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Old 12-11-2016, 04:48 PM
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#9- 4 - Eliminated
#30 - 1

Best Pacey and Joey Heart-To-Heart Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite heart-to-heart talk.
*You may vote only once every round.
*A talk will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple of days.
All graphics are from Tumblr and belong to their owners.
pacey & joey
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I'm spitting out the bitter pill.
Dawson's Creek Transcripts Index - Forever Dreaming

Round 24

1. 1x06 - Baby
Eliminated Round 5

2. 1x10 - Double Date
Eliminated Round 22

3. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated Round 13

4. 2x16 - Be Careful What You Wish For
Eliminated Round 1

5. 3x01 - Like A Virgin
Eliminated Round 14

6. 3x02 - Homecoming
Eliminated Round 5

7. 3x03 - None of the Above
Eliminated Round 11

8. 3x09 - Four To Tango
Eliminated Round 7

9. 3x13 - Northern Lights
Eliminated Round 23

10. 3x16 - Crime and Punishment

Joey: You bought me a wall?
Pacey: Not bought, rented. And this thing didn’t come cheap, either. It cost me 100 bucks.
Joey: You bought me a wall?
Pacey: You said that already. Look, it’s a limited time offer, so you should get cracking.
Joey: Pacey, did you fail to notice the size of this thing?
Pacey: I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. I’m supporting you, you keep on growing both as a person and as an artist. I also got you this, (holding up a can of paint) now I know it’s not going to cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes, ‘The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.’
Joey: Well, I’m gonna need your help on this one.
Pacey: No, no, no, no. Not this time. You’re on your own, sister.
Joey: Pacey, you’re unbelievable. I mean, as soon as I think I’ve got you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous that, it completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of. In case I don’t say it enough, thank you.
Pacey: It’s about time, Potter. It’s about time.

11. 4x02 - Falling Down

Joey: We spent 3 months on the sea, but we haven’t even come to close to weathering the storm. We ran away. We made our own reality and it was so wonderful but..
Pacey: But it couldn’t last forever.
Joey: Nor should it. Pacey, a relationship isn’t about a romantic 3-month cruise. It’s gonna be the details that define us.. the moments.
Pacey: Okay. Joey, I am really scared. I think that I screwed up and I’m gonna flunk out of high school. So, I need your help. Really badly.
Joey: That’s all you needed to say, Pace.
Pacey: Easy for you to say.
Joey: Whatever it takes, we’re gonna fix it. Everything’s gonna be okay.
Pacey: How can you be sure?
Joey: I’m not going anywhere without you

12. 4x04 - Future Tense

JOEY: Pacey. I’ve been doing some thinking.
PACEY: Yeah. Drunk thinking.
JOEY: Maybe… Maybe that’s not what I really want. Maybe I just wanna stay here. You know? I mean, look it’s- it’s really beautiful here and… and I can just-
PACEY: Just what? Stay here and work as a waitress all your life? Come on. I mean, forgive me if you’re losing me here, Jo, but to be perfectly honest you haven’t made the slightest bit of sense all night even before you were drunk.
JOEY: I wanna be with you, Pacey. I wanna stay and be with you.
PACEY: Well if you wanna be with me then staying here would be a really stupid idea. Considering I don’t plan to be here. I plan to be wherever you are.
JOEY: Really?
PACEY: Yes. Really.

13. 4x07 - You Had Me At Goodbye

Pacey: Jo, I’m sorry for how I reacted to the whole peer rec thing. I think it was just kind of a left-hook to the hot button and I reacted.. like Pacey.
Joey: You know who that guy you reacted like is gonna be in ten years, Pace? The person who knows me best. Dawson knows my past. My future lies with you. If you think about it you know, you didn’t even like me three years ago.
Pacey: Well, you always tease the ones you love.

