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Old 06-25-2013, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by allybubba (View Post)
PS. the only thing I dislike about Castaways is that the beard was forever removed. Moment of silence for that greatness.
Even though it led to one of my favorite scenes of the series, Paceys beard was so.... I was sad to see it go. I seriously first started watching Fringe when I saw that Josh Jackson was going to be rocking that facial hair
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Old 06-25-2013, 12:01 PM
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I didn't hate the beard, but I didn't love it either.
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Old 06-25-2013, 01:20 PM
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I prefered him without his beard. Not that I hated it but I always wonder how someone feels making out with someone with who has a lot of facial hair around their lips.
Originally Posted by Azaiya (View Post)
That five-episode arc (Clean and Sober thru Love Bites, but especially Clean and Sober and Castaways) was the highest rated of the season (aside from the series finale), simply because so many P/Jers came back. It was a total letdown though. Talk about being psyched out.

posterity - Aside from the underlying fear that they wouldn't put Pacey and Joey together because Dawson and Joey were "soulmates", the Shipper Wars were really a lot of fun! Especially if you love to debate, like I do. Even the FF/IHJ Wars were fun. I actually started off visiting this message board, and right before season 3 I signed up with I Hate Jen! intending to 'infiltrate' it. But then I realized how much more like me they were, so I ended up staying there. I only came back here because IHJ/Project Nookie is no longer active. If you feel a little constricted by the strict PG-13 rules here, you would have loved PN. Instead of "Anti" threads, we had "F--- Off" threads. It's nice that they maintain an atmosphere of respect here, but sometimes you just want to curse someone out.

I thought that about season 5 P/J angst too. They would have spent enough time together to deal with their issues and either become friends or get back together. And knowing that in order to be true to their characters, Pacey and Joey would have gotten back together, the writers chose to ignore them altogether. They needed to drag the show out until they got enough episodes to syndicate, so they saved Pacey and Joey until the end. I think they thought if they put Pacey and Joey together and kept them happy for three seasons (4, 5, 6) people would lose interest. They just failed to realize that most people only tuned in to see Joey and Pacey anyway. And Jack and Jen. And I guess Audrey too, people seemed to like her... *sigh* I really dread watching season 5 and 6 of my re-watch... Will I be a bad DC fan if I never watch it...?
I love debates too but I think the "respectful" atmosphere of FF has driven away people who are more outspoken by nature. I am not familiar with those other boards you mentioned. Do they no longer exist? I suppose not if they were made solely for the purpose of DC discussions.

Love Bites is an absolute disaster. Two PJ scenes I cannot bring myself to rewatch is the Promicide blow out and when Joey tells Pacey that she does not feel it. It was a complete letdown but I also think those five episode arcs were sort of indicative of PJ ending up together. They needed to rebuild their story after they largely ignored it after season 4; especially since Dawson was featuring far less in season 6 then he did in the other seasons.

I still don't understand Audrey. I think she had the same role of Andie in season 2. They were trying to move back to Dawson/Joey and they needed to give Pacey something to do or a reason for him to be okay with it. Obviously in season 2 there was no Pacey/Joey but Pacey was the odd man out when Dawson and Joey were doing their song and dance.
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Old 06-25-2013, 01:53 PM
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Love Bites is an absolute disaster. Two PJ scenes I cannot bring myself to rewatch is the Promicide blow out and when Joey tells Pacey that she does not feel it. It was a complete letdown but I also think those five episode arcs were sort of indicative of PJ ending up together. They needed to rebuild their story after they largely ignored it after season 4; especially since Dawson was featuring far less in season 6 then he did in the other seasons.
Love Bites is easier to understand now after Joey explains in the finale that she was running out of fear, For a couple that had a last minute happy ending, all the pieces to the Pacey and Joey story seemed to come together nicely.
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ChristinaL80 (View Post)
Love Bites is easier to understand now after Joey explains in the finale that she was running out of fear, For a couple that had a last minute happy ending, all the pieces to the Pacey and Joey story seemed to come together nicely.
She says it in season 3 too, when she says that as scary as it is to admit that she loves Pacey, she doesn't want to run from it. I guess it's a nice full circle. There was something else too I noticed but I've watched so many episodes lately that it is all jumbled up.
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:02 PM
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I never realized that until now, that Joey has said to Pacey twice that she was tired or running from it. All the pieces of their story seem to make sense now after watching it again.

I actually liked Josh's beard, I thought it was sexy. He looks sexy without it too of course.
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Azaiya (View Post)
That anti-P/Jer might have been right about low ratings in early season 3, but that's only because of the Eve storyline. It had nothing to do with Pacey and Joey. The ratings began climbing immediately after Eve left. Your instincts were completely correct and that anti-P/Jer was totally disgruntled. Pacey and Joey were never the reason Dawson's Creek lost ratings. Pacey and Joey saved Dawson's Creek. BTW, I personally love Castaways mainly because Pacey and Joey the only characters in the episode, but I gain satisfaction as a shipper from the fact that they also completely and effortlessly carried it. You don't need any other characters when Pacey and Joey are onscreen. Can you imagine one with Dawson and Joey? Or Dawson and Jack? Or Dawson and anyone else?? Ugh. Kill me.

