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Old 09-03-2020, 09:32 AM
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#9- 3 - Eliminated
#2 - 1

Best of Pacey and Joey: Buildup Survivor - Part 1

*Vote for your least favorite moment
*You may vote only once per round.
*The moment will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple days.
Images and gifs only represent the episodes. Vote for whole episodes in regards to Pacey and Joey.
All graphics are from Pacey and Joey Tumblr and Dawson's Creek Source, Dawsonscreek.tumblr, and/or belong to their respective owners

Round 9

1. 1x02 - Dance
Eliminated - Round 7

2. 1x03 - Kiss

Pacey: Could it be? Joey is finally noticing the opposite sex!
Joey: Shut up.
Pacey: (shouts) Excuse me young man. This woman here thinks you’re very attractive….
Joey: You buttplug!
Pacey: Forget it, Joey. Guys off yachts don’t go for waitresses….*
Joey: I’m going to kill you. One night in your sleep. A slit to the throat maybe, or a screwdriver to your temple. Be ready.

3. 1x04 - Discovery
Eliminated - Round 6

4. 1x06 - Baby

Pacey: Feel free to keep on walking. I won’t think you’re rude.
Joey: Look, despite first impressions, I’m not here to bust on you. I don’t know if the rumors are true or exaggerated, or if this is one of your attempts to appear more attractive to the girls, but I just wanted to say I know what you must be going through.
Pacey: No, I really doubt you know what I’m going through.
Joey: Well, let me see. People stare when you walk down the hall. We’ve seen that. They whisper behind your back. You overhear your name in the conversation of strangers. Soon, a justifiable paranoia sets in. Whether they are or not, you’re convinced everyone’s talking. Imagine if you’d done something even worse.
Pacey: Like what?
Joey: Sharing a house with your pregnant, unwed sister and her black boyfriend, while your father serves time on a drug conviction. Imagine that, Pacey. We actually have something in common: Providing gossip for the small-minded townsfolk. And, unfortunately for you, you’re tonight’s top story.
Pacey: Great. So, what do I do now?
Joey: Same thing I did. You pray like hell for a better story to come along.

5. 1x08 - Boyfriend

PACEY: Not that I care, but you might want to pace yourself with this stuff.
JOEY: Pacey, I know I don’t say it enough, but you’re a really terrific friend.
PACEY: Okay. Thanks. Yeah.
NICE SERIAL RAPIST MAN: Is this guy bothering you, Chloe?
PACEY: Okay, just a couple of things… First, her name’s not Chloe. It’s Joey. And second, no, I’m not hitting on her. I’m just her friend. God knows

6. 1x08 - Boyfriend

Pacey: Alright, Jo.. say goodbye to the nice serial rapist man.
Blonde Guy: You again a-hole! She doesn’t want to leave.
Joey: Come on, please leave, Pacey.
Pacey: Alright, cowboy. Party’s over.

7. 21. 1x10 - Double Date

JOEY: What? What’s that smile of yours? Is it because I look ridiculous?
JOEY: Or is it that my misfortune amuses you? Or maybe it’s simply you just enjoy putting me in the most awkward situations and watching me squirm, Pacey.
PACEY: No, it’s none of that. I was just thinking to myself that when you loosen up, you’re not half bad to be around. Bordering on fun, even.
JOEY: Home, Jeeves.
PACEY: Yes, Miss Daisy

8. 1x10 - Double Date

JOEY: Look around you, Pacey. I mean, look at what my life is. I’m a boarder in my sister’s house, I share my bedroom with the living room, and my social life consists of a part-time job. As far as I can tell there are only two ways to make my life better. And the one that doesn’t involve waking up and discovering it’s all been a dream involves a college scholarship. When I apply I better have the grades that don’t give them a choice because a scholarship is pretty much my only way out of Capeside. And if I don’t get out of here, Pacey, well, it’ll be a sadder story than I care to imagine. Okay?
PACEY: You don’t have to worry, Jo. You’re going to make it out of here. You’re going to go to some great school and send me postcards back here where I’ll be tending bar or pumping gas.
JOEY: Come on, Pacey. You’ll get out too.
PACEY: Yeah, if the circus is hiring.