14. 4x10 - Self-Reliance
Eliminated Round 9

15. 4x14 - A Winter's Tale
Eliminated Round 12

16. 4x17 - Admissions

Pacey: As long as we’re in the season of honesty, there’s something else I probably outta offer up.
Joey: What’s that?
Pacey: Well, as happy as I was for you, I found out you were going to Worthington, I think I was just as happy when I found out you weren’t. It’s not that I don’t want you to be able to go off and realize your dreams, Joey, because I do. But, for the first time I just felt like it was me that was holding you back from them.
Joey: Pacey, you’ve never held me back. You’ve got to stop thinking like that.
Pacey: I could stop thinking like that if you just promise me one thing. If the day ever comes, and it may come much sooner than either one of us think, but if that day ever comes, when you do feel like I was holding you back, just promise me that you’d cut me loose, yeah?
Joey: Pacey!
Pacey: Promise me that.
Joey: I won’t promise you that. You’re asking me to promise to let you go. I can’t do that.

17. 4x21 - Separation Anxiety
Eliminated Round 19

18. 5x03 - Capeside Revisited
Eliminated Round 18

19. 5x10 - Appetite For Destruction
Eliminated Round 10

20. 5x11 - Something Wild
Eliminated Round 17

21. 5x17 - Highway To Hell
Eliminated Round 2

22. 5x19 - 100 Light Years From Home
Eliminated Round 3

23. 5x23 - Swan Song
Eliminated Round 8

24. 6x14 - Clean and Sober
Eliminated Round 6

25. 6x14 - Clean and Sober
Eliminated Round 21

26. 6x15 - Castaways
Eliminated Round 16

27. 6x15 - Castaways

Joey: Did you know?
Pacey: Did I know what?
Joey: This was a dream come true.
Pacey: Which part?
Joey: All of it. When you and I were on the boat, I used to dream that we’d be cast away somewhere. You know, your standard tropical island with the white sand beaches, giant stars overhead. We’d wear no clothes, and we’d splash in the surf all day. And then at night, the moon would be this.. well, this giant thing, and it was always full.
Pacey: I like this fantasy. I could catch fish with my bare hands. Make a fire without matches.
Joey: I’d make the fires. Who paid attention in science class?
Pacey: Ok, good point.
Joey: Besides, it’s my fantasy. And I guess I never told you about it before because it’s.. embarrassing, you know, I mean, not at all original.
Pacey: In any case, you were right about one thing.
Joey: What’s that?
Pacey: There are about a thousand reasons why you and I would never work.
Joey: There is one thing in the pro column.
Pacey: What’s that?
Joey: [kisses him] It doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Pacey: Well then, what does it mean?
Joey: Well, it means that.. well, I’m cold. And I’m still thinking about it. And I miss you, Pace.
Pacey: I miss you too.

28. 6x16 - That Was Then
Eliminated Round 20

29. 6x21 - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Eliminated Round 15

30. 6x24 - Must Come To an End

Joey: You have a great life here.
Pacey: I just wish that I could feel that.
Joey: You don’t?
Pacey: Well, I didn’t. Until you came breezing through my door again.
Joey: Uh-oh.
Pacey: There’s no need to bolt, I’m just saying thank you. You reminded me of what I’m capable of feeling. It’s like I was walking around seeing my life through a smudged window, and then I saw you and the smudges were gone, the window was clean.

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Old 12-11-2016, 06:02 PM
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Old 12-11-2016, 06:20 PM
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Old 12-11-2016, 08:13 PM
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Old 12-11-2016, 08:45 PM
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#16- 3 - Eliminated

Best Pacey and Joey Heart-To-Heart Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite heart-to-heart talk.
*You may vote only once every round.
*A talk will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple of days.
All graphics are from Tumblr and belong to their owners.
pacey & joey
Home > Dawson's Creek - Joshua Jackson Image Gallery - Hosted by
I'm spitting out the bitter pill.
Dawson's Creek Transcripts Index - Forever Dreaming