You know, out of the few bits of season 5 I watched, I saw that part of that episode in season 5 when Pacey told Dawson that he and Joey deserved their chance. That was so completely out of character. And not just because he would have otherwise been jealous (which he certainly would have!), but because it wasn't true! They didn't "deserve their chance" because they had their chance. Twice. And they were horrible together both--very brief--times. I'm currently at the end of season 2 of my re-watch, and while Pacey supported Dawson in his feelings for Joey, he never felt that Dawson and Joey had a healthy relationship. He knew Dawson very well, and he knew Joey very well. I realized today as I watched that when it came to Dawson and Joey, pre-season 5, Pacey was always right. Once, during the episode when Tamara came back, Dawson told Pacey he needed advice. Without any prior knowledge of the situation, Pacey said dismissively that Joey was being sarcastic and oversensitive and Dawson was being self-absorbed and suffocating. And it applied! Really, it applies to Dawson-Joey dynamic as a whole. Pacey wouldn't co-sign that.

Anyway, Future Tense is a great episode. I love Drunk Joey. I agree with all of the top fave episodes you guys came up with; I really can't pick just one either. And P/J angst was great, I like Separation Anxiety too. We were totally robbed of that in Season 5. I would have allowed myself to be strung along for a while with that. The opposite of love is indifference. An antonym of indifference is angst. Therefore, angst is synonymous with love. I would have taken it.
Hi everyone! I'm Mar and I'm new to this forum! I just rewatched DC and wanted to chat it up since I realized I'm still so very obsessed with Pacey Witter.

I originally agreed that it was out of character for Pacey to be so understanding of the DJo relationship attempt in S5 since he was so in love with Jo in S3/4. Buttt looking back, I actually think it was a good call. It shows how much more of a man Pacey is than Dawson was in S3/4. I was so devastated by the breakup (eff you promicide!), but Pacey knew that Jo needed to deal with her relationship with Dawson that kept lingering in the background throughout S3/4. I like to think of S5 as Pacey's way of letting Jo figure out her back and forth feelings for Dawson (much to our dismay as we had to watch ) and for Pacey to grow up and realize he is a man worthy of something or someone like Jo (he held her on such a high pedestal!). Also, it wouldn't have been very Pacey to freak out or stress Jo out more in S5 with both of them vying for her again ("And I understand. I do, I understand. There are no ultimatums here." - Pacey 3x21.... ugh <3). In a rather selfish way, I do wish they showed him more upset/angsty though in S5 (maybe in private like he longed for her still, IDK). I can talk about this forever... ha!

Oh! And as much as I didn't like Pacey with Audrey, I have to admit they did a fine job casting her as the role of the girl who Pacey dated next. She was likeable and funny and let's face it, PJers were going to dislike Paceys next girlfriend regardless so if the writers could (and I think they did!) cast someone that I wasn't completely annoyed with and made me laugh, I give them props.

Look forward to chatting
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:47 PM
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Welcome PaceyJunkie! You made some good points about Pacey in season 5. All the lack of P/J that was not there in season 5 led to them finally getting their happy ending.
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Old 06-25-2013, 06:21 PM
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Welcome PaceyJunkie

Yea I never hated Audrey but I was upset that he had to get together with Joeys Roommate. I was like he couldnt branch out?

and maybe that "you two deserve your chance" can be seen as him saying they deserve a chance at having an adult relationship or to get proper closure for a relationship thats been barely hanging on for years. It still hurt the literal one time I saw the clip
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Old 06-25-2013, 07:08 PM
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Welcome to the thread Mar

I am the same way! I haven't rewatched DC is ages and I did a few weeks back and fell back into my Pacey obsession.

I think you are right that the problem with Pacey and Audrey (besides not being Pacey and Joey) is that she was Joey's roomate. I am sure he could have found a girl outside of that circle but he managed to find one who was literally sharing space with Joey. It was very bizzare but maybe he just wanted to be near Joey..
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Old 06-25-2013, 07:36 PM
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Welcome Mar!

I agree, I like to think Pacey was just trying to be supportive of Joey in season 5. I don't for a minute think that he truly believed that Dawson and Joey deserved to have their chance, which is obvious in season 6.

As for Audrey, I also hate that she was Joey's roommate. Part of the reason that Pacey broke up with Joey was that he believed they were going to be in two different worlds. But he shows up in Boston and ends up dating her college roommate. It didn't make sense, but I also like to think that he just wanted to be near Joey.
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:11 PM
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Thoughts on the writing

Thanks everyone!

You guys are so right - I wasn't even thinking of the roommate situation in my last post. That was oh so very messed up (on the writers part, not on pacey's hahah - denial ). But if it was anyone else's roommate/friend, Joey and Pacey probably would have had zero interaction and that would have really upset me!

