also explains how they get all the autographed stuff.
Wow, those three started it? That makes it all the more awesome. It's one thing for the network/TPTB to get this started but for actors to go there on their own like that... it's something special.
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Old 07-15-2015, 03:14 AM
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Originally Posted by cowgirl08 (View Post)
This is where I really started to understand Bellamy more....I couldn't stand him the first few episodes. But then layer by layer you start to see kind of why he is the way he is now.
They are doing an excellent job of peeling his layers. I love it.

This whole situation is why I can't get into Clarke and Finn. I thought they were adorable those first couple of episodes - you know a true endgame meant to be couple type of thing. Then Raven showed up and she is a badass and I love her and then we find out she and Finn have been together for years....and well I can't hate Clarke because one she didn't know and two well she is a badass that leaves Finn to take all the hate. I mean come on man!!! Bluh.
^ This is my exact thought process. I thought they could be cute and might have even shipped them but not now, no way. Finn lost so many points with me due to this storyline.

I think he gets it but has convinced himself he has no other choice and that if they come down he will die....and if he dies then who will look out for Octavia? It all comes down to her for him....which all goes back to what we saw earlier in the episode with his mom telling him he was her protector now. All he has done his entire life is protect her - and the one time he took a risk it got his mom floated. Now I would think the world is a lot more black and white for him, while it's easy for us to say come on it's 300 lives versus one or two.....when you are that one and the other is the only family you have left I mean think about that decision?

And you will see over time this situation come up again, it never leaves him. Just like every decision each of them make on this show sticks with them. And they all make a lot of tough ones particular the two leaders.
You can definitely see with Bellamy his mind is spinning in that protective big brother mode. He is wired to take care of Octavia and nothing will stop him from going there. He definitely has this mentality and it's been there since his mom told him as a little boy that his sister was his responsibility. What a powerful moment and one that no child should have to endure. Both Bellamy and Octavia were put in horribly difficult situations. What a heartbreaking story.

Charlotte and Wells. That scene from the earlier episode just guh. And once again Bellamy gets to wear it. This episode went a long way in starting that change of opinion of him for me. Definitely tons of growth to go but he at least saw the corner in the distance here and just had to get to it to make the turn.
I agree. Bellamy's softer side came out, big time. He tried to help this little girl. Who knows, it might have reminded him of protecting his little sister. Still, his softer side, his heart was exposed and you saw he has light inside of it.

Which only further served to diminish the any of that adorable true love we thought they might have in the first episode or so. I mean one of the best moments for them was immediately tarnished for me when we see oh he gives one to all the girls eh? Sorry I don't like cheaters and I get Finn had no idea if he would ever see Raven again but it's not an excuse this early on for me.
Exactly. It was disgusting how he gives one to all the girls. What a severe punch in the gut for Raven. Horrible. It's almost like the intention was to bed the girls he's interested in.

Precisely my point above. Raven is dead on. 10 days? 10 days!!!! Come on man. It's like the writers wanted me to do a 180 this episode from thinking Finn was the hero to actually feeling bad for little puppets of my emotions you.
Precisely. 10 days! Seriously, I can't get over that. Shame on you, Finn for being such a dickhead.

Yeah it's hard to feel anything but pity for Clarke with this situation. She had no idea and once she did she stepped out of the way. Granted I mean if it was me I wouldn't want anything to do with him after that so pain or not that would be an easy choice to make. Still hurts though like Alan said, when Clarke told Finn she was basically only a warm body to him.... Ohhhhhhh HELL NO. Don't you dare hurt Clarke like that. Someone hand me my machete!
Horrible! If they weren't in the situation they were in, Raven would have dumped his a$$ and Clarke would never speak to him again. They are now forced to be around him but it's not by choice.


Lincoln umm he is good to look at?.....And I'll stop there as not to spoil.
I can't wait!

I love the respect each of them is slowly starting to give the other at this point. Each of them is slow to trust for different but very understandable reasons, so seeing them both defer to each other on certain things was a big for me.
I definitely think the best written, slowly evolved, dynamic is Bellamy/Clarke. I am definitely enjoying it. I already see the gobs of chemistry between the actors too.