9. 1x10 - Double Date
Eliminated - Round 8

10. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated - Round 4

11. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated - Round 2

12. 3x01 - Like A Virgin

Pacey: Ahoy, there! Anyone ashore?
Joey: What are you doing here?
Pacey: Well, it’s the damnedest thing. I just got into Dawson’s rowboat and magically drifted towards your dock.
Joey: Yeah, well, magically drift any closer and I’ll kill you.
Pacey: You know, I almost believe that.
Joey: He told you, didn’t he? Didn’t he?
Pacey: Well, what do you think?
Joey: I think I hate you both.
Pacey: Well, then you’re really gonna hate me when you hear what I have to say. He did the right thing. The two of you need to be apart right now.
Joey: How would you know what I need?
Pacey: Yeah, yeah. You know, you’re probably right. How could I possibly know how hard it is to let somebody go, right? The pain of knowing that even though the two of you are right for each other, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re right for each other right now. What I would know about that, right? How could I possibly know that sometimes it just makes you want to scream, hit somebody. Sit out on the end of a dock and cry?
Joey: Of all the people to see me like this, it had to be you.
Pacey: You know, it’s a new year. Who knows? You and I might even become friends.
Joey: Pacey, I’m upset enough as it is.
Pacey: Come here, Potter.

13. 3x02 - Homecoming

Eliminated - Round 5

14. 3x03 - None of the Above

JOEY; Here, I brought you a Pepsi.
PACEY; No, thanks, I’m not thirsty.
JOEY; It’s for your lip, moron, in lieu of ice.
PACEY; I can’t believe he thought I took it.
JOEY; So what, Pacey?
PACEY; I thought if I’d earned anyone’s respect, it was Dawson’s. I mean, if the guy who knows you better than anyone on earth thinks you’re a loser, then maybe…
JOEY; Then maybe you are one? C’mon. I mean, I thought you were a loser for years, but you’ve never believed me. [they share a smile]
PACEY; It’s just, you know, when does a person start believing the general consensus about themselves?
JOEY; When it’s right.

15. 3x03 - None of the Above

16. 3x04 - Home Movies

Pacey: “You watch, Potter. A couple of months and I’ll be sailing this baby around the world.”
Joey: “I’d hate to break it to you, Captain Stooping, but you can’t sail around the world in a 20 ft. boat.”
Pacey: “Sure I can!”
Joey: “Where are you gonna put the supplies?”
Pacey: “Hey, the U.S.S Minnow was no bigger than this and they found room for all of Mr. Howell’s money, all of the professor’s tools, all of Ginger’s clothes, and where do you think you’re going?”
Joey: “Permission to come aboard?”
Pacey: “Permission granted.”

17. 3x06 - Secrets and Lies
Eliminated - Round 1

18. 3x09 - Four to Tango

Eliminated - Round 3

19. 3x09 - Four to Tango

DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Now these two on the other hand- whole different story. I mean, look at them. Look at their- their form. Look at the tension in their arms.
PACEY: Okay, is there some sort of problem here?
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Well, what did I say about ribcages touching?
JOEY: No, sorry.
PACEY: It’s just not gonna happen, alright?
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Right. You see what I mean? See the hostility, the way they’re wary with each other. Not to mention the whole bickering and name calling. Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: Okay, you got it all wrong lady.
PACEY: Completely!
JOEY: Actually, you could not be more wrong.
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: There’s enough sexual tension here to power a Kiss reunion tour. I can’t remember the last time I saw dancing this bad. True.
DAWSON: Wait a minute, you think just because they can’t dance, they’re-
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Well, it’s this theory that I’ve developed by some years of experience. if people dance that badly they’re usually hot for each other. The dancing doesn’t lie.