So I saw this the other day and loved really thinking about it. Thought I'd throw it out there and see what other people think! It's a list of questions that pertain to the writing/foreshadowing in the show. The answers are supposed to be specific scenes, shots that the writers may (or may not have intentionally haha) put in to introduce an idea to viewers:

1. When did you first know the PJ storyline would happen?
2. When did you first know PJ would break up?
3. When did you first know the Pacey/Audrey storyline would happen?
4. When did you first know the Pacey/Audrey storyline was on the decline?
5. When could you first know that PJ still had feelings for one another in Season 6 (or 5)?
6. When did you first think Joey would pick Pacey in the finale episode?

Enjoy! It's fun to see how everyone sees things in different ways! I posted my answers below in case you wanted to answer first without a biased opinion!

xoxo, Mar

1. The scene where Dawson and Pacey talk about him looking out for her in S3. I know in S1 they had a small thing but I honestly didn't think they'd bring it back since it'd been so long. Not until that convo! The dock scene confirmed it - and that song "hold on".... omg LOVE.
2. All through S3 I kept thinking I kind of just want this PJ angst to go on forever and they never actually get together (only kind of!!) simply because I know in every show, when a couple gets together, they eventually break up. And I was so invested I wouldn't be able to handle it! haha. But for me it was definitely confirmed the episode following when they had sex. Did the writers really have to follow up the most romantic scene I've ever seen/had been waiting for with Pacey being contrived to be an post-sex-typical-ass which was oh so not Pacey! That scene in the beginning of Four Stories will always bother me and it was when I knew the writers were trying to plant Pacey as someone else and it would eventually lead to their downfall. There are many scenes like that in S4.
3. When they all had dinner at Grams' house. Pacey had just said goodbye to Karen and they were bantering the whole evening. Ya just knew.
4. First scene of S6 when they pulled up from LA. I could tell Pacey was tired of her (how can you really beat the summer with your true love Joey Potter!!).
5. When Pacey asks Joey if she remembered the summer they spent together at Hell's Kitchen in the first S6E1. The look on his face when Joey says "I think I remember something to that effect" is PERFECT and made me so happy.
6. Easy - when they played "if" and Joey walks up to the Icehouse. I melted when I saw the look on Pacey's face. How could she really pick Dawson after that scene.
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:14 PM
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Yea I doubt Pacey believed the two would make it, I just feel like he thought that if they tried to make it work while they were more mature they would see how much they arent meant for each other so they dont continue to be obstacles in each others future relationships.

And question, did Joey ever say she was uncomfortable with the Pacey Audrey relationship? Like in season 6?I know Pacey and Joey had that temporary amnesia going for a while but once the fog lifted and they remembered that they used to be a couple did she ever say anything about them?
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:21 PM
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1. When did you first know the PJ storyline would happen? The dock scene in 3x01
2. When did you first know PJ would break up? The morning after their first time it always gives me this bad feeling.
3. When did you first know the Pacey/Audrey storyline would happen? Dinner at Grams
4. When did you first know the Pacey/Audrey storyline was on the decline? The PJ Jukebox scene, he basically says it.
5. When could you first know that PJ still had feelings for one another in Season 6 (or 5)? Clean and Sober it was obvious. Not really sure about before that.
6. When did you first think Joey would pick Pacey in the finale episode? The kiss during the dance. Other than Dawson's dream she didn't kiss him, plus her conversation with Jen.
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:48 AM
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1. When did you first know the PJ storyline would happen?

3x01 like everyone else. It was obvious by the dock scene and I was completely excited

2. When did you first know PJ would break up?

Coming Home when I saw Joey lie to Pacey about having a package for her sister when they got off the boat. I hate that they didn't give the audience time to see Pacey and Joey happy as a couple before they started to try to segway back to the triangle drama. But their morning after scene in Four Stories was the ultimate tip off. I don't understand why they did that after the amazing scene we got beforehand of them having sex for the first time.

3. When did you first know the Pacey/Audrey storyline would happen?

As soon as Joey had a roomate I knew it would happen. They needed Pacey yo be distracted while she was chasing after Dawson.

4. When did you first know the Pacey/Audrey storyline was on the decline?

When they came back from LA and it was obvious that Pacey was tired of her act. She was too much for Pacey because he had changed too much. Plus he was never all that interested in women like Audrey. He might not have been the studious student but all his most relevant romances were with book smart women.

I know a lot of people think Pacey was the reason why him and Audrey broke up but I thought she was completely needy and lacked any understanding towards his desire to better himself and this also factored into their break up.

5. When could you first know that PJ still had feelings for one another in Season 6 (or 5)?

Clean and Sober but I only knew this from Pacey's end. When Joey brought up that they were not together, I don't think she said it because she was devastated over it. I think her recounting her relationship with Pacey made it obvious he was still upset by it though and so I knew they would be revisted. Although I suspected it when Audrey made her drunken speech about Pacey, Joey and Dawson at the dinner table, which was episodes before Clean and Sober.

6. When did you first think Joey would pick Pacey in the finale episode?

I suspected it after their dance but was sure of it after she made the speech about not wanting to be let off the hook, and followed it by the consolation prize "soulmate" scene with Dawson. I knew at that point that she had not picked him to give him a consolation speech like that.
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