Round 25

1. 1x06 - Baby
Eliminated Round 5

2. 1x10 - Double Date
Eliminated Round 22

3. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated Round 13

4. 2x16 - Be Careful What You Wish For
Eliminated Round 1

5. 3x01 - Like A Virgin
Eliminated Round 14

6. 3x02 - Homecoming
Eliminated Round 5

7. 3x03 - None of the Above
Eliminated Round 11

8. 3x09 - Four To Tango
Eliminated Round 7

9. 3x13 - Northern Lights
Eliminated Round 23

10. 3x16 - Crime and Punishment

Joey: You bought me a wall?
Pacey: Not bought, rented. And this thing didn’t come cheap, either. It cost me 100 bucks.
Joey: You bought me a wall?
Pacey: You said that already. Look, it’s a limited time offer, so you should get cracking.
Joey: Pacey, did you fail to notice the size of this thing?
Pacey: I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. I’m supporting you, you keep on growing both as a person and as an artist. I also got you this, (holding up a can of paint) now I know it’s not going to cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes, ‘The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.’
Joey: Well, I’m gonna need your help on this one.
Pacey: No, no, no, no. Not this time. You’re on your own, sister.
Joey: Pacey, you’re unbelievable. I mean, as soon as I think I’ve got you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous that, it completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of. In case I don’t say it enough, thank you.
Pacey: It’s about time, Potter. It’s about time.

11. 4x02 - Falling Down

Joey: We spent 3 months on the sea, but we haven’t even come to close to weathering the storm. We ran away. We made our own reality and it was so wonderful but..
Pacey: But it couldn’t last forever.
Joey: Nor should it. Pacey, a relationship isn’t about a romantic 3-month cruise. It’s gonna be the details that define us.. the moments.
Pacey: Okay. Joey, I am really scared. I think that I screwed up and I’m gonna flunk out of high school. So, I need your help. Really badly.
Joey: That’s all you needed to say, Pace.
Pacey: Easy for you to say.
Joey: Whatever it takes, we’re gonna fix it. Everything’s gonna be okay.
Pacey: How can you be sure?
Joey: I’m not going anywhere without you

12. 4x04 - Future Tense

JOEY: Pacey. I’ve been doing some thinking.
PACEY: Yeah. Drunk thinking.
JOEY: Maybe… Maybe that’s not what I really want. Maybe I just wanna stay here. You know? I mean, look it’s- it’s really beautiful here and… and I can just-
PACEY: Just what? Stay here and work as a waitress all your life? Come on. I mean, forgive me if you’re losing me here, Jo, but to be perfectly honest you haven’t made the slightest bit of sense all night even before you were drunk.
JOEY: I wanna be with you, Pacey. I wanna stay and be with you.
PACEY: Well if you wanna be with me then staying here would be a really stupid idea. Considering I don’t plan to be here. I plan to be wherever you are.
JOEY: Really?
PACEY: Yes. Really.

13. 4x07 - You Had Me At Goodbye

Pacey: Jo, I’m sorry for how I reacted to the whole peer rec thing. I think it was just kind of a left-hook to the hot button and I reacted.. like Pacey.
Joey: You know who that guy you reacted like is gonna be in ten years, Pace? The person who knows me best. Dawson knows my past. My future lies with you. If you think about it you know, you didn’t even like me three years ago.
Pacey: Well, you always tease the ones you love.