20. 3x09 - Four to Tango

21. 3x12 - A Weekend In the Country

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Old 09-03-2020, 11:06 AM
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Old 09-03-2020, 01:30 PM
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Old 09-03-2020, 09:28 PM
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Old 09-04-2020, 07:54 AM
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#2- 3 - Eliminated

Best of Pacey and Joey: Buildup Survivor - Part 1

*Vote for your least favorite moment
*You may vote only once per round.
*The moment will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple days.
Images and gifs only represent the episodes. Vote for whole episodes in regards to Pacey and Joey.
All graphics are from Pacey and Joey Tumblr and Dawson's Creek Source, Dawsonscreek.tumblr, and/or belong to their respective owners

Round 10

1. 1x02 - Dance
Eliminated - Round 7

2. 1x03 - Kiss
Eliminated - Round 9

3. 1x04 - Discovery
Eliminated - Round 6

4. 1x06 - Baby

Pacey: Feel free to keep on walking. I won’t think you’re rude.
Joey: Look, despite first impressions, I’m not here to bust on you. I don’t know if the rumors are true or exaggerated, or if this is one of your attempts to appear more attractive to the girls, but I just wanted to say I know what you must be going through.
Pacey: No, I really doubt you know what I’m going through.
Joey: Well, let me see. People stare when you walk down the hall. We’ve seen that. They whisper behind your back. You overhear your name in the conversation of strangers. Soon, a justifiable paranoia sets in. Whether they are or not, you’re convinced everyone’s talking. Imagine if you’d done something even worse.
Pacey: Like what?
Joey: Sharing a house with your pregnant, unwed sister and her black boyfriend, while your father serves time on a drug conviction. Imagine that, Pacey. We actually have something in common: Providing gossip for the small-minded townsfolk. And, unfortunately for you, you’re tonight’s top story.
Pacey: Great. So, what do I do now?
Joey: Same thing I did. You pray like hell for a better story to come along.

5. 1x08 - Boyfriend

PACEY: Not that I care, but you might want to pace yourself with this stuff.
JOEY: Pacey, I know I don’t say it enough, but you’re a really terrific friend.
PACEY: Okay. Thanks. Yeah.
NICE SERIAL RAPIST MAN: Is this guy bothering you, Chloe?
PACEY: Okay, just a couple of things… First, her name’s not Chloe. It’s Joey. And second, no, I’m not hitting on her. I’m just her friend. God knows

6. 1x08 - Boyfriend

Pacey: Alright, Jo.. say goodbye to the nice serial rapist man.
Blonde Guy: You again a-hole! She doesn’t want to leave.
Joey: Come on, please leave, Pacey.
Pacey: Alright, cowboy. Party’s over.

7. 21. 1x10 - Double Date

JOEY: What? What’s that smile of yours? Is it because I look ridiculous?
JOEY: Or is it that my misfortune amuses you? Or maybe it’s simply you just enjoy putting me in the most awkward situations and watching me squirm, Pacey.
PACEY: No, it’s none of that. I was just thinking to myself that when you loosen up, you’re not half bad to be around. Bordering on fun, even.
JOEY: Home, Jeeves.
PACEY: Yes, Miss Daisy

8. 1x10 - Double Date

JOEY: Look around you, Pacey. I mean, look at what my life is. I’m a boarder in my sister’s house, I share my bedroom with the living room, and my social life consists of a part-time job. As far as I can tell there are only two ways to make my life better. And the one that doesn’t involve waking up and discovering it’s all been a dream involves a college scholarship. When I apply I better have the grades that don’t give them a choice because a scholarship is pretty much my only way out of Capeside. And if I don’t get out of here, Pacey, well, it’ll be a sadder story than I care to imagine. Okay?
PACEY: You don’t have to worry, Jo. You’re going to make it out of here. You’re going to go to some great school and send me postcards back here where I’ll be tending bar or pumping gas.
JOEY: Come on, Pacey. You’ll get out too.
PACEY: Yeah, if the circus is hiring.