Last edited by jediwands; 07-15-2015 at 03:20 AM
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Old 07-15-2015, 06:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Mich1111 (View Post)
That is very true. Unless she did it in a way where he thought she died of another cause. She might have been able to allow him to think she died naturally instead of sacrificing herself for Octavia to live and to give her children freedom and a chance for happiness.

I don't know what she was thinking... did she honestly believe Octavia was capable of living in hiding until she was old and gray?
I was wondering that as well. I mean, did she think that Octavia was just going to live her entire life in that one room? It's a good thing she is a small girl, because if she'd gotten really tall it'd been hard for her to fit under the floor during inspections.

Most certainly. It's not even about cheating on her primarily because circumstances were unique. I just don't know how he mentally/emotionally could go there with Clarke, even think of her in that way after knowing her for 10 days compared to the lifetime he had with Raven.
I just have to think that after sitting in lockdown for so long, his romantic feelings for Raven had started to wane even though hers obviously hadn't. That is the only way that I can explain him getting involved with Clarke. If his feelings for Raven had been as intense as hers were for him, then he'd never have been in a position to be interested in Clarke or develop feelings for her.

I'm there. I really am. I don't diehard ship Bellamy/Clarke yet but I think I might be on my way. I don't think I shipped Clarke/Finn but I liked their scenes. Now, I'm totally done enjoying any of their potential romantic moments.
I did ship Clarke and Finn before it got destroyed, so maybe that's why I'm resistant to Bellarke. Well, that and I have another partner I like for Clarke, but that's not for a while.
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Old 07-15-2015, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Alan
I just have to think that after sitting in lockdown for so long, his romantic feelings for Raven had started to wane even though hers obviously hadn't. That is the only way that I can explain him getting involved with Clarke. If his feelings for Raven had been as intense as hers were for him, then he'd never have been in a position to be interested in Clarke or develop feelings for her.
This is a fair point as it pertains to Finn. It doesn't change how it kinda squashed any chance for me to root for Finn and Clarke down the road but that doesn't mean I necessarily think of Finn as a player. I just think in that moment he wasn't thinking with his head - and in the end he hurt my two favorite characters on the show deeply so he has a lot to overcome for me to be team Finn.

Originally Posted by Mich1111 (View Post)
They are doing an excellent job of peeling his layers. I love it.
Yes, I am a sucker for character growth. Characters who typically start perfect I get bored with. Clarke isn't perfect even though from Day 1 she was a badass - even she shows growth but Bellamy shows the most. IMO. I get that's not shared by everyone who watches the show but I also don't believe I am alone in that.

This is my exact thought process. I thought they could be cute and might have even shipped them but not now, no way. Finn lost so many points with me due to this storyline.
Yeah almost think the writers were like okay....this show isn't about romance but it's the CW we have to give them something to pull in the fan girls in those first couple of episodes. Then we can discard it and get into the meat of the show. Haha I know that's just a theory but man did they build them up and tear them down so quick. They aren't fully over but for me at least it was something I couldn't ever get over.

Exactly. It was disgusting how he gives one to all the girls. What a severe punch in the gut for Raven. Horrible. It's almost like the intention was to bed the girls he's interested in.
Yeah I mean I don't think of Finn as a player but still that was such a great moment for him and Clarke then to find out he gave one to Raven too it's like, oh well it wasn't all that unique after all? Idk I get it's his special talent but we are girls....our emotions don't process that when you've been scorned. So Clarke has every right to feel hurt by that and everything else.

Precisely. 10 days! Seriously, I can't get over that. Shame on you, Finn for being such a dickhead.
The 10 days thing, is what gets me. But I've ranted on that so I'll stop shaming Finn now.