14. 4x10 - Self-Reliance
Eliminated Round 9

15. 4x14 - A Winter's Tale
Eliminated Round 12

16. 4x17 - Admissions
Eliminated Round 24

17. 4x21 - Separation Anxiety
Eliminated Round 19

18. 5x03 - Capeside Revisited
Eliminated Round 18

19. 5x10 - Appetite For Destruction
Eliminated Round 10

20. 5x11 - Something Wild
Eliminated Round 17

21. 5x17 - Highway To Hell
Eliminated Round 2

22. 5x19 - 100 Light Years From Home
Eliminated Round 3

23. 5x23 - Swan Song
Eliminated Round 8

24. 6x14 - Clean and Sober
Eliminated Round 6

25. 6x14 - Clean and Sober
Eliminated Round 21

26. 6x15 - Castaways
Eliminated Round 16

27. 6x15 - Castaways

Joey: Did you know?
Pacey: Did I know what?
Joey: This was a dream come true.
Pacey: Which part?
Joey: All of it. When you and I were on the boat, I used to dream that we’d be cast away somewhere. You know, your standard tropical island with the white sand beaches, giant stars overhead. We’d wear no clothes, and we’d splash in the surf all day. And then at night, the moon would be this.. well, this giant thing, and it was always full.
Pacey: I like this fantasy. I could catch fish with my bare hands. Make a fire without matches.
Joey: I’d make the fires. Who paid attention in science class?
Pacey: Ok, good point.
Joey: Besides, it’s my fantasy. And I guess I never told you about it before because it’s.. embarrassing, you know, I mean, not at all original.
Pacey: In any case, you were right about one thing.
Joey: What’s that?
Pacey: There are about a thousand reasons why you and I would never work.
Joey: There is one thing in the pro column.
Pacey: What’s that?
Joey: [kisses him] It doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Pacey: Well then, what does it mean?
Joey: Well, it means that.. well, I’m cold. And I’m still thinking about it. And I miss you, Pace.
Pacey: I miss you too.

28. 6x16 - That Was Then
Eliminated Round 20

29. 6x21 - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Eliminated Round 15

30. 6x24 - Must Come To an End

Joey: You have a great life here.
Pacey: I just wish that I could feel that.
Joey: You don’t?
Pacey: Well, I didn’t. Until you came breezing through my door again.
Joey: Uh-oh.
Pacey: There’s no need to bolt, I’m just saying thank you. You reminded me of what I’m capable of feeling. It’s like I was walking around seeing my life through a smudged window, and then I saw you and the smudges were gone, the window was clean.

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Old 12-11-2016, 10:23 PM
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Old 12-11-2016, 11:03 PM
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Old 12-12-2016, 12:30 AM
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Old 12-12-2016, 04:40 AM
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is it true you went out with Joshua Jackson last year?
Katie Holmes: I fell in love for the first time and it was something so incredible and indescribable that I will always treasure it.

KH asked about kissing her ex (JJ) in front of the cameras all day:

"Maybe there's a hint of realism?"
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Old 12-12-2016, 05:08 AM
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Old 12-12-2016, 06:40 AM
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Old 12-12-2016, 01:00 PM
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#10- 4 - Eliminated
#30 - 2

Best Pacey and Joey Heart-To-Heart Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite heart-to-heart talk.
*You may vote only once every round.
*A talk will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple of days.
All graphics are from Tumblr and belong to their owners.
pacey & joey
Home > Dawson's Creek - Joshua Jackson Image Gallery - Hosted by
I'm spitting out the bitter pill.
Dawson's Creek Transcripts Index - Forever Dreaming

Round 26

1. 1x06 - Baby
Eliminated Round 5

2. 1x10 - Double Date
Eliminated Round 22

3. 1x13 - Decisions
Eliminated Round 13

4. 2x16 - Be Careful What You Wish For
Eliminated Round 1

5. 3x01 - Like A Virgin
Eliminated Round 14

6. 3x02 - Homecoming
Eliminated Round 5

7. 3x03 - None of the Above
Eliminated Round 11

8. 3x09 - Four To Tango
Eliminated Round 7

9. 3x13 - Northern Lights
Eliminated Round 23

10. 3x16 - Crime and Punishment
Eliminated Round 25

11. 4x02 - Falling Down

Joey: We spent 3 months on the sea, but we haven’t even come to close to weathering the storm. We ran away. We made our own reality and it was so wonderful but..
Pacey: But it couldn’t last forever.
Joey: Nor should it. Pacey, a relationship isn’t about a romantic 3-month cruise. It’s gonna be the details that define us.. the moments.
Pacey: Okay. Joey, I am really scared. I think that I screwed up and I’m gonna flunk out of high school. So, I need your help. Really badly.
Joey: That’s all you needed to say, Pace.
Pacey: Easy for you to say.
Joey: Whatever it takes, we’re gonna fix it. Everything’s gonna be okay.
Pacey: How can you be sure?
Joey: I’m not going anywhere without you