9. 1x10 - Double Date
Eliminated - Round 8

10. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated - Round 4

11. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated - Round 2

12. 3x01 - Like A Virgin

Pacey: Ahoy, there! Anyone ashore?
Joey: What are you doing here?
Pacey: Well, it’s the damnedest thing. I just got into Dawson’s rowboat and magically drifted towards your dock.
Joey: Yeah, well, magically drift any closer and I’ll kill you.
Pacey: You know, I almost believe that.
Joey: He told you, didn’t he? Didn’t he?
Pacey: Well, what do you think?
Joey: I think I hate you both.
Pacey: Well, then you’re really gonna hate me when you hear what I have to say. He did the right thing. The two of you need to be apart right now.
Joey: How would you know what I need?
Pacey: Yeah, yeah. You know, you’re probably right. How could I possibly know how hard it is to let somebody go, right? The pain of knowing that even though the two of you are right for each other, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re right for each other right now. What I would know about that, right? How could I possibly know that sometimes it just makes you want to scream, hit somebody. Sit out on the end of a dock and cry?
Joey: Of all the people to see me like this, it had to be you.
Pacey: You know, it’s a new year. Who knows? You and I might even become friends.
Joey: Pacey, I’m upset enough as it is.
Pacey: Come here, Potter.

13. 3x02 - Homecoming

Eliminated - Round 5

14. 3x03 - None of the Above

JOEY; Here, I brought you a Pepsi.
PACEY; No, thanks, I’m not thirsty.
JOEY; It’s for your lip, moron, in lieu of ice.
PACEY; I can’t believe he thought I took it.
JOEY; So what, Pacey?
PACEY; I thought if I’d earned anyone’s respect, it was Dawson’s. I mean, if the guy who knows you better than anyone on earth thinks you’re a loser, then maybe…
JOEY; Then maybe you are one? C’mon. I mean, I thought you were a loser for years, but you’ve never believed me. [they share a smile]
PACEY; It’s just, you know, when does a person start believing the general consensus about themselves?
JOEY; When it’s right.

15. 3x03 - None of the Above

16. 3x04 - Home Movies

Pacey: “You watch, Potter. A couple of months and I’ll be sailing this baby around the world.”
Joey: “I’d hate to break it to you, Captain Stooping, but you can’t sail around the world in a 20 ft. boat.”
Pacey: “Sure I can!”
Joey: “Where are you gonna put the supplies?”
Pacey: “Hey, the U.S.S Minnow was no bigger than this and they found room for all of Mr. Howell’s money, all of the professor’s tools, all of Ginger’s clothes, and where do you think you’re going?”
Joey: “Permission to come aboard?”
Pacey: “Permission granted.”

17. 3x06 - Secrets and Lies
Eliminated - Round 1

18. 3x09 - Four to Tango

Eliminated - Round 3

19. 3x09 - Four to Tango

DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Now these two on the other hand- whole different story. I mean, look at them. Look at their- their form. Look at the tension in their arms.
PACEY: Okay, is there some sort of problem here?
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Well, what did I say about ribcages touching?
JOEY: No, sorry.
PACEY: It’s just not gonna happen, alright?
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Right. You see what I mean? See the hostility, the way they’re wary with each other. Not to mention the whole bickering and name calling. Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: Okay, you got it all wrong lady.
PACEY: Completely!
JOEY: Actually, you could not be more wrong.
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: There’s enough sexual tension here to power a Kiss reunion tour. I can’t remember the last time I saw dancing this bad. True.
DAWSON: Wait a minute, you think just because they can’t dance, they’re-
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Well, it’s this theory that I’ve developed by some years of experience. if people dance that badly they’re usually hot for each other. The dancing doesn’t lie.

20. 3x09 - Four to Tango

21. 3x12 - A Weekend In the Country

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Old 09-04-2020, 10:10 AM
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This is a recent vid that is well done.

It deserves a lot more views & likes.