I definitely think the best written, slowly evolved, dynamic is Bellamy/Clarke. I am definitely enjoying it. I already see the gobs of chemistry between the actors too.
Yes. The slow burn relationships are the ones I typically root for.....if it is set in stone from Day 1 I kinda get turned off by it because I didn't get to see the build up? I want to go along for the ride with them not just be told mid-way through hey btw these two are in love and this is why! Oh and yes the chemistry jumps off the screen, that just happens or it doesn't and with those two actors it does.
He is always there to save her.
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Old 07-15-2015, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by cowgirl08 (View Post)
This is a fair point as it pertains to Finn. It doesn't change how it kinda squashed any chance for me to root for Finn and Clarke down the road but that doesn't mean I necessarily think of Finn as a player. I just think in that moment he wasn't thinking with his head - and in the end he hurt my two favorite characters on the show deeply so he has a lot to overcome for me to be team Finn.
Your right there. No matter what was going on in his head, he hurt Clarke and Raven both, and that is not okay in my book. If he'd hurt Octavia somehow, then I wouldn't have sympathy for him at all.

Yes, I am a sucker for character growth. Characters who typically start perfect I get bored with. Clarke isn't perfect even though from Day 1 she was a badass - even she shows growth but Bellamy shows the most. IMO. I get that's not shared by everyone who watches the show but I also don't believe I am alone in that.
To me, both of the Blakes have show tremendous character growth. Maybe that's a family trait or something, but, the Bellamy in 1.6 is much different from the Bellamy in 1.1, and it shows in the way he interacts with people and the way he carries himself.

Yeah almost think the writers were like okay....this show isn't about romance but it's the CW we have to give them something to pull in the fan girls in those first couple of episodes. Then we can discard it and get into the meat of the show. Haha I know that's just a theory but man did they build them up and tear them down so quick. They aren't fully over but for me at least it was something I couldn't ever get over.
There might have been some of that, but I also think that Finn/Clarke was a declaration that everything about this show, even romance and potential love triangles, was going to be different from what you've seen before. And it has been.

Yeah I mean I don't think of Finn as a player but still that was such a great moment for him and Clarke then to find out he gave one to Raven too it's like, oh well it wasn't all that unique after all? Idk I get it's his special talent but we are girls....our emotions don't process that when you've been scorned. So Clarke has every right to feel hurt by that and everything else.
Other than talking, making those seems to be Finn's only talent, so I'm guessing he's only using what he's got to work his game.

Yes. The slow burn relationships are the ones I typically root for.....if it is set in stone from Day 1 I kinda get turned off by it because I didn't get to see the build up? I want to go along for the ride with them not just be told mid-way through hey btw these two are in love and this is why! Oh and yes the chemistry jumps off the screen, that just happens or it doesn't and with those two actors it does.
I like the slow burn, but only if there is a sense that it is actually going to go somewhere. I don't want all my relationships to turn into Bones and Booth where it took them like 7 seasons to even kiss each other. I like to see the relationship established, but I also don't mind when a show brings in an established couple. Of course, I try not to get too attached when shows start with a couple together, because they almost always find a way to tear them apart. I guess that's one good thing about the slow-burn relationship: the writers put a lot of work into it, so there's less tendency to destroy them. Clarke and Finn had the makings of a slow-burn relationship, but then they jumped into a physical relationship and skipped ahead in the timeline. If Bellarke does actually get together romantically, I think it will be a pretty rock solid relationship because of the way that they slowly went from borderline enemies to co-leaders to friends.
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Old 07-15-2015, 12:28 PM
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I wish I had time to get this rewatch going here, this is driving me crazy!

I don't know what she was thinking... did she honestly believe Octavia was capable of living in hiding until she was old and gray?
I was wondering that as well. I mean, did she think that Octavia was just going to live her entire life in that one room? It's a good thing she is a small girl, because if she'd gotten really tall it'd been hard for her to fit under the floor during inspections.
Since it has been a while since I watched these there any possibility their mother thought there was hope that the 'one child' restrictions might be lifted at some point?
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Old 07-15-2015, 12:35 PM
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I wish I had time to get this rewatch going here, this is driving me crazy!
What's going on, Taryn? I hope it's good life stuff.

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Old 07-15-2015, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Taryn74 (View Post)
I wish I had time to get this rewatch going here, this is driving me crazy!