12. 4x04 - Future Tense

JOEY: Pacey. I’ve been doing some thinking.
PACEY: Yeah. Drunk thinking.
JOEY: Maybe… Maybe that’s not what I really want. Maybe I just wanna stay here. You know? I mean, look it’s- it’s really beautiful here and… and I can just-
PACEY: Just what? Stay here and work as a waitress all your life? Come on. I mean, forgive me if you’re losing me here, Jo, but to be perfectly honest you haven’t made the slightest bit of sense all night even before you were drunk.
JOEY: I wanna be with you, Pacey. I wanna stay and be with you.
PACEY: Well if you wanna be with me then staying here would be a really stupid idea. Considering I don’t plan to be here. I plan to be wherever you are.
JOEY: Really?
PACEY: Yes. Really.

13. 4x07 - You Had Me At Goodbye

Pacey: Jo, I’m sorry for how I reacted to the whole peer rec thing. I think it was just kind of a left-hook to the hot button and I reacted.. like Pacey.
Joey: You know who that guy you reacted like is gonna be in ten years, Pace? The person who knows me best. Dawson knows my past. My future lies with you. If you think about it you know, you didn’t even like me three years ago.
Pacey: Well, you always tease the ones you love.

14. 4x10 - Self-Reliance
Eliminated Round 9

15. 4x14 - A Winter's Tale
Eliminated Round 12

16. 4x17 - Admissions
Eliminated Round 24

17. 4x21 - Separation Anxiety
Eliminated Round 19

18. 5x03 - Capeside Revisited
Eliminated Round 18

19. 5x10 - Appetite For Destruction
Eliminated Round 10

20. 5x11 - Something Wild
Eliminated Round 17

21. 5x17 - Highway To Hell
Eliminated Round 2

22. 5x19 - 100 Light Years From Home
Eliminated Round 3

23. 5x23 - Swan Song
Eliminated Round 8

24. 6x14 - Clean and Sober
Eliminated Round 6

25. 6x14 - Clean and Sober
Eliminated Round 21

26. 6x15 - Castaways
Eliminated Round 16

27. 6x15 - Castaways

Joey: Did you know?
Pacey: Did I know what?
Joey: This was a dream come true.
Pacey: Which part?
Joey: All of it. When you and I were on the boat, I used to dream that we’d be cast away somewhere. You know, your standard tropical island with the white sand beaches, giant stars overhead. We’d wear no clothes, and we’d splash in the surf all day. And then at night, the moon would be this.. well, this giant thing, and it was always full.
Pacey: I like this fantasy. I could catch fish with my bare hands. Make a fire without matches.
Joey: I’d make the fires. Who paid attention in science class?
Pacey: Ok, good point.
Joey: Besides, it’s my fantasy. And I guess I never told you about it before because it’s.. embarrassing, you know, I mean, not at all original.
Pacey: In any case, you were right about one thing.
Joey: What’s that?
Pacey: There are about a thousand reasons why you and I would never work.
Joey: There is one thing in the pro column.
Pacey: What’s that?
Joey: [kisses him] It doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Pacey: Well then, what does it mean?
Joey: Well, it means that.. well, I’m cold. And I’m still thinking about it. And I miss you, Pace.
Pacey: I miss you too.

28. 6x16 - That Was Then
Eliminated Round 20

29. 6x21 - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Eliminated Round 15

30. 6x24 - Must Come To an End

Joey: You have a great life here.
Pacey: I just wish that I could feel that.
Joey: You don’t?
Pacey: Well, I didn’t. Until you came breezing through my door again.
Joey: Uh-oh.
Pacey: There’s no need to bolt, I’m just saying thank you. You reminded me of what I’m capable of feeling. It’s like I was walking around seeing my life through a smudged window, and then I saw you and the smudges were gone, the window was clean.

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Old 12-12-2016, 02:09 PM
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Old 12-12-2016, 09:43 PM
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Old 12-12-2016, 11:02 PM
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