PJo 23

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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Old 09-04-2020, 11:53 AM
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Old 09-04-2020, 02:46 PM
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Old 09-04-2020, 09:22 PM
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Old 09-05-2020, 09:02 AM
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#4 - 1
#5- 3 - Eliminated

Best of Pacey and Joey: Buildup Survivor - Part 1

*Vote for your least favorite moment
*You may vote only once per round.
*The moment will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple days.
Images and gifs only represent the episodes. Vote for whole episodes in regards to Pacey and Joey.
All graphics are from Pacey and Joey Tumblr and Dawson's Creek Source, Dawsonscreek.tumblr, and/or belong to their respective owners

Round 11

1. 1x02 - Dance
Eliminated - Round 7

2. 1x03 - Kiss
Eliminated - Round 9

3. 1x04 - Discovery
Eliminated - Round 6

4. 1x06 - Baby

Pacey: Feel free to keep on walking. I won’t think you’re rude.
Joey: Look, despite first impressions, I’m not here to bust on you. I don’t know if the rumors are true or exaggerated, or if this is one of your attempts to appear more attractive to the girls, but I just wanted to say I know what you must be going through.
Pacey: No, I really doubt you know what I’m going through.
Joey: Well, let me see. People stare when you walk down the hall. We’ve seen that. They whisper behind your back. You overhear your name in the conversation of strangers. Soon, a justifiable paranoia sets in. Whether they are or not, you’re convinced everyone’s talking. Imagine if you’d done something even worse.
Pacey: Like what?
Joey: Sharing a house with your pregnant, unwed sister and her black boyfriend, while your father serves time on a drug conviction. Imagine that, Pacey. We actually have something in common: Providing gossip for the small-minded townsfolk. And, unfortunately for you, you’re tonight’s top story.
Pacey: Great. So, what do I do now?
Joey: Same thing I did. You pray like hell for a better story to come along.

5. 1x08 - Boyfriend
Eliminated - Round 10

6. 1x08 - Boyfriend

Pacey: Alright, Jo.. say goodbye to the nice serial rapist man.
Blonde Guy: You again a-hole! She doesn’t want to leave.
Joey: Come on, please leave, Pacey.
Pacey: Alright, cowboy. Party’s over.

7. 21. 1x10 - Double Date

JOEY: What? What’s that smile of yours? Is it because I look ridiculous?
JOEY: Or is it that my misfortune amuses you? Or maybe it’s simply you just enjoy putting me in the most awkward situations and watching me squirm, Pacey.
PACEY: No, it’s none of that. I was just thinking to myself that when you loosen up, you’re not half bad to be around. Bordering on fun, even.
JOEY: Home, Jeeves.
PACEY: Yes, Miss Daisy

8. 1x10 - Double Date

JOEY: Look around you, Pacey. I mean, look at what my life is. I’m a boarder in my sister’s house, I share my bedroom with the living room, and my social life consists of a part-time job. As far as I can tell there are only two ways to make my life better. And the one that doesn’t involve waking up and discovering it’s all been a dream involves a college scholarship. When I apply I better have the grades that don’t give them a choice because a scholarship is pretty much my only way out of Capeside. And if I don’t get out of here, Pacey, well, it’ll be a sadder story than I care to imagine. Okay?
PACEY: You don’t have to worry, Jo. You’re going to make it out of here. You’re going to go to some great school and send me postcards back here where I’ll be tending bar or pumping gas.
JOEY: Come on, Pacey. You’ll get out too.
PACEY: Yeah, if the circus is hiring.