Since it has been a while since I watched these there any possibility their mother thought there was hope that the 'one child' restrictions might be lifted at some point?
I don't think so. The one child restriction has never seemed like something that could be lifted considering the limited space and resources on the ark.
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Old 07-16-2015, 05:29 AM
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Okay, all done with my Mayo stuff I've been consumed with for the past two days!

My older niece is in USA Cup soccer up where I played with Mia Hamm (I love stating this when it fits, lol) at the Sportscenter in Blaine this afternoon and I am grabbing the sports utility vehicle (sister's and brother-in-laws) and taking up both nieces and two friends, with my mom so we're all heading up there at 1. Until then I have a chance to watch an episode or maybe two, we will see! Can watch later when I get home too!

But grabbing some coffee, responding to posts and watching!

I would love to kill this thread, too!
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Old 07-16-2015, 05:52 AM
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They finally posted The 100 thread from Comic Con on YouTube, so I watched that yesterday instead of working. A good use of my time I must say.
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Old 07-16-2015, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
They finally posted The 100 thread from Comic Con on YouTube, so I watched that yesterday instead of working. A good use of my time I must say.
Really?! Damn I wish I could see it!
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Old 07-16-2015, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
I was wondering that as well. I mean, did she think that Octavia was just going to live her entire life in that one room? It's a good thing she is a small girl, because if she'd gotten really tall it'd been hard for her to fit under the floor during inspections.
Seriously! This storyline kills me. It's so sad! When I look at Octavia as an teen/almost young adult all I think about is what she went through and it makes me love her even more. She is, hands down, my favorite character. I love all three girls but she is number one.

I just have to think that after sitting in lockdown for so long, his romantic feelings for Raven had started to wane even though hers obviously hadn't. That is the only way that I can explain him getting involved with Clarke. If his feelings for Raven had been as intense as hers were for him, then he'd never have been in a position to be interested in Clarke or develop feelings for her.
Excellent point. We know if the situation would have been in reverse Raven never would have been unfaithful to him. Heck, the girl risked her life just to get down to him. But you're right, it's very possible they didn't have a balanced dynamic and mutual level of feelings for each other. Doesn't make what he did right but it can explain some of his behavior.

I did ship Clarke and Finn before it got destroyed, so maybe that's why I'm resistant to Bellarke. Well, that and I have another partner I like for Clarke, but that's not for a while.
Interesting! I can't wait to see who that is!
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Old 07-16-2015, 06:07 AM
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Originally Posted by cowgirl08 (View Post)
Yeah almost think the writers were like okay....this show isn't about romance but it's the CW we have to give them something to pull in the fan girls in those first couple of episodes. Then we can discard it and get into the meat of the show. Haha I know that's just a theory but man did they build them up and tear them down so quick. They aren't fully over but for me at least it was something I couldn't ever get over.
Very likely that's what they were thinking. It almost feels like they quickly put Clarke/Finn together to introduce Raven in a massively intense way too. She was immediately known to love a boy that was one of the 100 and she would do anything to get to him. You saw her awesomeness and what she risked to get down there. She arrives and then we find out it's Finn and what a horrible nightmare it was for her. I think people loved Raven all the more after witnessing this.

I don't feel like TPTB ever had any intention of putting Clarke/Finn together more permanently. Of course I haven't seen the upcoming episodes so maybe something changes but as of right now I think it was all for drama and even heartbreak. Short but bittersweet.

The 10 days thing, is what gets me. But I've ranted on that so I'll stop shaming Finn now.
Seriously, I can't get over it either!

Yes. The slow burn relationships are the ones I typically root for.....if it is set in stone from Day 1 I kinda get turned off by it because I didn't get to see the build up? I want to go along for the ride with them not just be told mid-way through hey btw these two are in love and this is why! Oh and yes the chemistry jumps off the screen, that just happens or it doesn't and with those two actors it does.
Chemistry is subjective but I definitely see it with the actors who play Clarke and Bellamy. It's there and I like what I see! I definitely ship the idea of these two and I find myself sitting up a bit more when they're on the screen together.

When did you start shipping them?
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Old 07-16-2015, 06:10 AM
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