9. 1x10 - Double Date
Eliminated - Round 8

10. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated - Round 4

11. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated - Round 2

12. 3x01 - Like A Virgin

Pacey: Ahoy, there! Anyone ashore?
Joey: What are you doing here?
Pacey: Well, it’s the damnedest thing. I just got into Dawson’s rowboat and magically drifted towards your dock.
Joey: Yeah, well, magically drift any closer and I’ll kill you.
Pacey: You know, I almost believe that.
Joey: He told you, didn’t he? Didn’t he?
Pacey: Well, what do you think?
Joey: I think I hate you both.
Pacey: Well, then you’re really gonna hate me when you hear what I have to say. He did the right thing. The two of you need to be apart right now.
Joey: How would you know what I need?
Pacey: Yeah, yeah. You know, you’re probably right. How could I possibly know how hard it is to let somebody go, right? The pain of knowing that even though the two of you are right for each other, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re right for each other right now. What I would know about that, right? How could I possibly know that sometimes it just makes you want to scream, hit somebody. Sit out on the end of a dock and cry?
Joey: Of all the people to see me like this, it had to be you.
Pacey: You know, it’s a new year. Who knows? You and I might even become friends.
Joey: Pacey, I’m upset enough as it is.
Pacey: Come here, Potter.

13. 3x02 - Homecoming

Eliminated - Round 5

14. 3x03 - None of the Above

JOEY; Here, I brought you a Pepsi.
PACEY; No, thanks, I’m not thirsty.
JOEY; It’s for your lip, moron, in lieu of ice.
PACEY; I can’t believe he thought I took it.
JOEY; So what, Pacey?
PACEY; I thought if I’d earned anyone’s respect, it was Dawson’s. I mean, if the guy who knows you better than anyone on earth thinks you’re a loser, then maybe…
JOEY; Then maybe you are one? C’mon. I mean, I thought you were a loser for years, but you’ve never believed me. [they share a smile]
PACEY; It’s just, you know, when does a person start believing the general consensus about themselves?
JOEY; When it’s right.

15. 3x03 - None of the Above

16. 3x04 - Home Movies

Pacey: “You watch, Potter. A couple of months and I’ll be sailing this baby around the world.”
Joey: “I’d hate to break it to you, Captain Stooping, but you can’t sail around the world in a 20 ft. boat.”
Pacey: “Sure I can!”
Joey: “Where are you gonna put the supplies?”
Pacey: “Hey, the U.S.S Minnow was no bigger than this and they found room for all of Mr. Howell’s money, all of the professor’s tools, all of Ginger’s clothes, and where do you think you’re going?”
Joey: “Permission to come aboard?”
Pacey: “Permission granted.”

17. 3x06 - Secrets and Lies
Eliminated - Round 1

18. 3x09 - Four to Tango

Eliminated - Round 3

19. 3x09 - Four to Tango

DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Now these two on the other hand- whole different story. I mean, look at them. Look at their- their form. Look at the tension in their arms.
PACEY: Okay, is there some sort of problem here?
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Well, what did I say about ribcages touching?
JOEY: No, sorry.
PACEY: It’s just not gonna happen, alright?
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Right. You see what I mean? See the hostility, the way they’re wary with each other. Not to mention the whole bickering and name calling. Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: Okay, you got it all wrong lady.
PACEY: Completely!
JOEY: Actually, you could not be more wrong.
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: There’s enough sexual tension here to power a Kiss reunion tour. I can’t remember the last time I saw dancing this bad. True.
DAWSON: Wait a minute, you think just because they can’t dance, they’re-
DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Well, it’s this theory that I’ve developed by some years of experience. if people dance that badly they’re usually hot for each other. The dancing doesn’t lie.

20. 3x09 - Four to Tango

21. 3x12 - A Weekend In the Country

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Old 09-05-2020, 11:27 AM
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I guess I'll go with #6 because as great as it is, Joey doesn't remember it (and thinks Dawson is the one to save her in the moment.)
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Old 09-05-2020, 02:05 PM
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Old 09-06-2020, 08:40 AM
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I'll go with 4
is it true you went out with Joshua Jackson last year?
Katie Holmes: I fell in love for the first time and it was something so incredible and indescribable that I will always treasure it.

KH asked about kissing her ex (JJ) in front of the cameras all day:

"Maybe there's a hint of realism?"
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Old 09-06-2020, 11:50 AM
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Going with #6.

#4 -2
#6 - 2
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Old 09-07-2020, 07:41 PM
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